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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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well said .. who cares how many hours someone plays a week we all pay the same to do what we wish to with the game.


yeah, I would have agreed yesterday, then I watched anyone not get the free time get trolled, harrassed, abused by those that did!


So now either all get it or none get it


principole of matter with me!


Bad behavior should come with some consequences!

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but whats more loyal


someone who has payed for there sub from day one of launch


or someone who has just started and blasted the content in 6 days to get to max lvl




Well according to Bioware, the most loyal players are those that fought their way to the level 50 end-game, and didn't give up due to bugs. But we both know that the REAL loyal players are you and I, who will continue to pay every month and play the game how we want or can play it.


I would imagine that the 50s who left, will most likely leave again after their 30 days are up. Of course, an 8+ hour repair time isn't helping matters either. I am curious to see who the most loyal customers are after the dust settles.

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Let me break this down for the people that are okay with this...


People with a life,family,good job,friends and you know....not total losers that spend their every waking moment on a video game are going to take offense to this. We pay every month also and just because we didn't blow through the content like some of you doesn't make us less important. Bottom line. They are rewarding play style not loyal customers.


Let me break it down for you.


There are plenty of people with a life, family, good jobs, friends, and not total losers that have level 50 characters. Hell I would say every single person I raid with falls into this category. There are plenty of times where people have to miss raids because of work or personal things, I know I will be missing them all this week because of them. The game has been out for 4 months, if you don't have a level 50 by now then you are either a) the most casual person out there and then you don't play this game enough for it to even matter so why are you whining, b) just bought the game recently, meaning you aren't a dedicated player anyway(which they are rewarding) so why are you whining, c) an "altaholic" and even then that is a poor excuse as the game has been out for 4 months so if you can't get at least 1 of those characters to 50 then it is entirely your problem considering how fast and easy it is to level in this game.


We are well past the point where only the hardest of the hardcore are level 50(3+ months past actually) so if you aren't 50 and not receiving your free month it is entirely on you so stop crying like an entitled ***** just because you can't manage your time as well as other people that have the same things to deal with as you.

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Personnally I couldn't care much less about $15. That being said giving a free month to only lvl 50s is pure stupidness. It's just the principle of the matter. For example, I have two lvl 48s. But yet I'm unworthy because I didn't hit the magic lvl 50? Come on now. That's just dumb. Edited by Notannos
use of the word 'retard'
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You would be level 50 if you hadnt stopped to write that wall of rubbish.


I dont use vent, and I dont exploit. I enjoyed the class story for both the Sith Sorceror and the Bounty Hunter: Powertech. I have 2 level 50's and I am also a parent of two teenage boys so obviously I am not playing for 8 hours a day, yet here I sit with two level 50 characters and have to listen to your whining.


I should get another 30 free days for having to read that rubbish.




I got 30 free days, and a Taunton Pet, and a Lightsaber, and a personal space station which I am calling the Death Star. I also got a lollipop.

wheeeeeeee :D


do you feel this rush of power with insult? do you know, how predictable your mentality is?

dude, i assume you are because of the aggressiveness. a simple google and peek at youtube pretty much shows you what i am talking about. since, i didn't say YOU specifically, but there is ample evidence on the net for everything i said. why are you responding?

seriously? it is a fact, people exploited, it is a fact that bioware cant fix it, it is a fact those same people are still playing , it is a fact that /stuck spammers still make many wz pretty much useless..it is a fact that the ones that abused this and reached 50 in the first month are now being rewarded with free time.

now, i question your need to feel uber and insult and debase with no real comment to my addition to the conversation.

your type are predictable, i knew your type would show their face.

it is a fact that i seen people on my servers accepting only people with vent. say for the plus 10 stats hoolcron, which sucks because i wonder what a deaf person would do? how far would they go in the game with ops? should bioware place a warning, due to bias towards players that dont use third party programs the game may not be as intended out of box?

