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Please make sure to leave all losing WZ's


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Rewards for pvp should be nonmaterial. However, since they had to implement pvp gear, even losers should be decently rewarded or the problem will compound on itself.


If they insist on pvp rewards, it should be with gimmicky stuff. Titles, rankings, auras, cosmetic gear, etc.


Furthermore, when ratings come out, they truly need to find a way to funnel the same ranks together moreso than just put people together and vary the increase/decrease in ranking due to who kills who. A person may not like being among the bottom 2% of the game in pvp, but if they are with the other 2% the games should be close and well, entertaining.


Blizzard proved that it is more profitable to strip out all the actual PvP from PvP and instead run a PvE gear treadmill (essentially, Character versus Character).


Now most MMO developers simply copy the profitable but non-competitive model of WoW. This game included.

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if you feel the need to stay in a losing warzone when you get nothing in return then thats all on you. Not everyone wants to waste 15 minutes for nothing. There is no need to put a deserter debuff in the game, especially with the new changes to warzones. If they added a debuff then pvp would for sure be dead.


I find it very funny how you claim that you get NOTHING?


What about skill? With every fight you get slightly better unless you suck overall and players IQ is incapable of playing then he shouldnt pvp anyway.


So ye you get skill even if you loose

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I find it very funny how you claim that you get NOTHING?


What about skill? With every fight you get slightly better unless you suck overall and players IQ is incapable of playing then he shouldnt pvp anyway.


So ye you get skill even if you loose


I don't care how much perfume you put on this turd, it still stinks.

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I find it very funny how you claim that you get NOTHING?


What about skill? With every fight you get slightly better unless you suck overall and players IQ is incapable of playing then he shouldnt pvp anyway.


So ye you get skill even if you loose


Cool, "sure, the guy that just beat you is now buying gear so he has double your stats and can one shot you... but before he one shots you, you'll be more skilled or something"

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Cool, "sure, the guy that just beat you is now buying gear so he has double your stats and can one shot you... but before he one shots you, you'll be more skilled or something"


I cannot believe they didn't change those daily/weekly pvp quests. People DO NOT WANT to be forced into playing 9+ hours a day to finish ONE daily quest. I have the utmost sympathy for any of you stuck on a horrible server (of which I'm sure there are many).


Don't worry though, I'm sure someone from BW will be along shortly to tell you that it's the players fault for not helping to test this content on the PTS. Oh wait, you have to level a brand new character to test content on the PTS requiring you to dump even more of your RL time into this beta test.

Edited by Ghaleon
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Just for clarification's sake...at what point is a War Zone officially lost? If I am to quit a WZ with efficient regularity, this would be good information to know.


You see, many WZs that people quit from and think are losses are actually just good opportunities for some competitive PvP. Last I checked, nobody playing SWTOR was Nostradamus so I don't really trust their judgment in being able to predict the future, especially while in the heat of pixel combat.


On top of that, it is my personal belief that most quitters in this game are actually baddies. This belief was forged through my recent and past experiences with quitters in WZs. Players that think they are better than they are, but are in fact, just bad, and quit at the first sign of a challenge.


Now I am in no way advocating that the changes BW has made in 1.2 are good or great. I haven't even been in the game yet to try it out myself. This is simply a matter of clarification and principle because I would prefer to avoid any recommendations or advice from baddies in any way shape or form.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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Ok just played a bit more warzones and... it's not that bad guys. Won couple of time, lost couple of times. Like always in PUGs. Quitters ruin the match - true. They did this before 1.2 too. Now it's a bit more frustrating tho, because of the rewards are so awful(0 creds hurts me the most in losing match[comms too, but still 20 or 40 is better then nothing]. It usually covered my crafting missions costs).

My advice: DON'T quit. Stay to the end. Don't be a baddie. Have fun.



Also look at the bright side of this updates.

*No more constant huttballs for imps(I love that the most. I would rathe fight opposite faction, but population imbalance :rolleyes: ).

*Winning now gives you more pleasure

*Droid on the ship DOESN'T TALK

*You can use speeders in space ports/stations

*First legacy unlocks

and many more :)

Edited by MelodicSixNine
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Just for clarification's sake...at what point is a War Zone officially lost? If I am to quit a WZ with efficient regularity, this would be good information to know.


You see, many WZs that people quit from and think are losses are actually just good opportunities for some competitive PvP. Last I checked, nobody playing SWTOR was Nostradamus so I don't really trust their judgment in being able to predict the future, especially while in the heat of pixel combat.


On top of that, it is my personal belief that most quitters in this game are actually baddies. This belief was forged through my recent and past experiences with quitters in WZs. Players that think they are better than they are, but are in fact, just bad, and quit at the first sign of a challenge.


Now I am in no way advocating that the changes BW has made in 1.2 are good or great. I haven't even been in the game yet to try it out myself. This is simply a matter of clarification and principle because I would prefer to avoid any recommendations or advice from baddies in any way shape or form.


I'll give you that. I find the most vocal ones are usually the worst. At the end I let them know they should spend more time playing and less time typing.


