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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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Just adding my opinion here as well.


I don't think I've ever been this angry with a game.

I got angry when I read the announcement yesterday, and I was still angry today.


Today I cancelled my SWTOR subscription.


It's just not worth being this angry and upset over a game.

I can't bring myself to paying for a month that most of my friends get for free. Why should I pay - why are they worth more? I have also been here since beta.


This seems like a marketing stunt gone horribly wrong.

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AGREED! I could give a rip about the $15 bucks. But DONT tell me I am worth less. I don't care when I get to 50. But have been here from the get, payed for everything and not been a big cry baby about anything, like a lot of others. I AM NOT a VALUED CUSTOMER? WHAT?


See, I have a total of 7 chars ranging from lvl 6-44 (almost 45), and have been playing since release. I've dumped in about a month of play time into these chars, and have had a subscription since day 1. How am I not a loyal player and valued customer? I have 22 referrals to my name...granted in the scope of over 1mil that's not many, but I know there are others that are like me who bring in a few friends...while a few guys in my guild have 1 char, at lvl 50 because they spammed when the game came out and barely play anymore...yet they get the free month? come on now...


I don't care about the credit either. Yeah, it'd be nice, but I'm not gonna stop playing cause I didn't get it. But Bioware should redefine what they consider "Valuable Players", IMO...

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If you dont have a 50 yet your either a RPer,dont have time to play,doesnt take the game seriously,etc. Getting to 50 isnt that hard it only takes a week of playing time to get to 50 so stop your complaints and play the game!


Precisely. Someone can buy the game a week ago, get to 50 by powerlevelling and skipping cinematics and dialogue and get the 30 free days, but all those people you mentioned who have been loyal subscribers from the beginning get what? Jack.

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See, I have a total of 7 chars ranging from lvl 6-44 (almost 45), and have been playing since release. I've dumped in about a month of play time into these chars, and have had a subscription since day 1. How am I not a loyal player and valued customer? I have 22 referrals to my name...granted in the scope of over 1mil that's not many, but I know there are others that are like me who bring in a few friends...while a few guys in my guild have 1 char, at lvl 50 because they spammed when the game came out and barely play anymore...yet they get the free month? come on now...


I don't care about the credit either. Yeah, it'd be nice, but I'm not gonna stop playing cause I didn't get it. But Bioware should redefine what they consider "Valuable Players", IMO...

Bioware for all their Great story. Do not care that there are some of us that are taking the time to enjoy it. Enjoy the world around us. AND PAY FOR IT. Like I have said I don't care about the 30 days. That Boiware dose not think of my are being of value is what is Pissing me off here.

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If you dont have a 50 yet your either a RPer,dont have time to play,doesnt take the game seriously,etc. Getting to 50 isnt that hard it only takes a week of playing time to get to 50 so stop your complaints and play the game!


Your arguments are irrelevant.


It doesn't matter how long it takes to level, and nobody has to explain to anyone else what play style they have.


This is just plain wrong. If they want to reward loyalty then they should reward loyalty.

This is not how you measure loyalty.

This is how you destroy it.

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If you dont have a 50 yet your either a RPer,dont have time to play,doesnt take the game seriously,etc. Getting to 50 isnt that hard it only takes a week of playing time to get to 50 so stop your complaints and play the game!


and exactly how does having a level 50 make you "more valuable" or "more loyal"? serously...people like you are really missing the boat.

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If you dont have a 50 yet your either a RPer,dont have time to play,doesnt take the game seriously,etc. Getting to 50 isnt that hard it only takes a week of playing time to get to 50 so stop your complaints and play the game!


or, god forbid, becasue we don't play the same way as you. i know, it's shocking to think that your way isn't the only way to play, but it ain't.


this thread is huge, so reading every post is difficult, so i ill repost a piece of oneof mine:


"...i have always played slowly. i run around killing the side monsters and explore the map. once i get to a higher level, i like to go back to the areas i had trouble with and kill all the bastards that were killing me, it makes me feel better. it took me over 6 months to get a character to max level in city of heroes."



i have several caracters that i play. i have started several more that i just didn't like. whether from choices i had made in the advanced trees, or just wasn't enjoying the play. it took me almost 2 weeks to decide on a main.


none of this makes me less loyal, or less valuable of a player.

Edited by testszag
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If you dont have a 50 yet your either a RPer,dont have time to play,doesnt take the game seriously,etc. Getting to 50 isnt that hard it only takes a week of playing time to get to 50 so stop your complaints and play the game!


What do I care about getting to 50 fast? It's a game. I want to have fun in this GREAT big place. Not run as fast as I can through it. It is not about winning for me. It is about enjoying it. And being called not loyal is wrong. Happy you got to 50 but that is not loyalty.

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It's not so much 30 days of TOR as it is about $17. :p


That said, now they just seem to be purposely trying to piss people off. The free month has also been granted to people who have legacy level 6. Because clearly people who don't have a level 50 CLEARLY have legacy level 6 instead.

Edited by Zilrota
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It's not so much 30 days of TOR as it is about $17. :p


That said, now they just seem to be purposely trying to piss people off. The free month has also been granted to people who have legacy level 6. Because clearly people who don't have a level 50 CLEARLY have legacy level 6 instead.


they also are giving us until the 22nd to do this.

