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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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They didnt have to say that to the 50s that they were giving it too...the 50s already knew this Bioware didnt have to explain it to them. they just happened to not plan on people being the insecure and raging about it. That is all that this boils down to is insecurity. Not one secure person that didnt receive this perk thought it was a slight against them. People only feel slighted if they are insecure when it comes to something being implied and not outright stated. So those that are upset about implications are......insert your own conclusions here.
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I never posted before in this MMO.


I am quite frustrated so time to clearly indicate :eek: why this is not acceptable.


Since day one or at least week 1 I am subscribed.

What are you thinking? Do you know how many alts I have? Do you know how many server have a pathetic population that forced me to go back to " that one single server in EU with high population"? IS it my fault I like to PVP a lot?


IS my money less worthy of your bank account that some person with one 50 toon?

By not supporting your customers in a fair way, you risk losing the "vast majority" of the population that did not received this bonus. Is this a result of greed?

Can´t you survive a month overall without our combined money?


I work in an industry related job, and I do not know who is the head of Customer Service for this game (yes, your head of), but I would like an apology and a justification for this treatment, if you intend to keep me as a customer.


PS: I have a cold and was thinking of having a relaxed evening playing this up to now well developed and enjoying game, but no...here i go download another free to play game.


this is the reason this thread has such polar opposites of opinion i think.


im sure majority of ppl dont give a damn about 10 quid or $15, and so much bs about insecurity blah blah

its that they have a very strong sense of justice/equality/balance/fairness etc..


whenever there is an instance of unfairness (no matter how 'petty or small') it really pisses them off.


on the other hand not everyone shares this strong sense of fairness and such this threead when i think about it has become a pretty bitter war

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No, idc that they called them more loyal then me, even though ive been subscribed since the second week of this game. what bugs me is that through all the marketing about how the story sets this game apart, i chose to roll multiple characters and push through their story instead of rushing to 50. and now because i chose to enjoy the game the way they SOLD it to me, im being punished for finding enjoyment in this game that doesnt involve hitting 50.


I agree, I've played the same way and I've had to move from servers because x-nationality decided to take it over. I can survive without freedays But being called Illoyal, even if it is Indirectly is just unacceptable. Not a valued costumer, I per-ordered the CE and have played since pre-launch and payed. yet I, or WE are deemed Illoyal.


Who the hell is in charge of costumer relations at BW!?


As said I don't care about freedays rather it's the principle of the matter, being called ILLOYAL and not valued when WE have PAYED more then powerlevelrs who started one month ago. Not Valued Costumers INDEED?!

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Maybe the one guy got free gas because he spent the time to provide feedback. The other one kept going on about how he has a life and doesnt have time for this nonsense feedback stuff. Yet when he hears his friend who had the extra time to do this got some free gas he went in and dropped to the floor started kick and screaming how unfair life is.


By that argument I should get it. I spent 4 months in beta providing countless amounts of feedback, yet i'm still not valued or loyal.

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The value of every customer to Bioware/EA is exactly the same: $15 a month.


I don't care if you've got multiple level 50s on multiple shards, or if you rolled one level 1, decided you didn't like it after ten minutes, and forgot to cancel.


Your value is $15 a month.


Now if you're doing QA on volunteer basis for a game you're subscribed to, and doing it well, you're probably worth at least minimum wage plus rudimentary benefits. Oooooorrrr.... a really swell in-game title. Enjoy!


You are not worth more if you PvP. You are not worth more if you raid. You are not worth more if you've played every class combo. You are not worth more if you play every single mission you can. And you're not worth more if you're level 50.


Bioware needs some serious help with community relations (unless that's just one more aspect of a good MMO that they've decided to do differently, that is to say, not so good).


And the people who believe it and try to defend it when they're singled out as "loyal" and "valuable" need to back away from the Flavorade and take a reality check. You're $15 a month to them. That's it.


You can sometimes expect a bit of favoritism when you've got 30 accounts. But that's another matter.

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That would be fine. Had it said people that have participated in the PTR and/or submitted x-number of bug reports get 30 days, this would not be an issue for a lot of people. That's not what happened, stop claiming it is.


This has nothing to do with the PTS (its server not realm or whatever you think R stands for). Its about rewarding a certain group. I would bvet over 75% of people in the game have at least 1 level 50 by now. The majority get the free time. Could have been worded better I guess ya but if they cave and give everyone a free 30 days we will NEVER get another perk.


So thats what you would rather have? Noone get anything? Thats not childish? You might be included next time ever think about that for a minute? If you keep this childish crying up there wont be a next time.

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Oh okay, so BW doesn't need any new subscribers and can get all their profits from just level 50s whom will rage quit when they have nothing to do. Of course BW can't churn out enough updates since the bored 50s quit and not much new income is coming in....


If the life of the game is so extremely important in basing on end game content, why not just make everyone a 50.


If you dont understand business of mmos I cant be bothered to waste my time with you. Why is the grass green and not blue in the game why is snow white? all things that have reasons but if you have to explain them to people then your losing out on your own time and energy.

