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there no point staying in a losing WZ anymore.


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Play to Win folks.


Got in game last night. Jumped in the Pub WZ solo queue all night on my server. We dominated. Went 8/8 in WZs and then I checked out the new content. So I honestly can't comment on what it's like to lose, since I never lost.


Also didn't see any peeps quit, on Imp or Pub side. None of the matches were blow outs, but the Imps had a steep hill to climb in many of the fights. I have to give it to them for playing with sac. One Alderaan game, the Imps only got 6 kills. But that's the players on my server. It's a PvP Server and most peeps play with ballz of steel.


I haven't seen one screenshot of zero rewards, and anecdotal evidence seems to point to this only happening in Huttball if your team scores no points. This certainly is a problem and likely a bug. I would bug report it when it happens.

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Any competitive game should REWARD the winners and NOT PENALIZE the losers. Where would pro sports be if the losing team/player wasn't paid?


Any active time spent in an MMO should be compensated in some way, and this includes time spent in warzones. At a minimum, this is usually exp and credits before level cap and more credits after level cap. So IMO, the warzone compensation and reward system should be as follows:



REWARD = SALARY (compensation for playing) + VICTORY REWARD (for winning only) + PERSONAL REWARD (for performance stats/medals)



Salary - Anyone in a warzone at its end would get a Salary of exp and credits (no exp but more credits if level 50). For all players, the Salary would be based on time spent in the warzone at its end, so most players would get the same Salary. But even a late joiner would get a small Salary and this would encourage late joining to replace players that leave/drop (who would get no Salary).


Victory Reward - All players on the winning team at a warzone's end would get a flat Victory Reward, regardless of the score (a blowout score does not necessarily mean exceptional or challenging play). The Victory Reward would include valor and comms and would be the same for all players on the winning team.


Personal Reward - All players with at least one medal at a warzone's end would get a Personal Reward. The Personal Reward would include valor and comms and would be based on the number of medals the player was awarded.



The above common sense approach ensures the following:


Any player who stays to the end of a warzone will at least get something for their trouble.


Any player who leaves before the end of a warzone will get nothing.


Players who perform well on the winning team will get the greatest rewards.


Players who perform well, even if on the losing team, will get good rewards.

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Any competitive game should REWARD the winners and NOT PENALIZE the losers. Where would pro sports be if the losing team/player wasn't paid?


Any active time spent in an MMO should be compensated in some way, and this includes time spent in warzones. At a minimum, this is usually exp and credits before level cap and more credits after level cap. So IMO, the warzone compensation and reward system should be as follows:



REWARD = SALARY (compensation for playing) + VICTORY REWARD (for winning only) + PERSONAL REWARD (for performance stats/medals)



Salary - Anyone in a warzone at its end would get a Salary of exp and credits (no exp but more credits if level 50). For all players, the Salary would be based on time spent in the warzone at its end, so most players would get the same Salary. But even a late joiner would get a small Salary and this would encourage late joining to replace players that leave/drop (who would get no Salary).


Victory Reward - All players on the winning team at a warzone's end would get a flat Victory Reward, regardless of the score (a blowout score does not necessarily mean exceptional or challenging play). The Victory Reward would include valor and comms and would be the same for all players on the winning team.


Personal Reward - All players with at least one medal at a warzone's end would get a Personal Reward. The Personal Reward would include valor and comms and would be based on the number of medals the player was awarded.



The above common sense approach ensures the following:


Any player who stays to the end of a warzone will at least get something for their trouble.


Any player who leaves before the end of a warzone will get nothing.


Players who perform well on the winning team will get the greatest rewards.


Players who perform well, even if on the losing team, will get good rewards.


Hire this man!

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What I don't understand is the fact that Bioware had it mostly figured out from 1.1.5. The previous 4 medal requirement meant anyone, winners or losers a like, would get moderately good rewards for playing the match to its end. A losing match where a player earned more than 4 medals received 2/3 of the winners rewards. Perfectly acceptable and there was still solid incentive to play at your best to get that extra boost in rewards for winning. On top of that, they rewarded warzones played so even if you lost all the time you still got something.


Now, there really is no logic in staying in a losing match. You get less than half the rewards of the winning team even if you performed exceptionally and you get no credit toward any pvp quests. There is also zero punishment for leaving a match.


What did they think would happen?

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I've seen people start quitting a warzone with a 10% deficit on Alderaan for example, penalties for quitting is hard to implement, as its hard to determine the difference between AFK and staying there until you quit because "i can't win no more.. no point trying *pout*" attitude is in play.


I've also seen people with a similar 10% deficit sit on a flag (with perhaps 4 others) and not bother attacking the other ones -at- -all-.


All i can say is... Gutless. You aren't going to get better at PVP hunkering down on a flag, hopefully the other team will come with a couple of skilled players and wipe that turret etc too.


When i see cowards like that, then i quit a warzone. Otherwise i never quit for the good of the team.


For roleplayers warzones are largely treated OOC, but it's always good to make mileage of "Cowardice in the face of the enemy" if you see them again...


i.e. "Rumours are flying round of a Jedi matching your description hiding in the corner during the face of Sith dominance of an important engagement...."


should be a reminder to any character who huddles together with the entire team at one flag.

