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there no point staying in a losing WZ anymore.


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You should get something otherwise if your trapped on a losing side you will never be able to compete, its as simple as that.


If one side dominate they will gear quicker and dominate every game. People that lose will end up stopping because there is not point playing and it will effect wz game play.


Win 100

Lose 30


Something like that is fair enough.


If the losing side has no way of getting gear they will not be able to compete therefor unbalancing WarZones. Stronger side get stronger and that's great if your on the stronger side but not so great for losing side.


Its all about insensitive to play and try, if losing gives you nothing and your on a losing streak then chances are you will give up shortly.

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name your server & lvl 50 chars if you not lying


Ajunta Pall. Ceraphene, BM PT. Atma, BM Sorc.


Although I'm currently playing one of the twins, llil-ill, who is only 45 since I'm taking my sweet time.


I level through PvP only, so I take a while.


Check my post history if you don't believe me, I'm pretty vocal. /shrug


Anyone on my server who's seen me in WZs can tell you that I play my heart out every single time, and have never quit out of a loss.

Edited by Varicite
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just played a hutball match ... other team scored after 30 seconds. my whole team left ... 2 mins later we lost 6:0 ... nearly no reward for me ... best one had 16 medals ... lame


Happens a lot on my server also, sucks really :(


I find most of the time its vs reps they leave though, tbh when your vs'n something like 6 sages... whats the point of staying

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3 matches stood out last night for me, all 3 losses.


1st: only got in for second half of void where the other side had got all the way through and we failed tO breach first door. 40 comms


Second close new wz, lost by 8%, 62 comms.


Third civil war, lost again closely, got 11 odd medals and high dmg, 75 comms.


It really is possible to turn any match into profit, ppl should at least try.

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Look people are not asking for the same rewards just something so they can be competitive.


I'm sure after steamrolling game after game you would be bored and quit, just as I'm sure after losing game after game and not being able to get any gear you would quit.


It need to be fair in a way that the winning team get more but the losing team get something for trying. Not everyone is good at pvp and need to learn how to play properly. But if your undergeared your not going to have much hope.

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i would rather log on to your server & ask the players on the other side about you, im sure they will tell me the truth


Ask them about llil-ill, then, since that's where I've been mostly for the past month or so.


: )


You could also ask them about the "sandpeople twins" or "illi twins", as that's how most people know me.

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I dont see any gain of leaving a match that is full. You can always score above 4 medals if you give it your best.


But when undermanned and you get no reinforcement i see no incentive to continue since you will be annhilated constantly by the op-force every time you stick your nose out.



Played several 3-8 / 3-8 4-8 5-8 matches today for example. And i was barely able to do anything or even get passed 4 medals in those matches. Though the 5-8 one i managed to somehow score 8 medals after repetedly mashing a rotation then dying.


There are no tactics in the world for these warzones to keep afloat when numbers are not equal. And TBH when people can get the recruit gear the playing field is not 20% more damage with better pvp gear since theres a decent damage reduction even then.


Matches that are undermanned should just not start imho. Give everyone a small reward and reque them. Let people play full teams instead of diminishing their will several matches in a row destroying their incentive to que again leaving the next batch of undermanneds to get farmed.


Edit: Also if warzones are made to always be full, i want a atleast large debuff for quiters so that they can not go in again and quit.


Kind Regards


Edited by EvaSofie
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Check the dev tracker and you'll see that with the next patch that compensation in warzones is going to be closer to what it was in 1.1.


Sorry to all you "elite" players out there, looks like up-and-comers will still have the potential to get better skills and gear and you'll actually have people to fight.


Warzones aren't going to be your place to pick produce anymore. I don't feel sorry for the 1.2 pvp advocates in the least.

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Check the dev tracker and you'll see that with the next patch that compensation in warzones is going to be closer to what it was in 1.1.


Sorry to all you "elite" players out there, looks like up-and-comers will still have the potential to get better skills and gear and you'll actually have people to fight.


Warzones aren't going to be your place to pick produce anymore. I don't feel sorry for the 1.2 pvp advocates in the least.


Well alot of the changes are really good for 1.2 but there are still tweaks needed as always in MMO's that are always under development.

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Erickson said the following. This was gleaned from the dev tracker.


Hey folks,


Some follow up news from observations of play and feedback over the weekend. In the next couple of days we will be deploying a small patch that will address the following issues:


  • As discussed, minimum medals to gain rewards will go from 3 to 1 to better reward those who are backfilled.
  • Warzones will once again be shutting down when population imbalance is detected. This was an unfortunate bug where a feature of Ranked Warzones (in full team play it is not desirable to let one team end the game prematurely by quitting out) was incorrectly implemented globally.
  • Completion of Warzones will gain a large increase in the percentage of rewards it represents, so while scoring is still the primary driver, you will cease to see games that give no rewards if players have a minimum of 1 medal earned.
  • We are extending the time we wait for a full team of eight to better make sure Warzones pop with complete teams.


A huge thank you to everyone who played this weekend and provided valuable feedback and analysis.


They realized they have to make this game for the majority of subscribers, not their "leet" buddies and their dream of facing the same 8 people over and over again.

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all they need to add is a debuff for everytime you AFK form a WZ eg:

you get a -10% reward debuff stack-able to -100% if you afk out of a WZ

say you afked 3 WZs in a row you now have a -30% reward debuff if you stay for the next warzone it will remove 10% so your next match you will be at -20%.

