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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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Do you have a level 50? I do. If you do not have a level 50, I have more feedback to provide than you. Does this mean that I am a better player than you? No. Does this mean you are any less important than me as a player? No. Does this mean I do have more experience than you do about things in the game? Yes. And if this was a factor for this 30 day free time, it is a sensible decision to me. If I am misguided for seeing that, then so be it. It's probably why I have had management jobs.


You might not have more feedback to give , if the other person has played 8 characters to 45-49 he or she has a lot more feedback to give than a person with one level 50 , plus they would have more experience than you too , wrong again.


You are misguided totally IMHO. BTW a player can have experienced all of the character progression up to about 48 , only maybe missing a couple of bonus series which are 47-50 and 50. So if he or she has 8 characters at that point and doesn't want to enter end game , then they have far far more feedback to give than anyone with 1 level 50 character full stop.





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Do you have a level 50? I do. If you do not have a level 50, I have more feedback to provide than you. Does this mean that I am a better player than you? No. Does this mean you are any less important than me as a player? No. Does this mean I do have more experience than you do about things in the game? Yes. And if this was a factor for this 30 day free time, it is a sensible decision to me. If I am misguided for seeing that, then so be it. It's probably why I have had management jobs.


The peons always cry foul because they do not understand the process. It is not worthwhile to try to explain it to the uneducated because they do not have the education to understand it.

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End game PvE/PvP is critical to retaining subscribers in the long term. IE we will still be playing this time next year after the single player mmo people have canceled. That's why we are valued. There are many many many manymany bugs that affected late game story quests and end game content that all of the non-50s will never have to experience because we reported on them and *****ed and moaned and whined on here; and still are ************ and moaning and whining about. Get over yourselves. I actually had to DELAY getting my BH to 50 because of the very last BH story quest being bugged for the darkside option. I could have kept leveling but I like to experience content at an appropriate level so I slowed down my play until it was fixed. Get over yourselves and be happy for someone else for a change.
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you missed the general point and only took what you wanted to see out of it. The point of that statement was to show that a person who does the same thing over and over again. Without putting forth extra effort to see everything that can be done, a person cannot provide valuable feedback about improvements to help the game. Those people who have have been rewarded. This is a personal issue of people wanting more because they feel they deserve it even if they have not experienced all elements of the game. I wouldn't want to promote someone if the only experience they have doing work like in a feed related job is simply one job over and over again. People who have not gotten to 50 fit into that same type of category. Am I saying they are not valued people? No, I am however saying that the people who have gotten to 50 have MORE experience with all the elements of the game. THAT to me makes sense that they have an extra incentive.


Ok, I've read alot of you responses and I agree with some of what you are saying. I have no problem with 50's getting a free month under the "you made it to 50 congrats!" aspect. You say getting to 50 is extra effort. Is playing different class mechanics and learning how they play, faults and strengths putting in as much or more effort?


You say having alts is doing the same thing over and over again? What? Out of curiousity have you played any alts? Its hardly doing the same thing over and over again. You visit different planets, use different abilities, preform different roles in groups. I say sticking with a level 50 is doing the same thing over and over again.

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Stick with one char? Why? This is mmorpg. Today I just want to kill someone. Tommorow maybe guild need a healer.

How can lvl 50 mar know anything about healing? How can he provide real feedback about pvp? He did not try other classes.


How do you know someone with a level 50 has never tried other classes? Also you arent expected to give feedback on EVERY aspect of pvp from EVERY class and race combo. They just want to know you at least leveled one class and can give some feedback on end game. You guys keep going on about how anyone with a lvl 50 never tried any other characters etc. This is nonsense. I can only play maybe 2-3 hrs during the week and more on the weekends. I have a lvl 50 BH because the BH quests were bugged and I wanted to help fix them.


You guys just keep playing the same lowbie content over and over that has already been tested. Why you guys refuse to see the character through to cap is beyond me. I can only guess ADHD.

