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PVP has been ruined


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In this build of 1.2 (hopefully soon to change) expertise is king... and champ/cent expertise wasn't upgraded like BM was. Recruit gear, like it or not... is the new champ gear.

Let me rephrase...


Crappy - kamikaze - gear


- 2400 less HP

- lower damage overall

- lower rating

- no set bonus


Expertise damage bonus is 3.81% over champ, which is not much at all considering damage stats decreased by 10%.


Defensive bonus is even less than that, despite the 2400 HP lost equivalent to ~15% damage taken amplification.


Healing bonus is even further below, so that's clearly not suited for a healer.


Healers should stick to Rakata as of 1.2, more stats >> expertise, be it on the defensive side or on the healing side. They'll relatively lose about 12% heals received, but damage taken too.

Edited by JMCH
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oh lets see the price of battlemaster atm lmfao its like giving it away


To get Warhero mainhand will take aslong if not longer to get full battlemaster at the current prices because of having to buy rated comms they should not have changed the prices of battlemaster until they had rated pvp in and left cent/champ gear


Before anyone quotes me saying OH U JUST WANT THE GEAR ADVANTAGE LOL L2P


I play on dalborra server which was opened at the start of april i got lvl 50 waited for more pvpers to get 50 having to play against cent/champ geared imps due to them being able to play huttball against each other all day due to the faction imbalances games ending in 2mins because not even players managed to get 60 valor got full battlemaster 2 weeks or so before 1.2 currently 83 valor now every little scrub will be running around with full bm with no challenge to even get it il be stuck with maybe a warhero mainhand and still 60k odd wz comms for the rest of the warhero set.



Edited by Didy_Kush
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oh lets see the price of battlemaster atm lmfao its like giving it away

BM armor pieces are about as "cheap" as before : about 52 warzone joined...


The difference is you can't buy medpacs and stims anymore due to their price being doubled, so you're clearly not going to do all you can to compete with a team you know has high chances to win.

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As long as this person wasn't being entirely sarcastic I completely agree with this person right here completely.


You see all you people complaining about how awesome you are but how crappy your team is are the same people who, when in a war zone, would stop focusing on objectives and just start doing whatever the hell it is that gets you the most medals so that regardless of whether or not your team wins you still get your 3 kills towards your ilum daily and a butt ton of medals regardless of whether or not you won. Which ruins the game for people who actually do NEED wins.


Well, now they fixed it. PvP war zones are TEAM GAMES. If you do a crappy job of being a team player and focusing on the objectives then your team gets a crappy reward. I know for myself that I'll only be queueing with my Guild members.


This is a positive change. Now winning war zones is more important than anything. It motivates everyone on the team to function as a team and try to actually win warzones instead of just going in and beating on people for medals regardless of whether or not you win. This is a positive change in my book.


ok lets say i'm the team player for the losing team. civil war map i go left to keep the left turret i get my def medals and that great and all, but i come away with 20 commendations. oh joy what fun.


sorry but why would i or anyone else for that matter stay at that turret? thats right i dont think anyone will. so people start charging in leaving it uncovered and boom all 3 turrets are now gone. half the people quit and fun was had be all.


yup this system is going to work just fine. O_o

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Logged on grouped with 3 other guildies, other group 4 undergeared ppl, lost a Huttball match

6x3. My group got focused donw all the game cuz the other team knew we was the only treat to them. final i got 21com no money, valor don't matter anymore.

That happened tonight at least 70% of the matches we play.

Solo queue few min ago. Voidstar game every time i show up i had 5 ppl on me. i got 5 medal no biggie used to get hunted, but we had 20 ppl on the end of match. I got basic nothing.

Logging on alt: lets do my daily. I got on a warzone after 15min on queue.,get there on Voidstar again end of first round. We got rolled. i was able to pull out 2 medal, 5min game i got nothing, so i waste 20min.


Really Bioware, you are Stupid.


