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Please make sure to leave all losing WZ's


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So I get into a civil war today, we cap snow and mid then the entire republic just quits. . . literally it was 8 imps vs. trickling rep reinforcements, all of whom just left as soon as they realized that the game wasn't winnable. Now I like winning just as much as the next guy but come on a 3 cap with little to no resistance isn't fun. I stood around at mid for 5 minutes wondering how Gabe Amatangelo manages to drop the ball time and time again yet still has his job. :confused: Edited by Orrow
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Find a guild. Or go play a single player game, since you don't understand the concept of Massively Multiplayer.


I wasn't aware they intended it to be a requirement to have a bunch of other people already lined up and ready to go in order to pvp.


my mistake.

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So I get into a civil war today, we cap snow and mid then the entire republic just quits. . . literally it was 8 imps vs. trickling rep reinforcements, all of whom just left as soon as they realized that the game wasn't winnable. Now I like winning just as much as the next guy but come on a 3 cap with little to no resistance isn't fun. I stood around at mid for 5 minutes wonder how Gabe Amatangelo manages to drop the ball time and time again yet still has his job. :confused:



you must be mistaken.


i saw some guy post that he had played 4 full matches and didn't see any problems.

oh, and he happened to be rich, handsome, have a supermodel wife, and could bench 200 pounds (why are they so common on internet forums?)


so it must be a figment of your imagination.

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No, you should get nothing (or virtually nothing) for sucking. Good players get good gear, and then get even better. Bad players get little until they stop sucking. Skill = rewarded... bad playing = you don't get rewarded. Just like PVE raids: you don't kill the "boss" you don't get your loot/rewards!



if somebody is on the losing side of a warzone, it's only because they sucked?


do you really believe that?

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So in other words you're playing for the rewards, not fun, since you're leaving now that the rewards aren't there. You shouldn't get much of anything for losing horribly, and now you don't! Get some skill and start winning?


As far as paying for fun, you're paying for access to a game. It's up to you to have fun with it.


Ding ding ding




If you want welfare loot go back to wow.

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No, you should get nothing (or virtually nothing) for sucking. Good players get good gear, and then get even better. Bad players get little until they stop sucking. Skill = rewarded... bad playing = you don't get rewarded. Just like PVE raids: you don't kill the "boss" you don't get your loot/rewards!


This has to be one of the most ignorant, illogical and outright stupid things things I have ever read on any forum.

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Yep...this will be the patch of leavers and I cant blame people this time


Agree i never did/have left WZs before but just might pick it up there´s no point getting steamrolled by premades when you´re soloqueing atleast before you could get your 4-6 medals and somekind of reward for playing before it was 6-0 in less than 5mins.

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However, there does come a point when you know it's a loss. Sometimes it's quite early, like opening 4-8, capping your left turret while they instantly get two...then rush left. Two of your four drop instantly, leaving two vs eight. This happened to me today. They camped spawn and murdered me and my buddy over and over. But we didn't quit! Oh no, I stripped down and danced! I twirled and twirled until my timer ran out and I got booted.


That's the spirit! 4v8 is certainly a steep hill to climb. However, at the start of a WZ, I wouldn't freak out if this were the numbers.


Just last night I was in a WZ that started 5v8 (Voidstar). It was rough going at the start, we lost the first door pretty fast. But once we filled up, we held the other team at the second door and ended up winning the match. True story.


Now if you make it to midway through a WZ and you still only have 4 or 5, then you are absolutely correct, winning likely is not possible. But just giving up at the beginning because the odds are against you right away doesn't seem to be a legit quitting condition.



it's at the point where people THINK it's lost and therefore quit.

which is now happening a lot right at the beginning for the side that only gets 1 turret.


That's what I'm trying to get around. I'm trying to get around the baddie mentality of the quitter. Part of the reason that baddies lose so much is because they possess a quitter's mentality and negative attitude in the first place. Thus every action that occurs afterward ends up being a self-actualization of loss and failure. This is why winners don't like to commiserate or group with these people.


Your Alderaan scenario is a perfect example. If you only get one turret at the start of Alderaan, there is still ample time to gain another turret and still win the game. Only winning one turret at the start of Alderaan is not a sufficient quitting condition. Only a baddie would quit under this condition.

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That's the spirit! 4v8 is certainly a steep hill to climb. However, at the start of a WZ, I wouldn't freak out if this were the numbers.


Just last night I was in a WZ that started 5v8 (Voidstar). It was rough going at the start, we lost the first door pretty fast. But once we filled up, we held the other team at the second door and ended up winning the match. True story.


Now if you make it to midway through a WZ and you still only have 4 or 5, then you are absolutely correct, winning likely is not possible. But just giving up at the beginning because the odds are against you right away doesn't seem to be a legit quitting condition.





That's what I'm trying to get around. I'm trying to get around the baddie mentality of the quitter. Part of the reason that baddies lose so much is because they possess a quitter's mentality and negative attitude in the first place. Thus every action that occurs afterward ends up being a self-actualization of loss and failure. This is why winners don't like to commiserate or group with these people.


