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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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then it will be a tough road trying to actually get it through the others's heads then since we seem to agree on that point at least....

when i saw the email i thought it was because i had a level 50 AND had a 6 month sub plus was in beta all contributing to it...as well as having the full week of prerelease as well as have the CE


so in a case like that... yeah i actually do feel that i am a loyal and valued customer


Beta, Collectors Edition, Code week prior to release, subbed since release, BUT only level 48 character.


Am I not loyal and valued?

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I have a 50. Only one because I have restarted on 3 different servers and play 16ish alts (one of each advanced class, because I am that much of an altoholic). I pre-ordered, beta tested, got the CE (have tried reading the journal thing, but the font choices...eh), and met the deadline. I got my email stating I get the free 30 days. Spiffy all around. However, from a marketing standpoint, this is a bad idea. Setting an arbitrary date is all well and good, but setting said arbitrary date the same day as you make the announcement? Not so good. I understand the lvl 50 requirement is to actually reward some effort, however it should also have gone to people with longer subscription times. I worry that this will cause a drop in population on already low (even though they all say standard) servers. I feel bad for my guild mate who just made 50 yesterday and won't benefit because it wasn't by the 12 p.m. PDT deadline that no one knew about until after it had passed. I will say that if I had not gotten the 30 days, I would have been upset. However, I really do enjoy the game so I would not cancel my sub over it.


BioWare, please realize the error and give this reward to the people with longest sub times as well as those that hit 50. Reward the truly loyal customers. Or, make this a permanent reward for when an account gets their first 50 (and make the emails about hitting lvl 10 stop...I have gotten those too many time...)

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You shouldn't be pissed, you are an incredibly understanding and patience human being. I say you should get the 30 days for actually seeing the bigger picture. Although you should finish the 46, endgame story is enjoyable :)


there are plenty of us that arent upset the reward was given, its the way it was given thats complete BS.


level 50s have buggy endgame content, lack of real pvp options, and the ranked WZ got pulled. i say fair enough, 30 days free to give them the time to get over that and hang in for the ranked WZ which are apparently coming asap.


but they should have said that. not that it was for loyalty and value. that just makes it look like all you have to do to be a loyal and valued customer for bioware is hit max level, be it in a week or 4 months...

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Beta, Collectors Edition, Code week prior to release, subbed since release, BUT only level 48 character.


Am I not loyal and valued?


if it makes you feel better, I value you! fellow CE member!


like i said thats what went through my mind when i saw the email, i had no idea that it wasnt for everyone who was subbed

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its written on the front page, along with people quoting from their own emails in this thread, read back a few pages maybe? and since its in an announcement, we can all read it freely, how are we eavesdropping?


maybe you should open your eyes, read around a bit, then comment. after you take both feet out of your mouth of course :)


thanks for coming out though, and do feel free to keep playing :p


As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, all active subscriber accounts with a Level 50 character as of April 12, 2012, 12:00 PM CDT, 5:00 PM GMT, will receive 30 days of game time** at no charge in appreciation for your support and loyalty.


says one of our most valued players...not our only valued players are level 50 so sounds like a bunch off qq for nothing. OMG THEY THANKED SOMEONE AND NOT ME WAHHH MOMMIE WHERE IS MY TROPHY FOR PLAYING CAUSE SOCIETY SAYS EVERYONE THAT PLAYS SHOULD WIN WAHHH WAHHH.


BTW read back a few pagesi n a 100+ thread is a stupid response.


I dont have my foot anywhere near my mouth its the same crap they put in our emails. I still stand by if your qqing because you didnt get a freebie then be honest you cheap ****s dont act like it has anything to do with loyalty just cause your a self centered prat who thinks all communications must apply to you. They were talking to lvl 50 characters not you scrubs so they still were not talking to you.

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Over one hundred pages now, I think it's time we realize that we're not all going to see things the same way, and aren't really accomplishing anything. The people who feel insulted aren't going to stop feeling that way because you call them babies. The people who don't see the big deal aren't ever going to understand no matter how many analogies you use. And the people who don't care are not going to start caring. I think we can all agree that calling level 50 players the "most valued" was in poor taste. But no company is going to intentionally insult any of their customers, so I think we can safely assume it wasn't a purposeful slight. BW will either make an apology or they won't, and we as customers have to decide what's acceptable to us personally.
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Beta, Collectors Edition, Code week prior to release, subbed since release, BUT only level 48 character.


