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anybody learned an orange schematic through RE yet?


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I am armor mech. I have RE'd MANY items at this point. Green, Orange, Purple, Blue. None have equated into a new schematic for me. I just RE'd over 40 orange custom items, 30 greens, 3 blues i got in daily quest.....1 columi spare....nothing....


I personally think RE is broken atm. I was also under the impression that REing would result in new schematics more often....


tldr; i am also disappoint

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I am SERIOUSLY disappointed. I have actually followed the crafting changes on the patch, and I thought that we would have a chance to learn orange schematics (as an armstech, I was very excited about this).


I wasted my favorite pistol model I had kept in my bank thanks to this idiocy. Top notch work Bioware.

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Just give us a damned appearance tab Bioware! It would solve all this hassle and actually let us play OUR story the way WE want, as you kept promising pre-launch. I want to wear the Jedi Knight gear you get towards the end of Tython, but can't. Why? Because you guys have decided you won't let me do that. Appearance tab is the best and easiest solution that most other MMO's use, why try to be different when the current idea works fine?


isnt there an appearanc tab if ya ctrl+right click? i know it lets ya see what ya look like in armor befor you equip it

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Hello everyone - if you can obtain a schematic through reverse engineering, you'll see a tooltip that indicates that research is available. If you see "No Research Available" on the tooltip, reverse engineering that item won't grant a schematic. Hope this clears things up a little!


and what about all of the items which have neither message?

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I am SERIOUSLY disappointed. I have actually followed the crafting changes on the patch, and I thought that we would have a chance to learn orange schematics (as an armstech, I was very excited about this).


I wasted my favorite pistol model I had kept in my bank thanks to this idiocy. Top notch work Bioware.


They added the custom schematics for the lower level weapons to the Investigation roulette. Whether those schematics include your favorite pistol model is a different story.

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isnt there an appearanc tab if ya ctrl+right click? i know it lets ya see what ya look like in armor befor you equip it


confusion in terms Loop. When they say "appearance Tab" they mean a tab with custom appearance gear sets. you would set up a gear set in the tab, and when enabled, you would have the look of that gear set, but you would keep the stats of your real gear.


Lord of the Rings Online has this feature...And it is probably one of the best customization designs in the industry ATM. Bio could learn a few things from Turbine.


Bio...I don't know how you could let this go without more description. Why didn't you think people would assume that they could RE any Moddable in the game? I have loved this game up to this point....this was a real disappointment.


You did not give enough description of how the RE mechanic was going to work. You essentially unlocked the ability to RE normal drops, and new moddable gear only. the GM's post in this thread is helpful, but doesn't solve the main issue. you missed the mark on this BIO! All moddables that currently do not have a schematic should be reverse eingineer-able...period. People have posted questions about this and discussions about this multiple times in the PTR forums. I cannot believe you missed all those posts and failed to correct people ahead of time! man Bio....


And on top of that...empty moddables still cannot be RE'd. the idea that i have to put a mod into an orange item to RE it is plain silly. Especially when I can't even MAKE the mods myself. an Orange item with mods should AT LEAST give me a chance to get back materials based on both the Orange, AND the MODs in it. an empty Orange, even if it has no learnable schematic, should be Re'able.



When an Item can be reverse Eingineered, the RE chance will appear right below the crafting level requirements of the item in small bright lettering. If the item does not have a chance to RE then it will display this instead. standard loot items do not have either lettering available, and so far null chance of RE based on my experience. So random rolled items will not RE to a schematic.


the chances I've seen so far are 10% for blue items, and 20% for greens. Dont know if this is standard, but for green and blue items in the high 30's that's what Im getting.

Edited by Elyx
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Lord of the Rings Online has this feature...And it is probably one of the best customization designs in the industry ATM. Bio could learn a few things from Turbine.


You've got that right! I think the DDO crafting system is probably one of the best when it comes to customization... if you like the way an item looks, you can deconstruct it and remake it with the effects you want (there are some exceptions to what combinations you're allowed, but they generally fall into the D&D rules as to what enchantments different items are allowed).

