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Another Downtime tonight 13 April ***


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Nobodies whining about the need for the patch. People are whining about the time. If this was during the American timezone, there would be hell to pay, and half the MMO gaming websites would be bashing on Bioware for it.


You are aware that the game started in the US yeah?


Before you jump down my throat, you should know I am an Australian and this is my prime time just as it is yours (I assume). I think if it were an option to take servers down at different times to please everyone they would probably consider it. Lets face it, the market is a majority US market, they are a business, they would be dumb to give us, the minority, preference over the majority.


I actually doubt that they cared at all what time they did this, it seems as though it was needed although in my limited experience of the game post 1.2 I saw very little that was wrong, must be lucky I guess.

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Okay, I would like to see numbers that show that SWTOR inconveniences the majority. You can't make a claim like that without showing us proof. YOU CAN'T. BW bases their down time on the Global population levels so they only affect a minority.


so that they don't inconvenience the majority in the server time zones.


Oceania is one of those server time zones.


The man was right.

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The day after 1.2 is out and another 4 hour downtime is coming in, we are currently paying to never have access to a game, due to maintenance every 2nd day.


I understand things need to get fixed but this is just unacceptable.


If it's unacceptable then why did you agree to accept it? Not to mention after a major patch it's very common to put in much needed fixes. Usually by hotfixing but that can't always be the case.

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Funny how people defend it, I imagine a lot of them are either from America or Europe stuck in work without a care in the world for the downtime as it doesn't effect them. Go stick to the maintenance period for 2 months right bang in the middle of prime time for North America or Europe and watch the uproar on the forums. If I recall yesterday or the day before, there was a long thread from West Coast people unhappy about having the servers down at 10pm.. now imagine what it would be like having them down from 5pm-9pm on a Friday night?


PS: I'm actually from the UK so not too badly effected by this but I do feel bad from those of you down under.

Edited by Senden
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Funny how people defend it, I imagine a lot of them are either from America or Europe stuck in work without a care in the world for the downtime as it doesn't effect them. Go stick to the maintenance period for 2 months right bang in the middle of prime time for North America or Europe and watch the uproar on the forums. If I recall yesterday or the day before, there was a long thread from West Coast people unhappy about having the servers down at 10pm.. now imagine what it would be like having them down from 5pm-9pm on a Friday night?


PS: I'm actually from the UK so not too badly effected by this but I do feel bad from those of you down under.


I understand what you are saying, they are a big business and the timing of these things reflects that.

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now imagine what it would be like having them down from 5pm-9pm on a Friday night?


PS: I'm actually from the UK so not too badly effected by this but I do feel bad from those of you down under.


Down during dinner then friday night pub time? You clearly can't be from the UK if you think that's a bad time :p

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So much QQ on these forums just cuse the servers are down for a few hours ^-^ :D


fun to see how many of you that are afraid to go outside and live you lifes at the computer :p


do what i do servers down = call a friend go shopping and eat at a resturant or something then log on the forums from a ipad or a laptop to lol at QQ threads :D

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So much QQ on these forums just cuse the servers are down for a few hours ^-^ :D


fun to see how many of you that are afraid to go outside and live you lifes at the computer :p


do what i do servers down = call a friend go shopping and eat at a resturant or something then log on the forums from a ipad or a laptop to lol at QQ threads :D


I'd go outside and get some sun right now but IT'S NIGHT TIME AND ALL THE RESTARAUNTS ARE CLOSED.


Btw Orange is the colour of nicotine.


Go choke on a latte.

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Well i see it from the bright side of the game and of course from the side of the actual player.

I know their is frustration about that Bioware update when they think it is good and i know

this is kinda allot since the launch of this game and even after this new patch 1.2 they did a

maintain to clean the mess up on the latest patch.


For player view is this really anoying, cant make progress on every character or progressing

at HC flashpionts or raids. I can even understand that people leave cause the miss things that

are on WoW. For example: Looking For Group.


So back again on this topic, it is frustrating but it is just 8 hours.


It is a new game.... so give them the way of making the game only better and let the patches

come what they do (they will even we don't like it :D)


See it also from another way, when Swtor servers are down.....you can play WoW for abit :D




Edited by Gromon
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they do a global maintenance because the game is global so when they split maintenance they are affraid that european players invade Amercican servers when it's downtime in europe.


