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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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Excuse me, I always tried to be optimistic to this point, but giving 1 free month at this point seriously looks like ''let's pad suscription numbers for the next investor call''.


It's more of a placation to the masses of rampant posters that have been angry about ranked warzones being postponed at the last minute.


I would look at it the way you are, but with the rage that has been flying around here over that particular event, I think it's more along those lines. I really think it's more of an apology for not delivering on what they intended to than anything else.

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Can't say I am amused by the free time only applied to the level 50 players.


Me and most everyone in my guild have multiple level 40s; I have them on 2 servers. I've played consistently, but I specifically held off on pushing to 50 because there were lots of changes coming and I knew it wasn't ready.


We broke ties with a a few former guild members because they were harassing people for daring to play an alt rather than grinding to 50.


To see bioware back up this awful attitude is most depressing.


The 15 bucks was already stretching my entertainment budget. Maybe I could use it elsewhere.

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Excuse me, I always tried to be optimistic to this point, but giving 1 free month at this point seriously looks like ''let's pad suscription numbers for the next investor call''.


What's the point of padding numbers when you basically loose several milions. Which is the information that investors are mostly looking for, not number of subs on paper.

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Per my last post. I have cancelled two accounts now. I reserve my money and time for companies who value my business. I have defended BW quite a lot in my history. Here and elsewhere- over SWTOR. But this is it for me.


I made very clear in my 'reasons for cancellation' that because I choose to play the game differently, I am being penalized to a degree that BW/EA clearly does not value me as a customer. It's a shame. On the brightside, it's sunny out, spring is here, and maybe this is all for the best.

Edited by zerosaint
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As long as we are making sweeping generalization based on one forum post, I say that if you work 40 hours a week and have a 1 year old son but still have 3 hours every weekday to play and 8 hours on the weekend, your house is probably a disaster and you aren't the one "taking care" of your son. :) I play as often as I can, between my job and my real life duties, which include helping out with a baby, which takes up enough time just helping that I don't have ANY time on the weekend to play. Also, I play on alts because I am interested in all the different stories, I craft and play with the market, and I play on the test server a great deal of time.


I am home from work at 5 pm. I take care of my son until 8:30 pm - 9:00 pm when he goes to bed. and then I play afterwards. I am usually on from 9pm till midnight playing. And if you don't destroy your house in the first place it wont be a disaster. I can clean up my son's mess in about 20 minutes and if you can read you would see the part where I said if I am lucky I get 6-8 hours on Saturday or Sunday to play.


So what I gather from your post is you treat your house like crap, your kids are up till midnight and you never have time away from them, and if you have more than 1 hour a day to play you dont take care of your kids.

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This said, let's be honest : anyone who plans to keep playing is at 50 already, providing there was not ''incident'', such as rolling on a server that was dead in water in February, which lead them to delete in rage their newly christened 50 Sith Warrior.


Why you think this refer to me ?

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Just got a warning and got my post removed for telling how I feel, and exposing my dissatisfaction with the product, and the ridiculous "loyality" prizes.


WAY TO GO EA/Bioware forum mods! You just made my decision easier. Its now obvious how important I am as a customer.


What is the point of this forum? Only to hear praises?


Good luck to everybody.

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So what they have just told us is that if you are subscribed since early access till date and have characters who are level 48, 45, 39, 25, 28, 30, 19, 16 (for example) are less worthy than a player who has a single level 50 character and has been subscribed for a month lets say.


Nice work indeed.

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Its like what SOE did on galaxies. They enticed people who had left to come back with a gift. They got this really cool looking BARC speeder for coming back to the game while people who played it continuously got nothing.


Although its not the same, it is similar.


I have been playing since beta invites, since the very beginning. I do not have a level 50. I will be honest though, I have found the game a bit lackluster and had taken a break and played maybe once a week for a month. Then my friend and I started up alts to ease the bore of being sith 24/7.


It worked, the game was fun again, just needed to mix it up a bit. And now I laugh because they value level 50's over anyone who has played since the beginning. I immediately bought a 6 month sub for this game. Guess I shouldn't be surprised anymore because of what SOE did a few times.


It should be like veteran rewards on SWG, not by what level you are. Yeah you can say I should leave, but if you want a deserted game then by all means tell everyone who has something to say to leave.

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Level 49 and 4 bars as of the time of writing this - about 5 hours too late I think. Would have been nice if this applied to anyone with a level 40+ character on their account, would have been less restrictive (and I'd actually be excited about it as a benefactor :p )


OR if existing subscribers had the chance to get a character to level 50 by the second deadline on the 21st if they chose to put in the effort... would have been nice, just saying. :(


Just to point out if you're wondering why it's taken so long anyway.... I'm in New Zealand. Game was only released here last month. So it's not through lack of trying that I haven't made the cut.

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