Edited by Leggomy
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So by your logic, two people spend the same amount of time playing this game. One spends time to max out a character and progressively work on alts so they get to see all the elements and provide feedback to everything from start to end game content. the other person just does alts does not get to endgame stuff because they want to level all thier toons equally. They don't have as much feedback to provide about the end tier content because they have not experienced it, yet they should get the same reward as the person who has gone the extra mile to provide feedback about things the other person has no clue about? That's pretty much the argument you are describing here. As a person who has been in management. I wholly disagree with you.


You know for someone who's been in management I'm actually quite surprised you're ignoring the whole perception aspect of this.


As a manager surely you've learned the whole "perception is reality" yea? And "when you assume you're making an *** of u and me"?


I'm not dismissing your opinion, but how can you not see the number of assumptions that you're making with your examples?

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You've just said that level 50 content is more important than lower level content, why is that? Elistist much?


What content is that exactly??? A couple dailies and recycling all the flashpoints on hard mode? :D

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The peons always cry foul because they do not understand the process. It is not worthwhile to try to explain it to the uneducated because they do not have the education to understand it.


I can’t help it, I keep trying to explain it, but I am starting to think they are not capable of understanding it, or have a vested interest in not understanding it

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A lot of people will disagree. I'm not here to force my point on anyone. I am simply painting another element that may or may not have been a contributing factor for the decision that BioWare made. The fact that people want to attack me for my opinions is fine. I'm used to that. But bear in mind here that I am not discrediting anyone's right to their opinion. I am simply clarifying my point and accepting the reasoning behind why it makes sense to me that BioWare did what they did.



The decision is not what people are upset with, at least not most people. What they (we) are upset with is how that decision was explained.


Equating level with value as a customer is wrong. I am sorry, but it is. You can keep saying that a level 50 can give more feedback than non-50s but we will keep disagreeing because that is just simply not true. They can give light feedback on 1-49 and heavier feedback on 50. I can give extensive feedback on level 1-40 for Jedi Consular, Sith Inquisitor, Trooper, Imperial Agent, Smuggler, and Bounty Hunter. I can give extensive feedback on *every* crew skill at all levels because I have maxed them all.


How can you say my feedback is less extensive, or less valuable, than anyone elses?


"We want to reward our level 50s with 30 extra days for sticking with us while we further test our max-level content." NO objection from me. But that is not what was said.

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I am sorry, but you too, are missing the point. Level 50s see more content. Fact. I am not arguing that. But people who concentrate on seeing ALL of their current level of content see in more detail.


It's a quick scan of your hard drive. It's quick, and it will find all of the big issues. vs an In-depth scan. It's slower, but it will find ALL the issues... even the teeny tiny ones.


Both are EQUALLY important.


I completely agree with you on that. Now let's look at BioWare decision. you can't provide this reward without getting one of those two groups upset. So, what would be more fair in a general sense? People who have detailed information about a smaller section of the game? Or people who have full experience with all elements of the game? Let's look at the question in more detail and maybe it will shed some light on it for other people. We have how many people actively playing this game? Over 1 million. Now, how many of those 1 million+ players have level 50's? I don't know but for the sake of the argument let's say it's easily over 50%. Now out of those 50%+ how many of them CAN provide valuable feedback about all elements of the game? All of them. That said, how many of those people are going to have the exact same feedback about each and every single element they have been exposed to? Not very many. Now for the sake of this argument, more than 50% of 1 million is 500,000 people. If only 1% of those people have the exact same feedback. That is still 450,000 people who have different points of feedback concerning ALL elements of the game.


Now take into consideration all the other people who have more detailed experience with only certain sections of the game. All of them will have differing opinions to improve that section of the game. However how many of those can be touched on already by some of the people who are level 50? Chances are you will see a good percentage of similar feedback from those level 50's as well. So, to be fair do you want to reward people who have experience with only a smaller section of the game instead of the people who have taken time to play up to 50 and can provide feedback that others can as well on top of what others have not experienced? this is the argument I have posed. The decision when I have described this in more detail is clear as day to me having been in management.

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I'm not entirely sure the email is legitimate.


The email contains a link to "starwarstheoldrepublic.com", when the site should be "swtor.com".

