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BH MERC heals nerfed to be the worst spec out now...


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Bh heals I've been it since the beta and now is nerfed to crazy lows. I over-heat like crazy all my small really small heals like kolto shell now have 16 heat when they had 0.. all my heals have huge casting times now and way more heat. My heals are shot. No one will want a bh healer in their group now for raids its pointless I overheat my heals are even worse cause now I'm limited bc of heat. My casting is slow as a snail. This nerf was clearly for pvp I don't heal 750k in a match like sorc do yet I'm screwed now for PVE. Thanks bio for your -2 out of 10 star for a patch. I love healing I've been a healer in most MMO's this is pointless to be heals I'm Pissed and irritated if you want to fix pvp fix it with a buff or dot don't hurt my PVE for your lack of creativity and thought Bio. I'm so useless I've talked with 4 bh merc healers in my guild and they all feel the same. I'm going to go dps probably or maybe just do what others did before the patch leave bc now my fun and entertainment has been disrupted. I hate dps yet now I'm forced to go to it just to raid. Edited by Pfomo
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Are you sure you're specced right for heals? There are many heat-reducing abilities Merc's can use in a battle in combination with their heals, as well as a few skill tree talents that help to mitigate the heat increases. For example, with one of the skill tree talents, if you cast Healing Scan, your next Rapid Scan's heat cost is reduced by eight. In conjunction with 30 charges of Support Cylinder and the Supercharged Gas ability, you can immediately vent another eight heat and eliminate the cooldown on Healing Scan for 10 seconds. :)


I will say that I've noticed a slight nerf in the amount that we heal and the damage we do, but nothing that can't be worked around with a little skill and some help with the Force. ;)

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yes I'm speced correctly. I have the entire tree of healing plus the extra alarcity to try and reduce casting. They totally crushed us I'm in the new raid and I can't heal very good at all. Spend half the time casting then waiting for it to be able to recast my kolto missile even has an added casting of 2 seconds I just noticed.... only buff I was giving is it now heals 4 instead of 3... wow big different for 800 health possibly of healing... No its a trash can waste. I've swapped specs around tonight and through since the beta. currently I'm fully speced in all the bodyguard tree and using some other skills elsewhere just to help with some of the casting it sucks. This is trash worst patch ever. I'm not only effed in pve also pvp but haven't tried that just hearing about it. Your right I'm being nice by just switching specs I bet you if you had stats in this you'd see all the bh heals respecting or quitting
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The merc healer got completely nerfed, i just just bought this game about a month ago and started a BH healer, now at lvl 47 and after this patch I am completely useless in both PVP and PVE, i tried to play for about 2 hours today and it was the worst 2 hours of gaming experience I have had since I got the game. If this does not get fixed I will not be playing this game any longer.


With Kolto shield now costing 16 heat it has became virtually useless in both PVP and PVE, the heal is not worth its heat and is only useful if you use it prior to a fight, but if your fighting a boss or in pvp where you would need to rebuf it during the fight it is pointless.


Reducing the health benefits from 5% to 3% from kolto missile is just adding to insult on the nerf.


Then to make the supercharged gas go from 16 to 8 heat reduction is just a slap in the face.


and thats not even all of it, a BH healer now has no real good heat management and becomes useless after about a 1 minute into a fight, which for raiding and PVP you need to be able to last longer than a minute!!

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Haven't done pvp yet scared to since I suck so bad in pve now can't do anything for heals


I just got out of some WZ's. Most healing I did was 110k. I had to shoot Rapid Shots most of the time because I had too much heat... and my heals did *********** nothing. The increased heat cost, and decreased vents completely ****ed Bodyguard up. This makes me feel almost as bad as SWG NGE.... almost. It's right up there though.

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Yeah I'm not doing pvp all the bh healers in my guild won't do pvp now because of that. I can't even pve. DFA and kolto shell are completely useless now thanks bio for the screw up and making my class the new biggest garbage can on the block I feel sorry for all the leveling bh's questings gotta be harder. This is stupid, and I'm handicaped now. I'm screwed. I loved pre nge SWG I was a doc/bh on that and loved it what made me choose bh in this game sad when a hardcore true bh now is shelving the bh along with every one else bc I can't do even pve Edited by LexiCazam
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I played on my BH Healer most of the day today (lvl 50 rakata/battlemaster). I utilized all the abilities to manage heat and increased rapid shots in rotation. Respecced to mitigate the nerf as much as possible (dropped alacrity talents and bought vent heat upgrade). I had slightly more health and surge on my pve thanks to Legacy. Used Kolto missile more, was handy for single group stuff and for the 2nd EC boss where we basically split into 2 groups of 4.


