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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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Deal is mostly this: pve at lvl 50 has had real problems. bioware bribes 50s to tough it out. pvp players at the high end (again, lvl 50) were upset about bioware pulling ranked WZ. Bioware bribes 50s to tough it out. The problem was in phrasing. Did they actually mean that long-subscribed alt-oholics with no 50s are less valuable? NO. The reactions are out of proportion. What they SHOULD have said is not the same as what they said. What they SAID is not the same as what they meant. It's bad PR. They messed up. I have 2 50s. i have been playing since Jan 5. I didn't rush. I didn't spacebar through content. I do not look down upon those of you without 50s. In fact I tend to use some of my time that I pay for to help out those of you with the sense to ask. Do I deserve free time more than you? Not necessarily. But that isn't what this is about. And I shouldn't have my gift taken away because you didn't get one too. Either way though, I'll be playing this exceptional game. See you in game, unless of course you took this very personally. :rolleyes:


also, having experience most of the available endgame content doesn't detract a dedicated player. Do I win once at street fighter and then quit because I have known the win and am bored? Not a chance. The whiners are NOT the majority. Remember this. :D

Edited by Gaszornihnplaht
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that is a valid point. My counter point: You cannot keep all of your customers happy 100% of the time. So, from an objective standpoint if you have enjoyed your time so far.....are you really going to allow a criteria specific reward for certain player accounts fully detract form all the good experiences you've had? Sometimes, even if it is a decision you don't agree with. Simply abandoning a product for that one reason. Like the one is question about the free 30 days is a rather shaky foundation to base a reason to leave as far as I am concerned.


No. At least I am not. However, "Speak now or forever hold your peace." isn't applicable solely in marriage situations.


A more in general comment, not directly aimed at you: I think it is good that people have spoken up and said a) what upset them, b) why it upset them, and c) how it could have been managed in a way that would not have upset them.


Even if nothing changes NOW, I am hopeful that any further promotions will be more carefully thought out/worded. While you can't please everyone all the time, you can avoid doing things that you now KNOW will peeve them off. ;)


The only things that I find completely unproductive are "YOU RIPPED ME OFF!" because that is exaggeration of the worst kind and "QQ more" because... well... some day will come where there is something YOU don't care for and you really don't want someone to then reply to YOUR issue with "QQ more" do ya? :)

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Your loyalties lie elsewhere, as you stated yourself. Leave the free play time to us unemployed, single, lonely nerds. We'll take care of it for yah. And when you hit 50 maybe we'll be nice enough to carry you through some ops.


Man, you make having no life sound so sexy...

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It's a great windfall for the 95% with no interest in PvP.


Because your Bioware metrics said so, or it`s just a random number?


Long experience with the genre, son.


There.. fixed it for you. You claim only your experience as proof, following my question to your original statement.


Burden of proof demands you prove how you gotten to the 95% part about no interest in PvP.

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from the email that the lvl 50s got sent



Originally Posted by Styxx

Show me where do they state in that full quote that non 50`s are NOT valued or loyal, THEN we talk. Until then, you sir, owe me an explanation.

from the email that the lvl 50s got sent



You are one of our most active and valued high level players and we know you have been waiting patiently for Game Update 1.2: Legacy. To show our appreciation, check out all the great new features this update has to offer-on us. We will be adding an additional 30 days of game time to your account at no charge*. The free 30 days will appear on your account by April 24, 11:59PM CDT, April 25, 4:59AM GMT.

my point is in bold red


my point is in bold red



QFT (quoted for truth)

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As the thread title states. I have been subbed to SWTOR since pre-release and rarely complained about any of the decisions the devs had made but the free 30 days has been done wrong if you ask me.


Just because my playstyle (I have a lvl 48 and a bunch of alts) I don't get the 30 free days?


Bioware is offering 30 free days to anyone that has a lvl 50 no matter how long they've supported the game and they are also offering 6 days to the people that stopped subbing to the game, but nothing for those of us that either don't play as much or make a bunch of alts or both.


I realize that very few of you forum goers fall into this category but I think most of you will agree that in addition to those with level 50 characters, all accounts that have been subbed since release deserve the free 30 days as well.


It's ironic that this is the first thing Bioware has done that makes me want to cancel my sub and show my appreciation right back to Bioware.


youre not losing out on ranked wzs then are you? tbh i had a few more days on my sub to decide if 1.2 was worth waiting for ranked wzs and now with a free month i get some more time to decide and wait. most pvpers on my server were already unsubbed waiting for ranked and those that were still around are pretty pissed. this free month might just save bw

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I too have felt the sting from the slap in the face Bioware has delivered to many of it's loyal followers.


So let me get this straight:


Person A: a Founder having been here from day 1, subscribed each month, played when they could, perhaps on more than 1 server, but does not yet have a level 50 character


Person B: Started Subscription on February 21st, so has been subscribed for march and half of april, played only one character and got them to level 50.


So Person B is more loyal and deserving of a free month sub over Person A?


Seriously? What genius decided this was a good idea?


If you want to reward loyalty, great! But how about doing just that? Being level 50 doesn't prove any loyalty! Grant the free month sub to all Founders! These are the people who have been here since day 1 and have proven their loyalty with their checkbooks.

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when you unsub it askes why you're leaving. i answered: I guess im just not loyal enough.


Not if your gonna quit over this. I think they hit the promo right on the head. I came back for 1.2 after taking 1 month off. (Pre order, launch etc etc) I decided not to renew any of subs last month. I came back for just 1.2! It wasn't what they made it out to be, so as a level 50 I felt slighted by the bait and switch? Not a having a 50... did you?

Edited by Mannce
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Again, read the thread. Many people complaining are not asking for $15. I don't care about $15. It is very little money to me. It's about the principle that I am less valued as a customer than someone who chooses to play differently.


