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0 Credits from Losing Warzones. Really?


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Dieing is part of the game. You dont need to be Immortal - check.


Everyone dies in 2s now if focused. - Check


Losing warzones is part of the game. If you dont focus on objectives, learn to play the game. That will bring victories and victories will bring rewards. Losing warzones, quiting warzones slacking in warzones brings you nothing. - Check


PvP is close to where it has to be - Check :)


So PvP is meant to be Me vs 8 other players???


Because thats whats happening...


"Oh no they just capped the 2nd turret!!!" *everyone quits* *Tyranoc gets ***** repeatedly* *no valor or comms*



That literally summed up the past 11 wz's. And I have only played 11 since 1.2 was released.

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Losing should give less rewards.

But it is too large a gap at the moment.

It's better to just leave a WZ if you're losing, from a rewards stand-point.


It's not FUN to PVP when there's little incentive to fight on.

You barely lose a close match?

Same rewards from a blow-out, really.

Sure, a few extra credits/coms from your medals but not enough.


1.2 has made PVP worse, not better.

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Just to throw mine in. There has to be major punishments for leaving and a reward for staying in the game even if you are losing/lose


I have had heaps of fun Hutt Ball games that my team lost, even 1 - 0 can be fun if everyone is doing the right thing. Hell, if both teams are really good 1 - 0 is a reasonable expectation, but, especially in Hutt Ball, if you are on the losing side and play objectives it is easy to get low medals and spend 15mins to get 20 comms and 0- 100 creds. Thats crazy. Why wouldn't someone leave if it looked like thats where their 15mins was going.


I have also seen civil wars where my team starts to lose so everyone sits on the point we control and grabs 3 easy defense comms. Throwing myself at a control point with 4 pubs over and over again gets no medals and nothing but frustration. You die no matter how good you are. Civil War needs to award attack points for damage taken at control points even if you dont control them. If it does this, it doesn't do it well enough but I haven't enough evidence either way.


In summary... I agree that it can be tough to find premades, it can be impossible to get strangers to listen to strats but it can still be fun as long as everyone thinks they will get rewarded for trying and keep doing so even down to the final siren. Some comms for losing with effort would be nice too, 400 WZ to get a full suit for gear is too many.


More people pvping can not be a bad thing even if we have to pay them off!

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Maybe it's a bug,


I had plenty Medals in both Novare and Voidstar, and Lost. Got 0 Credits.

However in Hutbal, with medals, I got some Credits despite losing.


Anyone else noticing this?

Out of like 10 matches i only won one, but i got credits on all of them, i also had 4+ medals on each so that must be the key more medals. And it could be a bug as well
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Just to throw mine in. There has to be major punishments for leaving and a reward for staying in the game even if you are losing/lose


I have had heaps of fun Hutt Ball games that my team lost, even 1 - 0 can be fun if everyone is doing the right thing. Hell, if both teams are really good 1 - 0 is a reasonable expectation, but, especially in Hutt Ball, if you are on the losing side and play objectives it is easy to get low medals and spend 15mins to get 20 comms and 0- 100 creds. Thats crazy. Why wouldn't someone leave if it looked like thats where their 15mins was going.


I have also seen civil wars where my team starts to lose so everyone sits on the point we control and grabs 3 easy defense comms. Throwing myself at a control point with 4 pubs over and over again gets no medals and nothing but frustration. You die no matter how good you are. Civil War needs to award attack points for damage taken at control points even if you dont control them. If it does this, it doesn't do it well enough but I haven't enough evidence either way.


In summary... I agree that it can be tough to find premades, it can be impossible to get strangers to listen to strats but it can still be fun as long as everyone thinks they will get rewarded for trying and keep doing so even down to the final siren. Some comms for losing with effort would be nice too, 400 WZ to get a full suit for gear is too many.


More people pvping can not be a bad thing even if we have to pay them off!


More people pvping can not be a bad thing even if we have to pay them off! Smartest comment ive seen here.