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Now, there really is no logic in staying in a losing match. You get less than half the rewards of the winning team even if you performed exceptionally and you get no credit toward any pvp quests. There is also zero punishment for leaving a match.


even with a penalty, with the possibility of getting no reward whatsoever on a complete blowout, I'd just leave, and go play an alt or something else while the debuff expires. Why waste my time at all?

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Play to Win folks.


Got in game last night. Jumped in the Pub WZ solo queue all night on my server. We dominated. Went 8/8 in WZs and then I checked out the new content. So I honestly can't comment on what it's like to lose, since I never lost.


Also didn't see any peeps quit, on Imp or Pub side. None of the matches were blow outs, but the Imps had a steep hill to climb in many of the fights. I have to give it to them for playing with sac. One Alderaan game, the Imps only got 6 kills. But that's the players on my server. It's a PvP Server and most peeps play with ballz of steel.


I haven't seen one screenshot of zero rewards, and anecdotal evidence seems to point to this only happening in Huttball if your team scores no points. This certainly is a problem and likely a bug. I would bug report it when it happens.


Way to pat yourself on the back for getting carried. :rolleyes:

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even with a penalty, with the possibility of getting no reward whatsoever on a complete blowout, I'd just leave, and go play an alt or something else while the debuff expires. Why waste my time at all?


I played 15 solo que matches last night and NEVER once ended with 0 rewards.

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Forgive me for being out of touch, but wasn't the idea of this game to have fun trying to win, rather than hoarding commendations.


Playing every time to win will give you experience as a warzoner and will make you far better player than just having some shiny gear. (ever heard the phrase all the gear, no idea?)


That is all.

Edited by MightyRoy
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There is a culture of cowards who feel a sense of entitlement. I can't tell you how many times we've been losing and 4-5 people leave, then 4-5 players who have a spine join and we make a comeback. Wave your white flag proudly and please do us all a favor and leave the WZ at the first sight of an uphill battle so we can get some real soldiers to enter.
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There is a culture of cowards who feel a sense of entitlement. I can't tell you how many times we've been losing and 4-5 people leave, then 4-5 players who have a spine join and we make a comeback. Wave your white flag proudly and please do us all a favor and leave the WZ at the first sight of an uphill battle so we can get some real soldiers to enter.


Yeah why do those types even que? Just to be carried?


I saw a OP trying to stealth AFK last night I busted him out and he started actually playing.


Call them out, make a note of their name. They don't like that too much.

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I like beating people up that hate losing, fills my black heart up with laughter.


I hope all the nerd rage people quit and go back to Warcraft.


I really do.




I'm an anti-social trent coat kid that is safe in my mom's basement.




You're probably getting carried by a skilled pre made team that is chain queuing on your faction.

Edited by Kurfer
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I'm an anti-social trent coat kid that is safe in my mom's basement.




You're probably getting carried by a skilled pre made team that is chain queuing on your faction.


Wild conjecture gets us nowhere, productive discussion does.


If everyone spent a little less time spouting nonsense and a bit more time discussing, we might actually get problems solved.

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Ya, I'm sure my 13 medal average per game was others carrying me. lawl


L2P and quit being bad.


actually, it is.


many of my games, I die too fast to get medals because we only have 1/2 the number of players, and the other side has more gear, meaning that at any given time most of my team is dead (even just a few seconds after I wait for them so we can fight together) and I'm getting ganked by 3 better-geared players.


If you can get 13 medals, then a large part of that IS your team playing well enough to give you enough cover and time to do so.

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If you can get 13 medals, then a large part of that IS your team playing well enough to give you enough cover and time to do so.


Or the other way around. WZs are a team game. I protected every healer on my team last night with everything I had. That's my role as a Tank.


Fulfill your role to the best of your ability and help your teammates fulfill theirs. Do that and maybe they won't quit on you so fast.

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Yesterday, my premade Republic team won 9 out of 9 games in about 3 hours. We were all fully BM geared and each got around 12-14 medals, while the other team got less than half that. Because of the expertise boost, I found myself hitting 300k+ damage per game a lot more than I normally do (I'm a balance sage). 1.2 has been good to me and my team, but had I hit 50 yesterday instead of two months ago, I probably would have sworn off PvPing.


Since losers get nothing and the best PvPers in the server usually team up, it might even be *harder* to get full BM than it was before. Thus, the gap between the haves and have-nots stay wide.



- It's a lot easier to kill someone in full recruit gear than old champion gear. (Especially because you can't customize recruit gear)

- We are winning faster because people tend to quit as a group once the tide turns in a warzone. (This also gives the winner like 4-5 extra medals for winning quickly)



- Make recruit gear moddable

- Don't penalize losing (When I first started 50 PvPing, I lost a lot more games than I won, but I was able to grind those champion bags)

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Ah, no you don't. I dropped my sub down to monthly (whew, dodged that bullet). And if this doesn't get fixed, then I'll drop this game like a bad habit. We already lost most of our guild, only the sw fan base is left. GW2 beta is open in April. Tick-Toc.


