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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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@bold part...


Soooooo do you play the game based on how valued you are....


I usually play the game cos i like to regardless of what silly PR says.


I give money for services based on how respected and not messed around I feel, I have to admit this has eliminated my desire to financially support bioware, especially as there are lots of games out there I can play that are fun, why p,ay one where the developer makes rookie mistake after rookie mistake and on this one has seriously annoyed me.

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@bold part...


Soooooo do you play the game based on how valued you are....


I usually play the game cos i like to regardless of what silly PR says.


No, I play this game because right now, there aren't any other MMO's out there that I am interested in playing. When one does come along, then after today, I certainly won't feel any loyalty towards BW .

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Totally absurd. I work full time and care for an elderly parent, I MIGHT get to play 10 hours a week and I enjoy playing alts and seeing what the different classes can do trying different crafting professions etc. I have very much enjoyed my time playing but I will NOT be treated like this.
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I only played during Sunday and Monday for only 4 hrs each, have a daughter to pay attention to and those are my only days off. I'm an altaholic and I'm on 3 different servers. I have 1 50. So I do not understand how someone can not have 1 50 yet. I've been playing since Beta, the couple weeks pre-official release as well. The way the missions are, and experience is given, if you are a completionist, then you should have had a 50 by now.
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"Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release"


I feel some kind of envy in most of you.


sorry but, would you feel better if no one got 30 days for free?!

I would send you mine, but..


complaining doesn't help, but go vote for communism.


some get it, some don't - you need to "draw a line".

and ****, i deserve to be rich and earn big money!!! :rolleyes:

Edited by Jarkeld
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I have a level 50, I have been subbed since the game came out.


I never received my 30 free days.


I am now unsubbed.



you know they send emails out in VAWES if you have lvl 50 and had active subscription on 11th-12th April 2012 you WILL get it UNLESS THEY REVERSE EVERYTHING!

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Whats the solution to a shrinking playerbase because of (apparently) little motivating endgame?


- Definately not giving those players a free month only for them to cancel their subscription afterwards.


Hell, even giving every 50 a mount or a shiny item oder something else that costs practically nothing to develop and implement would have been a better idea as long as the Millions (estimate) that are wasted now would have been used to IMPROVE the game.


I havent been playing for a while now because of my Studies but kept my subscription going. Now I think ill pause a Month to also save the 15 bucks. Apparently they have no use for money..

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I only played during Sunday and Monday for only 4 hrs each, have a daughter to pay attention to and those are my only days off. I'm an altaholic and I'm on 3 different servers. I have 1 50. So I do not understand how someone can not have 1 50 yet. I've been playing since Beta, the couple weeks pre-official release as well. The way the missions are, and experience is given, if you are a completionist, then you should have had a 50 by now.


8 hours a week is a lot of gaming in a week for some people.


Some people only get to play a couple hours in a week, or choose to only play that much and like to play alts. It is possible they don't have a level 50 yet.

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Let me break this down for the people that are okay with this...


People with a life,family,good job,friends and you know....not total losers that spend their every waking moment on a video game are going to take offense to this. We pay every month also and just because we didn't blow through the content like some of you doesn't make us less important. Bottom line. They are rewarding play style not loyal customers.

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I only played during Sunday and Monday for only 4 hrs each, have a daughter to pay attention to and those are my only days off. I'm an altaholic and I'm on 3 different servers. I have 1 50. So I do not understand how someone can not have 1 50 yet. I've been playing since Beta, the couple weeks pre-official release as well. The way the missions are, and experience is given, if you are a completionist, then you should have had a 50 by now.


Thank god someone with a bit of sense :)

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easy solution to people who are mad about this, go outside and get a tan, problem solved "smiley face"


I can't tan...I burn.

The sun obviously discriminates against me and does not see me as a valued customer.

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"Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release"


I feel some kind of envy in most of you.


sorry but, would you feel better if no one got 30 days for free?!

I would send you mine, but..


complaining doesn't help, but go vote for communism.


I understand where your coming from , but complaining is what got the freebie in the first place though. The massive thread on Rated Warzones with everyone threatening to cancel.

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I agree with you. My highest character completed his story at 47 and I saw no need to grind him for 3 more levels so I rerolled. I got my consular up to 30 something and then my server died. Rerolled a Bounty Hunter on another server got him to late 30's/early 40's quit, this server was dead when I came back. I Just rolled a Knight who is at level 28 on a third new server.


I clearly don't deserve a free month, because I haven't got to 50. I have only pre-ordered the game on the first day of pre-order, got the Collector's Edition, subbed 3 months and completed a fair amount of the games content.


You're not a Valued Costumer, as they themselves stated.

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Let me break this down for the people that are okay with this...


People with a life,family,good job,friends and you know....not total losers that spend their every waking moment on a video game are going to take offense to this. We pay every month also and just because we didn't blow through the content like some of you doesn't make us less important. Bottom line. They are rewarding play style not loyal customers.


the point is not that you DID NOT BLOW THROUGH CONTENT... you are UBER slow.


Why cry now you mocked all players being too fast now we got reward qqqqqqqqqq

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Let me break this down for the people that are okay with this...


People with a life,family,good job,friends and you know....not total losers that spend their every waking moment on a video game are going to take offense to this. We pay every month also and just because we didn't blow through the content like some of you doesn't make us less important. Bottom line. They are rewarding play style not loyal customers.


Except, that isn't what they said. They are rewarding the most loyal customers. But I see where you are going. Those of us with a family and job to take care of are ulitmately rewarded in ways Bioware could never touch.

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"Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release"


I feel some kind of envy in most of you.


sorry but, would you feel better if no one got 30 days for free?!

I would send you mine, but..


complaining doesn't help, but go vote for communism.



It's not the reward they were given. It doesn't matter if it was 30 day, 60 days, $500, or a new shiny mount.


It's *how* they did it.


They singled out a group of players, because they have level 50 characters, and told them that they're the most valuable, loyal players and because of this, they get a prize.


All this does is tell anyone who doesn't have a level 50 character that, regardless of how long they've supported the game, they are less important than someone who's been here a couple of weeks.

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