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Everything posted by DathWicked

  1. I have 7 50s working on my 8th and I am not the only one who has more than 7. I think the rates are perfect. Every 2 months or so I level a new guy up and play for a bit. They aren't all just noob gear 50s 4 being in rakata full sets and a full camp shadow and 2 full war hero guys. Now working on my 3rd pvp guy at lvl 30 and can say being a weekend coming up i will be 40 by Sunday. I work 3 days a week for 9 hours(yeah not long) so I have alot of time but I also am not on constantly and do have my raid nights. What I am saying is if it was any easier I wouldn't be playing anymore. Maxing out gear just does it for a char to me. I am excited for the expansion and it is literally right in time for me not to stop playing. 8 50s by then I will have to bring to 55 and get new gear whatever comes, I surely would not want to be leveling 12 guys to 55(Not at fast rates anyway). Hoping that 50-55 is 2x longer than 49-50 each level, with dailys i can do that in 40mins(ilum/belsavis). Plus many ways to increase your exp these days(boosts/perks)
  2. Was on the 3rd boss in LI HM, when a icon above my name came up saying immune to loggon. Gave me 10secs, and then boom server selection screen. Why..
  3. Everyone trying to troll or saying they are gonna unsubb are either first time MMO players or play WoW. If you are first time players then get used to this. It is a major content update it has issues, all MMOs do. and all WoW players that are just saying WoW doesn't have problems they have had it, content is major things so you can't find every little issue in testing. If you wanted them to find everything before launch then have fun waiting a year. Putting a big update live finds the issues almost instantly then they fix them and you have it way sooner then you would have. Give then a day or two to fix everything and go back and play. Once again.. ALL MMOs HAVE ISSUES AFTER CONTENT UPDATES!
  4. PTS is for testing but the 1.2a was not put onto the PTS 1.2a was a patch this morning to fix the issues/bugs last night or yesterday while people played 1.2 content. After it was put on there was more issues with shuttles/guild bank other stuff that was reported and found with in 10mins. They shut the servers down to fix the problems to make the game play better for the people that care for it. PTS is usually for content updates and major updates not small bug fixes that will only take 3-4 hours to fix.
  5. I agree, these people complaining are annoying. Just had a huge content update there is bound to be issues, they just had an issue this morning and BW shut down servers after 10mins them being up to fix this problem. I respect their hard work, not like these people who cry can do better.
  6. I am having same issue. In Wzs it is like an explosion when you win at end almost blowing my speakers. On Imp fleet the speeder noise is so loud i can't even stay there anymore. Thought it was just me but thank god not only one.
  7. It is a celebration of legacy so instead of Lvl 50 i think it should be anyone who has started their legacy. More fair, i do have a Lvl 50 already. I must have restarted at least 40 guys going Lvl 1-20 i am on alot but if i just started with 1 guy then another i could have 4 or more Lvl 50s. Just more right to give it to anyone with legacy shows you started your story that is why they have Founder title for those that do Lvl alot of chars. It's celebrate legacy not celebrate Lvl 50.
  8. Thank god i have a level 50 and been a non-stop subscriber Was looking all over for that pet yesterday.
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