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0 Credits from Losing Warzones. Really?


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if you guys payed attention you dont get a reward until you earn 3 medals to prevent against afkers joining games and getting credit for doing nothing. Its actually smart! Quit the QQ


this isnt true. ive played about 12 games today and had about 5 losses. for each of the losses i had anywhere from 7-11 medals and i earned zero credits for each loss. the wins i was netting about 2-3k credits. so no, its not 3 medals and get credits/comms. if its not a win, u get nothing.


u should get rewarded based on ur accomplishments / medals u earn in the match. the winning team should definitely get a bigger reward but the losers shouldnt just get nothing. it wasnt like that before and it shouldnt be that way now.

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if you guys payed attention you dont get a reward until you earn 3 medals to prevent against afkers joining games and getting credit for doing nothing. Its actually smart! Quit the QQ

And if you read with your thinger, you'll notice we still could end up with less than 3 medals while actually doing the job.


If they add "damage taken" and "deaths" as medals, this would be good though... but still not fun.

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if you guys payed attention you dont get a reward until you earn 3 medals to prevent against afkers joining games and getting credit for doing nothing. Its actually smart! Quit the QQ


And if you had read my first post clearly you would have learned that this is not the case. Since I had both losses with 5 or more Medals and for 1 i got credits and the other none.

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So you want to be able to show up, do horribly and still get something just for showing up? That basically a win would only give you pride because losing is always a netted gain?


Nothing meant as offense meant directly at you, but seriously people? Have we seriously taken the "everyone is special" crap to the next level? I mean, I was a bit perturbed by not getting money for losing a match, but I also knew that there were two other reasons I played WZ: to play with other players and TO WIN!!! I don't go in thinking, "golly gee, I hope that I win so that my feelings don't get hurt or that I'm not wasting my time gaining valuable lessons in tactics or how to better play in a PvP server." I go in thinking, "Hey, I hope I win." The end. If I lose, then I lost and I'll try better next time.


Stop thinking that you deserve something at every friggin corner of everything!!! These people work hard to bring you this game. You have the game now and you have other means of making credits. Don't like it? Don't know what to tell you. Get over it.


This kind of thinking will cause the GAME to fail, you might not like BW catering to casual players but news flash, casual players keep the game going.

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They truely messed this one up.

I have seen pvp go sour like this on new games before. The same thing always happens. People start to cancel in groups and by the guild at a chance for a better game. Ques get longer, world pvp vanishes.

BW won't fix it, they can't please everybody.

Such is life in the almost exciting world of pvp.

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Yes, I agree that healers got the biggest possible shaft with the recent patch . . I have gone two games now with 0's across the board because I try healing a pug group. People will never spec healing again if this continues (unless you are in a hard core pvp group). For those of us that like PvE and like SOLO queuing . . forget it


I can't handle pugs running in and dying like crazy while I am trying to heal them . . insta death = insta . . nothing.

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Actually losing should be rewarded due to the effort everyone put in, so now if someone has broken armor and weapons in a story area and no credits, then they have to win a warzone that might take forever to get queued into in the first place. (it is possible to get stuck in a story area with only one elite enemy in the Jedi Knight story). Bioware you need to think things through instead of just implementing ****, you are making your game worse.


I accept you have no control over others in a made up team... but loosing is loosing... communication is always possible in a WZ simple chat can eleviate lack of strategy.. sure not all members are geared or no the wz etc etc but the same applies to the other team.. it all comes down to who can overcome the odds better....


Look at it from another perspective.. say 2 or 3 players join ur WZ team.. they sit inside just inside WZ and maybe even go sneak mode.. then basically pike the WZ without making an effort... sure your being penalised but you have the option to try and go on or leave the WZ... the Pikers loose, you dont have to


Re-ques.. yes I agree that thats an unfortuante side effect if you are forced to make that decision to leave the WZ.. but there are also situations where recalling out so that your mates in the opposite team have a greater chance of winning... so this can also be seen as your penalty for leaving grp.


Either way.. credits are easy to come by, you dont have to repair after WZ's and valour will always generally increase as doe XP (very easily)

Edited by Bloodstealer
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To all people who says "duh you don't get reward for losing" or stuff along the lines of "cry more":


Enjoy your new queue times which are tripled.


This. These changes cause people to pvp less, which is a bad thing.

Edited by Kanana
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At level 50, I spend little to nothing. Except for a few stims, and the repair once every 2 weeks, I barely even notice how many credits I have. I can barely bring myself to care.


Even that being said, I'm GLAD you dont get anything monetary for losing. It gives the people who play like crap more incentive to try and win.


Playing against premades and getting pounded? HERES a thought!


Organize your own! I know 7 different people with voice servers. It costs less than a gallon of gas per month to operate one. It isnt very difficult.


Yeah, because driving people away from learning how to play in this game's PvP matches is going to draw in more PvPers! Wait, what's wrong with that idea, oh yeah it makes no sense...

You'll get a few new people who enjoy PvP enough to stick around, but most will see that they get nothing and keep falling further behind and get upset. Gear rewards for PvP were never a good idea, and compared to how much the PvE players make in credits PvP has never been a good investment. And now it's even worse. So of course, what did BW do? They implemented a special rewards and perks system that costs a lot of credits. Are you starting to see the design flaw here? BW has set up PvP to fail through sheer incompetence.

