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Another Downtime tonight 13 April ***


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Guys, most of us just got 30 days free :) Dont worry, Be Happy



Really though, its only 4 hours, for EU people its 12-4pm, no biggie. For East Coast its morning till 11am, no biggie?


You havent read this post at all, have you Bobby McFerrin.

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I think the big issue is the frequency of the patches but rather the fact they don't have different down times for the US, Euro and Oceanic servers. That is silly. I can live with the downtimes for Europe (though I play on a US server so that's just my tough luck), but it doesn't seem right to create a specific set of Oceanic servers and then drop them during prime time.
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Of 1 hour, its basically for a server reset to keep everything running smoothly, 1 hour is nothing, have a shower, something to eat, and done, let alone 4, 6 or 8 hours like BW does, and all in 1 week. 18 hours of downtime and counting this week woo hoo. No wonder they gave a free month out, at least its SOMETHING, I suggested this to them AGES ago for the issues people were having, least they have listened to 1 thing out of the 50 or so bug reports / suggestions I have done.


...and when there is a major content release, the EVE cluster will be down for 12 hours or so. Then there will be subsequent downtimes for bug fixes.


Just like in SW:ToR. Fancy that!


The purpose of the downtime is irrelevant within the context of the topic, that is scheduling a downtime for some magic hour of the day where it impacts no time zone's primt time.

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Have you seen todays patch notes? 4 hours FOR THAT?


Its pathetic isn't it. I'm sitting here stunned after reading the patch notes.


No wonder they dont put the patch notes up until after the fact.

Edited by Radox
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I understand that huge games like SWTOR will always need patches, just like everyone of us need to breath, drink, eat and sleep. It just sux that every patch brings the servers down during the hours I play, and pay for whether I play or not. That combined with downtime two days in a row and I get frustrated.


Was the game so broken that it couldn't wait until the next scheduled downtime which generally happens Tuesday's? I mean I played after the servers came back up yesterday and didn't notice any problems. And, when did someone stop and say "Hey its a weekend day, lets pull the severs offline" and not only did they think of it, it seems they thought it was a good idea.


Don't get me wrong I love the game! I believe the Dev's have done an awesome job to date. I am just saying perhaps they need to test updates and patches a bit more before going live with them. Then I could spend my time in game, and not here feeling like a whiner.


Flame away, as it seems anyone with a valid opinion or concern here gets flamed for saying ANYTHING. Remember in life its cool to have an opinion or thought, you just don't have to spout out every thought that comes into your head!

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Guys, most of us just got 30 days free :) Dont worry, Be Happy



Really though, its only 4 hours, for EU people its 12-4pm, no biggie. For East Coast its morning till 11am, no biggie?


For Aussies it's between 7pm to 9pm and 11pm to 1sm. Still no biggie?

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I can't stand this sh*t for much longer... I mean I bought this game two days ago and I thought I'm gonna have a blast at it (I have some free time lately) and not even 1 day passed and BOOM - 1.2 update comes - sorry we have to forcefully take almost a whole day of gaming without any compensation. "Oh well just bought it at a bad time NOW I shall enjoy my new game". BioWare: "Not so quickly, lad. We have more wasting of time to give ya!"



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The purpose of the downtime is irrelevant within the context of the topic, that is scheduling a downtime for some magic hour of the day where it impacts no time zone's primt time.


2PM GMT. Servers will be up by 6pm for the Brits, will go down at midnight for Aussies, and be down from 6am-10am in L.A.


That took me 2 minutes checking the timezone calculator.


I don't charge for the service either. And it ain't magic.

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I can't stand this sh*t for much longer... I mean I bought this game two days ago and I thought I'm gonna have a blast at it (I have some free time lately) and not even 1 day passed and BOOM - 1.2 update comes - sorry we have to forcefully take almost a whole day of gaming without any compensation. "Oh well just bought it at a bad time NOW I shall enjoy my new game". BioWare: "Not so quickly, lad. We have more wasting of time to give ya!"




Read the EULA, they don't guarantee a 24/7 service.


If this is your first online game and you can't cope with this sort of thing then online gaming isn't gonna be for you. If it's not, then you should know the drill by now. It's just bad luck that you happened to buy it just before a major patch.

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The day after 1.2 is out and another 4 hour downtime is coming in, we are currently paying to never have access to a game, due to maintenance every 2nd day.


I understand things need to get fixed but this is just unacceptable.


LOL, How could I have known.


Patch after patch is just about SOP (standard operating Procedure) in MMORPGs and has been since the beginning of time.


"Unacceptable", or "I want a refund" posts Are likewise, SOP

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I can't stand this sh*t for much longer... I mean I bought this game two days ago and I thought I'm gonna have a blast at it (I have some free time lately) and not even 1 day passed and BOOM - 1.2 update comes - sorry we have to forcefully take almost a whole day of gaming without any compensation. "Oh well just bought it at a bad time NOW I shall enjoy my new game". BioWare: "Not so quickly, lad. We have more wasting of time to give ya!"




What would you do if you faced a real life emergency?

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Its an MMO after any major change you can expect intermitant patching for a week or two. for them to take the servers down the day after the patch to patch means there is so big problem, exploit, dupping bug that they have to remove from the game immedately.


No this doesn't mean that they don't test the patch, sometime in IT you can run test but things just behave diffrently in the live environment

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Guys, most of us just got 30 days free :) Dont worry, Be Happy



Really though, its only 4 hours, for EU people its 12-4pm, no biggie. For East Coast its morning till 11am, no biggie?


LOL, be happy?


You could give some of these people a free year, a full rack of level 50 characters of every race and spec, two space ships, 10 million credits and they would find something to complain about.


Honestly, these boards have been like a playpen the last few days.

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LOL, be happy?


You could give some of these people a free year, a full rack of level 50 characters of every race and spec, two space ships, 10 million credits and they would find something to complain about.


Honestly, these boards have been like a playpen the last few days.


Troll much?

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2PM GMT. Servers will be up by 6pm for the Brits, will go down at midnight for Aussies, and be down from 6am-10am in L.A.


That took me 2 minutes checking the timezone calculator.


I don't charge for the service either. And it ain't magic.


Assuming you mean 2pm BST, not actually GMT, we're at GMT+1 in the UK atm.


7pm for central Europe, 8pm for eastern Europe, 9pm for the Gulf.


Should I also mention that at this time of year it would be only 9pm in Western Australia?

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LOL, be happy?


You could give some of these people a free year, a full rack of level 50 characters of every race and spec, two space ships, 10 million credits and they would find something to complain about.


Honestly, these boards have been like a playpen the last few days.


You mean 10 million per character right? No way could I settle for just 10 million across 8 characters!

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LOL, be happy?


You could give some of these people a free year, a full rack of level 50 characters of every race and spec, two space ships, 10 million credits and they would find something to complain about.


Honestly, these boards have been like a playpen the last few days.


Seriously? Only 10 million credits?


I would expect much more.



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Yes, a majority of the gaming population gets upset/frustrated due to maintenance.


Although this may seem like a downside, it's all for our benefits. And for the fact that they're using our money to good use, I'm happy with that.


Keeps the game polished and updated.

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