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Very disappointed in Digital Deluxe items. Not as Advertised.


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Agreed, wish I had my $20 back. I say touche, Bioware.


I would gladly give up all my Digital Deluxe items for $20 back. Everything is so bland/boring/useless. The only use I can think of is with the holo dancer. After killing someone you can troll them by dancing it over their corpse.....and I guess celebrate by shooting the flare gun in the air?. But then again it wastes inventory space....and bank space. I may even delete my extras they are so useless.

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deluxe and ce items in any mmo have always been vanity items, they aren't meant to give you an advantage in the game. if you thought otherwise, you misread the information and brought in your own assumptions and expectations.


How is changing your saber/blaster color an advantage??

How is keeping your STAP and paying a fee for a speed upgrade at level 40 (as example) an advantage?

How is having a pet an advantage?

Edited by LaurV
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You know, there's an upgrade pack for the standard edition that basically gives you the same thing as the deluxe edition. You all could have got the standard edition and waited to see if it was worth it.


But yeah, I agree, deluxe items should be vanity items with no real functionality whatsoever. A stat item (or an item that has stats, like the mount), whatever it is, will become obsolete at some point. A vanity item on the other hand is "useful" throughout the game.

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Firstly: I love SWtOR. I am enjoying the game thoroughly with friends.


I am however very very disappointed in the digital deluxe items. Specifically: The training droid is -not- as advertised. In the comparison chart here http://buy.swtor.com/us/ you can see and click on the training droid question button. The training droid is listed as a virtual pet that will hover at your side to assist in combat. Instead we got a silly item that does NOT act as a pet and can just be used to float around an enemy. The training droid is nigh on useless this way. Enemies die so fast whats the point? Please please reconsider this Bioware and give us our training droid as the virtual pet it was promised as.


Also the STAP transport is disappointing too. The STAP has gorgeous artwork and is an awesome transport but becomes useless very quickly as it is only a 90% mount. Between the pre-order color crystal and the STAP our big ticket items are useless by level 20 and 40, its very very disappointing. Please consider making the STAP scale with our riding level. (Would also have loved to see color crystals be just that.. color crystals, not stat crystals)


And the color crystal... is even more useless than it was rendered when it became a stat stone. With the item modification system now most items you receive in low levels cannot have their color crystal changed.. by the time you get to use your fancy pre-order color crystal it is nearly obsolete. Please consider at least letting all weapons have a color crystal mod slot... even greens.



Again, I love SWTOR. I know a lot of people (especially CE buyers) Will think that the extra 20 dollars spent on the digital deluxe is nothing.. but I also know there are a LOT of people to whom 20 dollars is a lot... we'd really like our 20 dollars worth and at the very least get the items we were promised (i.e the training droid virtual pet)


As a little side note: Did not want the full collector's edition. Nice as it is it was very expensive for a lot of real life items we have nowhere to stash.. BUT would have loved if the Digital Deluxe choice had come with the option to purchase the digital in game store access. I am really sad to get to the VIP lounge and find CE people have a cool in game store but DD people have nothing but a couple benches.... please give us a chance to pay 5 or 8 dollars or something for access to the cool virtual items.



edit: a Link to the training droid picture http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/525/trainingdroid.png/







yup they scammed us no doubt it was EA's idea

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I couldn't agree more with everything you said. I'm pretty much a Bioware fanboy, but I sure do get pissed when I'm lied to via semantics.


Advertisement "You get to change the color of your bolts" (Shows Crystal)

Reality: Crystal is useless in the game, and is one ugly black/yellow color that is unchangeable.



Your bolts/sabers ARE a differnet colour it doesnt matter if you like said colour.. they didnt lie.


Mount: Advertised as a digital/collector mount.

Reality: Give it crappy speed so it becomes obsolete making the mount worthless.


The mount may give you crappy speed as you say..but it is a collectors item and something only special people have ( definitioin of collector) but more importantly they GAVE you the mount..so no lie there



people seriously need to stop with the they lied ********..they didnt lie.they gave you stuff that you didnt really want its not their fault you dont like the yellow/black. *i personally do. i wish it wasnt the practice saber colour.. but meh*


but BW didnt lie..they gave you those things. shrug

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I would gladly give up all my Digital Deluxe items for $20 back. Everything is so bland/boring/useless. The only use I can think of is with the holo dancer. After killing someone you can troll them by dancing it over their corpse.....and I guess celebrate by shooting the flare gun in the air?. But then again it wastes inventory space....and bank space. I may even delete my extras they are so useless.


i got to agree with this... the STAP at the very least should scale with riding level. Its not an advantage, its just a little "in game" currency for the real world currency (basically you pay 20 bucks for the mount and don't have to pay the in game currency for the mounts which all doubled in price in last beta build)

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Some of you people seem like terrible trolls or just sad individuals. Saying free market this or real world that. This is a company that is ideally trying to keep people subscribed for months if not years lengths of time.


I bought the DDE normally I don't like buying in game anythings in mmos but figured I would take a gamble. The mount not scaling up meh, I probably won't buy the faster speed ones immediately anyways so its no biggy. The camera.. I donno what they were even trying to do with that thing. The flare is cool I thought it was nice. The dancer I wish it lasted for say 1-2 minutes would be nice. The gem you can bite the bullet and suffer some stat loss for fun instead of minmax, so thats not the end of the world.


The droid though if it wasn't a pet that hung around I was actually thinking what it was suppose to do is stay around your character and shoot a beam on your target, or lighting it up red or something. Some what of a target of a target loop around that could of been interesting. As is I tossed everything in my ship as I am poor in game atm and need the inventory space. Building crystals, hilts, chips takes up alot of space heh.

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Yep, I agree with the OP (also, how awesome is it stuff like this is some of the worst to complain about in-game?)


