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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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I'm a 25 year old Marine Veteran going to college fulltime while working Part time so I can live on my own with my MGIB benefits, I also have an American Pitbull Terrier and a girlfriend. I spent 2 hours tops a day for the last 3 weeks playing a character and made it to 50 on my Shadow, I also have a 38 Commando.


Hi I have an active life as well, and I still figured out how to play a game I enjoyed without going overboard. And yes, my server is dead as well, feel free to go check out Anchorhead. I didnt rush to end game content, I actually played the game.


As a fellow veteran and O, You're saying in 21 hours, you made a level 50 and a level 38. I don't see how in any way that is possible unless you were powerleveling with friends.

Edited by iheartnyc
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The majority of you, paid for 6 months or something like that and left the game before you got a 50, now you're back because of 1.2 and want the free **** that everyone else that made it to 50 and stuck with playing the game gets. Stop lying and crying, play the damn game. Or go away like you already have. If this content wasnt enough for you I'm sure you'll find something that will last the same amount of time as ToR did for you and go back to Panda land
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I'm a 25 year old Marine Veteran going to college fulltime while working Part time so I can live on my own with my MGIB benefits, I also have an American Pitbull Terrier and a girlfriend. I spent 2 hours tops a day for the last 3 weeks playing a character and made it to 50 on my Shadow, I also have a 38 Commando.


Hi I have an active life as well, and I still figured out how to play a game I enjoyed without going overboard. And yes, my server is dead as well, feel free to go check out Anchorhead. I didnt rush to end game content, I actually played the game.


so you have 2 toons


i have a lvl 41 vanguard

a lvl 46 Jug

a lvl 44 maruder

a lvl 45 Jedi Sent


who i have been lvling when i can in my free time


yet according to Bioware im not a loyal customer.


i play the game with out going over board, but im sorry if i spend 2 weeks on night shift the last thing im going to do during the day is try and lvl to 50.

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I've tried to read as much of this as possible, but some of the partisan and emotive responses are simply idiotic.


1. It's not a reward, it's an apology. BioWare are saying sorry for their lack of 50 content. If you're not 50 yet, they've nothing to apologise for.


Complaining is akin to EU players complaining that US players got a 3 day credit for a 3 day server downtime that affected the US only.


2. "I play this for the stories" isn't a valid excuse for not being 50. The story extends into level 50 and beyond, so if you're sitting with 8 level 35's then you seem to have a low attention span.


I play this MMO for stories too, and I completed my Marauder's story quest before doing any level 50 content, despite hitting 50 halfway through the last planet. I actually find it surprising that anyone can finish their story before 50, especially as alt-aholics are likely to be rested often.


3. "I work/have family/don't play often" IS a valid excuse for not being 50. This is just a game and even if you've subscribed from launch and play when you can and you're still lvl 43, that's okay. Why do you feel entitled to a credit for a game you rarely play and have invested so little time in?



I get that people see others getting a freebie and want to moan. You need however to accept that when playing an MMO, these things happen. MMO developers have to try to walk a tightrope of player opinion but player's have a HUGE range of opinions. Don't let this change how/if you enjoy this game.



To be honest bro i think your fulll of it, People who work and carnt lvl a toon to 50 should be able to get this free month. I myself run a Video Store and finish late at nite, so i play for acouple of hours then sleep. And maybe acouple of hours during the day before work. I pay for the 3mth sub so my $54 NZ should give me some rights to a hand-out. I also play for the stories and i have 6 toons biggest is lvl 38 and NO im not to lazy to lvl 1 to 50 but why should i be like alot of others and follow blindly like a pack of sheep following a Ram. I like the way i play and the stories. And i ordered my Game while it was still in the US. Something to show that people have been loyal is better than some 50 complaining theres nothing to do. ( Start a new Toon IMO if theres No end-game yet. ) this is a new game and will HOPEFULLY get better.

Edited by Vampyricevil
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OP is right. Everyone who has played since release (in their respective countries) has done Bioware a huge service in the way of Beta testing since the official Beta Bioware did was crap. Whether you got a toon to 50 or not, early players deserve a nod for their patience in putting up with bugs and multiple server shutdowns in the same week.
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This, for me, is not, and has never been about the free month, this is, to put it simply a pr disaster by Bioware. They are of course entitled to do what ever they want with their game, they could give out lightsabres of death to all force characters with 3 vowels in their name. It's a perception, trust and goodwill of the player base issue.


Bioware has repeatedly admitted that the game they released was about the journey, kept bringing up the legacy system, which encourages alts, said it was friendly to all gamers, those who play 100 hours a week, and those who play 1 and everything in between. Everyone pays the same each month, and whatever your opinion is of those who have played since the outset and haven't got a level 50 yet (and this thread suggests there are lots) for whatever reason are now being made to feel less valued by bioware than those with a level 50, when they have paid at least the same, if not more. 30 free days is a very tangible benefit, something a vanity pet, or founder title is not.


