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Sage/Sorcerer healers in PVP


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I felt the same way on the merc healer if you look at the pvp stats healing increase from expertise is almost half of damage increase which is higher than mitigation. I logged on with my Marauder first (Not even my main alt) and noticed he seemed to be hitting a lot harder than normal.


I switched to tracer spam on merc and it is a wrecking ball I think they want people to die faster in pvp to make gaining objectives easier....

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I felt the same way on the merc healer if you look at the pvp stats healing increase from expertise is almost half of damage increase which is higher than mitigation. I logged on with my Marauder first (Not even my main alt) and noticed he seemed to be hitting a lot harder than normal.


I switched to tracer spam on merc and it is a wrecking ball I think they want people to die faster in pvp to make gaining objectives easier....


whats the point of a healer than?

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Sorry, I meant that to be focused more on your survivability. I.e., with the changes, you might live longer if you switched out from the Aoe heal spec to one that provides more CC and survivability.


Survivability isn't the issue. I'm not dying much. I'm having to take Noble Sacrifice out of my rotation. Before it was automatic so that's probably part of it.

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They are a joke atm. The Sentinel interrupt has a 6 second cooldown and locks you out for 4 seconds - do the math. Dark Infusion will never be castable.


Well, maybe... Just MAYBE, if you use a Relics Alacrity buff you may be able to shoot off a single DI... But then you're back to spamming Dark Heal like a newb all over again.

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Well, maybe... Just MAYBE, if you use a Relics Alacrity buff you may be able to shoot off a single DI... But then you're back to spamming Dark Heal like a newb all over again.


I tried it out for a few hours today. The few times I almost got DI off (that is it didn't get interrupted), it never cast anyway as the person was always out of range our out of LOS at that point.


I got tired of the new spam one button paradigm and gave up.

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Due to the changes in today patch I've been forced to change my healing rotation and it just doesn't even come close to what I was able to do previously. Its not all about how much I'm healing, (even though its a damn sight less) but more so the now rather long cast time on Deliverance. The thing is, with it being so long by the time I've finished casting it the targets either dead or run off out of range or behind a wall.


When I'm healing myself its even worse, Stuns and Interrupts aside, changes are by the time I've cast Deliverance I'm already dead and if I cast another heal its not really going to do enough for me to be worth doing.


No doubt a number of people will shoot me down for my comments and say its a skill issue but the changes today have effected my play style which may well be different from others. What new play style I'm starting to adapt to I don't like and isn't really very fun nor rewarding.


Its clear I'm not alone in my feelings on the healing changes and tbh, I couldn't see what was wrong with healing in PvP before today. (btw I do play other classes so I know what its like when the boots on the other foot)


TL;DR - I don't like todays patch, specifically sage/sorc healers being made redundant in PvP.

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For you guys that don't play Sages and are thinking they didnt release this too early I offer you this little tidbit that few people seem to talk about....


With endurance buff, endurance stim, augments, and WH gear I will be at about 19000 hitpoints. At this point when I use my "noble sacrifice/consumption" spell, to get mana when I'm out of it it, will cost me 2850 hitpoints and I will get 48 force back. Usually it's 40 back but I have an extra 100 force I talented.


The Dark Heal/Benevolence spell, the new core heal since our big heal is easily interuptable, costs 50 force and heals for about 3000 when it CRITS. To cast my "noble sacrifice/consumption" I have to first cast my channeled heal which heals for 1800 uncritted over 3 seconds and a GCD for a cost of 40.


So the way my 8 talented mana regen abilty will now work in full rotation is I spend 90 mana get 48 back.. I spend 2850 health and get 4800. Past this it's cost me close 6 seconds to do this. The net effect is +1950 health for 42 mana. I could have just skipped it all and cast my Dark Heal/Benevolence spell for +3000 with a crit for 50 mana and saved myself 4.5 seconds for an extra 1050 health at the cost of 8 Force.


I could just spend those 8 talent points somewhere else and when I'm out of mana sucide in the fire in Huttball and be better off. :D

Edited by LancelotOC
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For you guys that don't play Sages and are thinking they didnt release this too early I offer you this little tidbit that few people seem to talk about....


With endurance buff, endurance stim, augments, and WH gear I will be at about 19000 hitpoints. At this point when I use my "noble sacrifice/consumption" spell, to get mana when I'm out of it it, will cost me 2850 hitpoints and I will get 48 force back. Usually it's 40 back but I have an extra 100 force I talented.