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When an Item can be reverse Eingineered, the RE chance will appear right below the crafting level requirements of the item in small bright lettering. If the item does not have a chance to RE then it will display this instead. standard loot items do not have either lettering available, and so far null chance of RE based on my experience. So random rolled items will not RE to a schematic.


the chances I've seen so far are 10% for blue items, and 20% for greens. Dont know if this is standard, but for green and blue items in the high 30's that's what Im getting.




If an item can be RESEARCHED to learn the schematic it will have the percentage chance. If the item can be reverse engineered it won't be darkened in your inventory when you go to Reverse Engineer. If you are trying to Reverse Engineer a custom/orange item (not mod, sorry) you need to add an armoring/hilt/barrel/etc mod first to try. If you are try to research custom/orange gear you need to run missions with the appropriate crew skill, such as Underworld Trading.

Edited by Teykos
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and what about all of the items which have neither message?


This is what I want to know.


Example: the Columi sniper rifle "No Regret" does not have the "No research available" tooltip. But it also does not list any % chance to learn an equivalent orange "shell" schematic. I can only guess that means that there is no schematic to learn, but it would be nice to actually have a clear answer.

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Hello everyone - if you can obtain a schematic through reverse engineering, you'll see a tooltip that indicates that research is available. If you see "No Research Available" on the tooltip, reverse engineering that item won't grant a schematic. Hope this clears things up a little!



What if it says NEITHER of those?

Edited by GrizzlesMcKenzie
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If an item can be RESEARCHED to learn the schematic it will have the percentage chance. If the item can be reverse engineered it won't be darkened in your inventory when you go to Reverse Engineer. If you are trying to Reverse Engineer a custom/orange item (not mod, sorry) you need to add an armoring/hilt/barrel/etc mod first to try. If you are try to research custom/orange gear you need to run missions with the appropriate crew skill, such as Underworld Trading.


I am aware of all of hat Teykos. I merely put the wrong term in my text, researched instead of RE'd


Thx for the schooling, even though it was wasted. I was aware of all that already, in case you didn't read the rest of my thread. One of my gripes was that you had to have an item in the Orange to RE it....

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What if it says NEITHER of those?


Read my thread above yours. if it has neither, then you wont get a schematic from it, even if you can RE it. Examples are random green drops. They will have neither listed...but if you have the appropriate craft you can RE it for materials only

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Hello everyone - if you can obtain a schematic through reverse engineering, you'll see a tooltip that indicates that research is available. If you see "No Research Available" on the tooltip, reverse engineering that item won't grant a schematic. Hope this clears things up a little!


Problem I am seeing is the "increase" to learning schematics is definitely not an increase. One of the first things i did was take several items from my vault and RE them. They did not say "No Research Available" but I tried 20+ items with no schematic learned. Also the off hand LS "redeemer" can't be RE which seems to be odd to me. I even tried RE a 56 hilt and got nothing for it but crappy amount of mats. I would think if I am not going to learn a schematic I should at least get more mats out of a higher level item. But the "increase" to learning schematics is not an increase at all. If you haven't guessed it I am an Artifice.

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Just to add my 2 creds to the confussion:


I'm a synthweaver. I was planning to RE a low level belt to orange. Commander's Heavy Thermal Belt said there were no more schematics to learn (or whatever the tool-tip said). So I made Tempest Synth Assault Belt which said 20% (or 10%) chance for new schematic. I RE'd a couple, heard the cha-ching sound, looked and learned Critical Synth Assault Belt.



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lol could these people fail harder if they tried? it really doesnt seem like it. everything they do in this game is wrong and every player immediately knows what they could have done to make it right. i dont know whos calling the shot over that at bw headquarters but someone else needs to step forward and make things right before every server becomes a ghost town. w...t...f
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Im not sure if i could become more confused about this crafting business.


So just be be clear I am a Synthweaver before the patch I had managed to learn 3 Orange Level 50 scematics for Head / Chest / Pants. Is the intention that if I now make one of the orange recipes I already know, then I re-engineer it, I may get a crit orange with a slot for an Augment?


Or it won't work for these reciepes and I have to wait for a NEW 1.2 added schematic receipe that I might get from a random drop on a Underworld Trading mission... but not sure what level of mission to run for it or what it looks like?

Edited by Midden
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