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I think I am like others here, experimenting with different chars, crewskills, maybe switching servers to play with friends and having to start fresh or whatever the reasons may be. I just can't see how it is fair, regardless if you are the casual, intermediate or hardcore gamer, that the people who are and have been supporting and playing this game without a monthly interruption to get nothing out of your current promotion. Posted here

http://www.swtor.com/legacypromotion. It seems that your able to reward those who did play a char all the way to 50 by giving them a free month - your even rewarding the ones who left to get them back with a free week and the taun taun but your loyal subscribers are left ou tin the cold. Now I am not meaning for this to turn into a rant or a whine or a cry that , oh my goodness I didn't get something. But think about it Even if it is $15 dollars for a month of play, its something i could use on something else. I am sure there will be the ones out there that will say if im gonna cry about $15 dollars just quit but i am sure those are the same ones that are happy due to them having that free time . I am just saying fair is fair and i think that Biowares LOYAL subscribers who have had a continuous subscription from day one should get something as well. I feel like most i think that were getting jipped. I hope Bioware sees what they are doing to the loyal subscribers who do not have level 50 chars and has the heart to make a change.

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As a person that bought the collector's edition on day 1, and a 6 month sub on day 1, played the beta, been a "loyal", paying customer since day one of early access.


I feel slighted...


Reasons for not having a level 50 are irrelevent, it has nothing to do with $15.00. It is about the principle of what they did. They are telling me that my money is worth less to them than someone else's, based solely on a statistic that has nothing to do with "loyalty" (the level of my characters).


Sure it was not expected, no they didn't have to do it...however, they did chose to, and marketed it under the label of "reward for our loyal, and valued customers" then slapped the face of every paying customer that didn't have a level 50 character regardless of the reason.


One thing they have done is made it that if you haven't reached 50 yet, then you can still get this if you are at Legacy Level 6. (a group of 5 characters that are under and around the level 30 mark can reach this).


Check the latest thread on the general Discussion area called Legacy Promotion expanded

If you don't have a level 50 or Legacy Level 6, you have till April 22 to get to it and then get your free month. No need to concern. They are listening and they have helped people that don't have 50's yet.

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Alright, now this, this is good. They're listening and did something to fix the issue. The free time requirements are being expanded to allow people time to qualify.


I'm going to give credit where credit is due, and give props to Bioware for fixing the issue, and doing it quickly. This is a perfect solution, Thank you.

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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1.2. fail...

First of all i met unkillable mobs in my class quest chain.

Then i fight for rotworms in huttbal, but really i was a latent frog-dog.

And at last we fight empire vs empire on voidstar....

BW are rly trolls. They want money for that kind of "working on game" or as smbdy say "game progress", but instead we got bugs bugs bugs and bugs again. Paying for game which is worst than some F2P? Pfffff.... Never. I rly like that the first 30 days are free, cuz this month was my first and last.

BTW theese free 30 days for 50 is also a hint that a game have rly problems.

P.s. Sorry for grammar, my english is not well.

Edited by Deadzondor
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I don't even know what game I am playing now. It's completely different. I had the best gear combination for pvp before this patch now it seems like the worst. Empire vs empire voidstar? Why? More and more bugs. I am a HUGE star wars fan and was playing this because I love star wars and the KOTOR series but seriously? I would rather you not patch anything ever again. Seriously, 1.2 was a huge disappointment for me. What were they thinking?!?
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I LOVE U BIOWARE AND STAR WARS!!! Update is amazing. One thing that I hope comes out real soon(unless i missed it orsomething) is that you could change your characters to a different server at least one time. But GOOD JOB and I will continue to be a follower...
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Well I will throw my hat into the ring in support of some earlier complaints. I am upset with the nature of the rewards as offered associated with 1.2.


Instead of burning through the content and/or letting my subscription lapse, I chose to enjoy the game and work my way through all of the stories. A working class stiff I play a few hours every night or so; and a bit longer on weekends. I have multiple 20-30s as many as 4 on different servers.


When the rest of the no-sleep crowd devoured the content in weeks and abandoned the game; some of us were still helping others with heroics and flashpoints ensuring there was actually a "community" to greet the new players as they trickled in.


I would have preferred that they rewarded "Founders" who had not let them subscription lapse; players with a total of "x" levels or some other more equitable form of reward system.


I "get" it. You are trying to hold on to someone heading out the door; but all you are doing is spiting those that paid just as much money and may have actually contributed more to the game's longevity.


Not cool.


totally agree. this is how I feel as well.

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So the player that will only play one person and no alts, has only payed for one month here and there, is the ‘loyalists’ and gets 30 free days?


I like to take my time and jump from main to alts all the time. Have 7 but the highest one is only a 30. Loving the game. How is it that I bought the 6 month plan, enjoy the little things as I go and am not who they want as a player. My friend that plays like me is now going to quite the game because of this one topic. And she is a much bigger Star Wars/MMO fan then I am and up to now a bigger fan of this game. Very bad move to smack us non- 50 lvl lovers in the face. NOT feeling the love and for the first time pissed and hurt that they do not think of us a ‘loyalists’.


6 months of money for Bioware is Loyalty not the the number of lvl's.


They want you to play more alts but if you are not some one that jumps to the top then you are NOT the person they want to play this game. They will play like hell for me to pay them another 6 months.


Do get me wrong I have loved playing this game, have no problems with with the changes to the game. I was away on for over a month and all I could think of was getting back to play. But how I play the game should not be a punishment and I feel this 'loyalists' 50 lvl only thing is just that. A Punishment...


For me it is NOT the 30 days as much as not being thought of as loyal to TOR. WHY? Why would Bioware think of me and my friend that way?


Pissed and hurt...


They reward everyone except those of who who enjoy the breadth of content.

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