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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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I don't get it.


Player X has a level 50 and plays 7 trillions hours a week, and Player Y has a level 49 and plays for 4 hours a week.


BOTH have active subs, BOTH have played since launch and BOTH pre-ordered. However because Player X decided to get to 50, and Player Y decided to get a bunch of alts into the 30s/40's before making a decision on a main, Y is financially penalised.


You can sugar coat it and defend it as much as you like by saying there's ample time to get to 50 etc, but that's not very fair and I can't think an another MMO that would alienate some of it's playerbase like that.


Poor show BW, poor show.

Edited by randomeclipse
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I have a question regarding the 30 free days: Their message says



In order to receive your thirty (30) days of game time, you must meet the following requirements by April 12th, 2012, at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT:


You must have purchased the game and redeemed an official Game Product Registration Code at the Code Redemption Center.

You must have signed up for a recurring subscription using a valid payment method OR redeemed a Game Time Code. You must have at least one level 50 character.

Your account must not be banned.



So having an active account but no automatic subscription renewal (i prefer not having my credit card details saved on some game account) did not get the 30 days?


Also sry for you non 50 guys. This simply sucks.


Theres only two ways to have an account...


1) is a recurring sub

2) is a game card.


So Im guessing you have one of those two... I highlighted in red, so you can see what they say, but the answer to your question is basically it has to be an active account.


Game card. Credit Card. Bartered llamas... whatever works. :)

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This discussion really shouldnt be about the individual cases. Yes if youve been here from the start you have had plenty of time to get a level 50, you just didnt know that you would benefit from it.


The real problem here imo is that they announced it 8 days in advance which does not give you the time to get level 50. Which they probably realise...


They let us know 8 days in advance ??????????????




if you cant get from 4x to 50 in 8 days time you dont deserve it really.

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I must say im totally confused.


No idea what this 30 free day thing is about aside from the first free month when you buy the game. What gives? Is Bioware offering more free time or are some people going crazy? :confused:

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People will complain about anything. The Game has been out for half a year. Its a way saying thank you for people playing for hours. I personally have 2 level 50's.


What is more deserving of thanks? And really, I apologize if I sound condescending or judgmental, it is not my intent. I'm merely posting this because Bioware MADE this judgment call in the first place.


Exhibit A: College student, 15 credit hours, no extracuricular activities, average social life. B+/A- student. Plays 4-6 hours a day and has 3 level 50s as of now.


Exhibit B: Married couple with kids. Play together whenever they can aside from other obligations. They want to level together so can only play when both are free. Both end up at level 47 as of now.


Exhibit C: Super Star Wars Nerd Guy who works overtime shifts on 2 different jobs just to get by and pay the rent levels up to 48 on a dead/dying server. Decides to reroll. Gets up to level 49 by now.


Exhibit D: An alt-aholic who has been around since the very first days of beta levels up 9 different characters to level 30-49 level range. No level 50 as of now.


Exhibit E: Your standard typical MMO player who plays regularly and has 1 or 2 level 50s.


Exhibit F: Your lunatic MMO-nut who plays 10 hours a day and has multiple level 50s and is also a major jack*** on the forums and during the game (ninjas, trash talks, etc.).


Who are the most loyal of these bunch? I would never presume to judge anyone. Yet Bioware did. Bioware thinks A, E and F are "loyal" and "most valuable." B, C and D are the scraps.


How can anyone NOT have a problem with this? Really?

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I don't get it.


Player X has a level 50 and plays 7 trillions hours a week, and Player Y has a level 49 and plays for 4 hours a week.


BOTH have active subs, BOTH have played since launch and BOTH pre-ordered. However because Player X decided to get to 50, and Player Y decided to get a bunch of alts into the 30s/40's before making a decision on a main, Y is financially penalised.


You can sugar coat it and defend it as much as you like by saying there's ample time to get to 50 etc, but that's not very fair and I can't think an another MMO that would alienate some of it's playerbase like that.


Poor show BW, poor show.


So you cant decide on main after you hit lvl 50 with that char on 49?



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It is sorta sad..instead of people jumping for joy about getting 30 days (16 dollars) the have and have nots are complain. It's 16 dollars. You can't even get a pizza delivered for that. Is it really worth all the sour bickering.


Read a few of my posts and you will be enlightened.


