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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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My first disagreement and rant with the game:


I do not understand why you are giving the lvl 50 people 30 day free play. I do understand giving it to those who have been loyal supporters. I have been here from day one myself and I have been very loyal never complain on down time positive feedback and although I do not have a lvl 50 yet, I do not think I should be penalized because I have a life outside the game ( military and my mom just passed away) and instead of leveling one character I spent my time trying them all out . I am sure I am not the only one in this situation …it is unfair to just say someone who has an lvl 50 is loyal…..some of us play differently and although I will get to 50 when I decide on a class. I don't think I should be judged unsupportive because I don’t rush to 50 like the masse .

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Why wouldn't u finish the climb after getting so close to the end? If u get within 5 levels of max, at this leveling speed, doesn't it compel u to finish it up?


Two reasons for me.


1. Level-cap has issues and I wasn't in a hurry to join the chorus of moaning about those issues.


2. I'm taking my time because I want to enjoy everything on offer.


It would drive me nuts to have unfinished business while getting more into the exact same position.


Exactly! Unfinished business like quest arcs, codex entries, datacrons etc. :)


End of the day it's up to bw and Im alright with it, he'll Iv got just under 6 days played, free 30 days sounds great to me.


I get that they want to ameliorate the ire of the 50s who have been dealing with level-cap problems. What I find ironic is that folk like me who decided to NOT add to that grousing are now getting, well...nuttin'. :)

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As a customer whos subbed since launch and has a level 50


This is a so amatur


BW please fix this and give anyone with an uninterupted sub since launch the free time come on you look like a bunch of *********** cowboys with this move its taken the community less than an hour since the announcment to give you a better system


Problem for you is that it will cost more money but it cant be that much of a hit really


PS - Thanks for my free time when it comes but please sort it out for the people who are no less entitled to this time than me just becouse they didnt have a 50 yet.


Pure ********

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Yeah well ive been subbed since early access and have two lvl 50 toons on daragon trail since january and still have not recieved an email for the free 30 days just wondering why that is?


Read about problems of delivering a mail to everyone... mails will come sooner or later!

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How is it that even when some people have a perfectly valid complaint (like this one) they still manage to make me dislike them? Does nobody understand that threats and whining (and generally acting like a brat) get you absolutely nowhere?


The people at BW are pretty much like you or me. When something is a bit messed up, they can totally see that ****, same as we would. This holds especially true when the people they rely on for feedback show the courtesy of stating their concerns in a manner that displays both maturity and intelligence.


In all of these 28 pages there have been some fairly compelling reasons that very well may get the folks at Bioware to take a closer look at how they run this particular program.


You only help yourself if you put aside whatever sense of injury you feel this matter caused, and try to help out in the discussion without all the negativity, threats, and just plain whining.






I was an active participant in beta, bought the digital deluxe edition, and have been subscribed to the game since the beginning despite being stuck on one of the deadest servers in the game. I'm then suddenly told that I'm not loyal or valued because I did not level any of my characters to 50. You don't think people in my shoes would be upset or emotional about this?


I was so excited for this game and it turned out to be the most frustrating disappointment I can remember. And it's because of how they managed the game, not the content. They screwed up my early access such that I didn't actually get into the game until after the game was open to the public, they completely mis-planned and mis-managed the server populations to the point that the game isn't worth playing on a lot of servers. Now they tell me that I'm not loyal enough or valued even though I've stuck with them through all this? I'm not getting any enjoyment out of the game and they clearly don't appreciate my subscription so I'm out of here. I was so excited for this game and it's turned out to be just a massive, frustrating disappointment.

Edited by Aiysis
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There is no way in a million years they will give 30 days.So far despite the considerable amount of downtime since release they have not given customers a single minute of free time.


Its standard procedure in most MMO's to give some time in lieu of unplanned downtime but it seems BW dont play by the same rules as the rest of the MMO companies.




You are one of our most active and valued high level players and we know you have been waiting patiently for Game Update 1.2: Legacy. To show our appreciation, check out all the great new features this update has to offer-on us. We will be adding an additional 30 days of game time to your account at no charge*. The free 30 days will appear on your account by April 24, 11:59PM CDT, April 25, 4:59AM GMT.

As an added bonus, we will be awarding all active subscribers an in-game Legacy reward, the Legacy Tauntaun Ram Pet**, as our way of saying thanks for your support. The Tauntaun Ram Pet will be delivered to you via in-game mail by April 24, 2012, 11:59PM CDT/ April 25, 2012, 4:59AM GMT.


You missed the memo ? The question being asked is why players that don't have a level 50 are not getting the free 30 days but the rest of us are. Seems kinda odd, could be a technical issue.