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I find it amazing that so many people think this new system is great ... i agree that winning should be worth more after all you WON!!! and it took work on everyones part to do it ... but there in lies the dilemma for the losers ... it takes everyone and 1 person cannot control everyone. You have a team of 8 individuals playing and they are all going to be at different levels of skill, gear, general knowledge of the game yet u reward all them the same for losing even if the lose is caused by only one of them; what is that reward?!! u ask but a measly amount of comms and no credits.


Now i hate this saying, because life is not but hey ..." Thats not Fair! " ... i deserve to be rewarded for my time and energy and effort or why pvp ............ ques take forever and most WZs are losses and i like PvE and crafting just as much so unless i get something out of it i may as well not do it



but with that said make PvP more like DAOC pvp with bases to physically take over and missions to achieve that will make for EPIC battles and reward only the winners or i should say the ones left standing and do a per kill basis reward and that would be the greatest ever altho i may be the only person who thinks that lol :)

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So you think loosing should be rewarded.....


My old ma used to say... If at first you dont succeed... try and try again!! :D


So pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back in and try harder... you suffer no repair bills for PVP loses... so why should you get rewarded for loosing....


Remember... IT'S JUST A GAME!!


The point is that unlike reality, this is a game. It is a game that we PAY to play.


The "major" reward for winning [at PvP] in this game is the completion of your dailies/weekly. I am not an "everyone deserves to be a winner" kind of guy, however the rewards do need to match the investment.


I primarily play a Pyro Merc (v70 full BM gear) on a pretty evenly split server. (pre-1.2) Generally I was 1-3 on the damage board, 1-3 on the kill board and I'd get anywhere from 5-8 comms per decent match. Even in a loss, this resulted in steady rewards. Steady rewards kept me chasing the carrot.


I think last night I played 7 matches to get my three wins, not very different than any other night. The four losing matches I received basically nothing. So in pure WZ time that's roughly one hour of my life that I will never get back, and received nothing for in exchange. That is the point.


Keep in mind that 40 seems to be the max you can get on a loss. Obtaining 40 comms per loss means that as an individual you did everything in your power to win but came up short for reasons beyond your control.


If you play and lose 10 matches, which isn't uncommon on many servers, you *****might***** get 400 comms. You can purchase RWZ comms with WZ comms at 3:1. So with your 400 WZ comms you can convert those to exactly 13 RWZ comms. If you only gain 40 comms per match, then you can only buy 2 meds at the end. If you have to spend all your comms on meds your gear progression grind time will be significantly increased. How many people do you think will suffer that grind? Less PvPers, means less PvP. Get it?


Prior to 1.2, even losing you could still chase that carrot and gear up in a reasonable amount of time. For people to say that the losing team isn't suffering a penalty or punishment is flat out untrue.

Edited by ekwalizer
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I agree with what ekwalizer just said. Some elitists don't understand that Win or Loss we actually put in the time. It's not 1 individual's fault if the team is losing. I know I give my 110% each warzone but some people are not determined enough to win, and that's their problem.


The issue is that, usually to get these three wins we spend around 1 hour or more of our time. Most of that time is losing, and the reward for that is abysmal. The personal effort/reward ratio is lackluster.


Not to mention that the reward itself for the 3 wins daily could have been more exciting. I mean over 2 months of testing and that's all BW could come up? 99 commendations? really?


ON a side note. They made many changes to cater to the "casual" community. Yet they make this one change in regards to PvP that hurts the very people they were trying to please.


I mean wasn't 1.2 designed to bring more people in? They said it themselves at the Guild Summit that PvP was a huge thing in SWTOR. With this 1 change they're driving people away from PvPing which will result in less people playing this game.

Back to the drawing boards.

Edited by Shefu
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I believe the penalty for quitting needs to be upped. Quitters are hurting the PvP, not Bioware. I say quit up to 3 times in a day and you're ok, (Phone call, baby falls of the countertop, emergency bathroom break) after that you can't queue any more that day.


OR - Wait until the ranked games are in... Leave stuff the way it was till then. Ranked games go with the new rules and tough quitting restrictions. Yeah, that sounds good!