I was able to get by more or less. Overheating was frequent, especially in PVP and EC boss fights. Twice during EC that overheating probably caused a wipe. To add insult to injury during EC final boss I was battle-rezzed and found myself with full heat still even though Rez came 20 sec later. My face has been rubbed in heat.


I felt mediocre. I know I'll get better as I adapt but I can say with pretty good conviction that we do not excel in any healing aspects now. Pre 1.2 I think it was perceived we could excel at healing tanks. Now I am just not sure. A good MMO needs each class to bring something unique to the table, right now merc healers bring our uniquely mediocre 1.2 class design to the table.

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No. What used to reduce heat had been reduced substantially. To make matters worse, BH healer survivability is so gimped that we can be solo'd quite easily. I dont remember any other MMO where a healer can be ripped about solo when comperably geared. I am going back to DPS. Heat Seekers can crit for over 6K or I can spam rapid shot heals (about 1,200 healing) and watch targets die. Since the new mechanic favors DPS, time to go back to DPS. Edited by koelind
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I don't care what people say i'm a damned good healer cuz i'm not an idiot, i read my skills and use every bit of skill to it's maximum advantage. Manage heat and and use every trick in the book to help my team.


But the simultaneous nerfs to heat from EVERY angle is just too much. i reckon i can only heal about half as much as before while maintaining good heat (burst just before death)... My DPS specced Sorc friend can out heal me with 5.6K crits with just 5-6 heals before i'm completely over heated and can't keep up.


nerfs to merc healer were probably needed, but not like this where every heat component is nerfed, combined with pvp dmg buff/mitigation nerf... it's just too much. been in Full BM pre 1.2. i'll cope and still alright in WZs but just feel like a wet noodle now :p


Don't even mention pve and how much heat is f^&*ing that up

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I am not going to lie, this is pretty rough :(. I went in trying to be optimistic, planning to remove some alacrity and stack more surge (I was already stacking power), and as for rotation, I'm spamming the crap out of rapid shots between heals to keep heat down. I'm full Rakata and went in to Denova and it was a complete struggle. The big issue is that I need alacrity to keep up with the burst and aoe damage, but I already overheat so fast without large amounts of alacrity.


Prior to the patch, an OP could get away with some slack on mechanics if the healers were on point. Now the changes force everyone to hit the mechanics perfectly, while still making the healers work pretty hard. This may, in fact, be the desired result.. in some ways I get it and agree BUT it's just not fun. How about a happy medium? :D


As far as PVP goes, I haven't tried it yet. I see the change to expertise for healing compared to expertise for dmg and I already see the changes to heat management so I'm psyching myself up for it! People complain that merc healers were OP due to the fact that you could essentially spam heals consistently without having major heat issues, but TBH, if the opposing team is doing what they are supposed to (interrupts and CC), my healing was cut in half. That is the way it is supposed to be. Just some thoughts from Jemzy. Hang in there folks!

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Last night I tried healing the new FP HM and was completely useless. I agree that we needed a bit of a nerf, as I literally used Vent Heat MAYBE once or twice in a given PVP/PVE boss fight scenario. However, now I have to use it almost instantly, rendering me completely useless after about a minute into a boss fight. Forced to spam rapid shots (which by the way does wonders when your target gets hit for 4-5k, not) consistently is just terrible.


I used to be able to pop Supercharged Gas and go through a series of HS/RS rotations throughout the gas duration and hit about 30-40 heat. Last night, I got off about 3 rotations if by some miracle I started at 0 heat.


This class got wrecked, healing wise, and I'm sad to say I may end up putting away my BH and re-rolling another healing class.

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Like all above i have to share our nerf . i leveled as Bodyguard healer all the way up to 50 been doing ops/pvp as well as healer ,pre 1.2 i usually got 300k healing every single wz and about 100k dmg,i could easy maintance 2-3 guy that hit me and even if i die i was at least knowing i did some diffrence.


now on 1.2 my healing are much harder every time i got overhitted i need to use lots more rapid shots and i cant use it on myself..so if in pvp i focus down i killed much faster even with my shield up. on pve i got it a bit easier but still lots of heat managment to do needed to reset my tree (dont know why they didnt reset it for us like they did for others) and take off the haste and put in adv vent to vent more heat when needed. honstlly..im a good healer esp in pvp ,i now get to 280k~ healing and my dmg is about 25k. i can easily burst down with single dps ..


while we did needed a nerf ..not like the one we got.


so No i not going to subb that just foolish to do ,instead i going Arsnal/pyro and chaning this 280K healing to 500k DPSing..


good job Bio.. thanks for destroying enjoing class and make sure no one take BH healers into ops..Operative are MUCH better now.

