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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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I think that it should have been everyone that has completed the storyline instead of level 50.


That is more fair I think, that everyone that has enjoyed the storyline on atleast one character gets rewarded.


OR....they could have given the free month to all that got the founder title and still have a active subscription. That would also be "a valued customer"


Anyway, this is the first free month I have been given without anything to do in return at all and for that I am grateful

Edited by Icestar
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BW says "Here guys, have a free month on us and a pet."


Players say "Screw you BW."


It proves that there is nothing BW could have ever done that would please some people.


I don't care if the game was launched and everyone was given their weight in gold, people would complain because it's to heavy.


(Just a note that I do think the free 30 days should include anyone that has had an active sub since launch as well as anyone with a level 50.)

Edited by Azzras
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You are upset over the way they worded it? How were they supposed word it.


Would not matter. People would complain no matter what they did, how they did it, or who they did it for.


This is a reward for people that hit 50, for our patience while they pushed the new content out, to keep us playing until they further it. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. .....and its the price of a pizza and a beer for goodness sakes.


Give it a rest people. You are making it sound like they just killed your puppy.

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well ive twittered Mr Senior Community Manager for Star Wars Rockjaw and asked him the question why i am not seen as been as loyal as say a person with a lvl 50


no reply


i have also twiited Mr Senior Community Manager for Star Wars Rockjaw and asked him to come and post in this thread, so atleast show that Bioware are listening to its customers and know that some of there player base is pissed off with there retarted wording about who is vauled and who isnt.


no reply



Got to love Biowares customer support


oh and im a swtor fanboy by the way.

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It is irritating to read over and over that every person who has a level 50 "space-barred through the content." Sorry but the game has been out long enough for each of you to have completed a level 50. I played mine - ALL THE WAY THROUGH.


So you like to simply stop playing a toon, and re-roll another? Great. It's your money. And it is also YOUR fault that you lose out on an offer to people who have level 50s and have been waiting forever for something to do.


Stop crying that everyone who has a level 50 is some speed freak who hasn't slept since before Christmas. I'm sorry, but this game simply isn't that hard. You've had 4 months.


I agree. There has been plenty of time to get to 50 IF that was the goal. However, it was NOT the goal for everyone. I have to say I'm kind of surprised by how many did not focus on getting to 50. BW made quite a big deal out of how this game was meant to be about the journey and not the end-game (level-cap) and this was something that a lot of people grabbed and said: Finally! A game that does not begin at level-cap.


Eh, no point in arguing this anymore. I'm waiting to see how BW handles this because right or wrong, they've stirred up quite a mess with this one. Be interesting to see what the next week brings.

Edited by DieAlteHexe
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The only ones that should have an "thank you" and a free month are the ones that have been here from Day 1! You know it, i know it and Bioware should know it and understand better.


Everything else is just fundamental wrong.

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So you are saying that only people who "pushed" to 50 are "valued" and "loyal" customers? Everyone else, is not.


It does not matter how you slice it, it always comes down to that. They put up a bar, the bar is "valued" and "loyal" customer, and the bar was set to players with level 50. The ones who make it, pass, and get extra 30 days. They ones who do not, do not pass, and not not get the extra 30 days. That also implies that they do not pass and are not "valued" or "loyal" customers.


That's it. Pretty simple (yet terrible) wording and measurement decision from BW...


hmm well lets see how many times did you a n on 50 pay a few million credits or have entire raid weeks ruined to soa bugging out? how many times did you put end game or any game reports in to help them fix there top end content ? how many times did you suffer thru level 50 warzones being unbalanced ? you got a damn free pet and cause you didnt complete the task they are gifting for you get the half way marker. its like saying i completed some of t he quest but i looked around the area a little why dont i get the mission reward? stop beig stupid and enjoy what you are getting

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No, it does... If you apply an arbitrary rule anywhere, then it will be taken as favoritism...


"Everyone in the company is a great worker, you all rock!!! so you get a bonus of $500!!! oh, but only people with a red car get the bonus. Bye!!"


It's favoritism any way you look at it. BW is showing arbitrary favoritism to lvl 50 characters. That is not good.


Favoritism, yes, I agree fully. But it does NOT make the non 50`s "less loyal", or "less valued".


Arbitrary rule? or arbitrary criteria? Hell ya! But it does NOT make the non 50`s "less loyal", or "less valued".


In my opinion, their metrics say that they have more accounts with a lvl 50 on them than accounts without, so they are trying not to alienate them, as being the bulk of the subs number.


The wording is as neutral as it gets and you are missing a valuable information: They don`t owe you anything and therefore they are not under any obligation to apologize.


They will do whatever it will keep their boat afloat. Today it was the 50`s following a too short exclusion of a feature in a patch. Tomorrow might very well be the level 20`s.


But not today.

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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy –

Get Your Very Own Tauntaun Pet!



We appreciate the support of our community throughout the development of the Legacy game update. As a 'Thank You' gift, we are giving all active subscribers (as of April 12, 2012, 12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT) the following in-game Legacy reward: the Legacy Tauntaun Ram Pet*, sure to be your new best friend!