PS1: money on WZ now are terrible, they are forcing us to PvE to get money.I DONT WANT PVE I AM PAYING YOU TO PLAY THE GAME, SO I DO WHAT I WANT ON THAT GAME. DONT FORCE ME TO PVE IF I DONT WANT TOO

PS2:Sorry if it is hard to understand 4:30 here and my English sucks as you saw.

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Yeah, pvp should sustain itself - which means you need to drop prices on pvp med packs and stims, drop prices on pre-50 pvp gear, and add a lot more credit rewards.


PvP also should make people want to pvp, which the change to rewards currently does not. Once you start losing people will drop out, which makes the game even more one-sided.

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Yeah, pvp should sustain itself - which means you need to drop prices on pvp med packs and stims, drop prices on pre-50 pvp gear, and add a lot more credit rewards.


PvP also should make people want to pvp, which the change to rewards currently does not. Once you start losing people will drop out, which makes the game even more one-sided.


The lower rewards would be okay overall if they hadn't doubled the price of everything. If they were going to double the prices, then they should have left the rewards alone.

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hmm. I seem to recall alot of people complaining about wins not mattering anymore since the rewards were the same as losing. Now people complain because wins and losses aren't the same reward wise anymore.


Seems theres no pleasing you cry babies. You lost? Then you don't deserve as much rewards as someone who won. Sure, is the balance a little out of whack? Maybe. Should you get a bit more rewards when you lose? Maybe. But throwing a fit because you cant afk through a wz and get your gear in the same amount of time solves nothing.



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More than a little concerned about the current reward system in place for playing wzs. Basically from my point of view there is no reason to pvp because if you lose you gain nothing and the other teams keep getting stronger. What does that create ? I can tell you no more pvp because you cant compete no matter how hard you try or work at it.

The previous rewards system at least allowed you to gain and grow . No pvp = alot less dollars for swtor.

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I think bioware is trying to put the focus on team work.


See before what used to happen is ok we're gonna lose because they are a premade or my team just sucks so im gonna do what everyone else is doing and farm medals get my comms and go home happy.


That kind of philosophy isnt working anymore, its day 2 of the patch there is a river of Tears from medal farmers complaing they are wasteing their time...and in a few days I think people will start to learn that team work is what will grant you more comms.



Last night I tested this over and over and everytime my team was garbage we all got zero reward. if we did what we were supposed to do even if we lost I walked away with 50-60 comms depending on how many medals I got.


As soon as people start realizing this you will see a lot more team players in pvp and I think thats a good thing. Once everyone adjusts and gets off the medal farm mind set then everything will go much smoother.

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Ok while the setup at current where if you lose your kind of in "teh suck" is not right in my opinion. I also believe that people by and large are looking at this in the wrong perspective.


There are no "deathmatch" war zones. All of the wz's are team based meaning that if you join solo you might turn out to have a garbage team. If so you'd best drop zone, leave queue and wait 25 minutes to join a different set of people.


The truth is, since all of these are objective games kills and medals are less important and the primary objective is to win not to lose most fashionably.


Also if your going to unsub, keep your sh*t off the forums too. No one wants to hear you talk about how your "mad" and "quitting". That has got to be the most annoying, pathetic, poor me, fix my bad skillz, no life, hate challenge cause I chafe bull sh*t. If you're really unsubbing and your really truely having a serious issue...don't advertise your sub status as some kind of a game changer, every qq'er in MMO history has done it before you...get origional.


Unless of course your giving away all your stuff, in which case...

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The problems is how can they measure your effort and reward it accordingly ?


AFKers / Leavers ..... we don't need them but on the other hand a close lost match should not go unrewarded either. How to measure the effort put in ?


6-0 ..... in no time. One team is clearly better, and the other team is either undergeared, outnumberd or suffers from a lack of teamplay (AFKers inc.) or an combination of these .


