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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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Only people at that level have had to deal with it....


Because only the level 50`s got to actually SEE it and pay repair bills or just get frustrated about it.


BioWare should have been blunt about it and acknowledged the free month as a compensation to the suffering level 50s, then, and not as a reward to "[some] of [their] most valued players". All the terrible misinterpretation could've been avoided.


Of course, what of those who chose not to level to 50 because they were (made) aware of these issues? Is that not a way of "deal[ing] with it"?

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This is terrible marketing by BW, my 90 days ends tomorrow, I was going to get myself a new 60 day card over the weekend - now I don't think I'll bother.


I'll wait and see what kind of official reply this gets first - its obvious BW know how upset some people are as they are taking down and closing all the other threads (or at least they were)


Have fun all those that did get to 50 though.


Some people are taking this way to hard. "Cancelled" calls of threat to give to everyone. It's 30 days if they hadn't given it to anyone then you would have stayed subbed? Your going sacfrice your personal enjoyment of something because a few other people got a free month. Geez

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I'm a fool or trolling?






i have a 27,31,26,29,16,14


That's not counting people i've lvled 1-10 to check out the diff class paths.


So blow me.


If the screnies are correct, definitely the former.



two to five hours a night is casual these days? lmfao. i don't even WANT to know what you consider hardcore gaming to be, because i already know its pretty sad.


2 hours in the evening is nothing compared to the slobs who sit in front of their TV from 6pm till 11pm.


I still fit in an exercise routine, cooking dinner, washing up, a spot of housework, watering the veggie plot and a good shag at the end of the day.

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I agree just because I did not rush through my story I don't get the free 30 days. Thats crap. I love this game and have played since mid Jan. and plan on playing for along time and really don't see what haveing a 50 has anything to do with it.
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well as a loyal customer who feels like he has been kicked int he nutts


i want one of my toons to be upgraded for free to lvl 50


i also think every one else who has been subbed since launch and hasnt got a lvl 50 yet due what ever reason should also be give said free lvl 50


or im going to be using my free scroll from blizzard and get my free lvl 80 and epic flying


Enjoy WoW because you or anyone else isn't getting a free level 50 character, that's just retarded.


I do agree the wording is bad but as someone else said they won't admit to having problems. No company would.

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It's not nothing to do with that we all know that.


The email couldn't read


"Because we are losing loads of those who are 50 since we screwed up on 1.2, we decided to keep you for longer by offering 30 free days!"


Never in a million years would BW admit this, but we all know that.

Just like the implementation of ranked WZ's, they failed at this PR stunt, it's back fired as well.


I understand what you're saying, and mostly agree with you.


The part that convinces me that they really don't consider non-50s valuable and loyal is because of how they spun the 30 day thing.


If they had been honest about it, explaining that due to 1.2 WZ screw ups and overall lack of lvl 50 content, here's 30 days for those with a 50, I think a large number of people would be perfectly fine with it.


Sure, people would still complain, but they'd just be complaining out of pure greed.


When companies like BW/EA start to understand that being honest with us goes a whole lot further than PR stunts like this one that always bite them in the ***.

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no. just no. troll elsewhere


by affirming to any character with a level 50 character that they are a most valued and deserving customer and are being rewarded for their loyalty leaves everyone else being non loyal and deserving because they are clearly not as valued. that is the issue here


why is a level 50 character accoutn owner more valued and loyal than someone without? there is no basis for that assumption beyond a number.


Wrong. it does not assume anyone else is not loyal. Go check that link and you`ll understand why.




One more, in case you are allergic to wiki.


On case: if level 50`s are "one of our most valued players", that DOES NOT automatically mean the others are not, as you are trying to claim.

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Because they set the free month. We were not entitled to anything. If this were Blizzard we would got MAYBE one free day due to the down time. It's 16 bucks does that mean so much to people its worth the time to complain in this amount of detail.


It is not the $15, that is not the point, the point is that people who have consistently paid their subscription but do not yet have a level 50 are point blank being told they are not most loyal. They get an in-game pet, which everyone gets if they have an active subscription.



To the people who didn't get it. You had half a year to level one 50. In early release the boost to exp in warzones was crazy silly. I don't understand how anyone could not have at least 50 at one point.