Swift and strong, and ready to stand firm at its master's side, the Tauntaun Ram pet will be delivered to you via in-game mail by April 24, 2012, 11:59PM CDT/ April 25, 2012, 4:59AM GMT.

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It is irritating to read over and over that every person who has a level 50 "space-barred through the content." Sorry but the game has been out long enough for each of you to have completed a level 50. I played mine - ALL THE WAY THROUGH.


So you like to simply stop playing a toon, and re-roll another? Great. It's your money. And it is also YOUR fault that you lose out on an offer to people who have level 50s and have been waiting forever for something to do.


Stop crying that everyone who has a level 50 is some speed freak who hasn't slept since before Christmas. I'm sorry, but this game simply isn't that hard. You've had 4 months.


What he said. I've almost my 2nd toon to 50 and have watched and completed every quest for them both, I spacebar through the dailies but that's down to having done them 50 million times. You could get a toon to 50 on this game in 2 months or less and still do everything and that includes collecting datacubes and reading all of the lore so people really need to stop claiming that we have no lives. Sad thing is, knowing Bioware, they will probably crack and give them something for free.


And would you like your level 50 character fully geared for both PVE and PVP too? How about a years free sub? How about some admin powers too?

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BW says "Here guys, have a free month on us and a pet."


Players say "Screw you BW."


It proves that there is nothing BW could have ever done that would please some people.


I don't care if the game was launched and everyone was given their weight in gold, people would complain because it's to heavy.


(Just a note that I do think the free 30 days should include anyone that has had an active sub since launch as well as anyone with a level 50.)


That is so true, I happen to be in the camp of casual players that are alt crazy and none of my characters happen to be 50, so I am not getting the free 30 days, but I am not complaining.


$15 a month, for a game I get this enjoyment out of? LOL, they could charge me $25 a month or more and I would not complain. ( I pay more than that for taking my wife to the movies for 2 hours entertainment )

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I have a sister that play TOR and plays it casually, I on the other hand play it quite some, having 2 50's. It's unfair for her to not get it while almost having the game as long as I have :/


My wife and I play.


I have a 50, she does not.


I am not going to cry about it. I was going to pay anyway.

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To the people that do not have a level 50, have you, in the past 2 months, logged in and had NOTHING to do that INTERESTED YOU? I believe the answer is No. You have been leveling your toons, and enjoying yourselves (which is great). You have been logging in when you have free time, and GETTING YOUR MONEYS WORTH from your sub.


Now let's look at another group of people. (Now do not knock their play style because it is different from yours, they just like to enjoy the game differently than you)


These groups of people have a lvl 50. They enjoy being max level and doing endgame stuff like PvP, Operations, achievements, etc.. These people do NOT like leveling alts. They enjoy the game, but have ZERO interest in leveling another toon.


These people who are now Battlemaster/War Heros or have cleared all HM/Nightmare content have literally had NOTHING to do (that interests them) for the past month or 2. (Remember don't hate on their play style. It's not wrong, it's just different than yours) Some nights this group of people have had free time to play, but there was nothing in the game for them to do.


This last group of people are who the free month was aimed at. BW's piss poor PR department just messed up the wording of the press release. Of course BW does not equate their most loyal customers with just people who have level 50s. They like everyone's money equally, and want to continue to get your money. They just messed up in the way they tried to spin who the free month was really for.

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That would punish people who didn't get a copy at the store. Like on the countryside - where internet is too slow for a big download-edition.


So... while this being a really generous gesture, the unhappy users would have been far less with "a week for everyone".


Or something like:


a) 1. day subscriber


b) a level 50


c) a level total of at least 75


and a little something for those who didn't match this:

newcomers, hardly-ever-players... like... idunno... a bag full of "+rested bonus stims" or something like that...


*edit* But!


Thanks Guys for the month! :)

Edited by chillshock
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your link is irrelevant when the email claims level 50 accounts are more valued and loyal than non level 50 accounts.


You don't get it, so maybe a fresh perspective or input will help. The email doesn't mention non50's at all. We're agreed on that yes?


Because it makes no reference to people who aren't level 50, it doesn't make a comparison to them. Here's the statement again:


You are one of our most active and valued high level players and we know you have been waiting patiently for Game Update 1.2: Legacy. To show our appreciation, check out all the great new features this update has to offer-on us. We will be adding an additional 30 days of game time to your account at no charge*. The free 30 days will appear on your account by April 24, 11:59PM CDT, April 25, 4:59AM GMT.


We can infer the following ONLY (because it is only sent to 50's):


1. Level 50 toons are highly valued and highly active

2. Bioware appreciate active level 50 players

3. This appreciation will result in 30 days free time


We can't assume anything else with just this excerpt. By your own admission the email doesn't refer to another player type, and BioWare do not use any exclusive terms i.e. replacing "one of our most" with "our most".


So Freekyjason you keep calling the other guy a troll as he is wrong, but you're making an assumption and not reading the text properly. If you can't see that then we can't help you, sorry.

