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Color crystals and the lore


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I like the dude's idea about the last force user kill's color for the lightsaber. That actually makes some type of sense.


That brings back memories from when I was a noob in SWG. Yeah... started in about 2006 or so.


So I was on tatooine and it was bustling as usual with spam for stims and everything (the good stuff) and I was a jedi looking to get a lightsaber at only level 12. So I was asking around when a guy says he can help me. He invites me to his group and I meet another guy in his group that says he will come with me.


Here's where I am a complete idiot (as interesting as it was):

He tells me in order to craft my lightsaber, I must go to endor, climb a cliff/mountain and then fight the spirit of Qui-Gon and he says I must avoid these one-shotter crystals that he will shoot at me. He says I have to kill Qui-Gon's spirit and loot his lightsaber from him. I told him that the lightsaber was green and that I wanted a red one! He replied with saying that I must meditate and then my hatred will turn the crystal red. Then I asked him another question. It was: How can one fully avoid any projectile if this game is based on a stat roll or whatever. He said not to worry and that this was a special NPC.


After a few more questions I say we're ready to go and he says to get a ticket to some Endor Outpost. We do that and meet at the outpost.


He then spawns a 10-person vehicle that we all /mount on and we drive off to the very edges of the map... across a huge ocean.... past a bunch of ewoks.... through hillls.... through mountains... through the whole 7 mile map until we're officially OFF THE MAP!


The fact is I was still listening to him and believing him.


So he tells me to dismount and he puts his vehicle away and so he leads me to the peak of a mountain and I'm like: "So what now."


"You wait for him to spawn"


"Ok one sec, gotta go afk for a bit"


So after about 10 minutes I come back to the computer and found out he had secretly remounted with his friend and drove off without me to another planet! AAAAHHHH!


The bad news that there were an ARMY of ewoks and other things that were all level 90. So I had to keep running away from ewoks to hopefully re-loop the map by heading farther into the mountains. So I start whispering the guy after he kicks me from his group some "angry thoughts" and just simply decides to ignore me.


So I whisper his ally, whom I luckily remembered his name, and ask him to come pick me up.


An ewok hit me with a rock and I started running up hills and mountains again.


He says he will be there as fast as he can with his Slave I and vehicle to pick me up.


After an hour of waiting... I get knocked unconscious by a misthrown Ewok rock. (Sheesh.... who knew teddy bears were not so cuddly?)




So I decide to respawn at the nearest med center.... the same outpost which I was on when I first arrived.


So my rescuer was stuck there now... a bit pissed... but fine about it.


And so the guy who tricked me remains on my ignore list to this very day and the one who came to help is still my friend.

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Yes, he discovered the schematics for the double blade in Sith holocrons. But he used a blue crystal from his original lightsaber as the focus.


As I understand it, he modified his original lightsaber into the saberstaff, but I could be wrong, lol!

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It is established by the movies and Sith using the rainbow spectrum of Lightsaber colors goes completely against that.


All this rainbow saber BS is due to how stupid the Star Wars EU has gotten over the years.


Dude.. this game isn't the movies... it's part of the EU.. so you know what? IF the movies said it (which they don't... Episode 1-3 has Jedi using red sabers) and then the EU changed it... THIS GAME IS EU. If you don't like the EU, then.. why are you playing this game?

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I agree 100%


If they made another Star Wars movie and the Sith all used a rainbow of colors I guarantee you the audience would freak out, you guys are forcing your justification on us because there is no written rules for saber crystal colors and some goofy Star Wars novel here or there may have had a contradiction to the norm.


I grew up with Star Wars (37), saw the original trilogy in the theatres, had all the toys (btw, NEVER saw a toy figure Sith with a non red saber, or a Jedi with a red), and yes the prequels had some contradictions to the norm color wise, but that was basically Samuel Jackson demanding he have purple for his saber.


Sith red, Guardian blue, Consular green, Sentinel yellow, not hard to figure out.


Why not have WW2 toys of US soldiers have Nazi colors and symbols on them, or have the germans wears the US green lol, were does all this end?


I don't care about a novel here or there with some crazy author who wanted to break all the rules, your justifications are weak, your arguments shallow.


No true Star Wars fan would support this stuff.


Bioware has blended the factions into a hodgepodge mess. Pretty soon there will be no point in having Imperial and Republic since the races and equipment and powers/abilities will all be blended together with the Legacy system.


The Legacy system was a good idea for getting peeps to reroll new toons, but a BAD idea for the Star Wars lore, in a year everything will be so mixed up there will be little point to having 2 factions at all at this rate.


Only 3 years older than me... is this when it starts? Will i start losing my mind and reverting to child psychology in comparing lightsaber colors to swastikas? Seriously?