Am I not loyal and valued?


No cause being loyal isnt defined by how much money you spend on something.


Im not getting the free month and SO WHAT not like it killed me or the game I didnt get something free.

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there are plenty of us that arent upset the reward was given, its the way it was given thats complete BS.


level 50s have buggy endgame content, lack of real pvp options, and the ranked WZ got pulled. i say fair enough, 30 days free to give them the time to get over that and hang in for the ranked WZ which are apparently coming asap.


but they should have said that. not that it was for loyalty and value. that just makes it look like all you have to do to be a loyal and valued customer for bioware is hit max level, be it in a week or 4 months...


Yes. Yes. Yes. This is my exact issue. Not that time was given, but the claim that being level 50 means you are more loyal than someone who has spent an equal amount of time in game doing things that do not necessarily advance one's level.

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if it makes you feel better, I value you! fellow CE member!


like i said thats what went through my mind when i saw the email, i had no idea that it wasnt for everyone who was subbed


I was happy to get the Collector's Edition, I'd do it all over again too despite my current financial situation.


But Collector's Edition might not be a good indication of customer value either. Time subscribed and perhaps activity (whether or not you log on at least once a week or something) should be. It shows you've actually dedicated the money towards making the game better and sticking through it. Those are valued customers that you want to reward and say "Stick around, better things to come!" since they'll most likely forge through the difficult times with the server.

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You shouldn't be pissed, you are an incredibly understanding and patience human being. I say you should get the 30 days for actually seeing the bigger picture. Although you should finish the 46, endgame story is enjoyable :)


On Im not incredible, I’m normal, but I do want to finish my trooper ( 46th ) sometime soon


He is my solo character that I play occasionally, all the other characters are tied to specific people and specific groups, in fact a few of them have never ever done any quest solo, it is group 100% of the time, some of them scheduled on a once a week game session.


But I do understand, the updates have all worked well for me, it was some of the end game updates that got delayed, so sure, give the 50's some free time in compensation, takes nothing away from me.


I just don’t see any reason why I should be annoyed at all, they didn’t take anything away from me, and al the updates ( for the characters at my levels ) have been great.

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Due to my job I understand downtime... however I also understand change management and my guess is that Bioware didn't follow their policy and now we are all suffering 8+ hours of down time... but beyond that, why single out 1 group to give free time to?


I have played since early release (can't talk about any other times) and now have 4 accounts I'm paying for so that 3 of my son's can play as well. Due to our playstyle and the fact that each one has wanted my help with multiple low level characters on multiple servers I don't have a level 50. I have multiple high 30s on multiple servers but no 50. Yet I'm shelling out $60 a month.


At least my oldest has a 50 so I'll get $15 off next month but it would have been nice for them to figure out another way to reward those who have stuck with Bioware rather than just those who have a lot of freetime.


The last MMO we played I got to 50 in less than a month and it really gained me nothing, having fun was supposed to be more important, so that is what we did, experiencing as much of the story as possible, the reward for that is nothing. I guess it's just disappointing they couldn't have some up with something else... like possibly $15 back for everyone who has had a sub since before Dec 31st or something.


Doesn't mean I'm going to cancel we are enjoying the game, but I hope Bioware can learn from this because it's things like this that will get those of us with multiple accounts to go back to another game or try something else.



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What i find upsetting is that players that have spent their time since the end of December complaining about the game, insulting players who enjoy the game and have pretty much made the forums unbearable are rewarded for their actions with a free month. And while this might not apply to everyone it does apply to some.


I put in my 120 when i received my invite for prelanch. I have 34 days remaining and am seriously considering leaving it at that. Reward the trolls ... yeah that's awesome

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I don't understand why people are so upset over a messly 15 dollars, I guess that's a lot of money to some people who do'nt have jobs.


ppl who are in d'threads are mainly players who played the game , hated it and went to forum complaining on how bad its going to be .


Now they receive the free mails and decided to get to the forum to do the "hahhahhHH i told you soo ...." .


The rest are new players .

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Over one hundred pages now, I think it's time we realize that we're not all going to see things the same way, and aren't really accomplishing anything. The people who feel insulted aren't going to stop feeling that way because you call them babies. The people who don't see the big deal aren't ever going to understand no matter how many analogies you use. And the people who don't care are not going to start caring. I think we can all agree that calling level 50 players the "most valued" was in poor taste. But no company is going to intentionally insult any of their customers, so I think we can safely assume it wasn't a purposeful slight. BW will either make an apology or they won't, and we as customers have to decide what's acceptable to us personally.


