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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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if they really wanted to reward loyalty, they should have just rewarded people with the CE, with a level 50 and who paid for 6 months upfront


you know that would have made sense actually, i didn't buy the ce, i just got the dl. but at least it shows a valid reason i would think. not as dedicated but you know certainly more stronger fanbase. interesting point.

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looks like we have day and half to dicuss this lack of respect as acording to the lastest post about the current down time servers wont be up till 6pm CDT


maybe we can get a response in that time

Edited by Ecilin
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Player A subs for 5 months and pays £50 but doesn't get to level 50. And player B subs for 5 months and pays £50 and does get to level 50. Why should player B be more deserving of something then player A?


You can't run a business like that. All players are equal IF they pay the SAME amount of money. What they choose to do with that time is irelivant the thing that is important is they have PAID for the SAME amount of TIME.


That's like saying a stiker in football is more important then a defender because he scored a goal. The defender doesn't get many chances to score a goal because he is playing a different role. But a striker get's many chances to score that goal because he has more time in that area to do so. Hopefully you understand the metaphor here. Scoring a goal is getting to level 50. A striker is someone who has more free time then a defender to get to 50. Without the defender (people who don't get to level 50) there would be no team (community).


The people who keep levelling chars are the real hero's because without those guys other people levelling would not get to see the grouped content in zones at all. They are far more important then people sitting on their *** doing nothing on the fleet ship....


it seems a lot of people seem to think that people with level 50s dont have alts as well.... i have about 12 characters, i dont raid, dont pvp, most of the time i dont do dailies, but i do play alts....lots and lots of them

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I am extremely disappointed in BioWare's asinine 'level 50s only' promotion. I have a full-time job and a wife and child. I have been a recurring subscriber since launch day. I have a level 45 main. I have 8 Toons in my Legacy, all above level 10, with levels totaling 202, but I do not qualify for a free month because I do not have a level 50.


Between this disrespectful crap and your disastrous deployment of patch 1.2 you are begging me to cancel my subscription. A free month of game time should be given to every player that has had an active subscription since launch, not just accounts with level 50s.

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Ok, so since you level slow, you havent even seen any end game content. You havent had to grind PvP gear of done any end game content over and over, no, you are still at the point where you have lots of content. So, get to 50 and maybe you will understand their decission. But you won't, and that is fine I know why you feel snubbed, but in reality your time hasn't been wasted by a lack of content. Just because your feelers got hurt because they didn't "word it differently" doesn't mean you got snubbed.


Most of us causal players with lives that have been playing since the release deserve a free month also. We are loyal customers. Just because we don't have a lvl 50 doesn't mean anything.

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Obviously Bioware has made a huge mistake. I expect it will be corrected soon. ESPECIALY since we are ALL losing TODAY.


Wheres that update? Couldnt get to 50 in tim..oh i mean get the patch done in time?





Most of your customers = :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Totally agree on this....


Been playing since early jan and have made 10+ chars on different servers.My main is at 41 currently.

I dont get this superior 50's mentality....i could have lvl'd a couple of chars to 50 by now, but im just enjoying playing the game and stories, and tbh, the 50's in my guild sound a little bored....just my opinion.


But yeah,i think i have played just as much and invested just as much to get a 30 day freeplay.

BW should be keeping all players sweet.....not just the 'big boys'.

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if they had wanted to prevent this ruckus they should have specified it was for another reason, like removing the WZ, lack of content, w/e.


I don't think they could do that. Or if they had to, then there wouldn't have been a promotion. They likely wanted to deflect attention from their mistakes, not call attention to them. Wording it like an apology would defeat the object of the promoton, and none of us would have gotten anything.

Edited by smartalectwo
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Just thought I would chime in here and share the reasons I listed in the questionnaire you get when canceling your account.

With the release of Update 1.2 yesterday a big deal was made out of BioWare giving 30 days worth of game time to those "most valued customers" with a level 50 character on their account. I'm sorry but that is completely unfair and unacceptable to me. I was in the beta testing phase of this game before the start of Beta Weekends. I preordered a Collector's Edition on the first day they were made available. Upon release, I signed up for a 6 months subscription. And yet to BioWare a valued customer is gauged on the level of their characters?


If that wasn't enough, you also felt it would be a great time to offer a weeks worth of subscription time for anyone who has quit the game. I guess in your eyes even those who have quit are more valuable than those who've invested the maximum amount possible in this game?