Furthermore, you speak to hold the movies above the EU, then make major mistakes in doing so...


1. This game is based 3000 years before the movies. That means... the movies don't mean a damn thing.


2. You speak of Jedi Guardian, Jedi Sentinel, Jedi Consular. Please, tell me where in ANY of the movies, even the new trilogy, where these terms are used? The only one you can is Guardian, as in "Jedi were the Guardians of Peace and Justice" The other two... you can't because they aren't. They were created as terms for Bioware's first Star Wars game, Knights of the Old Republic to differentiate different Jedi classes. SO, how can you use Bioware's terminology and creations as the standard and then turn around and tell them they are doing it wrong ?


3. IF you hold the movies as so superior, then you must in turn hold Episode 1-3 just as sacred, or are you now telling George Lucas he's wrong? Adi Gallia in the movies, video games, and her toy.... red lightsaber.


4. Grow up. You may be 37, but if you hadn't said you were 37, I'd have thought you were 13-15 at most.

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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Yes, an assortment, not just green and blue. Because, as my signature states, prior to the Battle of Ruusan, Jedi had access to many more natural crystal sites, which provided crystals in a variety of colors. After the Ruusan campaign, the Jedi lost access to many of those sites, and could obtain crystals pretty much exclusively from Illum, which only provided blue and green crystals. In case you're wondering, the Ruusan Campaign takes place in 1,000 BBY, roughly two thousand years AFTER the timeframe in which TOR is set.


What exactly prevented the Jedi from accessing these other sites with other crystal colors? My girlfriend and I were perusing the non-novel SW books in Chapters the other day and found a book all about the Force, and it had an entry on Ruusan, but it never said WHY they lost access, either. I MUST KNOOOOOOW! LOOOOORE! /omnomnomarchaeology

Edited by Diviciacus
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What exactly prevented the Jedi from accessing these other sites with other crystal colors? My girlfriend and I were perusing the non-novel SW books in Chapters the other day and found a book all about the Force, and it had an entry on Ruusan, but it never said WHY they lost access, either. I MUST KNOOOOOOW! LOOOOORE! /omnomnomarchaeology


Presumably the crystal caves with rare color formations were either blocked from access, destroyed during the war (to keep Jedi from creating more sabers), or were lost as records were destroyed and planets forgotten. The Reformation caused a lot of problems for the Jedi Order and they took a long time to recover, forcing them to rely on a few familiar crystal areas with only green and blue.

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I wanted to add this real quick:


I find it very humorous that people keep siting the movies as a reason to put the color crystal restrictions back in. I see it as the complete opposite. I had never gotten into the EU, not even the other SW games(except for the very old school arcade one), and I had honestly not given it much of a thought until I started ToR. For me, since there isn't anyone stating in the movies, "You are a Jedi now, you cannot use red crystals," I take it to mean that the options should be open for all. I've re-watched the movies recently and no where did it say that lightsaber crystals colors were restricted.


Just from RotJ alone, I watched Vader fire up Luke's lightsaber with no troubles. So if it was true then, why should it be different in the ToR timeline?


Plus, the beauty of the game is the amount of centuries between this time line and the prequel time line. That gives the writers a lot of freedom with the lore. A lot could change in over 3000 years, and from the EU I have gotten to read recently, a lot did change.


If some posters want to use the movies as an end-all be all for lore, then they should consider the following:


  • There was no Chiss in the movies.(I never even heard of them prior to this game.)
  • The only twi'lek shown was the dancer at Jabba's palace.(So should they all be slaves, including the player character?)
  • The "Rule of Two," which obviously doesn't apply to the ToR timeline.
  • There is no evidence of Sith "purebloods" by the timeline of the movies
  • Grand Moff Tarkin had only a few scenes, so not enough in the movies to merit an IA story.


If Bioware had gone just by the movies, then the options in the game would be severely limited. Personally, I'm all about more freedom in my RPG game. I think the game is richer for including all these things, including the freedom to use whatever color crystal I wish. :tran_cool:

Edited by natashina
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You are a bad guy so you are only allowed to have this color.

Sounds pretty silly. If you were a powerful sith lord I dont think you would have anyone sending you warning notices about your lightsaber not being red. After all, the imps rockin purple are getting away with it!

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Ok... here we go. Sith Lord using blue saber: Exar Kun. 'Nuff said.



Jedi Master using purple saber: Mace Mutha****in' Windu. 'Nuff said.



Also, Obi-Wan used a red saber for a while in TCW.



Just because something is TRADITIONAL, does not mean it's MANDATORY.


exar kunn used blue only for a while after he turned dark, he was a jedi first, only reason.


windu used magenta, not purple.


saw the episode your referring too. ventress tossed obi wan her second saber cause he had none. he also stated "red isnt my color"


cleared that up for ya.


