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1.2 causing game wide sub cancellations killing already dead servers


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i read forums alot, its kind of a hobby for me and i have noticed that alot of players have suspended there accounts do to the changes in 1.2. i canceled my account because of interaction with employees at pax but i wont go into that here. i want to know what will happen to dead servers that will die more when 1.2 goes live. CHo Mai is such a low pop server that you cannot pvp in off peak hours and fleet population and planet populations are below 20 people fleet and 5 planet side. during peak hours you know the outcome of the match when you see the 5 grav round spammers and 3 sages, and the population of the fleet is near 75. with no end game content off the fleet you should see more that 100 players base on fleet. if i do not have 3 other people on in guild i cannot get a group to run hard modes. i have leveled three alts to 35 40 49. i have not seen an apposing faction on any of them. alot of my guild have quit becaue guild wars 2 beta starts this weekend for pre purchase and have no intention to play SWTOR after that goes live. what is the point of me to come back to the game if i have no population to return to. i havent decided to leave for good, but the ball is in biowares court to get me back.
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The already dead servers have been killed?


Well, at least they didn't have to dig anything up first.


Killing something that's dead takes a lot of skill.


The only unsubs I've really seen were the people furious over the lack of ranked PvP. (If it were released, I am sure everyone would be complaining about how broken it is...)

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BW knows of the population issue. Could they look to do something about it sooner rather than later, I say yes, BUT, 1.2 brings in a lot of welcomed changes that WE have been asking for. This will bring some people back, and once they see the levels after 1.2 has a foothold, they can then see about transfers and such.


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BW knows of the population issue. Could they look to do something about it sooner rather than later, I say yes, BUT, 1.2 brings in a lot of welcomed changes that WE have been asking for. This will bring some people back, and once they see the levels after 1.2 has a foothold, they can then see about transfers and such.




Personally I would say transfers need to be done sooner than later.

I want to start playing TOR again, after leaving my guild due to time zone issues I haven't touched the game. I haven't felt a sense of community because the of the QQ'ers being very vocal about the game. Trying to find a populated server while finding a great community of guild to join with is NOT easy on SWTOR.


It's the only reason I had stopped played. Without anyone to play with...it just felt like an MMO...

...maybe I'm just too shy to interact with strangers XD

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SWTOR is a PVE game! It is not geared for large guilds and nothing to look forward to in the near future that addresses this issue...by the way...8 man Qs are not geared for large guilds either.
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