By your own admission, a paying customer is not a valued customer. I thank you for clarifying that for me. This account, as well as my wife's account, will be closed at the end of our current billing cycle. Let me thank you in advance on behalf of the next company we do business with for sending us their way.

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This means there's a general consensus that something is very very wrong with their decision. Belittling people for a legitimate complaint with ad hominim attacks doesn't strengthen anything you're saying.


Most of the arguments against this are valid seeing as a lot of time and money went into this game from the player side, even with the declining population. Even the level 50 people themselves are crying foul to this because they see this as being a bad practice.


i would not call them valid, fact is there are a lot of "casual" players with limited free time who are 50, they just chose to concentrate on one story at a time rather than going with the shotgun approach. that is the issue that we have with the people who are whining about not having a 50. well, that and having those cretins automatically generalize everyone with a 50 as having "rushed through the game" when it is clearly not the case.

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I want whom ever came up with this level 50 gets it free to know my thoughts. Its cute...But its WRONG! If nothing else it has set up an elitist group by simple default. After six long years at ddo, putting up with all the lame ideas fostered off on us, I have a short fuse here at swtor. So you know. This isn't about the money or the free time. It is about respect. We came here as a guild. And we may leave as one.
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First off, I think they should have given the 30 days to anyone who's been subscribed since day 1. I have been and did receive. Thanks BW!




I see quite a few "players" who can basically be described as someone who has disposable income and doesn't even notice the $15 charge every month cause they "have a real life" and "barely have time to play". I'm guessing these people log on do a few class/planet quests and log off. They're probably not in a guild nor have anyone on their in-game friends list. But yet they've been subscribed since launch and have 8 alts all around lvl 35!


I'm not saying these are bad players. I'm saying they're not contributing much to an MMORPG.


A player with at least one level 50 have probably run a few FPs and WZs, typed "LFG" at least 999 times and talked to a few other players here and there over the course of their character's life. Maybe even gone to Ilum and seen how fun that is. These people are contributing to the MMORPG.


Also, another thing that bothered me was the argument that a player leveled their main to whatever level they completed their class quest and then rerolled on another server without ever hitting level 50..?? This just seems weird to me. Do you think that Bioware intended for this to be how a class is played? Not to mention leaving your server sure does a lot to help. /sarcasm


In the end my guess if they pulled up some sort of data based on your amount of time spent in game and how much you're seen (IE: you played a lot or not so much) and awarded based on that.


Again, I think they should just give it to everyone who's been a paying customer since launch. BUT I can also see the logic of awarding players who have reached max level and haven't unsubbed. Because many have and the ones who remain playing are most certainly among what should be considered the most valued.

Edited by Rotny
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i too am rather put off by this promotion. like many others ive been just enjoying the story, the big pillar of this game, but ive been enjoying it on multiple characters. couple in the 20s, 2 30s, and 2 in 40s, but no 50 cus i have not been in a rush for any endgame content. and especially since the legacy system was coming i saw no reason to level to 50 cus i figured leveling would only be easier if my legacy level was higher and just whatever upgrades overall were available. however, if before the patch the devs made an announcement saying hey, might wanna get to level 50 to get your free month i would have surely made a better effort to do so. just figured id share my thoughts on this. who knows maybe we all will get the extra time...
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What about Roleplayers? I know we're not a huge part of the game but RP can take up to at least 3 - 5 hours a day of my time. So because I choose to read mission dialogue, work on crew skills, make alts, help new guild members, manage our guild's forums I get nothing?


This is the same issue I'm having with the Legacy system, not having a 50 to grind credits so I can spend amounts I've never seen before is just stupid. I'm Legacy 20 and all I got was a dance emote... cute. Not complaining so much as stating an error in the way the Devs are treating players.


I feel all of this is just the Devs trying to appease people who've rushed through the content and now have nothing to do. They just dont want to lose those players and so now are throwing incentives at them.


This is not only an insult to those who enjoy the game and take our time but, this is an insult to those who rushed to 50. In so many words the Devs are treating people like they're stupid and can be distracted and bought out with gimmicks.

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So tasty


"You are one of our most active and valued high level players and we know you have been waiting patiently for Game Update 1.2: Legacy. To show our appreciation, check out all the great new features this update has to offer-on us. We will be adding an additional 30 days of game time to your account at no charge*. The free 30 days will appear on your account by April 24, 11:59PM CDT, April 25, 4:59AM GMT."



but really, I would worry less about how you take that first line of the email and worry more about a mmo being out less that 5 months and already giving 30 days away. That's a big hit in the pocketbook. Makes you wonder just how well swtor is really doing.

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