But then I think people just like to complain so most of what I have said is ignored.

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No what i am saying is that even if you manage to play as low as 6 hours a week you can still hit 50 in 4 months. SWTOR leveling curve is the easiest of any MMO out there. I would understand if you were talking about games like FFXI or Lienage but SWTOR? hard to believe.


Anywhere I can check my hours put in? THere have been nights where I put in 6 hours in a single night (no sleep). Did I mention I have 2 alts?

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It is sorta sad..instead of people jumping for joy about getting 30 days (16 dollars) the have and have nots are complain. It's 16 dollars. You can't even get a pizza delivered for that. Is it really worth all the sour bickering.


It's not about the money, it's about them telling players that don't have 50s that they aren't Loyal or Valued players.

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The real problem here imo is that they announced it 8 days in advance which does not give you the time to get level 50. Which they probably realise...


*checks emails, finds nothing.


Where was this 'announcement' 8 days in advance? On the forums?

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Another point, for those of you saying you prefer story, but then rerolled when you realized your server was dead..How did you like the story if when the server got low you decided you didnt want to see the rest of it?


Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean here but if they re-rolled on another server, they are likely doing the story again and are seeing the rest of it?


Correct me if I misunderstood, please. :)

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do you have a degree in law? do you enjoy driving your race car around the track every race meet? are you a professional footballer (insert any code)? have you played in the world cup (insert any sport) recently? have you written your own game/mmo/anything? do you have 9 million copies of your book sold worldwide?


get the idea yet?


everyone has differnet goals and focuses in life, and the ability to achieve them. for everyone saying its inconceivable for someone to not have a level 50 having been subbed since december i ask again, where is your degree? your family? your career? and if those do apply, how much do they actually affect your gaming time? and compare that to your unemployed single neighbour, hes got more time i bet.


everyones time is used in different fashions. one character to 50, then unsubscribed is one way. 2 or more to 50 and still playing is another. 10 characters all under 50 is another.


the issue for most, to reiterate yet again for the trolls, isnt that the 30 days isnt being given to those who have been here since before day 1, its the fact that they are considered non loyal and active members of the game.


compare maybe the hours you have put into 1 level 50, versus the guy who has 10 characters sitting at 40 each. who has put more time into the game?


bioware went assabout with the way they announced this, and snubbed a fairly decent part of their community by calling those of us who have put considerable time and effort into the game, but not max levelled, non loyal and non active. and the trolls lap it up and point out how awesome they are, while again, if they didnt get this 30 days they would also feel slighted.


insult us at your leisure bioware, trolls, simple minded folk. one day you too will be subjected to similar circumstances, and some other fool will eat at your frustration, and i doubt you will even see the irony

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It's not funny Bioware! I've bought CE, playing since launch (and beta) but got my first 50 TODAY. So I'm late like 24h! You should give people some warning or a couple of days time to those who don't care about max levels.


So at the moment it was better to not subscribe and come back after 1.2 to get 7 days free. I think I belong to the loyal players you say about but surely don't feel rewarded. And I'm still waiting for the full hi-res textures.

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Initially I was irritated that I was 8 levels shy of this freebie, but then I thought about it.


Yesterday I didn't have a free 30 day sub. Today I don't have a free 30 day sub. It seems silly to get worked up because something I wasn't expecting didn't happen.

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People gonna complain, its not hard to achieve level 50. It took me total 14 days in-game time to achieve my first level 50. Don't be mad that Bioware game free 30 days to the people who decided to play the game more than you did. I don't consider subbing since day one loyal. Playing the game to at least a level 50 is reasonable. If you couldn't achieve a level 50 in 4 months then there is something definitely wrong.
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What is more deserving of thanks? And really, I apologize if I sound condescending or judgmental, it is not my intent. I'm merely posting this because Bioware MADE this judgment call in the first place.


Exhibit A: College student, 15 credit hours, no extracuricular activities, average social life. B+/A- student. Plays 4-6 hours a day and has 3 level 50s as of now.


Exhibit B: Married couple with kids. Play together whenever they can aside from other obligations. They want to level together so can only play when both are free. Both end up at level 47 as of now.


Exhibit C: Super Star Wars Nerd Guy who works overtime shifts on 2 different jobs just to get by and pay the rent levels up to 48 on a dead/dying server. Decides to reroll. Gets up to level 49 by now.


