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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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No I don't have a lvl 50 character (48 is the highest). But I do have several characters.

And I like to play it slow, enjoying the scenery and doing all the extra quests.

Also having a 'Founder' title and a continous subscription ever since the start.


So indeed I do feel left out, and I am very disappointing at BW for this. Very disappointed.


And in contradiction to what you might believe, it's not because of the 30 days of free time.

But about the implication that the only valuable players are the ones that have hit lvl 50 so far.


for being one of our most valued players


That is what disturbs me the most, the fact that everybody that hasn't hit lvl 50 is therefor considered inferour and unimportant.


Suppose people haven't hit 50 because they spent a lot of time the last weeks in PTS helping getting 1.2 ready? Are they less valuable?

And people that have multiple characters (for trying out different classes). Are they less valuable?

And people that instead of doing the quests explore the world and enjoy the environment and try to do all the side quests as well. Are they less valuable?



Are all those people, considering they are continuous subscribed since day 1, less valuable because they haven't hit 50 ?


I'd like to think not. But BW seems to think so.


A very disturbing implication.



I would understand it if they gave people who hit 50 a little extra, and the others a little less extra. But now it's a big extra for who hit 50, and almost nothing for who hasn't.


It might have been an idea if they would have given all day-1 continuous subscribers 15 days free, and whoever hit 50 15 days on top of that (thus 30 in total).

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You're no different than me. I've restarted characters over looks. I've dithered over ACs and restarted characters over something as trivial as not liking the double saber or two sabers after all. Yeah, I've changed server when the one I was on (Ebon Hawk) turned to not be the one a friend was on.


Still got one to 50. Happened... sometime early on Corellia, I think. Maybe you didn't need to mash the spacebar. Maybe all you needed to do was play five characters simultaneously, not six. In the end, there's always a cutoff point for any promotional offer, you didn't qualify... that's it.


Folk who subscribed from the beginning got an in-game title. Had it been an in-game title again here, likely there'd have been very little brouhaha. But because it's game time, well... people get funny over money.


The criteria, not the reward, is the issue here. BioWare, in their official letter, mentions that those with a level 50 character are their most valued players and that they're being rewarded in appreciation for [their] support and loyalty.


Whoever wrote that should no longer be with BioWare. It's not just discriminating, it's also a load of crap. Loyalty and value as a customer is not determined by your ability to level up fast.


And yes, people get funny over money. $15 isn't going to kill me and I don't really care about the reward itself. I care about the way BioWare presented the offer.

Edited by Qaoz
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I'm simply shocked at BioWare. I play the game for 9½-11¼ hours per day and the highest level I have is level 9 (even though my sig says I have a 50, I put that there so I seem cool). I am taking my time playing the game, RP'ing, and really enjoying everything like walking around, using the mailbox, and using talents on mobs... UNTIL NOW.


I have been here since early access and have over 480 level 9s on over 60 servers, why should I be punished? Just because I have been unable to come to grips with the frightening, forever-binding selection of advanced class and instead really enjoy the starting areas means I am less important? I feel so less important. I didn't even sleep well last night and had a nightmare about a large animal chasing me.


My wife (who only plays for 5-7 MINUTES per day because of her job as a hot-air balloon pilot) has logged over 2.5 hours per month and over 10 hours of gametime total since launch and has a level 50. This isn't fair. It is causing problems in our relationship and I'm going to leave her unless I get a free month too.


So give me my free month. Since you force me to pay a subscription just to play the game that I already bought I should be able to get what everyone else gets.




Seriously, we have single parents with jobs in our guild who have a level 50 and a handful of low-level alts. Being completionists we all took our time leveling our mains. And we still managed to reach 50 long before April. It is possible.

Edited by KyaniteD
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I'm simply shocked at BioWare. I play the game for 9½-11¼ hours per day and the highest level I have is level 9 (even though my sig says I have a 50, I put that there so I seem cool). I am taking my time playing the game, RP'ing, and really enjoying everything like walking around, using the mailbox, and using talents on mobs... UNTIL NOW.