Your Alderaan scenario is a perfect example. If you only get one turret at the start of Alderaan, there is still ample time to gain another turret and still win the game. Only winning one turret at the start of Alderaan is not a sufficient quitting condition. Only a baddie would quit under this condition.



you misunderstood my point.

whether "I" think it's a loss or not is not what matters. if others quit (which they are now incentivised to do) after a match starts off badly, it doesn't matter whether "I" think we could have pulled it out. once people start bailing, we can no longer have a decent chance towin it even if we maybe could have come back without that happening.


so I answered your question correctly. you asked how you can tell at which point a warzone is no longer winnable with any decent chance - and as i stated, it's when people start ditching, with will often be once it's clear you are starting with one turret to the other side's two.

Edited by Jeopardydd
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Yup.. Also the ability to one-shot kill will be great! Agreed?


quit trolling mister. if you thought it was fine, you would be playing the game and not trolling forums. People have legit grips. If ya dont agree cool. Add to it, dont derail the op and have it closed.


Bioware is closing threads left and right because of trolls. They need to put the foru ban hammer on a few

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I think that you all are missing the point with these changes. The longer it takes for you to get gear the more you pay. The longer it takes to get the gear the more time they have to come up with viable content.


The way it is now will not change. It's sad but true.

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I think that SWTOR needs to take a pvp gear and standardize it for wz. Every class should have their own gear buff regardless of what they wear (provided they are wearing something). IT WOULD MAKE CLASS BALANCE EASY!


Also to the people asking for bioware to kill this game.

There are certain things that are not good for a business and locking out your customers from what they purchased, is one of them. :rolleyes:

Edited by Soultyr
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PvP for fun or don't PvP at all.


"wah wah I didn't get enough shinies QQ"


I would love to PvP just for fun, however to get to the point where PvP becomes fun people have to be willing to stick around after the first door goes down, the first goal is scored, and if one team caps a second turret. Until then I have to deal with 3 vs 8 lop sided wins and losses BS, hell people are even quitting close games now. Don't blame the player for monumentally incompetent PvP design.

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I have never, *ever* quit a losing warzone before. The rewards were decent, and there was an incentive to stay in a losing match (comms and credits) as well as an incentive to win (daily/weekly).


This patch will change that. No way I am staying in a losing warzone for -- what was it on someone's screenshot in another thread -- 140 credits and 30 comms?


And to those who say "well this is how it was when I was a kid" and "we didn't get nuthin' for losing", my answer is that here I am paying for a game that should be fun. If I am not enjoying it, I don't have to pay for it.


Fix this, Bioware.


I agree!


I just tried 2 war zones, won the first but lost the second. The loss wouldn't have been so bad if I had gotten something for the time I spent but I came out of there with nothing.

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I`ll vote for a new feature - a one hour ban to enter the WZ to all who quits the WZ.

To kill the PvP completely? Because it might lead to the point that people who lose often won't give it a chance anymore, so your idea is even more stupid than what BioWare did with the patch.

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I did a few battlegrounds today and seemed like i was getting less coms than normal so i wrote down my total before queing again so i could see my earnings


I had 1414 befoire qeuing

I came out with 1466 a total of 52 for the loss

Qued again and i came out with 1527 that was 73 for the win

Does not seem like a horrible difference to me ...

difference of 21

Edited by Bazookabill
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I did a few battlegrounds today and seemed like i was getting less coms than normal so i wrote down my total before queing again so i could see my earnings


I had 1414 befoire qeuing

I came out with 1466 a total of 52 for the loss

Qued again and i came out with 1527 that was 73 for the win

Does not seem like a horrible difference to me ...

difference of 21



you got the best-case scenario for the loss though, and a bad one for the win.


people are getting zero (yes, zero) for particularly bad losses, and especially for classes that don't get a lot of medals easily (such as healers).

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So in other words you're playing for the rewards, not fun, since you're leaving now that the rewards aren't there. You shouldn't get much of anything for losing horribly, and now you don't! Get some skill and start winning?


As far as paying for fun, you're paying for access to a game. It's up to you to have fun with it.


It is great fun to get farmed, by a team of 8 vs 4, because yes, this is what happened today many times. Before it would have ended in 2 mins. Before, when i was putting effort in a lost battle, at least it mattered.

Now, i can't drag 5-6 undergeared fresh 50 no matter what i do, when i face almost a full BM team. I can't team with my mates, i am FORCED to carry /if i can/ casuals.

I have an issue when i am WINNING in a hilarious way too. Because it isnt fun at all. I had a civil war that we won 600 to 0 when i got my bm guildies with me. Was it fun? Totally not. This never ever happened to me since the release of the game.

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i just got 16 medals on NC on my vanguard.

we lost and i received +24 commendations.






wow, yuck.


i was only getting a handful of medals on my healing commando this morning....was ending up with zeros. but i'd probably be even more upset if i got 16 medals and only 24 coms.

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Agreed. In huttball especially, when people start quitting, my crew starts winning. Everybody's complaining that the rewards for losing shouldn't be low when you can't queue an ops group. Well, my group of 4 guys hardly ever loses, even when we have a bunch of 10s on our team. Even when we do lose, the game is so hard fought and fun we don't give a **** about the rewards.


The forums are not going to help you. Quit your whining, find some other people and get/roll a healer to do warzones. You won't be disappointed.


A bunch of 10s on your team.... wait.... are you talking about 10-49 warzones???



Ummmm, seriously, come back when you've played 50 warzones for a few hours and I'll bet you feel different..... 1-49 warzones are a playground.

Edited by Sholagar
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