Edited by Stovokor
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I seem to recal another Star Wars MMO that tryed soooo hard to cater to ppl that, in reality, wouldnt stick with the game for the long run. And i remember that in doing this they completley screwed over and pissed off the loyal fan base that kept the game running while the ADHD crowd waited for new and shiney objects to be released before they would sub again.



The more things change, the more they stay the same. Keep trying to bribe the MMO nomands that wont stick around once the waters been drank up Bioware.....and pray that the real " loyal players" decide to stick around.

Edited by TKMaster
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30 days free.. what to do with them...


Roll a Sith Pureblood Bounty Hunter... Maybe even a Pureblood Jedi! With my pet tauntaun aswell!


Either way... I'm certainly not complaining... SWTOR... MoP Beta... D3 aswell.. heck even ME3. Winrar.

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I guess you can say "The Nomads strikes back" the sequel to SWG. EDIT: Or perhaps it should be "Return of the Nomads".


I seem to recal another Star Wars MMO that tryed soooo hard to cater to ppl that, in reality, wouldnt stick with the game for the long run. And i remember that in doing this they completley screwed over and pissed off the loyal fan base that kept the game running while the ADHD crowed waited for new and shiney objects to be relesed before they would sub again.



The more things change, the more they stay the same. Keep trying to bribe the MMO nomands that wont stick around once the waters been drank up Bioware.....and pray that the real " loyal players" decide to stick around.

Edited by malchior
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Didnt read all the replies, but I agree with OP.


I've been playing this game for a little more than a month, I have a level 50 and apparently that makes me eligible for a free 30 days...


I do not deserve a free month, since I've only played 1/4th of the time some of you other guys and gals have, also I've not experienced the initial bugs at launch and so on. Perhaps I should be eligible for a 2-3 days at most, but certantly not a month.


That said, since I live in CET/CEST and have to live with the worst maintenance times ever, I'll accept the 30 days as a compensation for that.

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Some of the comments are great aren't they.:cool:


I've completely given up on trying to have a civil and constructive conversation on forums. Now its just more like watching a tennis match. They serve, someone returns, and the match is on.. until either one or both sides gets a foul and sent to time out.

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My fiancée and I have been playing SW:TOR since early access in December, both with active subscriptions since then. We play sitting right beside each other...I had more time off over the holiday season and was able to get my main to level 50. My fiancée was not able to. As such, I'll get the free 30 days and she won't. This is, to be frank, completely and utterly messed up.


Bioware, you really need to step up and fix this by broadening what you consider to be a 'valuable' customer. Sure, include accounts with active level 50s as of April 12 or whatever. Also include accounts who have been active and subscribed since December or January regardless of character level. Let's be honest, it's the right thing to do if you truly value all of your customers and their play styles/play time equally.

Edited by Blaez
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The fact of the matter is, you don't finish your class quest on 40, you finish it at 50 or close to it.


Try to understand it from a few different perspectives.


On one hand you have the lvl 50's, be it casual players or hardcore players.

People who have done buggy high end operations, Hardmode flashpoints, and were anticipating rated warzones.


On the other hand you have people enjoying the game lvling alts, who actually feels the rush and urge to keep subscribing because they have fun.


And then we have people like me.


People with lvl 50's who still enjoy the game and play various alts and having fun, so under all circumstances I would have kept my subscription even if I had not gotten a free month.


But none of this was in the requirement.


All it said was "Be level 50." That's it, apart from basics like not being banned.


NO requirement to have EVER run operations, or a single hard mode flashpoint, or had ever even engaged in a warzone at all.


NO requirement to have ever filled out a single bug report.


NO requirement to have even finished Chapter 2.


NO requirement to have subscribed for a certain length of time.


Just be level 50.


Just hit an arbitrary number that merely means you hit the level cap. People have reported that they've hit level 50 in as little as 6 days /played time.


So literally, all Person X had to do was:

  1. Purchase the game on March 30th
  2. Play 12 hours per day for 12 days straight
  3. Level one single character to Level 50
  4. Be subscribed on April 12th at 12:00PM

...and boom, you're one of the "Most Valued Players" and as a reward for your loyalty, have a free 30 days on us and a little pet.


Meanwhile I:

  1. Signed up for the closed beta
  2. Played through two open beta weekends, submitting bug reports on problems I saw with the leveling process and maps I was able to get through
  3. Pre-ordered the game before Early Access began
  4. Have been subscribed ever since with only a 6 day window that I unsubscribed (with the recorded reason being a financial issue) so that I could shift the billing date from the 20th to the 26th
  5. Leveled eight characters to levels 38, 35, 31, 20, 19, 19, 17 and 12
  6. Was subscribed on April 12th at 12:00PM

...and awww sorry, I'm not one of the "Most Valued Players", but thanks anyway! Here, have a little pet like we gave our "Most Valued Players".