I have been here since early access and have over 480 level 9s on over 60 servers, why should I be punished? Just because I have been unable to come to grips with the frightening, forever-binding selection of advanced class and instead really enjoy the starting areas means I am less important? I feel so less important. I didn't even sleep well last night and had a nightmare about a large animal chasing me.


My wife (who only plays for 5-7 MINUTES per day because of her job as a hot-air balloon pilot) has logged over 2.5 hours per month and over 10 hours of gametime total since launch and has a level 50. This isn't fair. It is causing problems in our relationship and I'm going to leave her unless I get a free month too.


So give me my free month. Since you force me to pay a subscription just to play the game that I already bought I should be able to get what everyone else gets.


I'm still not happy about the apparent lack of vision from the management team over this issue.


However, at least you added some humor and comedy into the mix in pursuit of your complete and total misundestanding of the basic issue at hand.


I laughed. Kudos!

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This is BS. I have put in just as much time as someone with a level 50 toon, but since I play multiple characters (49, 34, 12, 10, 10) I do not get 30 days of free time. This reward should be based on the amount of PLAYED time and not a toon level.

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I'm happy that you made it to 50 before the deadline. I have two characters at 48 who finished the 3rd chapter and didn't bother leveling them further because of the well known issues at end game.


I stoped reading here, how can you know the end game if you never actualy tried it? I cleared everything so far, all HMs (D7 yes the first boss its bugged if you have a trooper or a agent in the grp) and NM mode on OPS (yes SOA sometimes bugs aswell), but appart from those issues, didnt saw any game breaking bug.


So plz Mr. Jebei, dont whine until you tested it yourself, or are you the kind of ppl that believes in everything someone tells you?

Edited by Can-Vi
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Your content wasn't broken. Mine was (@ 50)


Where in the announcement did it say this was to make up for mistakes, or to be an apology? I am just curious where you are getting this idea, and others like you? The announcement said this was to reward support and loyalty. Paying since release or close to release, regardless of character levels or game time, is still equivalent support and loyalty, in my book.


I think what folks should be mentioning as well in their frustration is that those that were not loyal, who had quit, are being rewarded with a free week of play.


So...those with max level toons, regardless of actual time playing or time paying, who could have only been subscribed for less than a month, along with those that quit the game, are being rewarded, while those that have paid since release are not being rewarded. This does not match the stated goal of rewarding "support and loyalty". In fact, it is a slap in the face.


Many people who have potentially been more loyal are being asked to spend more than everyone else on subscriptions. For a 1 week period, the non-level 50 loyal players will be the only ones paying for subs. I don't think people's complaints are silly at all. They are quite founded.

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It is very generous of you to donate to one of your guildies, those who feel they don't need the free month should do the same :)


We have the power to turn some of it into something positive without BioWare. That's more power than any raging comment will have ever have.

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It is a celebration of legacy so instead of Lvl 50 i think it should be anyone who has started their legacy. More fair, i do have a Lvl 50 already. I must have restarted at least 40 guys going Lvl 1-20 i am on alot but if i just started with 1 guy then another i could have 4 or more Lvl 50s. Just more right to give it to anyone with legacy shows you started your story that is why they have Founder title for those that do Lvl alot of chars. It's celebrate legacy not celebrate Lvl 50.
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Seriously, we have single parents with jobs in our guild who have a level 50 and a handful of low-level alts. Being completionists we all took our time leveling our mains. And we still managed to reach 50 long before April. It is possible.


No ones saying it's not possible, it's pretty easy if you have a bit of time.


The issue is that not everyone does, so why BW decided to split their subscribers down the middle and commit such a big PR problem is beyond me.


For me it's not an issue of who is rewarded and why, but an issue of why on earth BW would think that's a good idea, because clearly 180 pages in 24 hours says otherwise and was a pretty predictable outcome.

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And yes, people get funny over money. $15 isn't going to kill me and I don't really care about the reward itself. I care about the way BioWare presented the offer.


Yeah, I know. You feel insulted. It's the principle of the thing.