Bioware, as they are allowed to, have given a tangible benefit, with real world financial impact (very minor but undenyable) to an arbitrary segment of their playerbase for those have nots it is entirely reasonable to feel shafted, especially if they have been there since day 1 on a regular subscription. Bioware can do what they want, but they alo have to accept that we are their customers, and as a result of this we will cease being their customers unless they remove the perceived unfairness in this promotion.


Exactly. I admit that some people came into this arguing they deserved the 30 days as well, but mostly it was those getting it that felt they needed to come into this discussion and accuse us of whining about getting the 30 days, spreading hate speech, ungrateful, and apparently at one point even called us terrorists lol. It has nothing to do with the 30 days for many of us. Congratulations on getting it if you did, but being lvl50 certainly doesn't mean you are more loyal than the rest of us who have also been here from the start.

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so you have 2 toons


i have a lvl 41 vanguard

a lvl 46 Jug

a lvl 44 maruder

a lvl 45 Jedi Sent


who i have been lvling when i can in my free time


yet according to Bioware im not a loyal customer.


i play the game with out going over board, but im sorry if i spend 2 weeks on night shift the last thing im going to do during the day is try and lvl to 50.


This ^.^ Bioware grats on finally p****** me off....

Edited by Selenial
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The majority of you, paid for 6 months or something like that and left the game before you got a 50, now you're back because of 1.2 and want the free **** that everyone else that made it to 50 and stuck with playing the game gets. Stop lying and crying, play the damn game. Or go away like you already have. If this content wasnt enough for you I'm sure you'll find something that will last the same amount of time as ToR did for you and go back to Panda land


any chance you could be more angry and ignorant? i replied to one of you post with an explanation as to why my wife wassent 50 yet, but i guess name calling and beeing a douch is alot easier then reading.


Have a nice weekend.

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everyone that subbed at release should get 30 days of play time, but wait theres more!



everyone that had the 50s and got the original 30 days of free time should be given another 30 days. Im not done yet!


once this happens us in the 'subbed at release with no 50' group should continue complaining on how we arent equal, just wait heres the best part



both groups never have to pay a sub fee again because bioware will be a puppet we control.

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Personally, I canceled and I doubt I will be returning. I don't have a level 50 and like playing at my own pace and I feel plain insulted at this promotion.


Is it childish and petty? Probably, but sadly it's the only way to get Bioware's attention.

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HAHAHAHAHA well good lesson for you to not try and see what button and writing DELETE means huh?


sigh IQ is low in someone!




GZ if you played 10-14 hours every day notice was 40 hours infront(or was it more) so you could lvl 43 to 50 in 10 hours. you failed no reward have fun!









You guys are just jealous you took no will to get to endgame so we 50s had noone to team with cos you slackers rolled 100 alts, now we got a reward for it everyone is pissed off cos they didnt get it.


If you dont get to lvl 50 in 4 months you GENERALLY are NOT worthy of rewards BW has given cos you are too casual.


Allthough i agree it should be based on legacy lvls IMO.... or maybe time played!


Here You go Bioware one of your most valued and loyal players arn't you proud?

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No, no no.


As I mentioned earlier, I work a LOT. And by a LOT, I mean a ***** LOT. It's 8pm Hong Kong time right now, I'm still in the office. I have to head to the airport in 4 hours to catch a flight for a client meeting tomorrow. Yet here I am, reading about Patch 1.2, participating as a member of the community on the forums.


There have been countless times when I have come home past midnight yet logon to play for an hour or two although I have work early the next morning. Or cancelled all manner of social events to play this game. I have a 6 month subscription and was planning on subscribing for an additional 6 months, no questions asked, until this came along. I have been accused of being a "fanboi" on here more times than I can remember for my ridiculously embarssing degree of support and defending I did on these forums. And all of a sudden, I'm not "loyal" or "most valuable", but the whiners and complainers who power leveled to 50 are.


What utter BS.


Im tired of hearing this rude characterization of people that got to level fifty as being "Whiners and complainers" Who "powerleveled their way to fifty".


The vast majority of us didnt. We just liked the game. So we played it. We got to fifty. We ran Hardmodes for gear. We figured out work around for bugs. We ran operations. Yes, that makes us loyal.


You didnt have time for that. I get it. Your a very busy man. I understand completely. I work 4 12s in a week, I found time.




And still managed to find time for a social life too.

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The majority of you, paid for 6 months or something like that and left the game before you got a 50, now you're back because of 1.2 and want the free **** that everyone else that made it to 50 and stuck with playing the game gets. Stop lying and crying, play the damn game. Or go away like you already have. If this content wasnt enough for you I'm sure you'll find something that will last the same amount of time as ToR did for you and go back to Panda land


You have 49 posts on these forums. I have over 400. I have not yet hit 50. I spend a LOT of time on these forums because I'm at the office nearly every waking moment and this is the next best thing to actually playing the game.


When I do get to play, it's usually by lying to my girlfriend that I'm still at work or cancelling a networking event saying I'm away on a business trip or just not sleeping much at all.


So tell me, how am I note "active" or "loyal?"