Exhibit D: An alt-aholic who has been around since the very first days of beta levels up 9 different characters to level 30-49 level range. No level 50 as of now.


Exhibit E: Your standard typical MMO player who plays regularly and has 1 or 2 level 50s.


Exhibit F: Your lunatic MMO-nut who plays 10 hours a day and has multiple level 50s and is also a major jack*** on the forums and during the game (ninjas, trash talks, etc.).


Who are the most loyal of these bunch? I would never presume to judge anyone. Yet Bioware did. Bioware thinks A, E and F are "loyal" and "most valuable." B, C and D are the scraps.


How can anyone NOT have a problem with this? Really?


Because they set the free month. We were not entitled to anything. If this were Blizzard we would got MAYBE one free day due to the down time. It's 16 bucks does that mean so much to people its worth the time to complain in this amount of detail.



To the people who didn't get it. You had half a year to level one 50. In early release the boost to exp in warzones was crazy silly. I don't understand how anyone could not have at least 50 at one point.

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do you have a degree in law? do you enjoy driving your race car around the track every race meet? are you a professional footballer (insert any code)? have you played in the world cup (insert any sport) recently? have you written your own game/mmo/anything? do you have 9 million copies of your book sold worldwide?


get the idea yet?


everyone has differnet goals and focuses in life, and the ability to achieve them. for everyone saying its inconceivable for someone to not have a level 50 having been subbed since december i ask again, where is your degree? your family? your career? and if those do apply, how much do they actually affect your gaming time? and compare that to your unemployed single neighbour, hes got more time i bet.


everyones time is used in different fashions. one character to 50, then unsubscribed is one way. 2 or more to 50 and still playing is another. 10 characters all under 50 is another.


the issue for most, to reiterate yet again for the trolls, isnt that the 30 days isnt being given to those who have been here since before day 1, its the fact that they are considered non loyal and active members of the game.


compare maybe the hours you have put into 1 level 50, versus the guy who has 10 characters sitting at 40 each. who has put more time into the game?


bioware went assabout with the way they announced this, and snubbed a fairly decent part of their community by calling those of us who have put considerable time and effort into the game, but not max levelled, non loyal and non active. and the trolls lap it up and point out how awesome they are, while again, if they didnt get this 30 days they would also feel slighted.


insult us at your leisure bioware, trolls, simple minded folk. one day you too will be subjected to similar circumstances, and some other fool will eat at your frustration, and i doubt you will even see the irony



Except that they said ''ONE OF THE MOST LOYAL'' (for 50s receiving that)


Other LOYAL receive something also!

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Theres only two ways to have an account...


1) is a recurring sub

2) is a game card.


So Im guessing you have one of those two... I highlighted in red, so you can see what they say, but the answer to your question is basically it has to be an active account.


Game card. Credit Card. Bartered llamas... whatever works. :)


Sry my english is not the best. :)

I was just unsure if they would or wouldn´t give you the 30 days when you have an active account on april 12th, but canceled the automatic subscription renewal...

Edited by yningunay
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Initially I was irritated that I was 8 levels shy of this freebie, but then I thought about it.


Yesterday I didn't have a free 30 day sub. Today I don't have a free 30 day sub. It seems silly to get worked up because something I wasn't expecting didn't happen.


How long have you been subscribing though?

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It is sorta sad..instead of people jumping for joy about getting 30 days (16 dollars) the have and have nots are complain. It's 16 dollars. You can't even get a pizza delivered for that. Is it really worth all the sour bickering.


i can get a pizza delivared for £8.99, it would be a cheese pizza 9" and i get free delivary becuase im with in a mile from the shop.


its not the money that people are pissed at, its the fact that some like me are now labled not as loyal as someone who has a lvl 50, even if we may have been playing the game longer than said lvl 50 owner.

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So a valed player could be = Played for like 10 days of ingame time hit lvl 50 then unsubbed. income = 1 month of sub.Unsub due to lack of content etc. Resub for 1.2 then to find out ranked warzones not comming and then unsub. = 2month worth of sub.


Not valued palyer: Sub from beginning never hit lvl 50 due to various reasons = 5 months worth of sub.


Correct me if im wrong about the amount of time/sub.

I just say put your money where the loyalty is (money from sub).

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