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Keep The Fatman rerolls coming!


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I just abandoned a level 20 Legacy and a 50 and 46 to reroll Fatman.



The 45 min queue is TOTALLY worth it to experience the game as it was meant to be played, full of players. 300 in fleets, planets with 100+ players and multiple phases. Any given day there is 2 or more full copies of Nar Shaddaa, Taris, Coruscant, starter worlds and maybe others.


I started a char the other night at like midnight and there were 80 players on Ord Mantell. There was literally >>1<< on my other server - me.


Easy to find groups for every group quest.


Easy to get flashpoint groups.


Auction & Economy is packed and thriving.


The que isn't an issue for me. I get home from work, then get in the queue. I take a shower, change clothes, prepare dinner & eat. By that time I'm ready to play and the queue is done.


Keep coming to Fatman everyone. Lets keep this server packed. :jawa_biggrin:

Edited by Lynchpin-Redux
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Let's see... more players keep joining the server Fatman. The average queue time during evenings increases to let's say 2 hours? Not a problem, you can wait while watching a movie I guess. Year 2013 and more players keep joining Fatman! The average queue time after 6pm is reaching 4 hours now! What do we do? Oh well, it doesn't really matter apparently because some players really love to have queue times! A 4 hour queue time during peak hours seems ludicrous but at this rate, I wouldn't be surprised at all.


Imo, the logical course of action would be to stop the migration to Fatman RIGHT NOW and asking the other players (who wish to reroll) to better coordinate their migrations on other specified servers... like Mind Trick! We have a healthy empire population, we just need more republic players. Join us and you won't regret it! :jawa_biggrin:

Edited by Sammm
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Or Bioware could be smart and proactive and actively merge a couple smaller pop servers into a standard , thus creating more heavy servers and get rid of the low pop ones. And at the same time stop folks from flooding only one.


Of course that would mean they would need to make an intelligent design decision.

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Let's see... more players keep joining the server Fatman. The average queue time during evenings increases to let's say 2 hours? Not a problem, you can wait while watching a movie I guess. Year 2013 and more players keep joining Fatman! The average queue time after 6pm is reaching 4 hours now! What do we do? Oh well, it doesn't really matter apparently because some players really love to have queue times! A 4 hour queue time during peak hours seems ludicrous but at this rate, I wouldn't be surprised at all.


Imo, the logical course of action would be to stop the migration to Fatman RIGHT NOW and asking the other players (who wish to reroll) to better coordinate their migrations on other specified servers... like Mind Trick! We have a healthy empire population, we just need more republic players. Join us and you won't regret it! :jawa_biggrin:


Nah, re-rolling on The Fatman is easier and will send a loud enough message for Bioware to get working on the transfers/mergers soon.

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I have to say I was really overwhelmed when I saw all the server options. I didn't expect there to be THAT many of them available in the first few months. I picked one at random to get a fell for the play. I ended up in Sanctum of the Exalted to start.


I finely found a few friends that play and rerolled in their server Vornskr.


I really think over 100 servers is a little to much and overwhelming to a player. Do you seriously need that many in the first few months of a game release? I mean you can add more as you need them (I'm assuming)


They seriously need to merge some of the lower pop servers.

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