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no one. i mean NO ONE, who is making tons and tons of alts and never getting them to 50 is goign to quit because of this promotion.


sure they might whine and cry and say they're insulted on the forums. they might make long dramatic posts about how they're quitting because of it. but they wont quit.


i did

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no. people who are actually loyal customers aren't at risk of leaving. you make tons of alts and thus are playing alot.


someone with one level 50 character is at risk of leaving though, lots of people dont want to make alts. thus if endgame isn't compelling enough for them they will leave. thus the promotion.


how do people NOT understand this?


You are right but missing an important point. By trying to make the 50s happy they've upset the people with alts and made a bad situation worse. I'd best most alt players are also Bioware fans but now they've just implied that they aren't as important to them as the level 50s. That won't sit well with them and help them decide to spend their $15/month elsewhere.

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BW is separating, and awarding people that are "valued" and "loyal" based on a totally arbitrary number. And that does tick me off. And yes, I did get the 30 free days, and it still ticks me off tremendously.


It is not arbitrary to THEM. There must be a reason as to why they are willing to give away money that they should not.


I suspect their metrics are more accurate than the average Forumite point of view.

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Yeah, between two jobs and college I only get to play maybe 8 hours in a week--Thursday and Friday's from 1:00PM-5:00PM.


However, there have been weeks I couldn't even log in because I had so much homework.


An example of my typical week looks like this...


Monday-Wednesday; I get up at 6:30AM and work until 10:00PM I get home then, eat, and shower. I usually don't get to bed until 1:00AM or midnight if I'm lucky.


Thursday's I'm doing laundry and homework; if I'm lucky only until 1:00PM. At that point I hop on ToR and play until 5:00PM. Then, I go to work and I get to bed around midnight--again if I'm lucky.


Friday's I go to school, I take early classes and get home around 1:00PM. I play ToR between eating, changing, and other things. I play until 5:00PM and then go to work. It's Friday night so I usually go out.


Weekends I don't play on the computer at all. It's a time to relax, live and be with the girlfriend. Also, to do homework, grocery shop and clean the house.


I'm level 48 now. I have been playing since launch on day one and I subbed immediately. I've played only with one guy.


This seems pretty lame to me. I guess instead of getting A's in school and working to pay for my Jeep, Apartment, Energy, Gas, Groceries, ect., I should have been playing ToR. Looks like I have my priorities wrong.

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I appreciate the gesture of the bonus month, in an abstract way. It's a nice thought. Regrettably, I belong to those who were slightly disappointed by not even getting a pat on the back for supporting this game, when subscribers are clearly dwindling. They must be, or we wouldn't see this gift. As evidenced by the online population, this last month or two. At least on my server, less guildies have been logging in week by week, less people are on the planets I've been questing on - hell, even Fleet has been manageable and not so laggy as it once was.


I've enjoyed flicking in and out of cooperative play and soloing, had fun with the arcady space combat, power rushed a lot of Flashpoints with guildies and even random pickup players, done some RP while questing, had a (small) taste of PvP while savouring the real deal for later. It's been fun enough! I've recruited my SO and kept at least two good friends playing, when they were beginning to tire. I wouldn't feel any need whatsoever to get a medal for this unless endgamers weren't being so overtly wooed. Sure, they had to pick some criteria for rewarding longtimers. But I still feel they missed the mark.


I've been playing since sometime in January, when I - despite misgivings - gave the game a shot and liked it. Not been playing since release, no, though since fairly early on. I've got a lvl 37, a lvl 40 and eight lvl 25-30s. That's a fair amount of play time, for somebody with a day job who actually has a social life too.


Why haven't I dinged 50 in all this time? Two reasons. One: I like to get a hands on feel for all sides, classes, and styles of play - now and then getting hooked on some aspect of gameplay which especially appeals to me. Thus the two higher leveled chars. Call it altoholic if you like. It's also entails exploring the crafting system, enjoying the voice acting, and much more. Two: I actually enjoy exploring the storylines. Not necessarily one at a time (obviously not), since everything except the class story turns into drudgery the third, fourth or subsequent time. Thus the char hopping.


The rich story content has been one of the major selling points for this game. But, apparently, it's not what you're supposed to do to be a good boy in the eyes of the marketing department, or whomever decided to placate endgamers only. The message is rather that you should rush to the top and sit around. Why I haven't done this is because that style of play bores me, makes me unsubscribe. So I haven't.


Whine, whine. The patch is packed with content to a level I've never seen before. That's hugely impressive! Looking forward to exploring it, when the servers start up again (as I've said, I've got a life, so haven't had the time to sample it yet). Sure, it may be buggy as the forum seems to indicate. And there are many things I suspect I'll find severly lacking, from reading pre-patch announcements, mainly the lame Legacy system. In any case, I think I can appreciate the huge effort BW has gone to, in order to excite the community and complete their game.


All this, and I can't shake the feeling of disappointment. I'm not sitting here crying my eyes out, slitting wrists or whatever over it. Instead of a whoop, the whole thing at best entices a meh.


