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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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Thanks bioware for showing me you care more about all the whiners threatning to quit then your loyal customers.it may be only 15 dollars but it is the principal of the matter and its time for me to move on.what you should of did was give the free month to founders with an active sub but i guess since they dont make constant whine posts threatning to quit you dont need to try to keep them happy.atleast i feel i got my money worth out of the game and for the record i have a 47 op,45 sorc,43 merc and powertech and a 37 sin.so since i like alts im not a valued customer but keep one thing in mind oeople that play multiple toons usually stay subscribed longer since its less boring.
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I think that due to the response of the community bioware should give nothing to anyone.


No pet.

No free week.

No free month.


Just nothing.


Because if we are going to complain about gifts we don't deserve them.


****, I agree. The way the majority of the community is behaving towards this is abysmal.


For the one or two players without 50's who calmly stated that fact without whinging or threatening to quit, I apologise, the rest of those without 50's are letting it down for you.

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no...they are being **** on for doing something ******. If you can see that, as plain as it is, then I don't know what to tell you.


It isn't about the "$15", it isn't about how long it takes to get to level 50. it's the principle of the way they are treating their "loyal customers" telling one group the are more valuable than another based on a character level (a thing that should be irrelivent). rather than something more substantial, like how long they have subscribed to the game, how long they have been paying BioWare's saleries, the fact that they have not cancelled their accounts, and are just waiting for time to elapse. you know something that actually measures "LOYALTY".


I have made 2 private and polite requests to have these concerns answered and be addressed, if BioWare can't be bothered to demonstarte that we are all equally valuable based on us contributing equally to their bottom line, if bioWare so choses to tell me, that my money is less valuable to them then yours because I don't have a level 50 character yet, then I feel completely justified by living up their expectations and ceasing doing business with them, as they clearly do not appreciate me as a loyal customer, or at least think less of my contribution to their company, based on a statistic that does not matter.


So keep singing blind praise to them if you want...me...I say put your money where your mouth is...that's what they want us to do.


This. So many times this.

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Poor Bioware. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I think I'm going to have to agree with the other poster who said maybe we just shouldn't get anything. The framing of the free time has been interesting to watch though. Such dramatic tone for something to keep the 50s at bay since the rated WZs aren't in. Having said that:


Thank you for the free time and the pet.

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I don't need a free month because I have a job. The fact that I have a job is the reason why I'm not 50 yet. EA is giving money to all the level 50's because they are poor, on welfare, or unemployed.


they do say ignorance is bliss.

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I'm glad people get a free month, but I don't have any level 50 characters. I've been playing just as long, and just as much, and since pre-release.



And have paid just as much.




I just don't have a level 50 (highest is mid 30s) because I'm an alt-o-holic.



God dammit, this feels like a massive kick in the balls to me. What the hell are you guys thinking? :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Edited by Gorgor
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So maybe Apple should tell only those who purchased the new iPad that they are valued/loyal. Oh yeah, that's right that would be suicide.


Seriously BioWare, who makes these sort of decisions? Clearly I should apply for that job, cause it's quite apparent improvement is needed.


p.s. Who likes my new sig?

Edited by Calindra
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So you didn't win in the criteria lottery. Knock yourself out with the commenting, I guess.


Once again lottery, luck etc. Thats not the case and i have said this before. Bioware is not the divine being that you have no right to critisize, they are company runed by humans and their decisions are to be judged by us, consumers. And this decision is retarded IMO. Thats all.

Edited by Pawlas
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I don't need a free month because I have a job. The fact that I have a job is the reason why I'm not 50 yet. EA is giving money to all the level 50's because they are poor, on welfare, or unemployed.


That bull**** ad hominem is no longer valid FOUR months after release.

Four days? Yes.

Four weeks? MAYBE.

Calling everyone who reached end game in four months a 'poor, on welfare, or unemployed' is just asinine.


This game's leveling is some of the fastest I've seen. If you log out in a cantina, you can get a whole level of rested XP too, making it even faster, and that doesn't include space combat missions.

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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if you people didnt level so dang slow,you wouldnt have to complain about this. 4 months and you still arent 50? i play like 4 nights a week for about 3 hours at a time and have 2 lvl 50s,i also have several alts.so you guys have no excuse not to be at 50 yet.


My play style doesn't matter and it shouldn't be of any relevance.


What should be relevant is the fact that i am here since early access, paying sub each month till date.


But obviously someone at Bioware seem to think that i am not a LOYAL CUSTOMER because i don't have a level 50, and in spite the fact that i am here from the start and have lots of hours of play time i, and the likes of me are deemed LESS WORTHY somehow.

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Honestly, because you are losing subs from people who are level 50 does not mean to give them more than the other customers who have supported you for the same amount of time and money. I am seriously frustrated and thinking over if I should cancel my subscription.
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Once again lottery, luck etc


Yeah. Luck. They decided to give folk a free gift, thought about how to decide to give it, and went with a particular arbitrary way. They could have chosen other arbitrary ways, and other people would not have received it. Those people would have been out of luck.


Sorry, but you were just out of luck here.

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My play style doesn't matter and it shouldn't be of any relevance.


What should be relevant is the fact that i am here since early access, paying sub each month till date.


But obviously someone at Bioware seem to think that i am not a LOYAL CUSTOMER because i don't have a level 50, and in spite the fact that i am here from the start and have lots of hours of play time i, and the likes of me are deemed LESS WORTHY somehow.




I heartily agree.





"I haven't felt something like this since...since...since the early days of EverQuest!"


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Just my 2cents in case a mod or a developer reads this:


Personally I don't give an eff about the free month to 50s. (I don't have a 50 btw, but have been subbed since day 1) What I do care about, is my friends who are crying foul, and cancelling their subs because they feel slighted that their business isn't "valuable" to Bioware.


I see this move, as a quick attempt to reel back in the group of players who powergamed to max level, got bored because "there's nothing to do", and left for the proverbial greener pastures. It's always a tightrope walk for an MMO to appease the polar opposite player types of casual and hardcore; and this time Bioware mis-stepped.


I think it's a poorly executed promotion and alienates your casual fan-base (or altaholics in my case) . Surely there is some other metric they could have used to issue this promotion... time played, or those with an active sub since launch?


I don't think the community reaction would've been half as bad if it had been some virtual in-game item. Instead they chose something that correlates to REAL WORLD MONEY and I think that is why you're seeing the outcry.


I lucked out on the 50s free month as well (Playing 2 servers with 8 chars each and having them all at around the same level). Don't really care about not getting the free month.


Actually glad it's something like that instead of an ingame unique item/title, that would've really ticked me off.

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if you people didnt level so dang slow,you wouldnt have to complain about this. 4 months and you still arent 50? i play like 4 nights a week for about 3 hours at a time and have 2 lvl 50s,i also have several alts.so you guys have no excuse not to be at 50 yet.


My play style doesn't matter and it shouldn't be of any relevance.


What should be relevant is the fact that i am here since early access, paying sub each month till date.


But obviously someone at Bioware seem to think that i am not a LOYAL CUSTOMER because i don't have a level 50, and in spite the fact that i am here from the start and have lots of hours of play time i, and the likes of me are deemed LESS WORTHY somehow.



Edit: Sorry for the double post, browser issue, looks like i can't delete it now..

Edited by Vlacke
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