Game has been out since December 20th, 2011 and is only 4 months old. How can someone not have a level 50 yet? Well here is why I don't, maybe it will help you see how it can happen.


Started on a server the day I was granted access for early release, got to level 12 and could never get back on the server due to incredibly high wait times. Would be in queue so long and then get disconnected, which dropped me from queue. Rerolled on another server, enjoyed the story and wanted to experience everything I could; people rushed to 50 and got bored/upset with the content there so server died out pretty quickly. Rerolled on a couple of other servers looking for what people would call a healthy server, got several characters up to the 15-20 range trying to see if it was possible to get groups together for flashpoints, heroics etc.


Finally found an active server, and a guild of people that I mesh well with and like. I was playing powertech and at level 32, when I participated in a conversation in guild about how their EV run went. Through this conversation I found out that they were lacking dps that wasn't merc or sorcerer, so being a generally nice person I offered to roll a sniper. As of the free 30 day offer time limit that sniper is level 39.


Despite going through 4 or so dead servers, despite encountering and reporting a dozen or so bugs, I continued to play and pay. I qualified for the founders title before they even brought up the idea of founders title. I have helped people in game by answering numerous questions that I had found the answer to through some of the beta testing I got to do, I have directed people to the website for direct answers to stuff posted by the devs so that people can't lead them astray.


Bioware then openly states that their most loyal players are those that have a level 50, not those who stuck around through a lot of "growing pains" of the early game what with dead servers and numerous bugs still hampering gameplay. Can you not see why I might take offense to that? My account is up for renewal in 7 days, as is my wife's who also does not have a level 50 because of everything I have posted, and as of right now since I do not feel they value my business I will be going elsewhere.

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The HILARIOUS irony of all this:


I work in finance. Earnings for EA are coming out soon, which will include sub numbers. I have been monitoring EA's public data and filings regularly for the past few weeks looking for any clues. As soon as the earnings came out, I planned to write up a detailed interpretation and analysis of the data on SWTOR (including subs) and what it meant from a financial and legal perspective, for the benefit of all the users of the community (I already did so when the prelim sub numbers came out on February 2). Companies pay a fortune for this kind of service and I was just going to do it for free, for the community, for Bioware, because I love this game and want it to succeed.


But I don't have a level 50. I try to contribute in other ways how I can (cash subscription) and participating in the forums during downtimes at work. But no, doesn't matter. I'm not loyal or active enough.


I'm not subscriber Bioware is looking for.

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Enjoy WoW because you or anyone else isn't getting a free level 50 character, that's just retarded.


I do agree the wording is bad but as someone else said they won't admit to having problems. No company would.


why is it retarted?


there is a chance that someone is getting a free month and hasnt even been playing the game for a month, just becuase he powerlvled to 50.. thats not retarded much is it

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all other valued player get

We appreciate the support of our community throughout the development of the Legacy game update. As a 'Thank You' gift, we are giving all active subscribers (as of April 12, 2012, 12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT) the following in-game Legacy reward: the Legacy Tauntaun Ram Pet*, sure to be your new best friend!


so if you didnt go th extras mile to get to 50 then enjoy your gift a pet tauntaun


its there way of saying thanks for being there for us and for those of you who took it m ore and deeper here is your extra reach around gift

and for those of you who just sat there and didnt push well heres some candy


So you are saying that only people who "pushed" to 50 are "valued" and "loyal" customers? Everyone else, is not.


It does not matter how you slice it, it always comes down to that. They put up a bar, the bar is "valued" and "loyal" customer, and the bar was set to players with level 50. The ones who make it, pass, and get extra 30 days. They ones who do not, do not pass, and not not get the extra 30 days. That also implies that they do not pass and are not "valued" or "loyal" customers.


That's it. Pretty simple (yet terrible) wording and measurement decision from BW...

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It is irritating to read over and over that every person who has a level 50 "space-barred through the content." Sorry but the game has been out long enough for each of you to have completed a level 50. I played mine - ALL THE WAY THROUGH.


So you like to simply stop playing a toon, and re-roll another? Great. It's your money. And it is also YOUR fault that you lose out on an offer to people who have level 50s and have been waiting forever for something to do.


Stop crying that everyone who has a level 50 is some speed freak who hasn't slept since before Christmas. I'm sorry, but this game simply isn't that hard. You've had 4 months.

