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Played 1.2


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Played it...going to cancel. Thanks BW for ruining the fun I was having as a healer. Not everyone raids...PVP is far from balanced. Healers are getting destroyed left and right. One equal geared dps can run me out of ammo in about 12 seconds and then dead. Thanks for the most fail patch to ever hit an mmo this side of NGE. Edited by Aaoogaa
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First thing I heard when I logged in today, a guildmate says:


"I can finally kill healers! About time."


He'd been PvPing for a while and was having a ton of fun, hunting down healers and slaughtering them.


Working as intended?

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First thing I heard when I logged in today, a guildmate says:


"I can finally kill healers! About time."


He'd been PvPing for a while and was having a ton of fun, hunting down healers and slaughtering them.


Working as intended?


single dpsers could already kill healers pre 1.2, your friend must be disabled and 1.2 is his wheelchair.


The op is right. It's not THAT bad, but it IS bad.

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If they had trouble killing healers before 1.2 they probably weren't that good to begin....

Probably no point in arguing this, but saying it does not make it so.


I'm not claiming to be good at PvP, but I've been in many WZs where there were enemy healers who were tough to kill, and at the end of the WZ max kills by any of my teammates was low double digits, most only had single digit kills.


I've never clamored for nerfing healers. And I can't say how the changes have affected healers -- my main and alt are both pure DPS. But if you honestly believe that pre 1.2 it was no trouble to kill healers (ever?), we must be playing different games.

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Killing a healer one on one was hard for me as a gunny prior to 1.2, but the goal was to keep a healer from healing anyone else and I did that quite well. In fact I could shutdown multiple healers this way.


That is another problem I have with 1.2 and PVP. WZ is a team/objective game, but now the focus has been placed right back to kills. Senseless PEW PEW, ***. So many games I would be low in the damage standings, but I knew that I helped bring on the win. Now the only thing there is in pvp is to do the most damage and get the most kills. It is all about the glory and not the game.

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First thing I heard when I logged in today, a guildmate says:


"I can finally kill healers! About time."


He'd been PvPing for a while and was having a ton of fun, hunting down healers and slaughtering them.


Working as intended?


the reason why bioware changed the heal is the statement above. stupid players that run around solo-queueing, attacking a target on their own thats probably even guarded and then cry because they werent able to kill it!


the fun in 8 vs 8 is strategy, well-timed kills and the burst healing was so low, that 3 people could easily spike any healer down in a matter of seconds. the broken thing was the ability to heal pressure and that could've been fixed by messing a bit with energy/munition management.



but i guess they have no intentions in making this games pvp into anything more than brainless zerging.


they think everyone is going to be happy, if they are able to kill any class and thats just so wrong. why make different classes if even a fully specced healer helps his team more by spamming some boring dd ability?



gj bioware

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