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I thought we got buffed?


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Watchman Spec


Went from 19k health to 15k (full bm gear and buffs)


Taking damage like I cant believe (super squishy now)


Doing less damage by far


BM gear stat changes. Has nothing to do with the class. BM gear is "bottom tier" now.

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None of that makes any sense unless they excluded a bunch of things from patch notes.


If anything, as a Watchman damage should go up due to buffs to Master Strike and increase in the % limit on Dispatch.


Dispatch is not even working right most of the time now.


It pops earlier but sometimes it not even hitting.

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"These changes are not limited to class abilities and skill trees, but also involve modifications to the underlying combat math (for example diminishing returns, additional augment availability, etc.), which has an impact on combat that is hard to capture in a list of patch notes."




I read this as, BioWare tweaked game mechanics and we don't know the full effects of these changes yet.

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Dispatch is not even working right most of the time now.


It pops earlier but sometimes it not even hitting.


I am having no problem with it other than it doesnt work on Strong (or higher) level mobs, to those it is just a hit :( but i thought that was more by design

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Watchman Spec


Went from 19k health to 15k (full bm gear and buffs)


Taking damage like I cant believe (super squishy now)


Doing less damage by far


this is a knee jerk reaction from someone who has no idea what he is doing.

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As a watchman, I am still topping the damage charts and doing the same or slightly more damage compared to pre-patch. However I have more deaths now, used to average 3-4 deaths per wz, now it is closer to 5-6.


The expertise and masterstrike buff has led to alot of whining about mara/sents burst dmg, however what people aren't noticing is that mara/sents are dying more as well.

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Yeah the change to force camo hurt and the gear change hurt so yep a bit more squishy and one of my favorite cd nerfed I never used to escape just to stop incoming damage.


Still expertise is crazy adds damage and damage reduction those with it are destroying those without it fo sure.

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As a watchman, I am still topping the damage charts and doing the same or slightly more damage compared to pre-patch. However I have more deaths now, used to average 3-4 deaths per wz, now it is closer to 5-6.


The expertise and masterstrike buff has led to alot of whining about mara/sents burst dmg, however what people aren't noticing is that mara/sents are dying more as well.


That about my experience as well, however I still mostly sorc top the charts.Its nice to be able to hit a healer and actually see some dmg!

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