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Ok so im a bm dps juggernaut, i know the best commando/merc healers on my server. I had hard time killing those ppl even 3v1, it took some time. Now im completely destroying these healers in 1v1, basically they dont have a chance. I admit these nerfs were too big. Edited by Antiface
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From a strictly PVE perspective, BH Healing was a blast! It was so different from all the other healer classes I have played in other MMO's. I felt like I could do my job and enjoy myself doing it. Healing Ops and HM FP's was fun! Isn't that the point of a game, to be fun? Now healing is a painful chore. I don't know what Bioware was thinking.
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The challenge level has definitely been ramped up, no doubt about it.

Although is it as bad as the massive amounts of exaggeration in the posts above? No, I don't quite think so.


Of course there's going to be a period of readjustment, as everyone either ducks out and re-specs to Arsenal, or sticks with it and tried to relearn their class and new rotations.


But from my experience of yesterday's changes,

1. PvP was mind-blowing. Compounding the reduction in effectiveness of Expertise healing and the reduction in basic BH healing effectiveness was simply staggering. I was barely hitting 150k healing in the new Novare Coast WZ, whereas Sorcs were still up there with their 250-300k healing. Now, I know that's massively distorted by the unspecific tickles from their AOE healing, but it's still a pretty big discrepancy.

2. PvE was manageable. Bear in mind your healing is also dependent on the gear and skill level of the people you are trying to keep alive. If their skill trees were altered or reset, then you've got to have some consideration for that having an impact on their gameplay.


Personally, I'm with Jemz in that I'm gonna stick at it, juggle around a few specs and talent points and try and work with the 'new' class. If you're throwing in the towel now, then there's not much more I can say to you... :confused:

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I still don't see what the big deal is....


PvP pre 1.2 -> 500k+ healing in WZ's, matches became mostly a gain up on the healer and see which team was succesful.

PvP post 1.2 -> 300k-400K, people were capable of dying more easily and variety to strategies were made.


PvP is much more healthy with these changes. It may be stressful on healers but all I had to do was find a tank and learn how to cleanse the trauma debuff and my heals were just fine. Healers can still be THE determining factor on who wins PvP matches as long as they know what they are doing.



PvE pre 1.2 -> Was capable of not only keep the raid topped off, but also damaging the boss with relatively high amounts of damage (for a healer).

PvE post 1.2 -> consistent heals across the raid easily keep people topped untill people make mistakes. More mistakes and the lower health bars will be across the board.



Hmmm, strange how the obligation to avoid damage within raids suddenly becomes an aspect to raiding. The next time you look at the list of health bars and notice they are all at relatively half health, don't think "wow...my healing sucks". Instead you need to say "Stop taking damage you lazy *** DPS!!!!". I guarantee that if the raid avoids uneccesary damage like the should have been before, then healing the health bars will stay full.


Good healing should not overcompensate for lack of other players skills! It's that kind of mantra that will lead this game to the dark side....

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BH/Commando healing was totally ridiculous. You could have someone in centurion gear healing all hardmode operation bosses, including bonetrasher and Soa, with no problem.


Even after "being nerfed to the ground", our commandos have no issue with the new content. In PvP, they're still better than scoundrel were in 1.1 before the buffs.


Sorry you're not an immortal healing god anymore.

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I still see good BH heals in PVP.. did a **** ton of PVP yesterday and I got to say BH/Comm were doing very Well.... I THINK you all got use to this I can do whatever i want and still pull 400K+ healin in PVP.. now that the Damage has been upd across the board... Your not Gods of healin anymore.. You can still do your job and be effective if you do a few things..


1. LOS is a big thing.. USE IT!

2. Get guarded by a tank. (still a PITA if your guarded)

3. learn to use ALL that your class has to offer... ( I hardly ever saw a healer BH/Comm pushback at all b4 1.2) Now i see it a lot.



If you use the courses to your advantage (and you have your OPS people stay out of AOE **** in OPS) then you will realize the changes are not so bad... I for one have not really seen a problem with the Healer class yet.. (and yes i have a BH merc)

Edited by armyfreed
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I've been playing a Merc healer basically since launch. When I say the patch notes come out about the nerfs I was being optimistic, figuring that it would even out once the new gear from EC starts rolling in.


Last night I ran EC, and I normally run a BH/SORC combo for healing. It was really rough. I'm a very good player in both PVE/PVP. But I had severely better luck yesterday playing in PVP where I could get breaks in between fights going on. Not so much on these newly intense boss fights.