3 - 2 ...... close match but no rewards for the losers ?


A big problems is people nowadays PvP for rewards (gear and titles) and not for the right reasons. Trying to be more tactical, smarter, skillfull, stratigical and to really teamplay. Win or loose if you did your best as a team with some solo moments of glory its better then all the silly rewards you get afterwards.

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I think bioware is trying to put the focus on team work.


See before what used to happen is ok we're gonna lose because they are a premade or my team just sucks so im gonna do what everyone else is doing and farm medals get my comms and go home happy.


That kind of philosophy isnt working anymore, its day 2 of the patch there is a river of Tears from medal farmers complaing they are wasteing their time...and in a few days I think people will start to learn that team work is what will grant you more comms.



Last night I tested this over and over and everytime my team was garbage we all got zero reward. if we did what we were supposed to do even if we lost I walked away with 50-60 comms depending on how many medals I got.


As soon as people start realizing this you will see a lot more team players in pvp and I think thats a good thing. Once everyone adjusts and gets off the medal farm mind set then everything will go much smoother.


I agree, it's really just a change of perspective. I'm here to compete, not farm. I logged in first thing after the patch and queue'd solo into a 6 game winning streak and pulled nearly 1k in comms yesterday. I have no guild, no help, no nothing. I'm not even 50'd yet. I'm wearing rating 120 armor that I've cobbled togather. If I can do it, the folks that "can't" just plain "WON'T".

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I think bioware is trying to put the focus on team work.


See before what used to happen is ok we're gonna lose because they are a premade or my team just sucks so im gonna do what everyone else is doing and farm medals get my comms and go home happy.


That kind of philosophy isnt working anymore, its day 2 of the patch there is a river of Tears from medal farmers complaing they are wasteing their time...and in a few days I think people will start to learn that team work is what will grant you more comms.



Last night I tested this over and over and everytime my team was garbage we all got zero reward. if we did what we were supposed to do even if we lost I walked away with 50-60 comms depending on how many medals I got.


As soon as people start realizing this you will see a lot more team players in pvp and I think thats a good thing. Once everyone adjusts and gets off the medal farm mind set then everything will go much smoother.


I can't buy this.


If you refer to my first post, I talked about our match on Alderaan.


It was a loss, but it was by 30 points. When we hit zero they had thirty points.


If that isn't showing teamwork, then i don't know what to call it.


Considering that of the top five on the scoreboard, only 2 were on the winning team, it would appear that the losing team actually did better overall than the winners.


But we barely got rewards. I have already discussed the rewards given, 31 coms, and that was with 10 medals.


Now, I know that having a lot of medals doesn't always mean the person helped the team, but when you lose on Alderaan by only 30 points THAT means people worked as a team.


But we still walked away with barely anything for our time. It was like saying, well you did very well, so well that your team outscored the enemy overall...but they won so you get nothing.


Now I know how the Patriots feel every time they have to face the Giants in the Superbowl. Except, I am paying to play, they aren't paying ME to play.

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I agree, it's really just a change of perspective. I'm here to compete, not farm. I logged in first thing after the patch and queue'd solo into a 6 game winning streak and pulled nearly 1k in comms yesterday. I have no guild, no help, no nothing. I'm not even 50'd yet. I'm wearing rating 120 armor that I've cobbled togather. If I can do it, the folks that "can't" just plain "WON'T".


Come back at 50 and see if you still agree.


At 50 gear makes a huge difference. Expertise will make or break you now. You need the coms to get the gear, but even when you do your best and have a very close match...well, tough luck. Thanks for wasting your time.


Personally, I'd like to see the medals given only at the end of the match. The player has no way to know what they earned until the match is over.


It MIGHT alleviate some of the "farming" problems, but really, there is just no reward unless you win. All this is promoting is quitting. Honestly, if you are down after a couple minutes in, your better off quitting and getting back in line for a new match.


Is that really what we want to be the norm?

