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US First Level 50


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I think we react to the hubris. Look at the thread title "US FIRST LEVEL 50!@!!$#*(!@&$*(@#&%R(**"


Its just saying "Tell me I'm great! Yea, I'm a VIP baby, just like Brucie in GTA4!!!"


Its not the fact that they played it that fast, its that they're going to go to the forums and show it to everyone like we're supposed to be impressed. Then they're gonna tool around and probably complain there's no end game content when nobody else is end game yet.


Its just annoying is all, the attitude.


He didn't even tell us a story. He didn't say 'yea I really busted my butt to get there first. I know you guys might not like it, but it was pretty tough and I'm bleary eyed and I'm gonna go sleep now".


No, he just said "Pics, it happened, tell me I rock".


Fckn Brucie...


I can understand where you're coming from, but I look at it differently. I see the title as trying to grab attention, not in the sense of "look at me look at me" but rather to quickly draw out anyone with an earlier confirmed level cap. The post itself was just the facts, rather than going on and on (which I think would have been more attention-whoring).


Really the post was more about asking if anyone else had done it already. I'm sure he would have made it much more elaborate if he was actually sure it was US first.


But then again, I was in mumble with the duo pretty much the entire night, so I know what they were actually saying and thinking, which is a luxury you guys dont have.

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I can understand where you're coming from, but I look at it differently. I see the title as trying to grab attention, not in the sense of "look at me look at me" but rather to quickly draw out anyone with an earlier confirmed level cap. The post itself was just the facts, rather than going on and on (which I think would have been more attention-whoring).


Really the post was more about asking if anyone else had done it already. I'm sure he would have made it much more elaborate if he was actually sure it was US first.


But then again, I was in mumble with the duo pretty much the entire night, so I know what they were actually saying and thinking, which is a luxury you guys dont have.


LOL are you actually serious? The OP was bragging surely the words "can any one beat this not give it away?

Edited by RetroRayner
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LOL are you actually serious? The OP was bragging surely the words "can any one beat this not give it away?


No, it was "Anyone beat this time?" as in "DID anyone beat this time?".


Again, I was there when it happened, and I can say with about 97% certainty that you werent.

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Server first people are just very very sad human wreckes. Always.:(


Really? I know a playerfrom my old realm in WoW and he is quite succesful. You know its holiday, some people use those 3-5 days to speed level through the content, its a hobbie, a feast that they can undertake. He has also been in the top 5 world guilds, that said he has quite WoW.


Enough with the 'no life' comments. This guy took 2-3 days to accomplish a goal that he set for himself. God forbid people who take a few days of vacation time to do something they enjoy. He saw the story in the beta, probably played it to death, and now was ready to blast through the game in speedrun fashion.


Grats to you, OP.


Quoted from Herecius post on MMO-Champ, sums up my point.

Edited by Cyphen
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This is the wrong game son for bragging about your level :)

If you want respect of how fast you can level tp max level you'd have to go to WOW or something..


As I see it its a sad day the day you reach level 50 because then the journey is at its end?


And getting to level 50 fast isnt hard but give me one reason :)


Today I explored Korriban just for fun since I started at Hutta, so yeha getting to level 50 isnt exactly my goal, and I dont think its a goal for many in SWTOR :)

Edited by MrGlad
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Congrats man! You should get some sort of title for that achievement.


Ignore all the hater nerds. They be jelly.


I think you missed what the definition of nerd is. People that don't care that someone spent the past week grinding in a game are nerds? lol Might want to flip that around.


I mean, congratz to the OP...it's tough to just grind straight like that...but this game isn't about the grind or leveling. This game's about enjoying the stories. I think you just wasted a week, but I guess everybody can play how they want!

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I made it to level 10 in 2 days. But then again i am enjoying the game in my own way. Everyone has purchased the game to play how they want to play it.

I have no interest to grind up to max level then do nothing while all my friends catch up to me. Instead i would rather help other people than have to wear a diaper and have my mom bring me hot pockets.

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I made it to level 10 in 2 days. But then again i am enjoying the game in my own way. Everyone has purchased the game to play how they want to play it.

I have no interest to grind up to max level then do nothing while all my friends catch up to me. Instead i would rather help other people than have to wear a diaper and have my mom bring me hot pockets.


It's not very often I can guess the age of a poster by their writing, but I'm guaranteeing you're under 17. If not, God help you :(

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Who cares if some people wanna rush to cap? If thats how they enjoy the game, so be it?


Now, if in 2 weeks they start complaining that there is nothing to do and why the game has no endgame and stuff, then yeah...

But, usually I've seen in these games when people are proud of reaching the cap quickly, they know what they are getting into. They do it for the challenge. Nothing wrong with that.

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Who cares if some people wanna rush to cap? If thats how they enjoy the game, so be it?


Now, if in 2 weeks they start complaining that there is nothing to do and why the game has no endgame and stuff, then yeah...

But, usually I've seen in these games when people are proud of reaching the cap quickly, they know what they are getting into. They do it for the challenge. Nothing wrong with that.


Of course they are going to be complaining in 2 weeks......they blew through the VAST majority of current content.


I guess it gives them time to work on crew skills and play the AH for awhile, but for me at least I'd be bored as **** waiting for other people to catch up.

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It's not very often I can guess the age of a poster by their writing, but I'm guaranteeing you're under 17. If not, God help you :(


Actually im a bit older than that lol. If you add another 21 years then you would be correct. As you see i have a life outside of gaming and have no basement to play in ether. Only reason i got to level 10 was because i was waiting for my wife to get home from work so she could start her toon. And thank you for the insult about my typing. Car accidents are fun on the brain!

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