Sorry. I've been in customer service before, and marketing, and I now manage my own personal business. When you're giving financial incentives to customers, it should be directed in such a way that it is leading them to adopt a certain mode of behavior that is useful and beneficial to your business.


Any number of other options could have been used to receive a free month's subscription, such as:

  • Stay subscribed for another 3 billing cycles from this date
  • Level any number of characters to a combined total of 100 levels between them
  • Already have, or level at least one character to 50 over the next three months

...or a number of other options that could be completed by players based on any server in the game that would direct them into a more positive mode of play, or at least set a bar and a challenge and let players try to achieve it, rather than just saying, "SURPRISE! You achieved an arbitrary metric that has nothing at all to do with loyalty or being valuable to our game in the long run, but here have a free month and we'll call you our Most Valuable and loyal anyway!"


It just doesn't make any sense. I'm sorry.

Edited by Kubernetic
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Half you peeps whining probably cancelled your subs a month or two ago. Stop crying about everything all the time. If you do or don't get a month free is it really going to affect you life that much.

It is unreal what people will cry about on forums. Grow up get over it and move on.

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Anyone on these forums who have seen me post would recognize I am one of the most ardent defenders of this game. I've been called all sorts of names and been engaged in multiple flame wars trying to defend this game against complainers.


But I have to say, this lvl50 requirement is insulting. It really is.


I have a job so I don't really care about the money. It's about the principle. I don't have a level 50, because I frankly do not have the time. I have an extremely volatile and busy work schedule, but I still make the effort to squueze in time to read the forums and post frequently because the forums are an important part of the SWTOR community.


There have been countless times when I come home from work past midnight bleary eyed, yet logon to play SWTOR for an hour or two and go to work a few hours later which takes a toll on me and ensures that I'm tired all of the next day. I've skipped out on dates with my girlfriend, social time with my friends, all my other hobbies, to play this game. In other words, I've made the sacrifice in what little social life I have left ever since I started working. I'm sitting at work, typing this as we speak.


When this game first came out, I went ahead and bought 6 months no questions asked. I believed in Bioware and EA. I don't care what anyone says, I put my money where my mouth is. But clearly, Bioware does not believe in all of its subscribers, only those "loyal" enough to have reached level 50.


We believed in you. It's time you believed in us, and give each and every single one of us our 30 days. I'll pay it back by subscribing for another 6 months, because that's the kind of loyal subscriber I am, and I am willing to put pen to paper on that.

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Got two lvl50 and legacy of lvl 23 also a ton of alts and many more I have deleted. its not hard to lvl in this game and I don't have a problem with bio-ware giving a FREE 30 day gift to lvl 50 players. if they tried to give the gift any other way it would still cause some sort of offence as what ever they did it would upset some one.



1: we are giving a 30 day free upgrade for players who have been with us since launch.

Response: OH but i joined a week after launch its so not fair :-P


2: we are giving 30 days upgrade for players who have been helping there Droid on ship clean the windows/cook/paint/hover (Ok might have gone to far with the hovering)

Response: OHHH that's so unfair I was out lvling up and didn't spend any time with my Droid.


Think you can see they will always loss out take it in the spirit its meant to be taken in as a gesture of good faith not as a slap in the face for who ever didn't get it.

Simple really you didn't get it as you didn't hit 50 its not there problem that you didn't hit 50 you have had nearly 5mnths to achieve that minor goal.

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"Nothing is enough for the man to whom enough is too little."



"Give a man thirty days for free, and he will complain. Teach a man to be free for thirty days, and... he..um... will still complain. Basically people complain. About everything. Its what they do."

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I agree with the OP. I defend Bioware a lot, but this is really poor form. So much so that it calls for an apology. This is an issue where I believe people would be fully justified in quitting over.


I have two 50 so it doesn't personally affect me (negatively), but I want anyone else who has been a long term supporter of the game to be in the same boat.

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I am a little surprised that people who had playing since launce still have no level 50 character, so maybe BioWare didn't thought about that as well... but they should have access the data to see such things.


The irony is that BW touted this game as "enjoy the journey" and "it's all about the story". A lot of folk took that quite literally and didn't hurry to level-cap. Also, folk like myself know that a newly released MMO will have problems with level-cap content and decided NOT to get there and add to the discontent.



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