Bah, it's one of those sensible people! Where's my pitchfork and torch!

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As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, all active subscriber accounts with a Level 50 character as of April 12, 2012, 12:00 PM CDT, 5:00 PM GMT, will receive 30 days of game time** at no charge in appreciation for your support and loyalty.


says one of our most valued players...not our only valued players are level 50 so sounds like a bunch off qq for nothing. OMG THEY THANKED SOMEONE AND NOT ME WAHHH MOMMIE WHERE IS MY TROPHY FOR PLAYING CAUSE SOCIETY SAYS EVERYONE THAT PLAYS SHOULD WIN WAHHH WAHHH.


BTW read back a few pagesi n a 100+ thread is a stupid response.


I dont have my foot anywhere near my mouth its the same crap they put in our emails. I still stand by if your qqing because you didnt get a freebie then be honest you cheap ****s dont act like it has anything to do with loyalty just cause your a self centered prat who thinks all communications must apply to you. They were talking to lvl 50 characters not you scrubs so they still were not talking to you.


wow, feet still in there? good to see :) you go boy, be stubborn /fistpump


dot get all self righteous on me and claim i dont know what im mad about, learn to read. and yes, read back in the thread, it will make you look a little brighter when you can respond on topic and in a meaningful manner.


the freebie isnt the important part (i actually supported it silly) its the way they handed it out that was the problem. which you know if you took the time to read instead of bashing your head on the wall. but here, let me help you up, and heres a cookie for your troubles. come back again soon yeah?

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No cause being loyal isnt defined by how much money you spend on something.


Im not getting the free month and SO WHAT not like it killed me or the game I didnt get something free.


Again, its not the getting something free that's being debated. Its what they see as being valued that is.

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Its because if they give free time to everyone that has subbed since the beginning they would lose a lot of money. The game is still new so most of the people playing have been playing since the beginning. If they only give free time to level 50 accounts they save themselves a ton of cash. Just my guess, I also have been subbed since the beginning and don't have a level 50.
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Your own fault for not taking an extra week to finish the story, if you walk out near the end of a movie then don't complain you didn't see the ending. And especially don't blame your wife and kid, I have been playing with a guy who has a 2 week year old son and can still make it to 50, this is not a reason, it's an exscuse.


*Facepalm* - please tell me where bioware said that you have to be lvl 50, your main goal has to be to get lvl 50? Where do they say only those with lvl 50 are valued customers? Because if i have overlooked such thing, i will apologize and leave, because i have misunderstood what kind of game this is.


If not, then I demand to treat all theirs customers fairly. This isn't race, this isn't competition, this is MMORPG and we play as we see fit. And if not, then Bioware is misleading customers.

Any ingame reward for beign lvl 50 is ok. Touching real money for ingame achievments - well, unless SWTOR became f2p suddenly, i would say this is very wrong and has to be corrected.

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I have been playing since the grace period and I don't have a level 50.


The fact of the matter is that I have been leveling all the classes simultaneously. This means I have several level 40's.


I don't see why some people should get 30 days free while others do not.


For those who just have one level 50; they can level several other classes.


You either give it to everyone, or you give it to nobody.

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Bah, it's one of those sensible people! Where's my pitchfork and torch!


well said

and to ad not sure if anyone has sad this , heared alotof difrebt reasons for the percived gaff BYT...........it cam with leagacy updates........most <not all> but most come with leagacy............i read and read mesages mails and thoght it was cause i was legacy and not lvl 50 even if was worded wrong.. and if so whey ***** about legacy free days when dont have a legacy ive been worhing on? let not act like we didnt know legacy was coing and they were proud of it:) less entitlment more smart planing :)

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I have been playing since the grace period and I don't have a level 50.


The fact of the matter is that I have been leveling all the classes simultaneously. This means I have several level 40's.


I don't see why some people should get 30 days free while others do not.


For those who just have one level 50; they can level several other classes.


You either give it to everyone, or you give it to nobody.


agreed, it makes no sense.

the money isn't the issue it's dividing the players... if one gets it all should get it.

i've spent countless hours in the game and have a 46/44/31/33/39. i guess because i didn't spent a little extra time on one character i don't make the cut. lol.

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