The way its also a file to open within the email instead of just displaying the message outright also does not follow their normal pattern for support and newsletter emails. (unless that's just some feature of my friend's choice of email application.. its not how mine works)

And I also find it difficult to believe that those in control would approve of rewarding only those players with high level characters, rather than those with longstanding active subscriptions.


I have a 50, my sub was due to end in 4 days (I've since renewed with no break in service since pre-launch); I did not receive the email myself but my roommate has.


I also cannot find any mention of it whatsoever on swtor.com. I haven't quite scoured it, but none of the threads have seen developer response and there's no mention of any bonus time save those affected by the day-early patch debacle.


I apologize if this has been raised and dismissed/proven legit already, but 30+ pages is a lot to read.. I hadn't been following since I wasn't aware of it until I saw my roommate's message today.


starwarstheoldrepublic.com kicks back to swtor.com

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And again you're assuming that that lvl 50 is doing all those things. I know plenty of 50s who do nothing but PVP, they don't do HM FPs, Operations, hell they don't even finish their class storyline.


One of the main criticisms of this game is the lack of end-game (level 50) content, so if level 50 content is all you're focusing on what really are you contributing if there's nothing there?


They are contributing to lvl 50 pvp which you still cant with your 45?

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ive been playing since release. i don't have a single 50.

guess what? i'm not going to whine about not getting a free month.


its a promotional thing. sure it woulda been awesome if they gave me a free month but come on?


this kind of whining is what makes me sometimes ashamed to admit im a gamer.

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So by your logic, two people spend the same amount of time playing this game. One spends time to max out a character and progressively work on alts so they get to see all the elements and provide feedback to everything from start to end game content. the other person just does alts does not get to endgame stuff because they want to level all thier toons equally. They don't have as much feedback to provide about the end tier content because they have not experienced it, yet they should get the same reward as the person who has gone the extra mile to provide feedback about things the other person has no clue about? That's pretty much the argument you are describing here. As a person who has been in management. I wholly disagree with you.


Ah but what about the remainder of the feedback? Of all the systems/issues you haven't experienced? Of working with them on FPS issues, on connectivity issues, on driver crashing, on things that have HELPED some of the rest of those folks get to their "milestone".


I'm shocked at some of the people who aren't taking the step back to look at the whole situation rather than pidgeon-holing everyone.


I don't think anyone begrudges those who have level 50 characters and actively participated in the game, community, and feedback. Who's arguing against that?


But people are speaking out against the fact that this is an arbitrary reward which is being given to many who HAVEN'T done that. Who, in fact, haven't been playing the game at all whereas other players have remained subscribed and playing and providing feedback, etc., and for whatever reason--be it personal or game-derived--are not included as eligible for reward.


There are MANY reasons why someone might not have a level 50. The "just wanted to level them equally" is but one reason. Certainly there are people on both sides of this issue who are ranting/railing and speaking nonsense, but for those who are--I'd hope the issue can be looked at from a wider-picture point of view.

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As a PVPer, I wasn't joking when I said I would unsub due to the removal of rated PvP in 1.2. I unsubscribed shortly after that announcement, and now I'm slapped on the wrist because of these shoddy patches and updates. Edited by Cyclopean
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End game PvE/PvP is critical to retaining subscribers in the long term. IE we will still be playing this time next year after the single player mmo people have canceled. That's why we are valued. There are many many many manymany bugs that affected late game story quests and end game content that all of the non-50s will never have to experience because we reported on them and *****ed and moaned and whined on here; and still are ************ and moaning and whining about. Get over yourselves. I actually had to DELAY getting my BH to 50 because of the very last BH story quest being bugged for the darkside option. I could have kept leveling but I like to experience content at an appropriate level so I slowed down my play until it was fixed. Get over yourselves and be happy for someone else for a change.


oh right, so becuase you got to 50 on one toon and reported a few bugs, that means your are good for 30 days free play time?


but someone who has lots of alts all in the 40 bracket cant have it becuase he what.... didnt report bugs and give feed back? didnt get to 50 and become part of the elite.


i found a massive bug in Aldraan were have the map was missing, it was just a white grid, the hill, building and lake was just not there.. but i reported that bug to get it fixed and i was only in my 30's. so should i get 30 days free becuase i reported a major bug?