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At the end of the day we all know why BW gave out 30 free days to the lvl 50's.


There actually was a lot of players who unsubbed due to there being no ranked WZ's (those who didn't believe it would happen, the proof is in the pudding) they did this to buy themselves some time to get something done to keep them.


I for one am happy, as I had friends who unsubbed after the fiasco with ranked not being in, this will at least keep them for longer so I have people I enjoy playing with still playing.


Those who weren't 50 had no reason to moan because of 1.2, you still have plenty to look forward to, those who have been 50 for a long time and all they do is pvp, they had nothing.

Edited by Elgarr
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The majority of you, paid for 6 months or something like that and left the game before you got a 50, now you're back because of 1.2 and want the free **** that everyone else that made it to 50 and stuck with playing the game gets. Stop lying and crying, play the damn game. Or go away like you already have. If this content wasnt enough for you I'm sure you'll find something that will last the same amount of time as ToR did for you and go back to Panda land


Do you want to generalise any more?


I for example have been subbed since release and pre-ordered yet because I've not leveled a character to 50 I don't qualify for free game-time.


Absolutely rediculous, BW. What a idiotic decision and whoever thought of it shouldn't be working on an MMO.

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Again, the problem with people saying "you could have made it to 50" are missing the point. The point is, that there's a completely random reward being given out based on criteria that people didn't know about.


It's about as fair as saying "Everyone that made a name starting with the letter J gets a free month, and no, you can't make one now and get the free month, too late!"


It's arbitrary, capricious and treats a large segment of the player base as if they are worthless.

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The majority of you, paid for 6 months or something like that and left the game before you got a 50, now you're back because of 1.2 and want the free **** that everyone else that made it to 50 and stuck with playing the game gets. Stop lying and crying, play the damn game. Or go away like you already have. If this content wasnt enough for you I'm sure you'll find something that will last the same amount of time as ToR did for you and go back to Panda land


i think your bang out of order here mate


who are you to judge me and other people in this thread?


i have had my sub set up since day one, £8.99 every month, i dont pay the 6 months, yes it may save me money, but its a minoir saveing.


and its easy to see who is lieing, its not like Bioeware hasnt outted people on the forums before, all they need to do is check our accounts out and see that we are telling the truth, i know i am.

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Im tired of hearing this rude characterization of people that got to level fifty as being "Whiners and complainers" Who "powerleveled their way to fifty".


The vast majority of us didnt. We just liked the game. So we played it. We got to fifty. We ran Hardmodes for gear. We figured out work around for bugs. We ran operations. Yes, that makes us loyal.


You didnt have time for that. I get it. Your a very busy man. I understand completely. I work 4 12s in a week, I found time.




And still managed to find time for a social life too.


Did not mean to make that generalization. I'm just saying, a lot of people did powerlevel. Also, a lot of the whiners/complainers did get their free month. Check out some of the asinine responses on this thread.


p.s. My guildmates have multiple level 50s but b/c they're good guys they let me stick around. I'm happy for them, I really am. They put in the time, but mostly because they were able to, NOT because they are "more valuable" or "more loyal."

Edited by iheartnyc
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At the end of the day we all know why BW gave out 30 free days to the lvl 50's.


There actually was a lot of players who unsubbed due to there being no ranked WZ's (those who didn't believe it would happen, the proof is in the pudding) they did this to buy themselves some time to get something done to keep them.


I for one am happy, as I had friends who unsubbed after the fiasco with ranked not being in, this will at least keep them for longer so I have people I enjoy playing with still playing.


Those who weren't 50 had no reason to moan because of 1.2, you still have plenty to look forward to, those who have been 50 for a long time and all they do is pvp, they had nothing.


And as stated before it would have saved a lot of problems if Bioware just said that this is why they are doing it. They didn't, and thus we are here.

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Im tired of hearing this rude characterization of people that got to level fifty as being "Whiners and complainers" Who "powerleveled their way to fifty".


The vast majority of us didnt. We just liked the game. So we played it. We got to fifty. We ran Hardmodes for gear. We figured out work around for bugs. We ran operations. Yes, that makes us loyal.


You didnt have time for that. I get it. Your a very busy man. I understand completely. I work 4 12s in a week, I found time.




And still managed to find time for a social life too.

THIS x1000

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How is server population a valid reason for "loyal" customers not being 50.




"I'm a loyal player but as soon as I log on and see less than 50 people in fleet, I'm re-rolling. This server's dead"


That's not loyal. Short-sighted, panicked, stupid even. But not loyal.


Loyalty isn't just measured by how long you've subscribed, it's in the effort you've made to become a part of the community. Bailing as soon as you see server population drop isn't loyalty, and frankly the SW:ToR community would be better off without such fickle players.

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For those of you that have stuck with the game I actually feel bad for you, but I stick to my arguement that human beings are terrible and will lie steal and cheat to get something they want. 3/4's of the people posting here are those exact people, paid for a long sub at release, quit playing came back for 1.2 and now want free stuff.


For the rest of you, yeah its sucks.

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