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i understand what you're saying, and mostly agree with you.


The part that convinces me that they really don't consider non-50s valuable and loyal is because of how they spun the 30 day thing.


If they had been honest about it, explaining that due to 1.2 wz screw ups and overall lack of lvl 50 content, here's 30 days for those with a 50, i think a large number of people would be perfectly fine with it.


Sure, people would still complain, but they'd just be complaining out of pure greed.


When companies like bw/ea start to understand that being honest with us goes a whole lot further than pr stunts like this one that always bite them in the ***.



100% true!!!

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$15/month is $15/month. No matter how many hours you played...100...200...10...you still only put in $15/month as a loyal customer. Bioware receives nothing else from you as a loyal player than $15/month. So saying getting to lvl50 shows more loyalty and investment into the game than someone who is lvl35 is absurd. If I paid $15/month since December and have no lvl50 characters....I am still exactly as loyal as someone who has paid $15/month since December and has 3 lvl50's.


We have both invested the same into the company and game because we are loyal customers who love this game no matter how much we get to play. That is the issue some have taken with this.

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I think the problem here with some replies, is people don't seem to grasp that Bioware are basically saying there are different types of players. And if your player type A then you are more important then player type B.


Naturally some people will jumpt to the defence of bioware on here, that is how fanboyism works, we all accept that.


But beyond this forum this will send out a big message to people. If you play the bioware type A style you get rewarded. But if you play the type B style you won't. It creates a division which is off putting to people.


Also if you think about it over the past couple of months they have been hyping up legacy mode. They have been encouraging you to earn legacy points and look into the whole multiple chars thing. They even released a video about it. You don't need to be level 50 to do that.


What I would like to know is what is so special about those who got to level 50? It isn't about the money it is about knowing how do they deserve something more over someone else? Because if you think about it in terms of play time there will be a lot of people who have played 3 or 4 times the amount a guy with a level 50 has but didn't see the need to rush a char to level 50, instead choosing to level multiple chars at the sametime.

So if a guy rushes to level 50 and doesn't login again for months they are more deserving then someone who chooses to play every day but doesn't see the importance of "must be level 50!!"?


The game is fun but the moment you panda to one group and making them sound more important then another group is when your get problems.

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It is not the $15, that is not the point, the point is that people who have consistently paid their subscription but do not yet have a level 50 are point blank being told they are not most loyal. They get an in-game pet, which everyone gets if they have an active subscription.





Game has been out since December 20th, 2011 and is only 4 months old. How can someone not have a level 50 yet? Well here is why I don't, maybe it will help you see how it can happen.


Started on a server the day I was granted access for early release, got to level 12 and could never get back on the server due to incredibly high wait times. Would be in queue so long and then get disconnected, which dropped me from queue. Rerolled on another server, enjoyed the story and wanted to experience everything I could; people rushed to 50 and got bored/upset with the content there so server died out pretty quickly. Rerolled on a couple of other servers looking for what people would call a healthy server, got several characters up to the 15-20 range trying to see if it was possible to get groups together for flashpoints, heroics etc.


Finally found an active server, and a guild of people that I mesh well with and like. I was playing powertech and at level 32, when I participated in a conversation in guild about how their EV run went. Through this conversation I found out that they were lacking dps that wasn't merc or sorcerer, so being a generally nice person I offered to roll a sniper. As of the free 30 day offer time limit that sniper is level 39.


Despite going through 4 or so dead servers, despite encountering and reporting a dozen or so bugs, I continued to play and pay. I qualified for the founders title before they even brought up the idea of founders title. I have helped people in game by answering numerous questions that I had found the answer to through some of the beta testing I got to do, I have directed people to the website for direct answers to stuff posted by the devs so that people can't lead them astray.


Bioware then openly states that their most loyal players are those that have a level 50, not those who stuck around through a lot of "growing pains" of the early game what with dead servers and numerous bugs still hampering gameplay. Can you not see why I might take offense to that? My account is up for renewal in 7 days, as is my wife's who also does not have a level 50 because of everything I have posted, and as of right now since I do not feel they value my business I will be going elsewhere.


Yes but you're not level 50. :rolleyes:


That's what seems to matter. The level, not the time spent nor the patience of those who encountered problems leveling but that they're not level 50.


