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there no point staying in a losing WZ anymore.


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I was in a 1-0 loss in Huttball and got ZERO credits, 52 commendations (this was with 8 medals) and really low valor.


We busted our butts to a 1-0 loss and go ZIP for our time...


In your first sentence you say you got something (commendations and valor) for your time.


In your second sentence you say you got "zip" for your time.


Which is it?

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Trying in a huttball vs a premade, you can not get 3 medals.


I beat premades all the time in Huttball, but I queue duo instead of single. (Taugrim has a stream from this weekend of one of our pugs shutting down his premade, actually)


Huttball is pretty much the only WZ where seeing a premade makes me smile when I'm pugging.

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I'll try to keep this concise ...


I've played about a dozen WZs on my main (50 Trooper, some Champion gear) and my L28 sage.


The 8:5 matches blow -- they're almost always unwinnable. It is unpleasant to be ROFLstomped, repeatedly. Further, most teams cannot recover from the initial imbalance even if the team fills up 1 minute in. Worse, if you stay the course, you're likely to receive no rewards for being someone else's punching bag.


If you're on a server with a population imbalance, chances are the more populous side also has more PvPers who are in it to win. Unfortunately, under the new system, they will likely gear up about one third (or more) faster than the less populous side. This will, in the short term, create an even larger performance difference AND help to reinforce the population imbalance.


People don't like losing. Many "losers" will either re-roll ... or stop PvPing.


It's a bad system.

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People don't like losing. Many "losers" will either re-roll ... or stop PvPing.


It's a bad system.


I like beating people up that hate losing, fills my black heart up with laughter.


I hope all the nerd rage people quit and go back to Warcraft.


I really do.

Edited by Caeliux
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I beat premades all the time in Huttball, but I queue duo instead of single. (Taugrim has a stream from this weekend of one of our pugs shutting down his premade, actually)


Huttball is pretty much the only WZ where seeing a premade makes me smile when I'm pugging.


Taugrim isn't very good :p


Just because you CAN beat premades doesn't mean you should have to face them. They have a huge advantage that isn't fair for people solo-queing.


Still, that'll be fixed with ranked so that's not really a top concern of mine as long as those come out soon.

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you need 3 medals to win any kind of points. if you can't even do that you're slacking or afk


I disagree, but only to the extent of my recent experience of coming into a voidstar on the other side of the last defending force field, game almost over, with less that 2 minutes on the clock.


I think that it needs tweaking, but I agree that it's a good system. They already have a vote/remove and afk option, no need for a 3 medal minimum for those that suck, or are just starting. There's no incentive.


(I average about 5-11 with the new system starting in a fresh WZ)


Edit: For the record the team I join was 5:8 vs. a partial premade until we extra 3 joined.

Edited by Kheldarr
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Taugrim isn't very good :p


Just because you CAN beat premades doesn't mean you should have to face them. They have a huge advantage that isn't fair for people solo-queing.


Still, that'll be fixed with ranked so that's not really a top concern of mine as long as those come out soon.




i may be able to beat people at chess some times if i start with fewer pieces....that doesn't mean it makes sense or is a good system to make most chess matches start off severely unbalanced.

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I like beating people up that hate losing, fills my black heart up with laughter.


I hope all the nerd rage people quit and go back to Warcraft.


I really do.


You must be on a solid pop server. My server is slowly sliding into "light" and I can definitely tell in the ques. :(

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Taugrim isn't very good :p


Just because you CAN beat premades doesn't mean you should have to face them. They have a huge advantage that isn't fair for people solo-queing.


Still, that'll be fixed with ranked so that's not really a top concern of mine as long as those come out soon.


His premade was pretty decent altogether. They were the closest to handing my fiance and I our first Huttball loss in the past 3 weeks, lol.


Finally, we did get our first loss last night.. against our own faction. A friend of ours was smart enough to mark both of us and keep us perished most of the match, and the other 6 puggers just couldn't pull out the win on their own.


Yes, I'm blaming you, Feyd Rautha. >:c

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I don't even understand why they are trying to push winning as the most important thing when clearly a single player can do only so much to accomplish that goal. It should be about rewarding effort and not result. Effort we can all affect even if we are alone but result we often cannot change no matter how skilled we are.


To make it even worse gear progression causes this to reduce rewards for those that need it the most. Ones who are not yet geared and therefore are limited in their ability change outcomes.


The only words that sufficiently describe this change are ones that mean extreme stupidity. Please BW be quick about admitting it and fixing it or it will in all likelihood cost you many subscribers.

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or just enterd theg ame when there is like 1 minute or so left on the timer or theg ame is nearly over


In which case you just lost a minute of your time. This happened in the old system as well, but for that one minute you got massive rewards. For doing NOTHING.