The Dark Heal/Benevolence spell, the new core heal since our big heal is easily interuptable, costs 50 force and heals for about 3000 when it CRITS. To cast my "noble sacrifice/consumption" I have to first cast my channeled heal which heals for 1800 uncritted over 3 seconds and a GCD for a cost of 40.


So the way my 8 talented mana regen abilty will now work in full rotation is I spend 90 mana get 48 back.. I spend 2850 health and get 4800. Only thing is it's cost me close 6 seconds to do this.


I could just not spend those 8 talent points somewhere else and when I'm out of mana sucide in the fire in Huttball and be better off. :D


Not a bad idea. I haven't had a chance to test anything yet, but the patch notes do suggest that it may possibly be more efficient to respawn rather than regen.

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Not a bad idea. I haven't had a chance to test anything yet, but the patch notes do suggest that it may possibly be more efficient to respawn rather than regen.



Logic and simple math prove it's more efficient... Forget the patch notes :p

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I've been a healer in almost every MMO to date. Sorc healer was one of my favorite healers so far because of all the strategic decisions that had to constantly be made with the procs.


Now, in one swift patch we've been reduced to a one button spam class. Joy.


So many things could have been done to nerf healing without destroying the strategic, skilled setup healing had: reduce proc chance, reduce over all healing numbers, increase cooldowns, reduce force regen, etc. But no. Now you get to push one button all day.


I was in agreement that over all healing and the endless force mechanic needed some sort of nerf to keep the game interesting. But destroying the entire strategic, skilled setup of the class and reducing it to one button mashing? How could this possibly have been the answer?

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As a healer we are focus fired, The only way for us to get mana back is taking a CHUNK of our health out, so we are left with 2 choices go oom or die. THIS IS STRAIGHT THE STUPIDEST THING U COULD HAVE DONE. pvp is ruined for my main. Im not going to reroll class after all the work i did on my main, guess pvp WITCH I LOVE is now dead to me Thank u and EAT **** bio.:mad: BUT i see that we are the highest played class in game, this is most likely a shot to force people to reroll due to the high volume of sorc and how terrable u made us in pvp now will fix that. COLD BW thats just cold
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For you guys that don't play Sages and are thinking they didnt release this too early I offer you this little tidbit that few people seem to talk about....


With endurance buff, endurance stim, augments, and WH gear I will be at about 19000 hitpoints. At this point when I use my "noble sacrifice/consumption" spell, to get mana when I'm out of it it, will cost me 2850 hitpoints and I will get 48 force back. Usually it's 40 back but I have an extra 100 force I talented.


The Dark Heal/Benevolence spell, the new core heal since our big heal is easily interuptable, costs 50 force and heals for about 3000 when it CRITS. To cast my "noble sacrifice/consumption" I have to first cast my channeled heal which heals for 1800 uncritted over 3 seconds and a GCD for a cost of 40.


So the way my 8 talented mana regen abilty will now work in full rotation is I spend 90 mana get 48 back.. I spend 2850 health and get 4800. Past this it's cost me close 6 seconds to do this. The net effect is +1950 health for 42 mana. I could have just skipped it all and cast my Dark Heal/Benevolence spell for +3000 with a crit for 50 mana and saved myself 4.5 seconds for an extra 1050 health at the cost of 8 Force.


I could just spend those 8 talent points somewhere else and when I'm out of mana sucide in the fire in Huttball and be better off. :D


My friends have placed me on PVP suicide watch.

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Im going to find the middle ground here for all of you so that reasonable people coming into this forum know what there looking at.


For those calling for a boycott of 1.2 You are seriously retarted. Patches and game balance is never perfect and
requires tweaking. I 100% feel that sage healing does need a nudge back in the right direction.


However those saying that pvp overall is ruined now, I have to disagree i really enjoy most of the changes, ive seen people of all the dps classes That are also having fun.

despite what you think, without healers people arent dying in 5 seconds and combat to me feels about the same pace.


Let me once again say that yes sorc/sage healing does need a buff/ hotfix But please dont blabber about things you have no knowledge about. I have pvp'd in various mmo's since 2005 and the way that pvp works in this game with the medals the class balance(Yes if you look overall at dps its pretty balanced), and how objective based the warzones are prove to me they do know what there doing.

They will hotfix healing just be patient instead of jumping to the "WHAA BIOWARE NEVER LISTEN IM QUITTING WHAAAA"


It just takes time to fine tune.