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Let me break it down for you.


There are plenty of people with a life, family, good jobs, friends, and not total losers that have level 50 characters. Hell I would say every single person I raid with falls into this category. There are plenty of times where people have to miss raids because of work or personal things, I know I will be missing them all this week because of them. The game has been out for 4 months, if you don't have a level 50 by now then you are either a) the most casual person out there and then you don't play this game enough for it to even matter so why are you whining, b) just bought the game recently, meaning you aren't a dedicated player anyway(which they are rewarding) so why are you whining, c) an "altaholic" and even then that is a poor excuse as the game has been out for 4 months so if you can't get at least 1 of those characters to 50 then it is entirely your problem considering how fast and easy it is to level in this game.


We are well past the point where only the hardest of the hardcore are level 50(3+ months past actually) so if you aren't 50 and not receiving your free month it is entirely on you so stop crying like an entitled ***** just because you can't manage your time as well as other people that have the same things to deal with as you.


Hell, I guess you missed the part where I said they are rewarding play style.



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Ok, so since you level slow, you havent even seen any end game content. You havent had to grind PvP gear of done any end game content over and over, no, you are still at the point where you have lots of content. So, get to 50 and maybe you will understand their decission. But you won't, and that is fine I know why you feel snubbed, but in reality your time hasn't been wasted by a lack of content. Just because your feelers got hurt because they didn't "word it differently" doesn't mean you got snubbed.
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How is it possible to get "loyal" customers when you have downtime all day and before that the game was full of huge bugs. How does that inspire loyalty.


Maybe if I got the memo a month ago that those with 50's will get a WHOLE MONTH FREE I would have taken one of my 9 toons all the way to 50.


Now instaid i'll be taking a one month break from swtor, perhaps I'll find something better in that month...


Opinions on the matter mean nothing. Only actions.


Their action is to withhold a bonus cuz I didnt get to 50 by an arbitrary unknown date.


My action will be to withhold $14.99, once, from Bioware. Because they didnt get patch 1.2 out by the 10th.


Fair is fair. then I'll be back, unless something else catches my eye in that time...


Bad business.

Edited by Smuglebunny
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do you feel this rush of power with insult? do you know, how predictable your mentality is?

dude, i assume you are because of the aggressiveness. a simple google and peek at youtube pretty much shows you what i am talking about. since, i didn't say YOU specifically, but there is ample evidence on the net for everything i said. why are you responding?

seriously? it is a fact, people exploited, it is a fact that bioware cant fix it, it is a fact those same people are still playing , it is a fact that /stuck spammers still make many wz pretty much useless..it is a fact that the ones that abused this and reached 50 in the first month are now being rewarded with free time.

now, i question your need to feel uber and insult and debase with no real comment to my addition to the conversation.

your type are predictable, i knew your type would show their face.

it is a fact that i seen people on my servers accepting only people with vent. say for the plus 10 stats hoolcron, which sucks because i wonder what a deaf person would do? how far would they go in the game with ops? should bioware place a warning, due to bias towards players that dont use third party programs the game may not be as intended out of box?


You really need to learn how to seperate points properly. You're hurting my eyes. :eek:

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Replace age...with level.

So, what is the problem?

My mother has obtained level 63, I am only level 33.

Why is it fair for her to get a discount, but not me? I eat at a certain restaurant since it opened. She only started going there a few months ago. I should be the more valuable customer.

But she gets a discount...and I do not.

Clearly businesses only value senior citizens and not the rest of us.


You're leaving out important bits of information.

Try it this way, " My mother has only been on this realm for 1 month and has obtained level 63, however I have only obtained level 33 and have been on this realm since it was created"


Longevity is the issue. People that have been LOYAL customers since the begining feel slighted because a power leveler who hasn't played as long is consider more valuable than the the long time loyal cuatomer.

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8 hours a week is a lot of gaming in a week for some people.