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As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty.


So, because I have other, more important, things to do in life rather than log on to SWTOR every day, I am not considered a 'valued' customer? Somebody who has purchased the game and game time, who tries to play at least two or three times a week is not 'supportive' or 'loyal'. I cannot help but to feel insulted.


Every player without level 50 characters is completely right to be feeling unfairly treated, heck so am I. I suppose we are unworthy of the extra gift playtime, however should continue throwing our money at you.

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You've just said that level 50 content is more important than lower level content, why is that? Elistist much?


No because this is an mmo and content continues on for the life of the game so no your singleplayer pre 50 experience is not as important to the life of the game. Endgame is where its at and future expansions begin at max level....first mmo?

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Who says valuable/reasonable feedback on the game must be end game content?


Why do you think everyone who has a level 50 burned through content? Its been 4 months if you dont have a lvl 50 how can you leave any reasonable feedback on end game systems? If you do not have a lvl 50 you didnt resub just for ranked warzones either like a lot of people. This is why companies stop giving out freebies. Children like you who throw a 5 yr old stomping tantrum that they are entitled.
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I was one of the "few" who logged on and downloaded the 1.2 patch early, was told just wait and you can play then had to re-dnld the client only to find out they rolled the servers. Then get the joy of finding out hey my lvl 46, 44, 32, 21 and 16 toons makes me a "non valued" customer. I will give this game until 5/15/12 when D3 is released and then I will end my subscription. I'm not angry about this but I will not support a game that compounds mistakes and then gives a sorry and just as a kuda gra informs me "your not a valued customer".
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I completely agree with you on that. Now let's look at BioWare decision. you can't provide this reward without getting one of those two groups upset. So, what would be more fair in a general sense? People who have detailed information about a smaller section of the game? Or people who have full experience with all elements of the game? Let's look at the question in more detail and maybe it will shed some light on it for other people. We have how many people actively playing this game? Over 1 million. Now, how many of those 1 million+ players have level 50's? I don't know but for the sake of the argument let's say it's easily over 50%. Now out of those 50%+ how many of them CAN provide valuable feedback about all elements of the game? All of them. That said, how many of those people are going to have the exact same feedback about each and every single element they have been exposed to? Not very many. Now for the sake of this argument, more than 50% of 1 million is 500,000 people. If only 1% of those people have the exact same feedback. That is still 450,000 people who have different points of feedback concerning ALL elements of the game.


Now take into consideration all the other people who have more detailed experience with only certain sections of the game. All of them will have differing opinions to improve that section of the game. However how many of those can be touched on already by some of the people who are level 50? Chances are you will see a good percentage of similar feedback from those level 50's as well. So, to be fair do you want to reward people who have experience with only a smaller section of the game instead of the people who have taken time to play up to 50 and can provide feedback that others can as well on top of what others have not experienced? this is the argument I have posed. The decision when I have described this in more detail is clear as day to me having been in management.


I don't have an issue with it only being given to level 50s. And I agree there is no way to reliably judge loyalty. But that is, in essence, what my complaint is.


I fully support free time being given to 50s. I do not support them being given the time because they are described as "our most loyal players".


Semantics, perhaps.. but there ya go. :)

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Hitting 50 is not some major achievement. It is meaningless.


Someone who has 8 alts in their 40's has experience more of the game than a person with one lvl 50 repeatedly doing daily's and PVP.


Ignorant move on BW's part.


Reward people for tenure...regardless of how that tenure was used....not off of some arbitrary achievement EVERYONE will hit.


This is not a subjective rant on better or worse players, or how people choose to play...it should be based off of something objective and measurable such as time PAID, not how you PLAYED.

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None of this is about feedback this is all about retaining those players who got to 50, who play for endgame content and were left with nothing to do. They've and myself included have been spending the last month logging in every couple of days for a few minutes looking around, maybe running a wz or a quick flashpoint and logging off. If you have a couple alts that you play, thats great you still have content that you are actively engaging in. You are still getting your $ value from the game. Those who play for endgame content are not because it hasn't been there yet.
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