Edited by arnieasada
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i posted this in another thread but it fits much better here actually...


im war hero sage healer (29/12/0) in full unmodded bm gear, this is from a purely warzone perspective:


Imo sage healing still works reasonably well. I'd say my overall healing numbers are down less than 10%. Force management is a lot tougher, but since it was non existent before i believe this is a good change.


I specced Concentration to get the force regen buff, and switch between Disturbance and Noble Sacrifice in my regular rotation (usually just hitting someone at random with disturbance, as it does no dmg anyway..) This works great for 29/12 but might not be ideal for 31 point builds, not sure about that.


To mitigate the damage from NS i just put a lot more hots on myself, i need them for the conveyance buff anyway, and use the rakata medpac whenever possible. That leaves me usually well above 50% health as long as im not focused by several geared people at once.


If i am focused, my big heal gets interrupted more often than before. It got interrupted frequently before and more often now, but not a dramatic change. And we still have slow, speed, knochback with root and stun to get out of los, bubble hot and healing trance to stay a live, and a pretty useless heal to bait. Overall i actually feel harder to kill now, but thats probably purely because the expertise difference between me and the avg player is now more significant



Our burst heal capabilities are a lot weaker now, and my biggest issue at first was that i wasted tons of big heals on targets that died while i was casting. Now i try to be smarter about who i heal and who i let die. This changes the game somewhat as people die more often, but i cant really judge whether this is good or bad, it's just different


TLDR surprisingly i still like my sage healer :-)

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It's better than watching you heal through 3 dps players going to town on you and watching you lolheal through it.


One ACTUAL dps was always enough to burn them down...not someone with only 3 points in a dps tree.


Everyone is going down too quick atm...unless you stealth and afk all match.

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If you really want something to ***** about roll a commando and see how long it takes you to come running back to your sorc, no I don't have a high level sorc (lvl 37 I think) so you have me there but I do know that no other healer class has an auto crit button, a bubble that can be cast on allies, force speed, a huge power pool (well maybe not huge but certainly larger than the others, your regen rate may be slower though so that could be a wash). All healing classes have a big, long cast time heal but sorcs/ sages were the only ones able to reduce that time with the use of a class skill, now you will just have to shelve it like the rest of us unless you by some miracle have the time to cast it.


As far as I can see these changes bring sorc's/ sages down to the level of the other healing classes, now we can all be miserable together.

Edited by Zoggel
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i posted this in another thread but it fits much better here actually...


im war hero sage healer (29/12/0) in full unmodded bm gear, this is from a purely warzone perspective:


Imo sage healing still works reasonably well. I'd say my overall healing numbers are down less than 10%. Force management is a lot tougher, but since it was non existent before i believe this is a good change.


I specced Concentration to get the force regen buff, and switch between Disturbance and Noble Sacrifice in my regular rotation (usually just hitting someone at random with disturbance, as it does no dmg anyway..) This works great for 29/12 but might not be ideal for 31 point builds, not sure about that.


To mitigate the damage from NS i just put a lot more hots on myself, i need them for the conveyance buff anyway, and use the rakata medpac whenever possible. That leaves me usually well above 50% health as long as im not focused by several geared people at once.


If i am focused, my big heal gets interrupted more often than before. It got interrupted frequently before and more often now, but not a dramatic change. And we still have slow, speed, knochback with root and stun to get out of los, bubble hot and healing trance to stay a live, and a pretty useless heal to bait. Overall i actually feel harder to kill now, but thats probably purely because the expertise difference between me and the avg player is now more significant



Our burst heal capabilities are a lot weaker now, and my biggest issue at first was that i wasted tons of big heals on targets that died while i was casting. Now i try to be smarter about who i heal and who i let die. This changes the game somewhat as people die more often, but i cant really judge whether this is good or bad, it's just different


TLDR surprisingly i still like my sage healer :-)


Your not supposed to let people die. So if you are. Than that shows that our class is pretty weak in healing

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It's better than watching you heal through 3 dps players going to town on you and watching you lolheal through it.


So essentially- because you're a terrible dpser, they should make it so even good healers can't stand a chance at keeping themselves, much less anyone else, up?


They've made dps EZ mode for some classes (marauders) this patch, while breaking nearly everything else.

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Your not supposed to let people die. So if you are. Than that shows that our class is pretty weak in healing


So in a scenario where 5+ people are taking damage. In your opinion a sorc should be able to keep all of the alive no problem.



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