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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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To be fair, this seems overkill. Feels like an ultimatum. "Give me a free month, or I quit."
and it is. when you dont feel valued as a consumer you have a right to leave


My point is: Are you personally going to quit over not being given a free month? Didn't think so.

i am. i will go back to lotro, they value me :)


Actually I wouldn't be surprised; they could say that the outcry was right and that they were going to pull the offer of the free 30 days to further evaluate offers like this going forward; and then just not offer anything in the future.

this would be the best thing to do in my opinion


Then you know what Bioware should have done? Not posted it as a Loyalty reward.

but they did and shot themselves in the foot. this is nge worthy :D

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they ruined everything in this game what a ridiculous patch!!! I hear everyone complaining about their class being ruined except the tanks.... Healers-nerfed and ruined... Operatives,nerfed and ruined, Marauders-nerfed and ruined.... Herd this from everyone... Great job!! Oh boy i get a free month of crap!!!! My charecter I spent 3 months making into a good one with almost all columi gear and all champion pvp gear is now worthless... Great work!!!! So you gave me a free month? How about 3 so I can level a tank to 50 and have a playable class? Oh wait it wont matter you ruined all the other classes so there will be nothing but tanks running around.... Of course i am sure next I will hear about how you screwed the tanks up too... You completely ruined the Sorcerer Healers. Oh boy i have a useless lvl 50!!!!!
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WoW actually gives out a lot of fairly random in-game time for different reasons. I've received free months in wow, several free days, and even a couple of weeks before.


Yup. In the first year WoW gave free months of gameplay due to severe server instability and massive downtimes as a result.

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Full time college student brah. I only two level 50's this game has by far the easiest and least painful leveling of any MMO I've played.


Don't get pissy just because you didn't get a free month. Everyone has had plenty of time to make ONE level fifty. If you didn't oh well, get over it. Perks like this aren't at all uncommon in business. People that actually get to Level 50 are the ones that actually help iron out bugs and the like.


Why you ask?


Because they are playing the game at Maximum level. This means that a Level 50's input carries far more weight when it comes to Balance and bug issues.


Get over yourselves.


Not to mention level 50s form the backbone of the community to begin with. The reason people play MMOs is, in part of the community in the first place.

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what they said is that we are not as valued as those that are at 50. it can't be taken any other way.




"As a thanks for being one of our most valued players"


see that? the most valued are at 50. the rest of us, even if we have been subbed a long as they have, been playing as often as they have and been as or more supportive as they have, are not as valued.


I think this is my problem here. People who hit 50 in 4 months are somehow more valued than people who have been subbed since day one and even got early access, but who haven't hit 50 for whatever reason. Yeah, I had plenty of time to get to 50, and my Juggy is sitting at 46 currently. So close. Yeah, BW didn't have to offer game time at all. Fine. I just find it hard to believe or understand from a customer OR a business professional's point of view this decision. To me, the people who have paid me every month and contributed to amazing release numbers are the most valued, whether they are 50 or not. So through my indecision then passion for two different class stories as well as having real life commitments, I somehow managed to not prove my value to BW? Really? Interesting.

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And that same reason is why the RWZ delay doesn't affect them in any way. Which was my point. It's not just that, either. It's also about EV and KP disasters that many of us has put up with. It's also about the complete triviality of end-game content. It's many things where those that were 50 specifically haven't had to put up with. If you don't have a 50, you don't understand.


Bugged dailies, bugged FPs, completely broken/unbalanced HM's and operations. Completely unbalanced classes. Broken class quests. Worthless crafting at 50. You didn't have to deal with ANY of this crap.


But that's where your missing the point.


There are other issues that were dealt with that are being resolved with this patch--technical issues and what have you.


There are those people who knew about the top tier problems and lack of end-game and chose to do other things rather than sit around waiting.