So what, its not a cure for cancer. Where is the problem really? A lot of people did not get the reward because they did not qualify. Do they deserve it, it is irrelevant because BW decided they were rewarding lvl 50's.


Its as if im crying because I did not get a full Battle Master pvp set. Its not fair other players has it but not me cause I had to reroll 3 times due to low populations servers. You dont qualify you dont get the reward and you stop crying! Simple isnt it?

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take your 30 days and shove it Bioware, address you dead server issues! address character transfers! Ive got a 41 sent that i stopped rolling because i was the only person on any given planet. your free 30 days are useless in a dead game!
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We also do not expect to see lvl 50's rewarded for rushing the content, I personally know of several who didn't even play a large part of the game just rushed on ahead. So I don't feel its justified that they get a freebie of this nature.


*sigh* the promotion is a criteria based thing that BioWare feels they need to do because of something that happened on their end. Do you honestly expect to be compensated for something that happened to one of your friends but had nothing to do with you? Honestly, this is a very simple thing. The real problem here is that BioWare released a VERY abrasive and "Politically Incorrect" Statement via email in regards to the issue they are compensating specific play accounts meeting the criteria BioWare established for this particular promotion. Why on earth would you assume that this freebie is just being given out on a whim?

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Awarding 15 bucks to everyone who got to 50, and not to others who paid the same price of admission.


How can you not see that as unfair?


Do you even understand the idea of inequality? Or have you not evolved enough to understand empathy? Are you all "I gots mine, screw you!".


It isn't insecurity. It's financial. I got a month of free time on one of the two accounts I paid for, and there is really no good reason for it. Explain to me again how the equal financial contribution of both mine, and my sons account suddenly turns into one of my accounts is more important than the other and gets a free month?


Get into the back of the bus, you non-50's. You're not important. Next you'll have non-50 terminals in the stations.


Im sorry did someone lie to you and say life would always be fair?

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I got my 30 days of extra gametime. I do have a level 50 character and some alts.


But i can fully understand that people that did not get 1 character to 50 (maybe because they heard a lot of talk on the forums that endgame was bad), are upset.


So, I do like the thought of Bioware. But it was a mistake to just give it to level 50's.

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I too have felt the sting from the slap in the face Bioware has delivered to many of it's loyal followers.


So let me get this straight:


Person A: a Founder having been here from day 1, subscribed each month, played when they could, perhaps on more than 1 server, but does not yet have a level 50 character


Person B: Started Subscription on February 21st, so has been subscribed for march and half of april, played only one character and got them to level 50.


So Person B is more loyal and deserving of a free month sub over Person A?


Seriously? What genius decided this was a good idea?


If you want to reward loyalty, great! But how about doing just that? Being level 50 doesn't prove any loyalty! Grant the free month sub to all Founders! These are the people who have been here since day 1 and have proven their loyalty with their checkbooks.



Quoted for Truth, again

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In my opinion - loyalty should be rewarded, not determination, 'cause determination has its own reward once you reach your goal.


That's how I perceive, not only this issue, but life in general.

Edited by LaetusDK
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It STILL does not say or said that non 50`s are valued less or not loyal.


By definition if I do not receive the e-mail I am less valued.


I believe it is because a free 30 days subscription, in MMO terms, is a hugh 'gift' is the reason why many people (including myself) are narked. Will I unsubscribe, no, however this has put a hugh dent in my confidence in Bioware and is certainly a 'strike one'.

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I too have felt the sting from the slap in the face Bioware has delivered to many of it's loyal followers.


So let me get this straight:


Person A: a Founder having been here from day 1, subscribed each month, played when they could, perhaps on more than 1 server, but does not yet have a level 50 character


Person B: Started Subscription on February 21st, so has been subscribed for march and half of april, played only one character and got them to level 50.


So Person B is more loyal and deserving of a free month sub over Person A?


Seriously? What genius decided this was a good idea?


If you want to reward loyalty, great! But how about doing just that? Being level 50 doesn't prove any loyalty! Grant the free month sub to all Founders! These are the people who have been here since day 1 and have proven their loyalty with their checkbooks.


^^^Ding Ding, thread should be closed after this.



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I have been playing since launch; I don’t get a lot of time to play. I have a level 45 operative and a level 39 shadow. When they asked for play testers for the 1.2 update, I went over to pts and worked my way through the first chapter. I submitted bug reports that I ran into while playing on pts.


I stopped playing my operative that was close to 50 so I could help them test the new changes. I would have reached 50 by now had they not sent out a request for people to play with the new changes on pts.


This reward should of went out to those people that played on pts as a thank you for coming over besides just the titles.


BW will you revaluate your decision on who would receive the free time?

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You are one.... how do you know your not the other one.


whats a High level player ?



lvl 49?


lvl 30?




its aimed at lvl 50s, there for there seen as the most loyal and valued, says it all in the email.

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No. At least I am not. However, "Speak now or forever hold your peace." isn't applicable solely in marriage situations.


A more in general comment, not directly aimed at you: I think it is good that people have spoken up and said a) what upset them, b) why it upset them, and c) how it could have been managed in a way that would not have upset them.


Even if nothing changes NOW, I am hopeful that any further promotions will be more carefully thought out/worded. While you can't please everyone all the time, you can avoid doing things that you now KNOW will peeve them off. ;)


The only things that I find completely unproductive are "YOU RIPPED ME OFF!" because that is exaggeration of the worst kind and "QQ more" because... well... some day will come where there is something YOU don't care for and you really don't want someone to then reply to YOUR issue with "QQ more" do ya? :)


And I completely agree with you on that. I got that reward. And even I was rather bothered by how it was worded when I got it. Believe me, I am not defending how it was done. But I do acknowledge the reasoning behind it.

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