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As much as I'm glad Marauder got a buff, I do not think this buff was the right way to go and agree that it is overpowered. It's prettymuch gameover now for any Sage I encounter in WZs who doesn't have their bubble applied in time.
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Cooldown: 30s

Range: 4 m

Performs a series of lightsaber attacks that deals 891 - 981 weapon damage over 3 seconds. Standard and weak enemies are additionally stunned for the duration of the effect.


doesn't seem OP


does it scale better?

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specially the carnage tree.


root when ravage + uninterruptable + 8% rave damage increase from the rage tier 1 tree.


My favorite is Gore -> Massacre -> Ravage -> Force Scream


But I'm cool with it the way it is. It was a piss poor ability when interuptable. The only thing people could really complain about is the Carnage tree also rooting the target for the duration. But hey, just knockback and you're good. Now people just have to save one of their usually spammed cc abilities.


It's fine the way it is.

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Being able to do 10K+ Damage in the lenght of a Ravage without being able to INterrupt it while Rooted is clearly balanced and OK.


With the 100% armor bypass... you still couldn't come close to 10k with Ravage alone.


Maybe with original 1.0 buff stacking and perfect itemization you could get within like 3k of that...


But alas, you can't do that anymore. Nice false info though.

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100% Armor Penetration

x3 Roots off Resolve


All in one build!


How many knock backs do you have? I only have one and it increases Resolve, next root I CC and Resolve full, 3rd root you Gore me and enjoy 100% armor penetration on Light armor! If I am still up you Massacre+Force Scream then execute time!


Its down right pathetic game design...Just pathetic.

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With the 100% armor bypass... you still couldn't come close to 10k with Ravage alone.


Maybe with original 1.0 buff stacking and perfect itemization you could get within like 3k of that...


But alas, you can't do that anymore. Nice false info though.


Same type of kid who crys about Sorc/Sages and spreading misinformation. Marauders will be next in being gutted like Sage/Sorcs once the tears become waterfalls.

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100% Armor Penetration

x3 Roots off Resolve


All in one build!


How many knock backs do you have? I only have one and it increases Resolve, next root I CC and Resolve full, 3rd root you Gore me and enjoy 100% armor penetration on Light armor! If I am still up you Massacre+Force Scream then execute time!


Its down right pathetic game design...Just pathetic.


100% armor penetration is 100% armor penetration. You're not any more gimped against us than someone wearing Super Duper Kevlar Heavy Armor. We bypass 100% of it for 6 seconds regardless.


Carnage in 1.2 is essentially a melee version of the Pyrotech build for PT's. And our Ravage buff can be justified for having to be on the front lines to use it while getting pelted by the ranged classes.


No self healing, no knock back, no hard stun, one gap closer with a min distance requirement (2 if you count Force Camo). There's a reason the Carnage tree puts out ridiculous burst now - it's pretty much the purest form of a dps spec in the game, along with Pyrotech for PT's.

Edited by Rheeling
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Same type of noob who plays OP classes and cry when people discuss it...You miss your Operative?

Yet you play a sorc right, take your misinformation elsewhere, mad because you got nerfed, crying about a bugged ability that hits 5-6k over 3 seconds and glitches out most of the time.

Edited by Averran
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100% armor penetration is 100% armor penetration. You're not any more gimped against us than someone wearing Super Duper Kevlar Heavy Armor. We bypass 100% of it for 6 seconds regardless.


Carnage in 1.2 is essentially a melee version of the Pyrotech build for PT's. And our Ravage buff can be justified for having to be on the front lines to use it while getting pelted by the ranged classes.


No self healing, no knock back, no hard stun, one gap closer with a min distance requirement (2 if you count Force Camo). There's a reason the Carnage tree puts out ridiculous burst now - it's pretty much the purest form of a dps spec in the game, along with Pyrotech for PT's.


+1 this exactly, nothing but burst, main dps class, and we still put out (average) stats 280-300k dps, we are almost as squishy as deception sins, this change was needed, end of story, oh yea and its still BUGGED.

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Anyone geared gets hit for 5-6k over 3 seconds, go cry somewhere else honestly, pathetic.


Perhaps you are playing your mara wrong if your full length ravage while carnage spec'd is only doign 6k over 3 seconds.


I suggest you equip some gear, perhaps a weapon to see better results.

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+1 this exactly, nothing but burst, main dps class, and we still put out (average) stats 280-300k dps, we are almost as squishy as deception sins, this change was needed, end of story, oh yea and its still BUGGED.