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all they need to add is a debuff for everytime you AFK form a WZ eg:

you get a -10% reward debuff stack-able to -100% if you afk out of a WZ

say you afked 3 WZs in a row you now have a -30% reward debuff if you stay for the next warzone it will remove 10% so your next match you will be at -20%.


...and what will that accomplish? Appease the righteous indignation of s&m fetishists who like spending 15 minutes+ in losing games only to earn nothing at the end of it?


Might be your idea of happy fun time, but it isn't anyone else's.


Having a deserter debuff will just be another lemming-clone of that_other_game's PvP system.

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Thank god they address this issue.


With the current 1.2 WZ changes, i hardly get any rewards, somehow im always in the team with short of at least 2 men, after which people just start leaving and leaving.


The opponents being the bastards they are, start farming us, they wont let the game end fast when they clearly can overwhelm us and end the game a.s.a.p. Had to sit through long games where i get 0-2 medals and no rewards. Wonder why i didnt bother ditching the game...

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...and what will that accomplish? Appease the righteous indignation of s&m fetishists who like spending 15 minutes+ in losing games only to earn nothing at the end of it?


Might be your idea of happy fun time, but it isn't anyone else's.


Having a deserter debuff will just be another lemming-clone of that_other_game's PvP system.


There should be a deserter debuff.


No, not because WoW has it.


Because you should be penalized for hampering 7 other people's game time when you chose to queue for the match in the first place.


But I don't think the guy you quoted has the right idea for it. Just make it a 15 minute timer and be done w/ it, imo.

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People will probably flame you for making this post, but you are 100% correct.


Much like the valor gain imbalances on Ilum with the controlling side having huge buffs and the non controlling gaining over half a slowly, all that did was gear up one faction over twice as fast, and in a gear based pvp system this is crippling to the low faction.


Its a poorly thought out system if losing does not give at least 75% of what winning does... it only serves to create a gap between factions and ruin competitive pvp.


I completely agree with all your points.



Disclaimer: I genuinely do not care what you think if your opionion is that the losing team should get nearly nothing. That simply shows the rest of the PvP community that you do not have the depth to see the big picture and would rather have your immediate satisfaction of "forum pwning" someone than to recognize that this current system will lead to a drastic reduction in players Queuing for War Zones. Fewer players in the queue results in significantly longer queue times.



The point is that unlike reality, this is a game. It is a game that we PAY to play.


The "major" reward for winning [at PvP] in this game is the completion of your dailies/weekly. I am not an "everyone deserves to be a winner" kind of guy, however the rewards do need to match the investment.


I primarily play a Pyro Merc (v71 full BM gear) on a pretty evenly split server. Pre-1.2, generally I was 1-3 on the damage board, 1-3 on the kill board and I'd get anywhere from 5-8 comms per decent match. Even in a loss, this resulted in steady rewards. Steady rewards kept me chasing the carrot.


The other night I played 7 matches to get my three wins, not very different than any other night. The four losing matches I received basically nothing. So in pure WZ time that's roughly one hour of my life that I will never get back, and received nothing for in exchange. That is the point.


Keep in mind that 40 seems to be the average for a good player on a loss. Obtaining 40 comms per loss means that as an individual you did everything in your power to win but came up short for reasons beyond your control.


Edit: I have gotten 47 on a loss with 8 Medals. For that particular loss I was awarded 2600 Valor, 22k XP and 758cr. 758 cr is about half the cost of 1 PvE medpack. 758cr for a 15 minute investment.


If you play and lose 10 matches, which isn't uncommon on many servers, you **might** get 400 comms. You can purchase RWZ comms with WZ comms at 3:1. So with your 400 WZ comms you can convert those to exactly 130 RWZ comms. If you only gain 40 comms per match, then you can only buy 2 medsticks at the end. If you have to spend all your comms on meds your gear progression grind time will be significantly increased. How many people do you think will suffer that grind? Less PvPers, means less PvP. Get it?


Prior to 1.2, even losing you could still chase that carrot and gear up in a reasonable amount of time. For people to say that the losing team isn't suffering a penalty or punishment is flat out untrue.


The point of this entire diatribe is that if there is no measurable (and reasonable) incentive to PvP, facing a loss, people will leave the zone and eventually stop PvPing.


Prior to 1.2, I'd spend 75% of my gaming time PvPing (across 4x level 50s). Now, I PvP to my 3 wins (only on one toon) then go find something else to do.


Fewer players PvPing means fewer players in the queue.

Fewer players in the queue means significantly increased queue times.

Starting to see the big picture yet?

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Prior to 1.2, even losing you could still chase that carrot and gear up in a reasonable amount of time. For people to say that the losing team isn't suffering a penalty or punishment is flat out untrue.


I'm curious.


What was the "penalty" for losing prior to 1.2 if you had already completed your dailies?


What was the "reward" for winning?


As I recall, there was no real difference at all, and that's just silly to have a game where everyone wins just for playing and call it "competition".


The rewards are already being looked at, which is good, but there should definitely be some kind of reward for victory, or a sting of defeat. Having no reason to want to win (aside from those of us who genuinely enjoy the PvP in this game, and play to win every match) led directly to a situation where people would get 4 medals and then stop trying.


That's why I prefer the sentiment of the new system, even if it has some kinks to iron out. They're already working on that part.

Edited by Varicite
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