Hate WoW all yall want, one of the cooler things they did was make mounts scale with you so you didn't have to abandon one you really loved for something just because it's faster. Make certain mounts only accessible through more difficult means, but at no point should a person feel they MUST abandon a mount they enjoy. Personally, I am fond of our STAP.


And the crystals... just wrong that the pre-order crystal becomes worthless, especially for Jedi types. Heck, I don't care much for making color crystals stat changers. Again, a person should be free to go with what they want. You don't see any Jedi in movies (or anywhere else, typically) just willy-nilly changing the color of their saber because a different color means it cuts through droids and Imperials easier.



Personally, as a Trooper, I absolutely love the look the pre-order crystal gives my rifle fire.

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Scaling mounts are NOT some magical thing that, just cuz "WoW did it" it suddenly needs to be in every game!


But why not? It seems your only basis is "cause WoW did it". Conceivably, one could upgrade the vehicles to go faster, so there's that.


Folks should have as many options as they wish, since ultimately it's just a cosmetic thing. If people want to stick with the old clunker they started off with, let them. If they want to be more "leet" and fly around on the more prestigous mounts, then let them. But variety is awesome, and it cannot be denied that WoW added a mess of variety when they made mounts to scale to the player. Course, they also added too much variety when they made it ridiculously easy for anyone to get cross-racial mounts. I worked my arse off so my Troll can ride a wolf... and now not a single damn person typically rides their race's typical mount.

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But why not? It seems your only basis is "cause WoW did it". Conceivably, one could upgrade the vehicles to go faster, so there's that.


Folks should have as many options as they wish, since ultimately it's just a cosmetic thing. If people want to stick with the old clunker they started off with, let them. If they want to be more "leet" and fly around on the more prestigous mounts, then let them. But variety is awesome, and it cannot be denied that WoW added a mess of variety when they made mounts to scale to the player. Course, they also added too much variety when they made it ridiculously easy for anyone to get cross-racial mounts. I worked my arse off so my Troll can ride a wolf... and now not a single damn person typically rides their race's typical mount.


my first car was a ford minivan.(ya im a father so what it sucked i know) no matter how much work i put into it it was a piece of crap.. its a ford minivan what do you expect..it will never run as well as many other decent cars... same thing can be said about those speeders really. no matter how much work you put into it it might still suck



its all how you look at it i guess. shrug


i find mounts are just money sinks in most games anyway since running isnt that slow and there is the quick travel options. so likely not advancing a mount is just a way to keep currencys low in game. shrug. every game has a money sink.. maybe this is one for this game.

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Why are all the trolls here trying to make it sound like people are wanting mechanical advantages? Is it to much to ask for the droid to circle me until I desummon it instead of circle a target for a few moments? Or say have the holodancer last 30 seconds more? How are any of those things abusing or giving an unfair advantage? I want to have fun with my fluff items not have like 15 seconds of almost fun as something fades seconds after I pull it out.
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Why are all the trolls here trying to make it sound like people are wanting mechanical advantages? Is it to much to ask for the droid to circle me until I desummon it instead of circle a target for a few moments? Or say have the holodancer last 30 seconds more? How are any of those things abusing or giving an unfair advantage? I want to have fun with my fluff items not have like 15 seconds of almost fun as something fades seconds after I pull it out.


That last sentence should really be changed/reworded because that made me spit my coffee all over my screen reading it :D

Edited by Varghjerta
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Scaling mounts are NOT some magical thing that, just cuz "WoW did it" it suddenly needs to be in every game!


This isn't even about wow, i bet you were just getting so aroused at the prospect of being able to get that in there.


It's about usefulness, it's about not having the "Crap" redundant mid level, it's so easy to call out something when it doesn't effect you.


the changes they made from advertisement can be classed as devaluing there product.

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The mount may give you crappy speed as you say..but it is a collectors item and something only special people have ( definitioin of collector) but more importantly they GAVE you the mount..so no lie there



people seriously need to stop with the they lied ********..they didnt lie.they gave you stuff that you didnt really want its not their fault you dont like the yellow/black. *i personally do. i wish it wasnt the practice saber colour.. but meh*


but BW didnt lie..they gave you those things. shrug


Gave? Try sold.

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my first car was a ford minivan.(ya im a father so what it sucked i know) no matter how much work i put into it it was a piece of crap.. its a ford minivan what do you expect..it will never run as well as many other decent cars... same thing can be said about those speeders really. no matter how much work you put into it it might still suck



its all how you look at it i guess. shrug


i find mounts are just money sinks in most games anyway since running isnt that slow and there is the quick travel options. so likely not advancing a mount is just a way to keep currencys low in game. shrug. every game has a money sink.. maybe this is one for this game.


1. It's a video game, so comparing real life isn't always applicable.


2. It's Star Wars, where we already fly around faster than the speed of light in space ships. I'd wager making a STAP go 10% faster isn't outside the realm of possibility with the technologies on hand.

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1. It's a video game, so comparing real life isn't always applicable.


2. It's Star Wars, where we already fly around faster than the speed of light in space ships. I'd wager making a STAP go 10% faster isn't outside the realm of possibility with the technologies on hand.


I did not say it was impossible.. it is however possible to rp a differnet outcome. shrug. add some rp flair to your game and it makes it a bit more intresting. shrug. or you can just go on a speeder collecting spree and have the one that other people cant get..


its all how you look at it

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I think that Bioware brought this to themselves with extremely vague description of digital items.

Also, there were hundreds of threads where people asked for more information on this items and Bioware never answered any of them.

This is, again, poorly done community relations by Bioware, or should I say marketing done by EA.


Anyway, this looks pretty standard for extra digital items.

It would be nice if training droid could be used as training dummy (if they add combat log).

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