Edited by Waboose
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Those who aren't good in PVP will disappear and it'll be full of competitive players and premades. Heh. Good luck with the queue times.


I suppose that's why they're working on cross server queueing. And if that's what it takes for me to be able to queue up with people who don't quit before the first goal, then I'm all for it!

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Those justifying that players on losing teams get nothing, not even creds, are either children, stupid or trolling. Professional athletes who play on perrenial stinkers still get paid to show up and play.... And it's especially justified if they play as hard as they can. They also warrant being the most valuable player to their team even if that team completely sucks. But most importantly, they get paid.


The fellas suggesting that winners get both creds and comms while losers get just creds for their trouble are dead on. Or vice versa (in order for undergeared players to get geared) Kudos to you.

Edited by darthzyko
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Those justifying that players on losing teams get nothing, not even creds, are either children, stupid or trolling. Professional athletes who play on perrenial stinkers still get paid to show up and play.... And it's especially justified if they play as hard as they can. They also warrant being the most valuable player to their team even if that team completely sucks. But most importantly, they get paid.


The fellas suggesting that winners get both creds and comms while losers get just creds for their trouble are dead on. Or vice versa (in order for undergeared players to get geared) Kudos to you. And besides, this is likely nothing more than an unintended bug.


Not a child, stupid or trolling... If you're getting your arse kicked in PvP, you need Comms and not credits. Your idea is kinda right... A pro gets paid to play or compete but winners make big bucks and those that suck make enough to buy their mac and cheese for supper.


I'm one of the solo players who gets his arse kicked repeatedly and I'd take the gear that helps me compete over some credits I can get from any activity any day.

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many of my games, I die too fast to get medals because we only have 1/2 the number of players, and the other side has more gear, meaning that at any given time most of my team is dead (even just a few seconds after I wait for them so we can fight together) and I'm getting ganked by 3 better-geared players.


I get top heals on my side and zero rewards for it. if I'm lucky, I can get a few crumbs and zero credits.


anybody who thinks this change is fine is playing under different conditions than I was (healer, pug, champ gear, minority faction).

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Not a child, stupid or trolling... If you're getting your arse kicked in PvP, you need Comms and not credits. Your idea is kinda right... A pro gets paid to play or compete but winners make big bucks and those that suck make enough to buy their mac and cheese for supper.


I'm one of the solo players who gets his arse kicked repeatedly and I'd take the gear that helps me compete over some credits I can get from any activity any day.


Lol we arent in disagreement. Hence why you are niether child, stupid nor trolling :)

Edited by darthzyko
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Losing should not be rewarded, wait, losing should be punished and you should recieve a penalty, how about you lose 2k credits and valor and 90 comendations everytime you lose ?


You really should work for some MMO company, i bet they will go bankrupt in record time.


Some very nice ideas you got there. :rolleyes:

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I get about a 1000 valor and 25 comms for losing seems fair to me makes you wanna win


Who in the hell doesn't want to win? The problem is that no matter if you WANT to win or not, if you don't you don't receive any credits. 3 Warzone losses in a row netted me 93 comms ~4k valor, and ZERO credits.


This effectively stops me from raiding. I can't pay for repairs therefore I can't raid. I'm not going to spend the time I have to play the game grinding pve daily missions for credits just to raid. It's ridiculous I'm being alienated from raiding because I enjoy PvP more than grinding the same PvE missions over and over.

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Losing should not be rewarded, wait, losing should be punished and you should recieve a penalty, how about you lose 2k credits and valor and 90 comendations everytime you lose ?


You must not PvP a lot, if you did you would know that the win/loss ration in Warzones is laughable unless you're in a premade. So yeah, I'll try harder to play for 7 other people.

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They really ruined PVP for end gear people or people who craft heavily. PVPing won't give you enough credits to sustain yourself if you do anything besides PVP only you are going to have to pve to make money.


They also basically eliminated leveling through PVP as well. You don't get enough money to buy new skills/gear and you gain comms way too slowly to stay geared for your level.


This might honestly be the worst thing out of this patch. Seems like they purposefully are trying to force people to level solely through PVE.

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