That's not a desireable outcome for all the effort obviously put into this patch. From any angle.

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You are right but missing an important point. By trying to make the 50s happy they've upset the people with alts and made a bad situation worse. I'd best most alt players are also Bioware fans but now they've just implied that they aren't as important to them as the level 50s. That won't sit well with them and help them decide to spend their $15/month elsewhere.


I have alts too.. various levels even.. AND lvl 50`s.. more than one.


What`s your point again?

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You are right but missing an important point. By trying to make the 50s happy they've upset the people with alts and made a bad situation worse. I'd best most alt players are also Bioware fans but now they've just implied that they aren't as important to them as the level 50s. That won't sit well with them and help them decide to spend their $15/month elsewhere.


That is only due to the fact that many people are completely misinterpreting the message about this promotion to begin with. Accounts that met certain criteria got the reward for it. Just like the founder title promotion, this is really no different. The accounts that met the criteria got rewarded for the promotion. Honestly Jebei, if people are going to get upset that they didn't meet the criteria for a reward, then they are not playing this game for the right reasons in my opinion.

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I know I said I was done with this thread. However this comment rubbed me the wrong way. It's not that the players who did or did not receive this reward are any more or less valued than the next player. It's the fact that the message being sent was abrasive and has been interpreted in a way that the message was not meant to convey. BioWare is not intentionally saying that the people who didn't get the free 30 days are a less valued player or anything like that. It's that BioWare had a certain type of criteria that some of the players met that they felt warranted an extra "Thank you for contributing to this game and to help make it successful." Frankly, the fact that so many people are getting upset about that is somewhat understandable. However, the fact that they gave an incentive at all should be showing everyone that they do care about their loyal and contributing player base as a whole. Just because you have not gotten this particular incentive doesn't mean that in some point in the future you won't get one that others won't.


Life goes on, what people should be upset about is how the message was sent in the context that it was worded. I spent 7 years playing WoW and I never once got an extra incentive unless I payed for it. (AKA Collectors edition releases) or Micro transaction vanity stuff. Did I ever get upset that other people had things I didn't have? Not at all, but that's because I didn't put forth the extra effort or money required to get those things. To me this is no different, it is nothing more than a way for BioWare to show they do care about their player base and that they will sometimes reward the player base for it. To me right now, this reward was no different than hoping to be selected for a beta invite back before the mass beta weekends. Did I ever get one? Not once but I didn't complain that other people got to do so when I didn't? Not at all.


Let's acknowledge the fact that while yes it was a message that was poorly worded. BioWare is thankful for everyone's contribution to this game no matter how big or how small.


I'm sorry but i strongly disagree. a person with a level 50 char paid the same amount for the game and in all likelihood Ive been subbed longer then them. why should i be happy for him to get something that Ive been here just as long for? and your argument about me getting something he wont is moot, unless you know for a fact that all of those that are under 50 are getting something in which case i better stop leveling. the point of this game is to have FUN and to select players for a reward because there way of having fun is different then mine is wrong. especially when ive been here just as long as everyone else. this has me really disheartened...

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This has nothing to do with the PTS (its server not realm or whatever you think R stands for). Its about rewarding a certain group. I would bvet over 75% of people in the game have at least 1 level 50 by now. The majority get the free time. Could have been worded better I guess ya but if they cave and give everyone a free 30 days we will NEVER get another perk.


So thats what you would rather have? Noone get anything? Thats not childish? You might be included next time ever think about that for a minute? If you keep this childish crying up there wont be a next time.


I have already said it many times, but, just for you, I will say it again: You can not measure value by ones level. To claim a reward is given for loyalty and have something COMPLETELY unrelated to it be the metric by which it is judged is not right.


Level 50s given free time = Fine.

Level 50s being given free time because of their level judging them as "most valuable" = Not fine.


You disagree, that's cool. I do not hate SWtoR. I do not hate BW. I do not hate EA. However, I do hate the way this "promotion" was worded.

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It's so funny listening to people bad mouth those people without lvl 50's. Let's turn this around a bit and see how you like it.


"We would like to thank our most loyal player's "The Raiders" with free 30- day game time."


or how about ...


"We would like to show appreciation of our most loyal player base the PVPers with free 30- day game time."


or how about ...


"We would like to show appreciation to our most loyal player base the ALTaholics that haven't even lvled to 50 yet with free 30- day game time."


See the problem is you just excluded part of your player base based on how they play the game. Which is fine if you had told the player base hey this is how you should be playing the game.


I never got that memo from Bioware...

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Come on people. This was done because they pulled ranked warzones on the day of the patch and people had re-subbed and or were holding out for this addition. Since they delayed it, it was either deal with a bunch of QQ from people wanting their money back for not implementing the promised features or take some effort to fix it. Giving the 30 days free was a way to keep these people hanging on since their content was not delivered as promised. They had to draw the line somewhere, and being level 50 is really the only indication if someone was going to play ranked warzones when it was supposed to be released.
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