But most importantly, there are players who are being rewarded who really weren't affected. When we can say that players who've been here, along with all the bugs and issues, since day one. Who've provided feedback on test and so forth. And who are not being rewarded when someone who's been here only a few weeks and pushed quickly through their content, or who had pushed their level early on and quit until yesterday or even this morning that are being rewarded, that really is an issue.

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Full time college student brah. I only two level 50's this game has by far the easiest and least painful leveling of any MMO I've played.


Don't get pissy just because you didn't get a free month. Everyone has had plenty of time to make ONE level fifty. If you didn't oh well, get over it. Perks like this aren't at all uncommon in business. People that actually get to Level 50 are the ones that actually help iron out bugs and the like.


Why you ask?


Because they are playing the game at Maximum level. This means that a Level 50's input carries far more weight when it comes to Balance and bug issues.


Get over yourselves.


Thi sis you looking for justification on why you deserve something and others don't. If your reasoning were true. They'd have rewarded the people who made 50 on the test server.


Not my friend who made 50, then rolled another character, and made 50, and then rolled another character and made 40. She never played any end game content, or filed any bug reports, or even -- to my knowledge, played in a war zone or flash point. She just likes the KoTOR story lines, so she plays this like KoTOR III.


But she gets a free month, and I don't. even though we've played nearly the exact same number of hours.

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Have to laugh a little at the self proclaimed "altaholics" and giving that as an excuse for not having a level 50.


I work 50-55 hours a week minimum and still managed to get one of my eight characters on my main server to level 50 in the last four months. But wait, there's more: I not only got one to level 50, I got five (5) to level 50, one to 45, and the other two to L30+.


I have a total of thirty (30) characters across several servers. Most I don't play, yet, but I will...


Sorry, but it is not hard to get to 50. You should have had at least one at top level just to see what you may be missing.


With all that said, I still think that if you have been a subscriber for several months and still are you should get the free time, regardless of your character levels. The gift was for loyalty, if people have been around since December and are still playing, that is loyalty...

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Question: Am i eligible to receive the tauntaun pet if i currently have an active account (I can log in and play), but I took the credit card off so it wont automatically renew? Im going to either get a 3 or 6 month sub next, or a game card when this time runs out.
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But that's where your missing the point.


There are other issues that were dealt with that are being resolved with this patch--technical issues and what have you.


There are those people who knew about the top tier problems and lack of end-game and chose to do other things rather than sit around waiting.


I've already said why that is wrong. Tell me, how did these people know about the problems? Because OTHER people dealt with them, provided feedback and allowed BW to analyze what was wrong. And now, these people that did, they get a nod and a small acknowledgment for helping them identify and rectify problems so YOU don't have to deal with them eventually.


You are angry because a portion of the people got a small nod who volunteered for something which you refused to take part in. That's my point.

Edited by Jandi
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Thi sis you looking for justification on why you deserve something and others don't. If your reasoning were true. They'd have rewarded the people who made 50 on the test server.


Not my friend who made 50, then rolled another character, and made 50, and then rolled another character and made 40. She never played any end game content, or filed any bug reports, or even -- to my knowledge, played in a war zone or flash point. She just likes the KoTOR story lines, so she plays this like KoTOR III.


But she gets a free month, and I don't. even though we've played nearly the exact same number of hours.


I love the False sense of entitlement this guy and everyone else seems to have.


People that leveled up to 50 get a free month and you don't.


Try crying about it, I hear it helps.

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Thi sis you looking for justification on why you deserve something and others don't. If your reasoning were true. They'd have rewarded the people who made 50 on the test server.


Not my friend who made 50, then rolled another character, and made 50, and then rolled another character and made 40. She never played any end game content, or filed any bug reports, or even -- to my knowledge, played in a war zone or flash point. She just likes the KoTOR story lines, so she plays this like KoTOR III.


But she gets a free month, and I don't. even though we've played nearly the exact same number of hours.


First, they did reward players for leveling on the test server. In a title reward and by being able to see the content earlier.