But i don't think it's so hard to split the server farms and avoid that players join other servers. Add an option to choose server location when creating an account can fix this.

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Wow was going to read all of this but after 16 pages it just repeats all the time ,


I work grave yard shift, weekends mostly, My main play times are during patch times too, and I live east coast USA, I SUCK IT UP THAT PATCHES NEED TO HAPPEN.


It is a global Client with out region blocking, If your client file doesnt match the one the server is running you cannt play, so unless BW changes it to region blocking and regions only client files, they can not can not do staggered patching.


I miss those first few weeks of patchs,wish they would bring them back, Remember those days they took down both the servers and the forums at the same time. when they where back up again, frist two pages of the forums wassnt filled with thread after thread of whining that They had to patch or fix the game.


If you're really so hurt that they had to take down the game for a patch for now Unsub , really please quit playing, go back to what ever game you where playing or go back to playing single player games that down need a server to run and internet,

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so that they don't inconvenience the majority in the server time zones.


Oceania is one of those server time zones.


The man was right.


I don't know who taught you grammar and math but 'the majority in the server time zones' refers to a single majority not one in each time zone.

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To be honest I don't realy see the problem why BW doesn't fix this isue. ok they have to split up the maintenance but all in all it is still the same work.


BW has magical persons called developers. I don't think it's that big of a problem to make three different clients that work with the existing infarastructure. They just need to add three identifiers so they can filter the respective regions. all three clients can be part of every installation so people in europe playing on other regions or vice versa can still play on those regions. only drawback is that when you update a client to play on a server you have to wait until other servers get patched until you can switch to an other region. I don't see that as a big problem to be honest.

Edited by gambitason
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I have been playing MMO's since Ultima Online came out and I don't ever remember a multi-hour downtime back to back days in a row in any other game. I don't claim to have played them all but I have played alot. I have been a big advocate of SW:TOR and I still love the game however this is the first time I really have to agree with some of the complainers. Edited by Kaltastic
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Server Maintainence! In an MMO! God forbid they try and fix problems before they become problems, seriously people get a life, a girlfriend/boyfriend, a job. Friday night is hang out with friends night im sure you all can find some other things to do... Edited by NorrinRaddd
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1.2.0a Patch Notes



Addressed an issue that could prevent characters from being deleted.

Made improvements to the CS ticketing system.


The mod is a bit weird, as the topics don't REALLY match, but meh. Continuing on!

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I don't know who taught you grammar and math but 'the majority in the server time zones' refers to a single majority not one in each time zone.


Ah, the old 'I know english better than you, so I'm smarter' thing.


The guy was refering to the fact that there are servers that have a whole tab to themselves that are labelled OCEANIC. And the MAJORITY of the people who play there are on or near Australian time. So therefore, the majority of people in the (oceanic) server time zones are being inconvenienced.


But you knew that already, you just like trolling.

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It is annoying on a Friday night, smack bang in the middle of our prime time.


What I want to know is whats in the 100mb patch!


According to the patch notes for 1.2.0.a i'm really hoping this isnt all the patch is addressing:




  • Addressed an issue that could prevent characters from being deleted.
  • Made improvements to the CS ticketing system.


If it is, to take servers down im primetime for a large portion of the community so that people can delete characters and submit tickets when they can already do this is fraustrating. There has to be some other fix going on surely?


EDIT: To be clear I mean they can already submit tickets. I'm not sure about the delete character bug, but surely if you've hit 8 characters you can play one of the other 7 until they do fix this...

Edited by Thoresus
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Stop whining there's nothing you can do and besides they wont tell you unless they really want you to know the reason or reasons for this downtime. I think they are just adding some improvements to the game and all of it's buggs, i mean seriously i have been playing this game for a week and found over 15 buggs during my play time of only doing missions and pvp and the reason is because no one is reporting them or it's just me that has experienced all kinds of buggs within this game? it's a new mmo it takes time to fix some stuff be patient.


May the force be with you my friends :o

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Well one issue I noticed in tatooine last night was on my trooper vanguard quest. I'm responding to the apartment complex bombing. I get in there, speak with the residents as the droids attack. 2 mouse clicks and my companion is dead another mouse click and i'm dead.....That fast. There was no lag as I could manuever and fire, MV was FAST. But those droid were faster then fast!


All and all I thoroughly dislike 1.2. Seems they needed to suck the last little bit of fun out of the game....at least for me.

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