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The Fatman 40min Q time


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They should just close the server and let the second and third heaviest server start to take in new players. The only servers I can think of are swiftsure and harbringer.


It's too late for that. The Fatman is a broken server now until they offer transfers.

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its everyones problem. and i half agree with your legacy comment. i have 6 50's now. and only 2 of them i play with becuase 4 are on dead servers. that extra legacy would be nice. its not the peoples fault who picked a server that ended up dead. its unlucky for you and them. you dont want to wait 40 min(nor do they) and they dont want to be soling dailes because the npc's are they only ones there to play with.


Maybe I'm being ignorant due to not having a lot of experience with MMORPGs but is this the norm? To have such a disparaging difference between the most populated and least populated servers?

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Maybe I'm being ignorant due to not having a lot of experience with MMORPGs but is this the norm? To have such a disparaging difference between the most populated and least populated servers?


It's actually quite balanced in other MMOs, SWTOR has a very unhealthy server balance atm.

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How anyone posts anything about The Fatman being full with a straight face, I have no idea.


Server: The Fatman

Status: Very Full


Should be this all the time, regardless of actual traffic.

Edited by Lezale
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Maybe I'm being ignorant due to not having a lot of experience with MMORPGs but is this the norm? To have such a disparaging difference between the most populated and least populated servers?


For recent MMOs yes, too many servers upon release so people don't complain about queues only to have people leave, stop playing as much, etc and then servers have to be merged and transfers have to occur. Like taking an overdose of morphine because you feel pain and then being in a coma for a month because of it.

Edited by Tenceriker
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It's too late for that. The Fatman is a broken server now until they offer transfers.


If they do offer free transfer should be to high pop servers. I never understood why Blizzard offered free xfers to dead servers. It never worked. People just quit or pay to xfer after a few weeks of being on a a dead server.

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Maybe I'm being ignorant due to not having a lot of experience with MMORPGs but is this the norm? To have such a disparaging difference between the most populated and least populated servers?


It's a result of Bioware's mistake of opening WAY too many servers , and now putting it's head in the sand and refusing to take the hit and admit they need immediate merges or at the very least one time free transfers so folks on dead servers can move to the ones of their choice.


I rerolled on the Fatman before I finally decided SWTOR really is not a game at all for PVP folks , and the short time I was there it was at least more like an actual mmorpg.


Their statement of server populations are healthy is laughable at best.


Those that want to keep playing and not be on a dead server for months until they finally do whatever it is they are going to do are taking it upon themselves and rerolling on the top 2 or 3 servers because the server populations are not healthy for many servers.


Bioware just is cluess or forced to lie be EA , or maybe both.

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For recent MMOs yes, too many servers upon release so people don't complain about queues only to have people leave, stop playing as much, etc and then servers have to be merged and transfers have to occur. Like taking an overdose of morphine because you feel pain and then being in a coma for a month because of it.


Which begs the question, why are there so many servers at launch?! (Which then is easily answered by "So everyone who plays at launch has a place to play!")

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If they do offer free transfer should be to high pop servers. I never understood why Blizzard offered free xfers to dead servers. It never worked. People just quit or pay to xfer after a few weeks of being on a a dead server.


They Fatman is only being zerged to prove a point. They offer free or paid xfers and The Fatman will go back to normal.

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Everyone here is a member of the swtor community and we should work as a team. If we do that, we would all win. We should coordinate the population transfers from one server to another. That way, we could end up with 40+ north american servers with very healthy populations on both factions AND without long queue times instead of 2-3 overpopulated ones. So I suggest to all the players who wish to reroll (especially on the republic side) to come to my server Mind Trick. Right now, we have about 200+ ppl on the empire station and 100+ ppl on the republic station. We could use some more players! Joins us and you won't regret it! :D


Better to massively reroll now than 2 years later!

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For weeks there were threads going on where everyone basically decided to go to The Fatman and some other server until they got off their @ss'es and let us xfer off of the dead servers.


I have nothing vested in The Fatman I just play there just be there if I got a xFer off my dead server me and a lot of other would just go. Having said that I unsubed, so I'm done with this game until well until I'm not.

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Which begs the question, why are there so many servers at launch?! (Which then is easily answered by "So everyone who plays at launch has a place to play!")


No, the proper question is why didn't they anticipate this and launch with more servers but only add a few post launch instead of the 40 or so they added. Surely this would have led to more queues and "que-que" about it but healthier populations which leads no server population problem down the line.


I might just have to reroll again to a less crowded server.

Can't play with such huge queues due to a lack of free time.


I would recommend The Swiftsure if you are going to re-roll from The Fatman. Closest PvP server in population.

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LOL! Fix what? Nothing is broken. Stop crying.


You nor your friends nor your friends' friends OWN Fatman. It is NOT your server. Everyone who plays this game pays for it to be active.


Its merely poor luck that the server you choose to play on got over populated. Sorry?

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It wasn't that way to start. For whatever reason Fatman was the re-roll choice of many. I'm one of those I have to say.


When you play on a ghost town of a server, Dragon Trail, moving to a higher populated server is night and day different. I have to say it gives the game a whole new feel if you want an honest opinion.


Other than the childish /general chat at times and constant hutball warzones, there is just a honest to God order of magnitude different social feel to the game :(

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I would recommend The Swiftsure if you are going to re-roll from The Fatman. Closest PvP server in population.


I might just go to Jung Ma.

The problem is... I have 2 50s on a dead server (Kinrath Spider) and was levelling another on Fatman. I just don't think i could level ANOTHER ONE on ANOTHER server.


Just give me transfers, Bioware, ffs.

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Hey OP


Its 03:15 here in the UK and my server is dead, So I thought I'd try "yours"


only 702 people in the queue ahead of me! If this is good Il get more people from Europe to come on here!


It seems that you want more people to join you, AMIRITE?

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This was expected. Im on a medium pop server, yet people were leaving left and right for the "highly pop" servers, even thought those servers were already "full" at prime time.


You cant blame BW for this. It is pure player idiocy. I can understand people re-rolling from empty servers, but why go to a full one? Move to the next most populated server, there are so many posts about which servers are most active.


Shortsightedness always comes back to bite you in the *****.

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