TBH i find all the black LS to be more rediculous.

Edited by vrgadin
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That brings back memories from when I was a noob in SWG. Yeah... started in about 2006 or so.


So I was on tatooine and it was bustling as usual with spam for stims and everything (the good stuff) and I was a jedi looking to get a lightsaber at only level 12. So I was asking around when a guy says he can help me. He invites me to his group and I meet another guy in his group that says he will come with me.


Here's where I am a complete idiot (as interesting as it was):

He tells me in order to craft my lightsaber, I must go to endor, climb a cliff/mountain and then fight the spirit of Qui-Gon and he says I must avoid these one-shotter crystals that he will shoot at me. He says I have to kill Qui-Gon's spirit and loot his lightsaber from him. I told him that the lightsaber was green and that I wanted a red one! He replied with saying that I must meditate and then my hatred will turn the crystal red. Then I asked him another question. It was: How can one fully avoid any projectile if this game is based on a stat roll or whatever. He said not to worry and that this was a special NPC.


After a few more questions I say we're ready to go and he says to get a ticket to some Endor Outpost. We do that and meet at the outpost.


He then spawns a 10-person vehicle that we all /mount on and we drive off to the very edges of the map... across a huge ocean.... past a bunch of ewoks.... through hillls.... through mountains... through the whole 7 mile map until we're officially OFF THE MAP!


The fact is I was still listening to him and believing him.


So he tells me to dismount and he puts his vehicle away and so he leads me to the peak of a mountain and I'm like: "So what now."


"You wait for him to spawn"


"Ok one sec, gotta go afk for a bit"


So after about 10 minutes I come back to the computer and found out he had secretly remounted with his friend and drove off without me to another planet! AAAAHHHH!


The bad news that there were an ARMY of ewoks and other things that were all level 90. So I had to keep running away from ewoks to hopefully re-loop the map by heading farther into the mountains. So I start whispering the guy after he kicks me from his group some "angry thoughts" and just simply decides to ignore me.


So I whisper his ally, whom I luckily remembered his name, and ask him to come pick me up.


An ewok hit me with a rock and I started running up hills and mountains again.


He says he will be there as fast as he can with his Slave I and vehicle to pick me up.


After an hour of waiting... I get knocked unconscious by a misthrown Ewok rock. (Sheesh.... who knew teddy bears were not so cuddly?)




So I decide to respawn at the nearest med center.... the same outpost which I was on when I first arrived.


So my rescuer was stuck there now... a bit pissed... but fine about it.


And so the guy who tricked me remains on my ignore list to this very day and the one who came to help is still my friend.


you were a noob in NGE? you never played the real swg my friend.

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Such an odd point to try and make isn't it, to say that KOTOR, the FOUNDATION of this MMO states that Blue=Guardian, Green=Consular, Yellow=Sentinel, Red=Sith and these do not apply to SWTOR in any way?? Are you mad?


If your first movie was Empire I'm happy for you, indeed, I agree and have a similar background, my first movie was episode IV so our beginnings were similiar, but that's about it I'd say.


And yes, the RPGs I've played also structure the colors and roles in a similar fashion.


The blade color identifies the role of it's user, so why on earth would we mix all the colors up into a chaotic hodgepodge where each faction's spacefleet looks and feels like a rainbow of nonsense, there is no rhyme or reason, no logic, just pure, selfish, silly vanity without purpose.


Restrictions need to be made, a set of colors needs to be set up for each faction, so there will be NO mixing of colors between the 2. I should be able to tell by the blade color alone which faction someone is on, divisions are necesarry for the lore.


Stop trying to justify this silly vanity by saying this isn't the movies and rules don't apply, if the very game that STARTED this MMO had colors for different roles and common sense restrictions, why shouldn't this game as well?


I didn't say it didn't apply in any way I said that it did not correlate properly because shadows and sages did not exist in KOTOR and Consular was just another kind of Knight. Also in KOTOR you weren't restricted to a color by your class, that color was just the default saber you started with, my Revan Guardian had an orange and a teal(I think) saber by the end of the game. He also dual wielded but was not a sentinel. If you didn't understand that I hope I clarified it for you.


What you should say is that you believe restrictions should be made. And the movies don;t have rules in continuity about colors. At no time in any of the films do they state that the colors are restricted for any reason, the closest they come is in the EU novel about Mace Windu the author addresses WHY Mace has purple but that shouldn't matter to you since it is EU.


SWTOR is a different experience than the OT, the PT, or KOTOR 1&2. WHen they say it is KOTOR 3, 4, 5, 6 whatever what they mean is that it is a series of single player games (8 actually) with an MMO built on top of it so everyone can play it together. Colors for saber's and blasters are really a personal choice. You can restrict yourself if you want but don't think that means that either of us is right or that you get to tell me that I am wrong.