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The point of a PTS is to find out what people want, BW just goes and does the opposite and ruined the pvp all together. so many things wrong with it now that im not gonna even list them. i dont know what they were trying to do with this... but they did it all wrong. please, post the things that u guys think they did wrong with this patch (almost everything) so BW can see there mistake and hopefully correct this. this post will most likely get taken down anyways.


Putting the melodramatic title aside, the problem with the patching process is the lack of a character copy system. It would be easier to involve the community if people could play their characters on the PTR.


I don't think this patch is the end of SWTOR. It's a relatively new game, and I still enjoy playing it. I do think it's something the developers could learn from.

Edited by Visue
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Here, I think, is the relevant question.


Do you really feel like pvp'ing now, or is it a chore you feel like you need to do to get War Hero gear. Since last night, I just don't feel like doing it. It's a darn grind. Sure, I might get lucky and my guildmates might put another win streak together. That's fun. If that's possible, I'll play. But there is absolutely no reason on my server to participate with the current coms scoring system in a PUG group. Just purely a frustrating waste of time with no genuine reward.


And if it's not fun, at this point, I will just let my kids play their low level alts and I'll do something different.


I realize this means that I'll fall behind in getting ranked warzone coms and I may thus never get back into the swing of things. But why force myself to play?

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try the new warzone --- we stared with only 4 people and fought the whole battle and got 0 (zero) -- no credits,valor or comms


I had the same thing happen to me several times. For now, I'm hoping this is just a bug. If it's not, it will kill PvP.


If you're not assured of getting at least something for PvPing, you'll stop. This is especially true of sub-50s, but it's true of the 50s level, too.


There's some yacking about people shouldn't pvp unless they join pre-mades, etc., but PUGs are the lifeblood of PvP. Without individual people queuing, good luck getting a warzone for your premade; it's going to be a long, long wait. And all the solo pvpers are going to stop queuing, and maybe stop playing swtor, if they don't get squat for their time.


I spent at least an hour pvping, last night, on one of my alts and had 3 matches with zero rewards. I love to pvp, but it feels like I'm wasting my time if there isn't some kind of reward. If I go questing, I still get xp for the mobs I kill even if I die to a boss. I "lose", but I got something for my time.


So let's hope it's a bug and they're working on fixing it. Otherwise there are going to be a whole lot of pvpers, casual and hardcore, who will jump ship.

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I can't buy this.


If you refer to my first post, I talked about our match on Alderaan.


It was a loss, but it was by 30 points. When we hit zero they had thirty points.


If that isn't showing teamwork, then i don't know what to call it.


Considering that of the top five on the scoreboard, only 2 were on the winning team, it would appear that the losing team actually did better overall than the winners.


But we barely got rewards. I have already discussed the rewards given, 31 coms, and that was with 10 medals.


Now, I know that having a lot of medals doesn't always mean the person helped the team, but when you lose on Alderaan by only 30 points THAT means people worked as a team.


But we still walked away with barely anything for our time. It was like saying, well you did very well, so well that your team outscored the enemy overall...but they won so you get nothing.


Now I know how the Patriots feel every time they have to face the Giants in the Superbowl. Except, I am paying to play, they aren't paying ME to play.


Its possible that its a bug... Major patches always have bugs when they go live. Now I haven't quite experienced what you have, all the matches that my team did well yet still lost Im still seeing 50-60 comms but I am sure that bioware isnt intending the alderaan match like what you described to be the norm.

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Also if your going to unsub, keep your sh*t off the forums too. No one wants to hear you talk about how your "mad" and "quitting". That has got to be the most annoying, pathetic, poor me, fix my bad skillz, no life, hate challenge cause I chafe bull sh*t. If you're really unsubbing and your really truely having a serious issue...don't advertise your sub status as some kind of a game changer, every qq'er in MMO history has done it before you...get origional.


Unless of course your giving away all your stuff, in which case...



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