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It's horrible you can,t lose your way to the top. Sometimes you just have to win.



which might be fine if winning was only dependent on you.


you are 1 of 8, and the difference between your godliness and the average replacement player represents even less than that 1/8th.


and then of course you add gear imbalance, premades, and faction population differences to that.....

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Considering just how many commendations you need for 1 piece of war hero gear and considering 20-25 min wait for each queue if you get 20-40 commendations for a losing game - boy are you going to grind for a long time to get a single piece. Not to mention you have to buy BM Pieces first for the trade-ins.


I'm deeply disappointed with this and really regret that I pre-paid a 6 month sub. I cancelled a couple of weeks ago and stuff like this is most definitely not going to make me re-sub.

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decided to give it another try, and in close games you do get some comms, etc. in a win I was able to get 102 comm. but losing still sucks lost a huttball 5:4 , had 11 medals and still only got 52 comms
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which might be fine if winning was only dependent on you.


you are 1 of 8, and the difference between your godliness and the average replacement player represents even less than that 1/8th.


and then of course you add gear imbalance, premades, and faction population differences to that.....


I've read almost this entire thread and there are so many good arguements, yet this guy seems to have summed it all up for me.


Anyone who does not think this patch is an EPIC disaster for PVP'ing in this game is either all set up with a pre-made playing 60-70 hours per week or has never solo q'd for PVP once.


PVP in this game is very gear-dependent and penalizing losing teams this much is going to widen the gap permanently.


Take all your feelings and **** out of it...its simple math...noone is going to stay in a wz on a losing team if there is little or no benefit and no penalty for leaving. Its really simple.


Now some of you will spout off about the dishonor of leaving the battle field and not being a quitter, but not all of us are tween losers who have nothing but free time to play the game.


The pre-patch PVP award system in this game was one of the best designs i've seen. I was able to level 31-50 just solo pvp'ing wz's, with tons of cash in the bank and a decent start to gear. It was brilliant because even if the rest of your team sucked, you all still had a ton of incentive to continue to try and kick ***. And occasionally, not often, your team could turn the tide and these were the most fun battles. Cut to present patch, if your team starts losing, most everyone drops out...you continue to lose....10-12 minutes later...your left with a defeat and almost no reward for your time spent.


Again, we're gonna see some huge gear disparity between pre-mades and the rest of us. I'm sticking with the game because I love star wars and I love MMO's. Am re-rolling new char, because i played a PVP sorc healer which has been nerf'd into oblivion.


Why keep playing? Because I have faith in Bioware and that these mistakes are going to be so evident that we will seem some restructuring in future patches.

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Im critting for almost 8k on one ability, hitting like a pillow with another.......bioware has no f'n clue.....


they screw people over on their gear.....they make it cost like 5k wz comms to get a single peice, thats like 150 losing game, and 50 winning games....that nuts...utterly nuts.]



I could go on and on and on and on....especially how the legecy system is a complete joke and worthless....

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I like beating people up that hate losing, fills my black heart up with laughter.


I hope all the nerd rage people quit and go back to Warcraft.


I really do.


and when everyone leaves except you rude uber geared a-holes, then enjoy yourself on the empty warzone - not called VOID star for nothing

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because EVERYONE on the server that put in a solid week of pvp would be in full BM. Does that sound awesome? No...no it doesn't.


Yes it does sound awesome!


Means more matches will be based on teamplay, communication and not someone 3 shotting players who have just hit 50! As the fresh 50 will know they will soon be geared to compete.


I have a BM gunslinger. I made a sage and hit 50, was getting ROFLstomped in most direct combat in WZs, few days later, had some champ and rest cent. Became able to hold my own, and it became a lot more fun, a few days of getting rolled is easy to bear with if you know that you can compete very soon gear wise.


By extending the time required to gear up to an acceptable to level to compete is more discouraging than promoting of a healthy turnover in PvP active players.


Very very few players will stand to be stamped for months before they can compete.


IMO to keep it as it is now post 1,2 they should reduce the expertise on BM and WH gear to be slightly, not double, the value of entry level pvp gear.


Something like per piece

50 expertise on recruit

60 on BM

70 on WH


If you only PvP for gear, then your not a PvPer.

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lets see, in various posts, I've seen the following:


1) of course you get destroyed over and over if you have crappy gear compared to those that "earned" it already


2) losing (particularly getting destroyed) gets you no or almost no progress towards getting new gear.



ok now, can anybody besides me spot the catch-22 here? Why isn't this obvious to everyone?

Edited by Jeopardydd
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