Second, your evidence is anecdotal, what if I said that I knew 2 level 50s who fill out bug reports all the time, and are active members of the community who discuss class balance, PvE and PvP content on here and on the SWTOR subreddit? My point is, just because 1 person at level 50 doesn't help the game, doesn't mean that ALL of them don't.

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Hey people, there's this thing called bridges right.....right, a-and they get you over places right?


So go out to your local hardware store, get some planks, nails, hammers and drills. Build a bridge, and get over it!


Such self-entitled whiners over such a trivial matter.


This is coming from a level 43 who's not crying over not getting the free month that they didn't have to give in the first place.

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Its funny how ppl are being called whiners and crybabies when you know d**n well if Bioware had came out and gave a free month to ALL ppl who didn't have a 50 they would be on here raising just as much if not more H**.
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Have to laugh a little at the self proclaimed "altaholics" and giving that as an excuse for not having a level 50.


I work 50-55 hours a week minimum and still managed to get one of my eight characters on my main server to level 50 in the last four months. But wait, there's more: I not only got one to level 50, I got five (5) to level 50, one to 45, and the other two to L30+.


I have a total of thirty (30) characters across several servers. Most I don't play, yet, but I will...


Sorry, but it is not hard to get to 50. You should have had at least one at top level just to see what you may be missing.


With all that said, I still think that if you have been a subscriber for several months and still are you should get the free time, regardless of your character levels. The gift was for loyalty, if people have been around since December and are still playing, that is loyalty...


I can see where the lone from your nick come from...

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Have to laugh a little at the self proclaimed "altaholics" and giving that as an excuse for not having a level 50.


I work 50-55 hours a week minimum and still managed to get one of my eight characters on my main server to level 50 in the last four months. But wait, there's more: I not only got one to level 50, I got five (5) to level 50, one to 45, and the other two to L30+.


I have a total of thirty (30) characters across several servers. Most I don't play, yet, but I will...


Sorry, but it is not hard to get to 50. You should have had at least one at top level just to see what you may be missing.


With all that said, I still think that if you have been a subscriber for several months and still are you should get the free time, regardless of your character levels. The gift was for loyalty, if people have been around since December and are still playing, that is loyalty...


I had a character at "50". she was 49.8. I finished the juggernaut story line, and then moved on. I could have finished her any time in the last few weeks, but I saw no reason too, so I didn't. I was waiting (irony) for the 1.2 patch which was supposed to fix jugs (which it did, yay).


The ability to hit 50 is not the issue, and I hope you people saying "you could have, so it's your fault for not!" see that this is not the issue. If they had annouced last month that all 50's Today would get a reward no one would be complaining.


It's the fact this is totally random, and came out of no where, with an arbitrary and frankly, insulting, reason, that has most of us (well, me anyway) upset.

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What if you just like taking it slow? They are the ones who keep harping on storyline, crafting, rolling alts, enjoying the full game. I have several chars and my top is 46. Been here since beta.


I harp on storyline, crafting, rolling alts, and enjoying the full game. I also have a 50.


So what now? How do we get past this?

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Its funny how ppl are being called whiners and crybabies when you know d**n well if Bioware had came out and gave a free month to ALL ppl who didn't have a 50 they would be on here raising just as much if not more H**.



No I would have taken what was given to me and not been mad about it. If they decided to give something special to only a portion of the community I would be fine with it. Furthermore, I wouldn't be offended by this even if I wasn't getting free time.

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I harp on storyline, crafting, rolling alts, and enjoying the full game. I also have a 50.


So what now? How do we get past this?


Give the free month to everyone with the founder's title. That's how you reward loyalty.


If you want to reward people who did bug testing (as some here claim) give the free month to those who completed chapter 1 on the PTS and got that title.

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Give the free month to everyone with the founder's title. That's how you reward loyalty.


If you want to reward people who did bug testing (as some here claim) give the free month to those who completed chapter 1 on the PTS and got that title.


That would make too much sense.

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