It strikes me that maybe your customer-loyalty hasn't really been tested, until now - and it's apparently been found wanting. You're not loyal; you're leaving over what you freely admit is just a badly-worded press release.


I get the feeling that some folk complaining about this promotion were likely the same folk who assumed a position of smug superiority when others complained about lack of end-game content and said, 'well you should be like me. I focus on my alts. I'm better than you.'

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I think what folks should be mentioning as well in their frustration is that those that were not loyal, who had quit, are being rewarded with a free week of play.


Yep. Players with lvl 50 toons >> ppl who quit the game >> players without lvl 50 toons. If you stayed loyal for 4 months but failed to reach lvl 50, you are not even worthy a free week that ppl who have quit the game get.

Edited by Repefe
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GOD SO MANY DANG CRY BABIES. I dont have a 50 therefore i dont get a free month of game time am i gonna quit because there is several 50s who get 30 extra days because they have a level 50... ok so i still have a reason to play... so i can get a level 50... if i have a 50 hey guess what i beat the solo game play bioware says hey since you beat the game and we dont have too much more for you to do lets throw you a bone and say here come on back while we think of some more content
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I do enjoy this game and I apreciate the hard work done for us but I do think BW needs to tell things the way they are and to be careful.


Now that the bad move and damage is done...


"for being one of our most valued players "


-I think people that don't have a level 50 deserves apologies for those words. I sure do hope BW will and I am waiting for it.


-Also, why not just explaining the reason of the free month to calm down the people with too much imagination that thinks the game is going down.


As I said previously maybe a choice between surprise goodies bag and free month would have been better idea. To all who played from start that is.

Though some who would have started playing too late still would have complained I'm sure.


BTW I have a level 50.

Edited by WarriorGurl
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Solution - Give a free month to those of us who have been here since day 1 (early access in my case), payed sub on regular basis and are considered founders but do not have a level 50 yet because of our play style.


The fact that you consider someone who is for example subscribed for a month and has rushed to 50 a more loyal customer than myself who have been here since before day 1 is rather insulting.


I don't have a problem with Bioware giving 50's a free month, congratulations to them, honestly, but i do have a problem with the way it has been done, making them look more loyal and worthy than the people who are in similar situation as i am.

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I feel punished for not powerleveling to 50 after re-rolling for better ping and to play with the other Aussies, especially in a game that encourages you to roll alts and enjoy the story. I still made it to 43 FFS.


At the same time im glad there will be more players online for the next month and less unsubed.


But I had no idea signing on for SWTOR was going to be such a rollercoaster. It's exciting! Don't know whether to cackle or nerdrage.

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Solution - Give a free month to those of us who have been here since day 1 (early access in my case), payed sub on regular basis and are considered founders but do not have a level 50 yet because of our play style.


We got an in-game title - 'Founder'. That'll be around long after a free month has come and gone.

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Solution - Give a free month to those of us who have been here since day 1 (early access in my case), payed sub on regular basis and are considered founders but do not have a level 50 yet because of our play style.


The fact that you consider someone who is for example subscribed for a month and has rushed to 50 a more loyal customer than myself who have been here since before day 1 is rather insulting.


I don't have a problem with Bioware giving 50's a free month, congratulations to them, honestly, but i do have a problem with the way it has been done, making them look more loyal and worthy than the people who are in similar situation as i am.



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The only ones that should have an "thank you" and a free month are the ones that have been here from Day 1! You know it, i know it and Bioware should know it and understand better.


Everything else is just fundamental wrong.

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Yeah, I know. You feel insulted. It's the principle of the thing.


It strikes me that maybe your customer-loyalty hasn't really been tested, until now - and it's apparently been found wanting. You're not loyal; you're leaving over what you freely admit is just a badly-worded press release.'


I'm not leaving. That is loyalty.

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I would like to say that I do appreciate the gesture of BioWare giving us an extra month to enjoy their game. Thank you. I do understand that there are those who feel mistreated and/or left behind, so to speak. That is too bad. I do understand their reasoning behind giving it to the lvl 50's who has active subscriptions though. Again, thank you BioWare. Keep on keeping on.
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