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hmm well lets see how many times did you a n on 50 pay a few million credits or have entire raid weeks ruined to soa bugging out? how many times did you put end game or any game reports in to help them fix there top end content ? how many times did you suffer thru level 50 warzones being unbalanced ? you got a damn free pet and cause you didnt complete the task they are gifting for you get the half way marker. its like saying i completed some of t he quest but i looked around the area a little why dont i get the mission reward? stop beig stupid and enjoy what you are getting


when has Bioware ever said the whole point of this game was to get to lvl 50 and run engame content?


what happens if you dont like PVE and only play PVP, your not going to see that content your ************ about.


also Bioware sold this game as a journey not a ruch to the end to grind for gear like other mmos

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Favoritism, yes, I agree fully. But it does NOT make the non 50`s "less loyal", or "less valued".


Arbitrary rule? or arbitrary criteria? Hell ya! But it does NOT make the non 50`s "less loyal", or "less valued".


In my opinion, their metrics say that they have more accounts with a lvl 50 on them than accounts without, so they are trying not to alienate them, as being the bulk of the subs number.


The wording is as neutral as it gets and you are missing a valuable information: They don`t owe you anything and therefore they are not under any obligation to apologize.


They will do whatever it will keep their boat afloat. Today it was the 50`s following a too short exclusion of a feature in a patch. Tomorrow might very well be the level 20`s.


But not today.


That's not what it implies... It's not what you say, it's how you say it... And just look at the many replies this thread has received. If it was just me that "understood" that from the message, I would say you are right! and be quiet about it. Unfortunately, from the many responses, it seems many people "understood" the message for what it implies. So it does not matter if BW had the best intentions in the world, that is not what a lot of people "understood" from it.


You are right. BW can do what they want, however, it does not mean that what they did was right. Now, they'll have to deal with it. Unhappy customers are not good customers.

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As I said in the other thread, I reported it, and I hope other people will do the same. just press the 'help' button on the top-right of your window, then press the account issues link on that page and shoot them a quick email.


It gets their attention faster than the forums do, from what I've seen, and more reports might convince them that they need to address it.

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im not allergic to wiki, its just what you are linking isnt relevant.it is for the mistake all are making - one does not make the other true.


read, learn, read some more.


the FACT that only character acounts level 50 got these emails, thats what makes it so. do you get that? how can i make it clearer to you. those emails said to a person they were the most valued and loyal customers, purely because they had a level 50 character.those emails say "ONE OF OUR MOST".. not the most...


your wiki link is IRRELEVANTit points out that if you adress the 50`s as "one of our most loyal", it does not automatically make non 50`s not loyal


what level is your toon on the PTR btw?don`t have one same question i put to the other guy yet to answer. mine is 46. how much bug hunting have you done? how many beta phases were you in (aside from the freebies)? how many bug reports did you submit?I don`t have to. They have paid beta testers that are under contractual obligation to do so. The less paid / sized team, the more bugs make it into the final client, which will cost them subs. I will not pay with my own money to beta test for a Company. It is the other way around, usually.


your link is irrelevant when the email claims level 50 accounts are more valued and loyal than non level 50 accounts."one of our most".. not "the most" as you are trying to imply.. at least quote in full... we are second class accounts, yet some of us have put an incredible amount of work into the game and the communtiy, just a bit less into our characters.


bite me and troll elsewhere


there... can we be friends now?

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Here's what I don't get, the argument from the camp saying that "The 50s deserve it due to lack of endgame content" are completely missing the fact that there are 7 other classes to play each of which has a full storyline. People have known for months that Legacy was coming and one would think that the hardcore people they're trying to keep would be leveling alts to take advantage of buffs etc. To say that level 50 people had no content to play is a total fallacy.


My money paid to Bioware so far :

SWTOR CE - $150

4 Months @ $15





Money paid to Bioware of someone who leveled to 50, bought the regular edition, and only played for a month and then resubbed this month for the 1.2 patch and who is also getting the free 30 days. ~$75-90 (I'm throwing an extra month in just to boost the amount).


Money is loyalty, subscription time is loyalty. An arbitrary level that one can hit in a week by having absolutely no life is not loyalty.


Once again, those that say that the 50s deserve it due to lack of content are completely ignoring that there are 7 other classes to play each of which would feed into buffs for their primary character once legacy hit. It's just stupid.

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This last group of people are who the free month was aimed at. BW's piss poor PR department just messed up the wording of the press release. Of course BW does not equate their most loyal customers with just people who have level 50s. They like everyone's money equally, and want to continue to get your money. They just messed up in the way they tried to spin who the free month was really for.


We know that.


We understand that.


Many of us don't even care about the 30 days. We just want BW/EA to be honest about it and rectify the situation. It doesn't require a staff meeting or another PR stunt.


The longer they take to address this, the more it feels like they really do consider the players with level 50s more valuable and loyal than everyone else.

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I really never say much i just read with other post but i have to say this is retarded. so the guy that made it to lv 50 in one month and leave the game and sign up again i get 30 days free but me that i have the deluxe ver of the and been paying the monthly fee since day one even tho i been busy with life and other bioware game like mass effect 3 to get to 50 i get d$%k over. it just retarded
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