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windu used magenta, not purple.




Mace used purple. Purple is sam jackson's favorite color and he specifically asked george to make his purple. it might look magenta, the magenta in swtor might look like windu's saber more than the purple in swtor does but mace windu uses purple, according to george lucas.

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Actually, considering Lucas and his family have pretty solid control over TCW, it's not a stretch at all. You hit the nail on the head. :)


Yes oficialy its T canon television canon, and its currently the closest you got from the movies canon ( G canon), actualy is an extent to Movie canon. So yeah its even above the EU on all acounts.


Mace used purple. Purple is sam jackson's favorite color and he specifically asked george to make his purple. it might look magenta, the magenta in swtor might look like windu's saber more than the purple in swtor does but mace windu uses purple, according to george lucas.

yep pretty much. I know magenta in swtor hell i have one.

I dont get it where he got magenta from... in the movies is cleary purple. Same purple in swtor.

Hell the magenta saber it looks like pink if you can call it that, but its just a lighter red. No purple there purple has darker tone.


He is wrong and pretty much on all of his points.

Edited by Spartanik
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I was actually in favor of alignment restrictions on color crystals prior to the release of the game. But my opinion changed over time while playing. I actually abide by restrictions that feel right for my character (my LS Sith Sorcerer uses green/blue because it just seems right). But that's my opinion and preference and shouldn't be imposed on others.


OP, just because YOU view Star Wars in a certain way, doesn't mean everyone else does. Play your characters according to the lore you feel is important, and let others have their fun.


Hello all,


Whilst I agree, that there is no direct reasoning for restricting colors based on lore or movie 'canon', I still believe that some restrictions or better rules should be applied here. It DOES break immersion a little bit IMO.

Nevertheless let us keep in mind it's a game and folks just want to fool around - so be it. I don't like it but I let that slide. HOWEVER what I do not let slide is this: BLACK CORE SABERS! There is NO logical nor lore reason to have those. Given some look 'kinda' cool some look rubbish-the essence is this though: No more black core sabers, but MORE different colors. Examples of what I would like to see: Different types of blue and green. More shades of Orange(even with a hint of red in the core), different reds etc......you get the drift. This statement is based on the lore of the campaign of Ruusa someone posted earlier.


So yeah free choice is kinda ok, but stop creating silly nonsense like 'black' laserlight. Is not even physically possible. This game is becoming far too much Star Wars Milk shake.


And lastly the reason why some folks take this whole color thing a little more serious is because SW is too close to home. In a fantasy game you can do pretty much whatever. In Star Wars that is a little restricted. But just to cater to the 'whoa, yeah dude, I want a black purple saber with yellow sparkles' and then actually create it is driving off die-hard SW fans, that are just as much viable in their opinions than about anyone else. Don't stray too much into the wrong direction and create more diversion without silly nonsense BW. Thank you.

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theres no real reason for sith or jedi to use any specific color. its just the color of their lightsaber. its about as important as the color of your clothes. i.e meaningless.


sure most jedi have blue or green, and most sith use red. but ive seen plenty of in-game npc jedi AND sith using yellow. so is yellow just an "everyone" color?


nope, anyone can use any color. sith and jedi can use whatever color they want. who cares? uptight people thats who.

my sith assassin uses a blue doublesaber. is that bad? absolutely not. he's lightsided i felt it fitted his personality. my jedi guardian that i started up is using a blue saber as well. hey, i like blue. whats the problem? there isn't one.


though i'd love to have purple sabers for both, but those are so hard to get its crazy. 400k on my server :(

the whole "uniform" argument doesn't really work either. both jedi and sith are usually the leaders of their strike teams. those with him would know what color lightsaber he'd have, what clothes he's wearing ect. so they wouldnt shoot him. it'd be like shooting a US soldier cus he had to pick up an AK off a dead enemy. "durr he wasn't using his standard issue rifle so i shot him lolz". that wouldnt fly in real life, and it wouldnt fly in star wars either.


personally i find it more symbolic of alignment than faction. red is evil, blue is good. if you're a dark jedi a red saber is more in character even though you're a jedi. if you're a good sith, then a blue saber is great.


i still dont understand why anyone is upset about this.

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No color exept blue, green and red, with slight variations (like "burning orange" red) should exist for sabers, and sith should be restricted to "red".


What is your reasoning for this? Crystals come in many colors and shades. If a Sith found a silver crystal and wanted to use he it could, so why restrict the players choice in a game? I don't recall anyone ever complaining about differant colors in the original KOTOR or it's sequel nor did I hear any comlaints in the six years I played SWG. There are no restrictions in the Lore/canon of Star Wars so why place them in a game?

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