Prior to 1.2 I never used Vent heat in raids (Fully geared Rakata) But I did however use it during large team battles in pvp for points, etc. Now however, when I went into EC last night, I had to blow vent heat nearly every time within 40 sec-1 min into the time frame. With the large amounts of aoe damage, the newly attuned raids that provide the tanks with a lot more incoming damage, it's slightly ridiculous. I scrapped by on every fight, and most of the time people who I was in charge of healing, were either never topped off, or hanging at around 50%. I have parsers, and I'm still pumping out a lot of healing, competing very well or beating our sorc healing, however, BH healing *I FIND* Seems to be me crossing my fingers that everything goes perfectly, because the second something needs to be -adjusted- my heat simply cannot handle it.


I think rather then nerfing every single BH Healing ability, the correct approach might have been simply to re-balance. Possible keeping all the nerfs aside from the nerfs to Supercharged Gas. I believe if the heat reduction was left alone on that and the healing buffs, etc. It would balance out with no longer having the free Healing scan along with it. As well as having Kolto Shield now having to cost 16 up from 0.


My 2 cents. Really hoping devs are watching these threads and maybe realize they went a little far.

Edited by Valindra
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Are you sure you're specced right for heals? There are many heat-reducing abilities Merc's can use in a battle in combination with their heals, as well as a few skill tree talents that help to mitigate the heat increases. For example, with one of the skill tree talents, if you cast Healing Scan, your next Rapid Scan's heat cost is reduced by eight. In conjunction with 30 charges of Support Cylinder and the Supercharged Gas ability, you can immediately vent another eight heat and eliminate the cooldown on Healing Scan for 10 seconds. :)


I will say that I've noticed a slight nerf in the amount that we heal and the damage we do, but nothing that can't be worked around with a little skill and some help with the Force. ;)



I'll be honest, I didn't read past this stupid post. "oh you are specced wrong, you get some heat back" is a stupid response because the nerfs are that every one of those heat reduction abilities was nerfed to hell and are now half of their old benefit.


The 16 heat regen on supercharged is now only 8, on top of which our 2 piece raid set bonus is crap now that we can manage heat at all because it adds time to the supercharged buff. The longer the duration is the less we can proc it since it does not begin building new charges while it it already active. The healing benefit is now half of what it is, so we don't need it as much as we used to, and since we are overheating the no cooldown on healing scan doesn't help much if we can't heal more than 4 times without overheating. Also, the 16 regen made a huge difference, you could pop it at like 50-60 heat to get back down to the max regen safely, now you need to pop it at about 45 because casting one more time puts you WAY over.


Also, on top of the nerfs to our heat management, kolto shell went from free to 16 (it needed to be at LEAST 8, I'll be honest) and Cure went from 8 to 16 (unnecessary).


I would accept most of the nerfs if supercharged was reverted back to useful and benefitted from skill on when to use it rather than right now it being a mandatory every cast burn. I went from 450k healing in warzones (capped at 680 in voidstar) to struggling for 200k, on top of which everyone else's dmg from expertise is almost doubled and so I cannot heal enough to keep anyone alive. I do more effecting healing on my assassin now with spamming MC and Mass MC.

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I'm quite upset about the patch and nerfs to my merc healer. I leveled bodyguard from the beginning and have been healing in other MMOs for years. There was a bit of humor in having 3-4 dps chasing me around huttball not being able to kill me (keep in mind I am all heals and can't do ANY dps back), but this recent nerf is out of hand. After reading the patch notes I tried to stay positive that with a little rotation changes and tweak to my spec I would be ok. Spending yesterday pvping made me realize that is just not possible. I was running with an ops healer in full Cent gear, while I am 90% BM gear and the other pieces are Champ, yesterday and they were out-healing me by about 150-200k. This to me just is not ok. That is a fresh lvl 50 in bottom of the line gear able to heal more than someone who has spent months building up her gear and abilities. MY bh will either be retiring until this is changed, or going dps.


~Sincerely, your local pissed off healer :mad:

Edited by its_just_jessica
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BH healing *I FIND* Seems to be me crossing my fingers that everything goes perfectly, because the second something needs to be -adjusted- my heat simply cannot handle it.


I just read the other comments, and this says it PERFECTLY. Good BHs are crap now, excellent BHs struggle to stay afloat.

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As a half Columi, half BM merc doing HM KP last night, healing the melee / tanks for Fabricator had me constantly overheating. Vent heat had to be used every time it popped, and I was back to overheating in very short order.


Kolto shell became essentially useless, as I cannot affort to spend that much heat swapping it back and forth during tank switches, so I just kept it on myself to mitigate whatever damage I may take.


Kolto missle's added heat cost, along with the limited number of targets effected, and the small amount of healing it provides also became a lot less desirable tool when trying to manage your heat.


Whereas before, I tended to reserve Emergency scan as an "OH ****" quick heal, now it's been getting used pretty much every time it pops in an attempt to get my heat level back to a managable level. This meant if someone else was taking unexpected damage, I had to pray that they'd stay alive long enough until my regular heals land on them.

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