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Another Downtime tonight 13 April ***


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The day after 1.2 is out and another 4 hour downtime is coming in, we are currently paying to never have access to a game, due to maintenance every 2nd day.


I understand things need to get fixed but this is just unacceptable.


not true at all...you comment is invalid and unacceptable, there patches have been convienent and usually once weekly, more than blizzard can say. Rarely has it came down twice in the same week idiot, if you don't like it go play something more your style like the hello kitty MMO

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Assuming you mean 2pm BST, not actually GMT, we're at GMT+1 in the UK atm.


7pm for central Europe, 8pm for eastern Europe, 9pm for the Gulf.


Should I also mention that at this time of year it would be only 9pm in Western Australia?


8pm UPTIME for eastern europe isn't bad, and they do sometimes bring servers back up early. And better 9pm Western Australia than 9pm Eastern Australia, where 80% of the population lives. Sorry Sandgropers! :p

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The day after 1.2 is out and another 4 hour downtime is coming in, we are currently paying to never have access to a game, due to maintenance every 2nd day.


I understand things need to get fixed but this is just unacceptable.


Same old same old, real over-dramatisation dont you think ?


Seriously, its been 2 days this week compared to a normal once a week.


For anyone that played SWG the servers went down 3 times a week and on patch days could be down majority of day

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2PM GMT. Servers will be up by 6pm for the Brits, will go down at midnight for Aussies, and be down from 6am-10am in L.A.


That took me 2 minutes checking the timezone calculator.


I don't charge for the service either. And it ain't magic.


Your wrong on L.A., L.A. will be 4am-8am. St. Louis is 6am-10am and New York is 7am-11am

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Not all of us sit at home all day and can play like that, i work have a family & other commitments, seems like every time i jump on to play servers are down AGAIN.


Just infuriating, can BW get nothing right


Wow..you are the shining example of a whiney and entitled brat.


I want to go where you work and complain that you don't work the way I want you to because I have other things to do. Don't bother to reply, not coming back to this looser thread.

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Same old same old, real over-dramatisation dont you think ?


Seriously, its been 2 days this week compared to a normal once a week.


For anyone that played SWG the servers went down 3 times a week and on patch days could be down majority of day


If I had a credit for every one of these 'I just wanna wave my MMO veteran credentials around' replies, I could probably respec a few more times.


Didn't that game DIE?


Welcome to 2012, btw. We have colour now.

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not true at all...you comment is invalid and unacceptable, there patches have been convienent and usually once weekly, more than blizzard can say. Rarely has it came down twice in the same week idiot, if you don't like it go play something more your style like the hello kitty MMO


Lecturing other people with grammatically incorrect sentences, inconsistent tenses, and spelling errors makes your insult look a bit pathetic.


Might I suggest you adopt some manners on these forums and think before you post?

Edited by Comrade_Leader
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If I had a credit for every one of these 'I just wanna wave my MMO veteran credentials around' replies, I could probably respec a few more times.


Didn't that game DIE?


Welcome to 2012, btw. We have colour now.


If I had a credit for every one of these "I don't know anything about software" replies..

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I see no reason that Bioware could not call me personally and simply ask me when the most convenient time would be for me for them to take the servers down.





( I am starting to like this join the QQ instead of arguing with them )

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Wow..you are the shining example of a whiney and entitled brat.


I want to go where you work and complain that you don't work the way I want you to because I have other things to do. Don't bother to reply, not coming back to this looser thread.


Does that mean you're going to a "tighter" thread?


When you cannot even spell your insults correctly, it actually makes you look a bit like a loser.

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I see no reason that Bioware could not call me personally and simply ask me when the most convenient time would be for me for them to take the servers down.





( I am starting to like this join the QQ instead of arguing with them )


Oh I really, really hope servers go down again in peak U.S. time. These forums will break.


That being said, I'd like to thank everyone who took time out of their busy schedule to post troll replies from their nice, airconditioned, ergonomicly and politically correct offices and their comfortable coffee tables, while a lot of us just came home from the factory or mine or worksite. Thanks for taking it easy while the rest of us do permanent damage to ourselves for a crust, and just want to have a beer and relax and play SWT...oh wait, it's down, again.

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Wow..you are the shining example of a whiney and entitled brat.


I want to go where you work and complain that you don't work the way I want you to because I have other things to do. Don't bother to reply, not coming back to this looser thread.


You do realize that's a silly way to put it... People need to look up the definition of "Entitlement" pronto.


When people go to a restaurant and from beginning to end have nightmarish service they tend to complain. If I order a pizza and half my toppings are missing, I complain. Have you ever gone to Macdonalds before?

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Lecturing other people with grammatically incorrect sentences, inconsistent tenses, and spelling errors makes your insult look a bit pathetic.


Might I suggest you adopt some manners on these forums and think before you post?


Why are you even on this thread? All you're doing is correcting mistakes. If you have nothing to contribute to this thread, get out.


Why whine about a bit of down-time when BW just gave us a free month, jeez.

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Oh I really, really hope servers go down again in peak U.S. time. These forums will break.


That being said, I'd like to thank everyone who took time out of their busy schedule to post troll replies from their nice, airconditioned, ergonomicly and politically correct offices and their comfortable coffee tables, while a lot of us just came home from the factory or mine or worksite. Thanks for taking it easy while the rest of us do permanent damage to ourselves for a crust, and just want to have a beer and relax and play SWT...oh wait, it's down, again.



Im still angry about yesterday, they promised us 8 hours of downtime at the least, and they only delivered 7 of them


Epic Fail!!


( im getting good and this QQ stuff )

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I agree Tuesdays would make the most sense, and time them... can't believe that Euro servers cant be updated at differant times...


same for servers all over the world... for at the end of the day we pay for this servies and yes we know patches and fixes need to be made.


don't get me wrong I am enjoying the game... just don't want to made to feel like i'm wasting cash... maybe some free time should be added to make up for it :)

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The day after 1.2 is out and another 4 hour downtime is coming in, we are currently paying to never have access to a game, due to maintenance every 2nd day.


I understand things need to get fixed but this is just unacceptable.


It's perfectly acceptable. Who exactly do you think you are? Why are you so entitled and special? Are you the most important person in the world? Cause you sure do sound like it.

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The day after 1.2 is out and another 4 hour downtime is coming in, we are currently paying to never have access to a game, due to maintenance every 2nd day.


I understand things need to get fixed but this is just unacceptable.


The entire last sentence is an oxymoron. If you think this is unacceptable, then you really don't understand anything.

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Im still angry about yesterday, they promised us 8 hours of downtime at the least, and they only delivered 7 of them


Epic Fail!!


( im getting good and this QQ stuff )


I know right. Next thing you know they'll be giving us free play time to buy us off! EPIC FAIL BW! You can't fool me! QQ!! /RAGE QUIT!! I'm a little brat and I'll never be satisfied with anything you do because my mommy said I'm a special snow flake and I always deserve the best! Which is what I want!! What I want is what I get because I'm special! /unsub because I deserve what I want and BW isn't good enough to give it to me


; )

Edited by JHoltJHolt
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Wow..you are the shining example of a whiney and entitled brat.


I want to go where you work and complain that you don't work the way I want you to because I have other things to do. Don't bother to reply, not coming back to this looser thread.


The diference is that you dont pay his salary, you do however pay Biowares.

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