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Please make sure to leave all losing WZ's


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I have never, *ever* quit a losing warzone before. The rewards were decent, and there was an incentive to stay in a losing match (comms and credits) as well as an incentive to win (daily/weekly).


This patch will change that. No way I am staying in a losing warzone for -- what was it on someone's screenshot in another thread -- 140 credits and 30 comms?


And to those who say "well this is how it was when I was a kid" and "we didn't get nuthin' for losing", my answer is that here I am paying for a game that should be fun. If I am not enjoying it, I don't have to pay for it.


Fix this, Bioware.

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And to those who say "well this is how it was when I was a kid" and "we didn't get nuthin' for losing", my answer is that here I am paying for a game that should be fun. If I am not enjoying it, I don't have to pay for it.


Fix this, Bioware.


Yup.. Also the ability to one-shot kill will be great! Agreed?

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Yup.. Also the ability to one-shot kill will be great! Agreed?


Umm... I just want them to put the warzone rewards back the way they were. They had a good thing going and now they screwed it up.


If you want one-shot kills, roll an IA.

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I`ll vote for a new feature - a one hour ban to enter the WZ to all who quits the WZ.


if you feel the need to stay in a losing warzone when you get nothing in return then thats all on you. Not everyone wants to waste 15 minutes for nothing. There is no need to put a deserter debuff in the game, especially with the new changes to warzones. If they added a debuff then pvp would for sure be dead.

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I have never, *ever* quit a losing warzone before. The rewards were decent, and there was an incentive to stay in a losing match (comms and credits) as well as an incentive to win (daily/weekly).


This patch will change that. No way I am staying in a losing warzone for -- what was it on someone's screenshot in another thread -- 140 credits and 30 comms?


And to those who say "well this is how it was when I was a kid" and "we didn't get nuthin' for losing", my answer is that here I am paying for a game that should be fun. If I am not enjoying it, I don't have to pay for it.


Fix this, Bioware.


My sentiments exactly.


BW just made the problem exponentially worse by only implementing a part of the PVP update. Without ranked WZ's they've really screwed up.


So pre-mades now have an even greater advantage since they nerfed healing big time.


They just made this worse not better. Bad management.

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I`ll vote for a new feature - a one hour ban to enter the WZ to all who quits the WZ.


Yep, I agree. Though I'll say it should be 30-minutes so if you do really crash/etc. you're not totally screwed ;). People need to stop entering to just get easy wins + rewards, and actually fight for their loots & fun. It seems the whole entitlement attitude is strong in this community, Luke.... I mean... yeah.

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I`ll vote for a new feature - a one hour ban to enter the WZ to all who quits the WZ.



well, then I'll be queing one an hour then. good luck trying to get into warzones if those of us who don't want to waste time for zero rewards decide to spendmore time on pve between our hour ban.

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I have never, *ever* quit a losing warzone before. The rewards were decent, and there was an incentive to stay in a losing match (comms and credits) as well as an incentive to win (daily/weekly).


This patch will change that. No way I am staying in a losing warzone for -- what was it on someone's screenshot in another thread -- 140 credits and 30 comms?


And to those who say "well this is how it was when I was a kid" and "we didn't get nuthin' for losing", my answer is that here I am paying for a game that should be fun. If I am not enjoying it, I don't have to pay for it.


Fix this, Bioware.


So in other words you're playing for the rewards, not fun, since you're leaving now that the rewards aren't there. You shouldn't get much of anything for losing horribly, and now you don't! Get some skill and start winning?


As far as paying for fun, you're paying for access to a game. It's up to you to have fun with it.

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You guys don't get it. They are TRYING to get pvpers to unsub. They want the crowd that just runs ops and fps or the storyline because it's easier to cater to that crowd especially when it comes to class balance. BW is just lazy for the most part. Most pvpers are hard core gamers with skill and BW does not want them to be the primary game players so they are implementing things that will make most pvpers go away because in their quest to be lazy and inefficient, they prefer the more casual, laid back, non-pvper players.
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Although I agree with very long bans you just can't do it.

The 3 wz in a 5v8 6v8 environment you simply can't win 99.9% of the time and there is absolutely no reason to even play a game this way and I have played a ton of these. I had an alderran yesterday where we finally got 8v8 but and we took the 2nd turrent but we were mathematically eliminated.

6v8pm is fun too


But an 8v8 match and someone leaves should be an hour or at least a 1/2 hour


unfortunately they have their plate full with pvp now since the patch is a total and absolute failure for pvp

Edited by mangarrage
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You shouldn't get much of anything for losing horribly, and now you don't! Get some skill and start winning?As far as paying for fun, you're paying for access to a game. It's up to you to have fun with it.


My point is, it is fairly easy for them to please both you and me:


To please you, they reward winning.


To please me, they used to reward participation. There is no downside for you in that, is there? You get better rewards if you win. I get some rewards if I lose, so I can still gear up, albeit at a slower pace. What is the downside to you? You will fight better geared opponents and have a better time.


Or we quit and the servers will be even more dead... but hey, you have your super gear, with no one to show it off for.

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Never left a warzone before today. Today Ive left 4 of 5 and have logged off because being on the team with a clear disadvantage be it in numbers or gear is no fun for little to no reward.


Thinking about cancelling. I have 4 days left before my month runs out and I doubt Ill be continuing on. This is completely unfun and for all the people who say they want a ban on people leaving, it will end up with you waiting in Q's for an hour because not enough people can/care to play. Enjoy spending money on that every month.

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So in other words you're playing for the rewards, not fun, since you're leaving now that the rewards aren't there. You shouldn't get much of anything for losing horribly, and now you don't! Get some skill and start winning?


As far as paying for fun, you're paying for access to a game. It's up to you to have fun with it.


No, you should get full rewards for losing. It's the only way to have a decent PvP system.


That, or just automatically equalize everyone else's gear on entry to a WZ.

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Although I agree with very long bans you just can't do it.

The 3 wz in a 5v8 6v8 environment you simply can't win 99.9% of the time and there is absolutely no reason to even play a game this way and I have played a ton of these. I had an alderran yesterday where we finally got 8v8 but and we took the 2nd turrent but we were mathematically eliminated.

6v8pm is fun too


But an 8v8 match and someone leaves should be an hour or at least a 1/2 hour


unfortunately they have their plate full with pvp now since the patch is a total and absolute failure for pvp


It all makes sense now. This is legit.

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Rewards for pvp should be nonmaterial. However, since they had to implement pvp gear, even losers should be decently rewarded or the problem will compound on itself.


If they insist on pvp rewards, it should be with gimmicky stuff. Titles, rankings, auras, cosmetic gear, etc.


Furthermore, when ratings come out, they truly need to find a way to funnel the same ranks together moreso than just put people together and vary the increase/decrease in ranking due to who kills who. A person may not like being among the bottom 2% of the game in pvp, but if they are with the other 2% the games should be close and well, entertaining.

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Pubs on my server lose 90% of the time... guess I should give up on pvp after this patch. Getting 8 medals is way harder then it was to get 4.. especially for healers which was way nerfed. Then to get practically nothing for the loss. Why even queue. I'm with this this guy.. time to start leaving wz's when your down or you get nothing for your time.


The winning factions will gear up even quicker while the losing factions have no chance. Guess everyone will start rerolling on the winning factions side.. thus creating an even bigger imbalance then there already was..


Fire the person at bioware that approved this garbage.. Please.


I hope there's a patch soon to fix this.. but I doubt it.

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