I'm not a complainer either but took the leap and dropped my sub from 3 month to monthly. I'm not a huge PvPer but have dipped my feet into the water and I'm really enjoying it. I didn't mind the old system at all. I like working for something and don't mind a bit of grinding. It was great starting out terrible and now I can hold my own in matches. My goal is to be top heals and something I work very hard at.


With that said, I've never left a match. I try until the bitter end, even if we are losing horribly. What is disheartening is watching so many people leave at the slighteset hint of a loss. If I'm doing my best, healing my butt off and our team loses and I get nothing out of it, that is quite disheartening.


As you say, there are other tempting titles right around the corner and BioWare needs to get their act together----fast.

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Or the other way around. WZs are a team game. I protected every healer on my team last night with everything I had. That's my role as a Tank.


Fulfill your role to the best of your ability and help your teammates fulfill theirs. Do that and maybe they won't quit on you so fast.



no, it's not the other way around.

if you are living long enough to get off a lot of heals and damage and to get objectives, then you are being helped by teammates who are living long enough themselves or killing enough of the other side, so that you have time to do your thing.


when I'm basically outnumbered and outgeared because there are fewer players on my side due to faction imbalances, and the few teammates I do have go pop within 3 seconds of fighting, then no, it is virtually impossible to be getting medals no matter how great I am, because i have 3 guys with better gear stunning me, interrupting me, and killing me before I can do much of anything.



I'm really sick of people who take personal credit for staying alive long enough to get metals in 8 on 8 match where there's 15 other players who add or subtract from whether you can do things.

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I'm really sick of people who take personal credit for staying alive long enough to get metals in 8 on 8 match where there's 15 other players who add or subtract from whether you can do things.


And I'm sick of baddies complaining about how they can never win.

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And I'm sick of baddies complaining about how they can never win.


i know, i know, I'm bad because I'm outgeared and outnumbered.


how horrible of me.


I should be able to take on 3 BM's by myself with my champ gear. of course. you would have whupped them with your large epeen tied behind your back.

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L2P doesn't say anything at all. I mean its not even a comment. Its like if all I said was. Be compassionate. You obviously can't because your motivation is only to shout pejoratives. There is nothing in it for you to help as far as a benifit. So you instead add nothing to the conversation by trying only to put someone down.


Maybe you should L2STFU? especially if the only thing you have to say is pointless and negative.


Now with your next comment we will see just how right you will prove my argument.


Either :


A) you will see that your not helping and learn to help by either leaving or offering assistance.




B) you will comment something irrelevant and inane and prove that by just posting L2P or L2STFU you are not working to better yourself.


While I openly admit the contradiction within my arguement I can only offer in my defense that it was necessary to achieve my initial point. A fact I have faith will get lost in the continuing posts.

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And I'm sick of baddies complaining about how they can never win.


i win all the time, far from a baddie but honestly the new system is fail. If you can't see that then meh w/e.


with your signature you play 2 of the best pvp classes in game...isn't that funny, I pvp at level 50 with the exact same classes you do, but I have a Main Sentinel and my assassin is just when I get bored.


Does calling people Baddies make you feel special? To me, it's just another word for showing ones childish antics in life.


Maybe some are on a server with a truly unbalanced side...I know when I'm on my Sentinel we win more than 90% of the time, and having my assassin on the other side of Elysium we lose 90% of the time. And most servers are like that. One side has a load of pvp'rs and the other only a few.


Now given that the Republic side has more players...The odds of having better pvp'rs in the WZ's each match are far greater than the Empire side.


Getting nothing for losing a match spending the exact same amount of time in the match as the winning team is bad business...The winning team should recieve 10% more rewards..This is fail logic and a fail business model if BW wants to keep its pvp community around.


well my two cents. lmao Baddie, its funny when people make statements about someone on a forum when they really have no idea who they are generalizing about. GJ more postman

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L2P doesn't say anything at all. I mean its not even a comment. Its like if all I said was. Be compassionate. You obviously can't because your motivation is only to shout pejoratives. There is nothing in it for you to help as far as a benifit. So you instead add nothing to the conversation by trying only to put someone down.


Maybe you should L2STFU? especially if the only thing you have to say is pointless and negative.


Now with your next comment we will see just how right you will prove my argument.


Either :


A) you will see that your not helping and learn to help by either leaving or offering assistance.




B) you will comment something irrelevant and inane and prove that by just posting L2P or L2STFU you are not working to better yourself.


While I openly admit the contradiction within my arguement I can only offer in my defense that it was necessary to achieve my initial point. A fact I have faith will get lost in the continuing posts.



^^^^exactly what this person said

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I played 15 solo que matches last night and NEVER once ended with 0 rewards.


^^ Exactly...and like I said before, always between 35-55 comms and like 1800 - 2500 valor...credits were under 1000 in some cases, but really, what lvl 50 is playing the WZ for credits? stop complaining about that.


dont understand how ppl can say they get 0...of course u get 0 when u quit a wz or come into it for like 1 minute at the tail end

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