Gawd, I wish they (BW) had thought this one through a little more. They have created a mess here when they should be saying: Whew. We got 1.2 out and it's time to move into the next phase of development.


I would NOT wanna be at BW HQ this morning.

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Wrong. it does not assume anyone else is not loyal. Go check that link and you`ll understand why.




One more, in case you are allergic to wiki.


On case: if level 50`s are "one of our most valued players", that DOES NOT automatically mean the others are not, as you are trying to claim.


No, it does... If you apply an arbitrary rule anywhere, then it will be taken as favoritism...


"Everyone in the company is a great worker, you all rock!!! so you get a bonus of $500!!! oh, but only people with a red car get the bonus. Bye!!"


It's favoritism any way you look at it. BW is showing arbitrary favoritism to lvl 50 characters. That is not good.

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You still don't get it. The people upset are long term subscribers who are active but do not have a level 50, not because of not getting the 30 days.


It's the fact that they have labelled us as not loyal and not valued. What is the point of continuing if you are not valued and not treated well - akin to getting bad service at a restaurant or something. Why continue paying them when I can get another service elsewhere which I know I will enjoy and maybe treated more fairly.


This pretty much sets a precedence that long term subscribers are not loyal valued customers and will certainly affect future decisions in this game.


Some people are taking this way to hard. "Cancelled" calls of threat to give to everyone. It's 30 days if they hadn't given it to anyone then you would have stayed subbed? Your going sacfrice your personal enjoyment of something because a few other people got a free month. Geez
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Wrong. it does not assume anyone else is not loyal. Go check that link and you`ll understand why.




One more, in case you are allergic to wiki.


On case: if level 50`s are "one of our most valued players", that DOES NOT automatically mean the others are not, as you are trying to claim.


im not allergic to wiki, its just what you are linking isnt relevant.


read, learn, read some more.


the FACT that only character acounts level 50 got these emails, thats what makes it so. do you get that? how can i make it clearer to you. those emails said to a person they were the most valued and loyal customers, purely because they had a level 50 character.


your wiki link is IRRELEVANT


what level is your toon on the PTR btw? same question i put to the other guy yet to answer. mine is 46. how much bug hunting have you done? how many beta phases were you in (aside from the freebies)? how many bug reports did you submit?


your link is irrelevant when the email claims level 50 accounts are more valued and loyal than non level 50 accounts. we are second class accounts, yet some of us have put an incredible amount of work into the game and the communtiy, just a bit less into our characters.


bite me and troll elsewhere

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$15/month is $15/month. No matter how many hours you played...100...200...10...you still only put in $15/month as a loyal customer. Bioware receives nothing else from you as a loyal player than $15/month. So saying getting to lvl50 shows more loyalty and investment into the game than someone who is lvl35 is absurd. If I paid $15/month since December and have no lvl50 characters....I am still exactly as loyal as someone who has paid $15/month since December and has 3 lvl50's.


We have both invested the same into the company and game because we are loyal customers who love this game no matter how much we get to play. That is the issue some have taken with this.


yes altho i got my 30 days i absolutely agree with you its not about how much i played its about how much i payed

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It is irritating to read over and over that every person who has a level 50 "space-barred through the content." Sorry but the game has been out long enough for each of you to have completed a level 50. I played mine - ALL THE WAY THROUGH.


It's unfortunate that you're being clumped in with the "spacebar" players, and unfair.


Earlier in the thread people were bragging about how they subbed 2 weeks ago and spacebarred to 50 in a week, meaning that spacebar players are more loyal and valuable to the game then day 0 players without 50s.

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I have to agree that the 30 days free if you got a lvl 50 is BUL***&*&.I got a 49 that i play and just a few hundered from lvling.But i to pre-ordered and got the collectors set and all that.Been playin before the launch and have had an account since 2009.Loylty huh.
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Has anyone stoped to think they may send these emails out in waves?? Its the way they did early access its the way they did beta invites. Hell its pretty much the way they do anything on a mass scale.


So why not sit back Shut up and give them a day or so. To get the emails sent out.


Not saying for sure thats what they doing but it kinda seems that way.



Geesh people thats like saying oh hell the guy next to me just won the lottery. Then demanding the store clerk give you a winning ticket also..

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