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Farewell SWTOR


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Please stop comparing this to WoW. This game is not WoW, unlike Blizzard, BioWare is capable of telling a consistent story. Also, they are well known for putting out a quality product and being that this is their first attempt at an MMO, I would say that they are doing a bang up job. It isn't their fault that folks are actually having to put a little thought into their characters and making a decision. A jack of all trades should NEVER be as good at something as someone who specializes. So, either play the way you want to play, accept the fact that you're going to be weak in some areas and stop your crying, or quit.


If you want a company to make changes, there are 2 ways to get it done.


1.) Constructive criticism. Come up with a way to fix it, don't cry that it's broke.


2.) Take away their money.


hmm your words are strong and i agree with some HOWEVER a jack of all trades should be allowed to be strong in some aspect not a specific area ..like my referance to swg i was a master fencer which did some damage not uber, but moderate. I dabbled in pistoleer and rifelman which gave me a dodge bonus of 98% basicly I was hard to hit but i didnt do the full damage of a pistoleer or rifleman. did i get poned ...YES but it took alot longer.. anyway the point is I hope bioware doesnt go the route Sony did to "Balance" what really wasnt a problem at all. Rather than nerfs one should look at enhanceing other classes to help with a supposed imblance

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This patch 1.2 is by far the worst update I have seen emplimented on an mmorpg. SWTOR had been set apart from all the mmo's on the market because of its excellent game play and spec customizing that most other games moved away from. Well, that was pre-April 12th, 2012. 1.2 feels too much like a World of Warcraft cloning patch. Bizzard, during the Linch area, emplimented a change to their class talent tree that forces players to spend 90% of their talent points in one respective tree; making players have to go the full 40 pts specs. You've done this exact samething. I was refreshing to beable too hybrid spec my sage Yuty as telekinetics/balance. But by taking that way by change the mechanics of popular talents you have begun to take the same steps that have ruined other games that had great potential. Now on my Sage that I used too love I have too choose whether I want too play her like WoW's Arcane/Fire Mage, Disciplne Priest, or Shadow Priest. This is just one example but now the games far too similar. This game does look amazing and excellent details the voices are a nice feature but arent necessary. My characters never talked in KoToR ad I still loved both 1 and 2.Honestly if Im going play a game that has been force after its release to be this much like WoW I might as well play the original that has been going 7 years strong and not the upstart. Hopefully Bioware and put this game back on track to greatness. Please go back too and stck too the principles that made KoToR one of the best video games ever made. You've proven time and time again that you are one best at making games, but this one will be free to play soon if you (Bioware) continues on the path laid by this awful patch.


:eek:Good Luck and So long.......like the other guy said...can I have yer stuff!

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Game is fine? Patch is fine? Let the subscriptions tell the tale.


subs havent changed, they reactivated everyone who ragequit in the last days for another week for free, then 30 days free on top of that since all the ones who unsubbed were the ones with 50 toons.


Looks good in the monthly meeting, pity when that 37 days runs out the numbers will drop like a rock.

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I played on my Sith Inquisitor and well I didn't notice much of a change she still plays smooth as ever and so does my imperial agent so I wouldn't worry about it.



P.S. They have done this in many games cause some moves just happen to be unneeded when you have other moves that are just like them or better.

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The patch is fine.Making end game armour etc more accessable for people is good.The new warzone is good.My merc got nerfed a wee bit...so what i'll adapt its a game.I wish the i want i want i want it now or i'll throw toys out the pram brigade would just eff off.

Its gamers like that that ruin games (swg vet here) by making devs pander to there every want and need by there constant whinging.If you dont like it quit and go play something else.

p.s can i has yer stuffs?

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subs havent changed, they reactivated everyone who ragequit in the last days for another week for free, then 30 days free on top of that since all the ones who unsubbed were the ones with 50 toons.


Looks good in the monthly meeting, pity when that 37 days runs out the numbers will drop like a rock.


Funny thing is is that I see more and more 50's in fleet than before so the premise that 50's are unsubbing at an alarming rate is totally uncomfirmable...

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The patch is fine.Making end game armour etc more accessable for people is good.The new warzone is good.My merc got nerfed a wee bit...so what i'll adapt its a game.I wish the i want i want i want it now or i'll throw toys out the pram brigade would just eff off.

Its gamers like that that ruin games (swg vet here) by making devs pander to there every want and need by there constant whinging.If you dont like it quit and go play something else.

p.s can i has yer stuffs?


Yep...sony pandered to the QQ'ers that all wanted to be Jedi without all the work involved and what did we get...that steaming bucket of horsecrap that was the NGE.

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Funny thing is is that I see more and more 50's in fleet than before so the premise that 50's are unsubbing at an alarming rate is totally uncomfirmable...



Um, today you see more 50's. Talk to me in a week. I will give you my 18 Mil credits if you are still right.

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some of the class nerfs are more than just an "adapt" to survive. sorcs will just fall over to anyclass and have a hard time healing threw a few kittens nipping at someones feet


my level 50 sorc inq (healer) did just fine yesterday in both PvP and PvE. i really didn't notice much difference at all. People are over-reacting, as usual.

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Yeah well my unsub hits BioWare, EA and Lucas Arts for three would-be loyal subscriptions of 45$ a month, and unless they start catering to someone besides spacebar' grinders, thousands of dollars over the period of time we would have played the game.


So much for being a "different" MMO. We're going to go try out The Secret World, Guild Wars II and TERA now... not to mention we'll be playing Diablo III of course.


Wow so you get NINETY free days of play time ... LUCKY YOU!

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Um, today you see more 50's. Talk to me in a week. I will give you my 18 Mil credits if you are still right.


Ya all saw it here...


What server you on so I can roll a toon and collect...lol


But we know that it's an empty promise so .....bleh

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Yep...sony pandered to the QQ'ers that all wanted to be Jedi without all the work involved and what did we get...that steaming bucket of horsecrap that was the NGE.


Neon Genesis Evangelion?


I kinda lose track of all the acronyms...

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Mate it's not your cup of tea, life is too short, go have fun playing something else :)


Thank you! Glad somebody said this.


Having said that, no reason for the original poster to be so aggressive, Bioware has put a lot of effort into SW:TOR, I think a "thank you" wouldn't go amiss...

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Overall, I have been pleased with 1.2. Many annoying bugs were smoothed out, and customization of the UI is great. Just as with any patch in any MMO ever, fixing bugs, creates them as well. But adaptive playing and my all out love of Star Wars has helped this transition for me personally. My one and only hang up is that the Kira Carsen lightsaber bug still wasn't addressed. :( Perhaps in the future, perhaps not..only time will will tell.
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Ya all saw it here...


What server you on so I can roll a toon and collect...lol


But we know that it's an empty promise so .....bleh


Keller's Void...Malor......give me your numbers right now and I will compare them to Keller's Void next friday at this time.

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my level 50 sorc inq (healer) did just fine yesterday in both PvP and PvE. i really didn't notice much difference at all. People are over-reacting, as usual.


My healer is doing fine too. I barely noticed a difference at all. In fact casting was much smoother than it has ever been making my heals more efficient despite the supposed nerf.

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Come on people... The game is just a few months old. Give it some time to evolve!

All the ranting and the tears... Grow up and get over it! The game wont be perfect for another several months. Updates will come and they probably will screw up the game. Thats how it works in programming.


Besides show me another MMO that did not run into any problems in its first year?

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