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Yep, all this is going to do is drive the solo queuer out of the game, no rewards, just roflstomping by premades.


What this means is that the queues get longer and the "leet" pvp'ers will have to wait ages for a match and eventually they'll be qq'ing about the times.


PVP is supposed to be about the skill of players not the gear they wear, the gear is just a visible cue that they are indeed good.


Unfortunately the "snow flake" brigade believe that only people who grind mercilessly should get rewards and before you respond, I have a valor66 BH that has just been castrated by the devs (well it isn't that bad).


I won my 3 WZ's pretty quickly yesterday after the patch but was shocked to see basically nothing for losing when I eventually lost a match.


We need more people to pvp, we need people geared quickly. I entered pvp a few weeks ago, with just levelling gear.. 11k health, up against full geared BM's 18k... I was critted to oblivion, but at least I was only a free kill for a week, I sorted Cent gear and could start the fightback... now if you lose you get nothing.... great.


As it stands right now, you need 12,475 commendations for full BM (my mental arithmetic may be a tad off), at the losing rate of 30 commendations per WZ (and that's generous) you'll need to enter over 400 WZ's.. that just does not seem right to me.


I MUCH PREFER WINNING A CLOSE Huttball 3-2 or Voidstar in the last minute, than ROFLSTOMPING the opposition 6-0 in 2 mins.... there is no fun beating someone way worse geared/skilled than yourself, I'll only get better playing better players than myself.


But it has to be reasonably fair fight.

Edited by Lordbrummie
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I quite like it. I'm keen on the new gear grind, but I am pissing myself with laughter at a former guild mate who said that:


its the new generation of mmo XXXX make pvp skill based rather than gear based (and a whole lot more fun) and make pve the gear grinder.


Uh huh, looks like you're right on the money there. :p

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So you think loosing should be rewarded.....


My old ma used to say... If at first you dont succeed... try and try again!! :D


So pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back in and try harder... you suffer no repair bills for PVP loses... so why should you get rewarded for loosing....


Remember... IT'S JUST A GAME!!


Yes losing should be rewarded in an MMO because basically time = money. Less commendation is fine and i agree with that, however money should be equal

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also this bull with rewards being tied to medals to extent where 0 medals = 0 reward doesnt work in this system. yesterday i was constantly put into almost finished warzones due to ppl quitting and as a scrapper there isnt any quick medal way like tanks get with guard and taunt, if u r not lucky enough to get a good crit or killing blow u might not get a medal at all. So basically the game puts me somewhere where ppl before me didnt want to stay and if the other team pwns i cant really get anything out of it... when this happens couple of times in a row it becoms a problem... DONT PUT ME INTO HALF FINISHED LOST GAMES if u dont have some minimal reward. Its hard enough to get medals against a good team, but if u play the whole match u should get some, but when u come in a few minutes be4 the end it gets hard, yet u still lost time and put in effort.


oh and to all the pros giving us great advice to make premades... here is something for u. Not all of us have their classmates playing this game and some of us have limited and very irregular time to spend (one day i might be able to play for 6h next 3 days zero)... well there is not many premades that want a player like that so i m lucky if i get into a group twice a week after someone left for bed. But if a games wants to be more hardcore friendly then casual, then fine, they should just have to advertise it as such and the 4 guilds that will be left playing that game can battle each other, 80% of players will rather play something else instead.

Edited by djluxi
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So you think loosing should be rewarded.....


My old ma used to say... If at first you dont succeed... try and try again!! :D


So pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back in and try harder... you suffer no repair bills for PVP loses... so why should you get rewarded for loosing....


Remember... IT'S JUST A GAME!!


If it was 1vs1 that arguement could work, but it's not. it's awhole bunch of different players against eachother, you have no idea what they will do.

You shouldn't get punished because other people don't do what they are suppose to do.


And... I see pre-made vs pugs too often to make this Risk / Reward thing to work, until they have Cross server pvp so Pre-made vs pre-made works properly they should hold on this Risk/reward thing.

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I only just got to play with the 1.2 patch... I'm out... In all the WZ's I was playing as soon as you started losing ppl would leave. There is NO incentive to stay and fight, and I use to always do it, as you got SOMETHING in the end.


Now there is nothing.


I was hoping 1.2 would fix PvP. I was sooooooooooo wrong.

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Dieing is part of the game. You dont need to be Immortal - check.


Everyone dies in 2s now if focused. - Check


Losing warzones is part of the game. If you dont focus on objectives, learn to play the game. That will bring victories and victories will bring rewards. Losing warzones, quiting warzones slacking in warzones brings you nothing. - Check


PvP is close to where it has to be - Check :)

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So you think loosing should be rewarded.....


My old ma used to say... If at first you dont succeed... try and try again!! :D


So pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back in and try harder... you suffer no repair bills for PVP loses... so why should you get rewarded for loosing....


Remember... IT'S JUST A GAME!!


This is THE most asinine argument I have ever heard. We are not talking about things being equal here. Most servers already have an imbalance - all this patch does is create more unbalance by allowing the dominant side on a server to become even more dominant. However, I do believe the winning team should get more, a LITTLE more though. NOT the ridiculous difference that is currently in place. And this goes for both crews AND commas.

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