Maur/Sent are not squishy with the amount of cooldowns and utility they have and now being able to do 10-14k + damage in a 3 second span, they are only missing a full time stealth. Stop spreading that you're a pure dps class, you wouldn't have so many defensive skills and group healing if that was true.

All i'm seeing are maur/sent trains solo/ 2v1 every other class (Equally geared).

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Perhaps you are playing your mara wrong if your full length ravage while carnage spec'd is only doign 6k over 3 seconds.


I suggest you equip some gear, perhaps a weapon to see better results.


Its not hitting over 6.5k, I have full bm and I know what im doing, if gore is up you might see 7k, but you get kb, Cc, and you have a 6 second window which is very small considering the gcd after gore, oh and ravage still BUGS and does no damage 30% of the time, dont act like you know anything about carnage, if you did you would realize how ignorant this thread is.

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Maur/Sent are not squishy with the amount of cooldowns and utility they have and now being able to do 10-14k + damage in a 3 second span, they are only missing a full time stealth. Stop spreading that you're a pure dps class, you wouldn't have so many defensive skills and group healing if that was true.

All i'm seeing are maur/sent trains solo/ 2v1 every other class (Equally geared).


10-14k dps in 3 seconds??? You sir are a moron, gore 1k GCD, ravage 3second CAST 6.5k, GCD, scream (if proced) 3.5k more like 2.7k, how the hell is that 3 seconds, quit postin when you know nothing about the class

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  • 4 weeks later...

AH this is so funny.


I just went up against someone who was about to use Ravage on me.

I tried to interrupt it but couldn't.


When it finished...my health was DEVASTATED to the point of a one hit kill.

I'm a Trooper.


This was a bit of an eye-opener.

I had to see if it was just me...and low and behold...


Seriously, this is a bit cheap.


- DH

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Same type of kid who crys about Sorc/Sages and spreading misinformation. Marauders will be next in being gutted like Sage/Sorcs once the tears become waterfalls.


Same type of noob who cries and lets their tears become waterfalls and their class is still fine.

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Maur/Sent are not squishy with the amount of cooldowns and utility they have and now being able to do 10-14k + damage in a 3 second span, they are only missing a full time stealth. Stop spreading that you're a pure dps class, you wouldn't have so many defensive skills and group healing if that was true.

All i'm seeing are maur/sent trains solo/ 2v1 every other class (Equally geared).


lols mara/sents can't do 10-14k damage in a 3 second span... really, not in any spec. Please ****.

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The ability Ravage is extremely overpowered, any thoughts on that after 1.2?


Ravage is not OP, in fact it is broken, as it is "supposed" to be uninterruptable (according to the tooltip)and stun the person for its duration, However it currently is neither.


I am getting tired of individuals whining about how OP a class is, I own 1 of every single class and AC of each class, non of them are over powered, some actually need to be buffed and fixed.


You are getting your *** owned because you don't have the right gear, or the right rotation, or the skill to take on the class your trying to kill. Every single class has a weakness which can be exploited to kill it. learn the weakness = Kill the class.


IN addition do not expect to kill someone who is in far better gear then you and knows what they are doing with their class, most likely they know their classes weakness and if smart will avoid giving you the opportunity to exploit it. (Or at least try to.)


PvP is about tactics, You can not go into a battle with one class stomp them, and then expect to use the same tactic to kill a completely different class type, you'll get owned. It's not that the class is OP, it's simply that you as an individual do not know what the **** you are doing.


Stop whining, and learn how to play, this is not World of Warcraft where all classes can be killed by button smashing wham wham, here in swtor you need tactics and skill..

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Ravage is not OP, in fact it is broken, as it is "supposed" to be uninterruptable (according to the tooltip)and stun the person for its duration, However it currently is neither.


I am getting tired of individuals whining about how OP a class is, I own 1 of every single class and AC of each class, non of them are over powered, some actually need to be buffed and fixed.


You are getting your *** owned because you don't have the right gear, or the right rotation, or the skill to take on the class your trying to kill. Every single class has a weakness which can be exploited to kill it. learn the weakness = Kill the class.


IN addition do not expect to kill someone who is in far better gear then you and knows what they are doing with their class, most likely they know their classes weakness and if smart will avoid giving you the opportunity to exploit it. (Or at least try to.)


PvP is about tactics, You can not go into a battle with one class stomp them, and then expect to use the same tactic to kill a completely different class type, you'll get owned. It's not that the class is OP, it's simply that you as an individual do not know what the **** you are doing.


Stop whining, and learn how to play, this is not World of Warcraft where all classes can be killed by button smashing wham wham, here in swtor you need tactics and skill..


How about you l2p and start reading your ravage-tooltip? It doesn't work like that.

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