Some people only get to play a couple hours in a week, or choose to only play that much and like to play alts. It is possible they don't have a level 50 yet.


Ok, if they played back in December, and were here through the thick and mess of it all. Only played say 2 hrs a week.... It's been close to 19 weeks. So that's roughly 38 hrs of play time.


There were people that got to 50 in 3 days. Some just 1 week.


Why on earth are you paying $15 a month for that time? Especially if you are working to keep things in order. Also, why should I give you a customer something free, if you aren't a frequent flyer or frequent user? Think of it a business sense. If you goto work, for only 2 hrs a week, is your paycheck going to reflect a nice bonus? Or will you get a reward for being more productive than say someone who shows up to work more often? This whole idea of give everyone a free month is just absurd.


A big thank you for those that have played a good amount of time, invested a good amount into the game to provide adequate feedback, deserve this big thank you. Heck they are giving a week of free time to those that have played and ditched them instead of helping make a game better. That to me says a lot. They don't have to do this, but they did.

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Wow....didnt even know this happened now I feel really screwed.....Pre-Ordered the CE and been subbed since opening day.....


My highest toon is a 48 trooper but my server was completely dead so I ended up switching and rerolling, trying out the other classes and basically shifting my play style (From Tank to Heals) to better support the groups and need I was seeing on my new server.


I dont have a ton of time to play, wife, 3 kids, around 50 hours a week at work with an hour drive each way. You total that up and yeah, I dedicate as much time as I can without getting the hairy eyeball and winding up in divorce court.......


Gee Bioware should I give up everything to prove how "Dedicated" I am to your game? Guess by your definition my money is worth less than anyone who has a 50 eh? Guess thats what I get for paying in pesos yar? Lol sheit...I even beta tested this bad boy for 8 months.......Guess I need to work on my "Dedication"......Jackholes.........

Edited by WYAUziel
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I'm going to throw my two cents in here because I feel that given my history with Bioware I'm able to list my complaint.


Going based on this game alone I bought the Collector's Edition and subscribed since the moment the game opened with not a single interruption in service. If the only reason I'm not getting a 30 Day "Thank you" is because my Imperial Agent is only level 48 rather than level 50 then I feel a little bit ripped off. Why?


Speaking from seeing the game evolve its entirely possible that someone bought the standard edition of the game at a discounted rate not even a month ago and reached level 50, earning themselves the 30 day "thank you" from Bioware, where as I am left in the cold simply because I do not have a level 50 character since I am enjoying all the different storylines at about the same rate. It is a bit of an insult when I have invested more than enough time, money, and effort into this game to not be acknowledged because of something as menial as two levels.


I'm sorry but I do cry foul on this one. I have defended Bioware and this game on several odd decisions, but this one I am personally counting as the line being crossed. I might be speaking for myself, but I'm fairly sure I speak for a lot of people when I say that this isn't a fair decision to say the least and should be re-evaluated to include those who have been with them for a good amount of time. Perhaps not since the beginning, but shortly thereafter.

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For those saying "if you don't have a level 50 by now, then you <random words here>" that's not the point. The point is how BW worded it.


As a thanks for being one of our most valued players


That's where the problem is. Had they of said "As a bonus to all those players who have made it to level 50....." See how that makes all the difference. Not only that, even if you currently DO NOT have an active subscription, you can get all the other bonus' INCLUDING 7 FREE (F-R-E-E) days as long as you get an active subscription before April 21.


Meanwhile, those who have maintained an active subscription and not level 50 get what? A big "Bird" to the face. Not only that, they are not even considured valued customers. And before saying "if you've been playing since release, you should have a level 50," that's not all true. For instance. Some people work 12 hours a day 7 days a week. You sleep 8. That's 20 hours already gone. You still need to eat, mow the lawn, get a hair cut, take a shower, etc... So chances are, you may not get to play much. Not eveyone's schedule is the same.