However, there does come a point when you know it's a loss. Sometimes it's quite early, like opening 4-8, capping your left turret while they instantly get two...then rush left. Two of your four drop instantly, leaving two vs eight. This happened to me today. They camped spawn and murdered me and my buddy over and over. But we didn't quit! Oh no, I stripped down and danced! I twirled and twirled until my timer ran out and I got booted.

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Ok just played a bit more warzones and... it's not that bad guys. Won couple of time, lost couple of times. Like always in PUGs. Quitters ruin the match - true. They did this before 1.2 too. Now it's a bit more frustrating tho, because of the rewards are so awful(0 creds hurts me the most in losing match[comms too, but still 20 or 40 is better then nothing]. It usually covered my crafting missions costs).

My advice: DON'T quit. Stay to the end. Don't be a baddie. Have fun.


You have Battered Wife syndrome....just saying.

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Just for clarification's sake...at what point is a War Zone officially lost? If I am to quit a WZ with efficient regularity, this would be good information to know.




it's at the point where people THINK it's lost and therefore quit.

which is now happening a lot right at the beginning for the side that only gets 1 turret.

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I find it very funny how you claim that you get NOTHING?


What about skill? With every fight you get slightly better unless you suck overall and players IQ is incapable of playing then he shouldnt pvp anyway.


So ye you get skill even if you loose


You'd have a point...if skill was the only thing that mattered in MMO PvP. That is far from the truth.


Admit it. It is why you are here; were you interested in balanced PvP, you'd play an FPS. MMOs have inherent class and gear imbalances built in, and you are here because you like to exploit such systems and call it skill.

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You have Battered Wife syndrome....just saying.


Haha nice one.

Yea maybe that's true, but I was furious in the beginning when I saw 0 creds, 0 comms. However as I said: I played more warzones and it really didn't change much. Sometimes you lose. Sometimes you win.

Rewards are just lesser for losing, which imo is a good thing overall. People tend to try more when they have something to lose.

BUT, BUT... quitters ruin everything! BW needs to implement deserter penalty fast.

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I will continue to finish out all war zones played losing or otherwise. I've yet to receive this 0 comm/cash/valor "bug" that others are experiencing, and yes i've been in lopsided and 100-0 loses.


Do I believe it is happening? yes


Do I think it is working as intended? no


Glad the people on my server are mature enough to finish warzones even in loses.

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Just for clarification's sake...at what point is a War Zone officially lost? If I am to quit a WZ with efficient regularity, this would be good information to know.


You see, many WZs that people quit from and think are losses are actually just good opportunities for some competitive PvP. Last I checked, nobody playing SWTOR was Nostradamus so I don't really trust their judgment in being able to predict the future, especially while in the heat of pixel combat.


On top of that, it is my personal belief that most quitters in this game are actually baddies. This belief was forged through my recent and past experiences with quitters in WZs. Players that think they are better than they are, but are in fact, just bad, and quit at the first sign of a challenge.


Now I am in no way advocating that the changes BW has made in 1.2 are good or great. I haven't even been in the game yet to try it out myself. This is simply a matter of clarification and principle because I would prefer to avoid any recommendations or advice from baddies in any way shape or form.


Agreed. In huttball especially, when people start quitting, my crew starts winning. Everybody's complaining that the rewards for losing shouldn't be low when you can't queue an ops group. Well, my group of 4 guys hardly ever loses, even when we have a bunch of 10s on our team. Even when we do lose, the game is so hard fought and fun we don't give a **** about the rewards.


The forums are not going to help you. Quit your whining, find some other people and get/roll a healer to do warzones. You won't be disappointed.

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Agreed. In huttball especially, when people start quitting, my crew starts winning. Everybody's complaining that the rewards for losing shouldn't be low when you can't queue an ops group. Well, my group of 4 guys hardly ever loses, even when we have a bunch of 10s on our team. Even when we do lose, the game is so hard fought and fun we don't give a **** about the rewards.


The forums are not going to help you. Quit your whining, find some other people and get/roll a healer to do warzones. You won't be disappointed.



ah, ok, so we should only be able to play warzones with a large block of time in which we can make sure that the required other people are around and ready?


if that's how it's going to be fine. not the game for lots of us, but I guess you will like it better. so be it, we can find another game 9too bad, I really liked this one).

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ah, ok, so we should only be able to play warzones with a large block of time in which we can make sure that the required other people are around and ready?


if that's how it's going to be fine. not the game for lots of us, but I guess you will like it better. so be it, we can find another game 9too bad, I really liked this one).


Find a guild. Or go play a single player game, since you don't understand the concept of Massively Multiplayer.

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No, you should get full rewards for losing. It's the only way to have a decent PvP system.


That, or just automatically equalize everyone else's gear on entry to a WZ.


No, you should get nothing (or virtually nothing) for sucking. Good players get good gear, and then get even better. Bad players get little until they stop sucking. Skill = rewarded... bad playing = you don't get rewarded. Just like PVE raids: you don't kill the "boss" you don't get your loot/rewards!

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Find a guild. Or go play a single player game, since you don't understand the concept of Massively Multiplayer.


"Find a guild or ****" is a great way to build a long-term healthy level of subscriptions.


Oh wait...


It seems to be the most-used argument across all of these forums "play the way I find appealing or leave!"


How open-minded of you.

Edited by Syylara
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