It's the principal of the matter. Them saying the only valued customers are those who have either:


1. Reached level 50

2. Unsubscribed from the game and want to re-sub

3. Never have subscribed


Aside from the 30 free days (#1 and #3), and the 7 FREE days (#2), everyone else has been de-valued as a PAYING customer. "I just bought the game 1 week ago and since I was on vacation, I played all day long and now I have a level 50. I am now a 'most valued' customer, so now I get 60 days free time (30 included + 30 given to them) and I haven't paid BW a penny :D ." Meanwhile James Smith has been playing since pre-launch, has a lvl 40 main, 2 lvl 30 alts, has been TESTING ON THE PTS SERVER, and he gets a big stinking "Bird" to the face.

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I beta-tested for months, pre-ordered, and I have been subbed to SWTOR since pre-release and rarely complained about any of the decisions the devs or Bioware have made, but the free 30 days has been done horribly wrong. I have a crap load of alts and a level 43 BH. Why the hell should I not be entitled to the same perks as someone who's level 50. This was a total bull**** move Bioware. Way to reward your loyal customers. Edited by Capnmoe
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Player A subs for 5 months and pays £50 but doesn't get to level 50. And player B subs for 5 months and pays £50 and does get to level 50. Why should player B be more deserving of something then player A?


You can't run a business like that. All players are equal IF they pay the SAME amount of money. What they choose to do with that time is irelivant the thing that is important is they have PAID for the SAME amount of TIME.


That's like saying a stiker in football is more important then a defender because he scored a goal. The defender doesn't get many chances to score a goal because he is playing a different role. But a striker get's many chances to score that goal because he has more time in that area to do so. Hopefully you understand the metaphor here. Scoring a goal is getting to level 50. A striker is someone who has more free time then a defender to get to 50. Without the defender (people who don't get to level 50) there would be no team (community).


The people who keep levelling chars are the real hero's because without those guys other people levelling would not get to see the grouped content in zones at all. They are far more important then people sitting on their *** doing nothing on the fleet ship....

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Let me break it down for you.


There are plenty of people with a life, family, good jobs, friends, and not total losers that have level 50 characters. Hell I would say every single person I raid with falls into this category. There are plenty of times where people have to miss raids because of work or personal things, I know I will be missing them all this week because of them. The game has been out for 4 months, if you don't have a level 50 by now then you are either a) the most casual person out there and then you don't play this game enough for it to even matter so why are you whining, b) just bought the game recently, meaning you aren't a dedicated player anyway(which they are rewarding) so why are you whining, c) an "altaholic" and even then that is a poor excuse as the game has been out for 4 months so if you can't get at least 1 of those characters to 50 then it is entirely your problem considering how fast and easy it is to level in this game.


We are well past the point where only the hardest of the hardcore are level 50(3+ months past actually) so if you aren't 50 and not receiving your free month it is entirely on you so stop crying like an entitled ***** just because you can't manage your time as well as other people that have the same things to deal with as you.


like i said to someone before - you do not deal with the same things i do, noone does, same as i dont deal with the same things you do. everyone has different lives, get used to the idea.


to break it down for you :)


you play how you want to, ill play how i want to, neither is wrong. i enjoy the way i play, and i would hope you enjoy the way you do. now that aside the issue was the way they worded their message, that loyal and valued customers were getting a reward based on a number, nothing else.


if they had wanted to prevent this ruckus they should have specified it was for another reason, like removing the WZ, lack of content, w/e


instead they threw it out like part of the community was more important to them due to a number over their characters head.


that blunder is the problem here, not what the number itself is due to playstyle. everyone ripping on each others playstyles, accusations of exploit or laziness, theses are things unnecessary.


the issue is bioware giving level 50 accounts a reward purely for being level 50, and stating it was due to them being valued and loyal customers. free time for their valued and loyal customers. the rest of us feel slighted by this and have responded.


are we good now? understand a little better?


cool thanks for playing

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