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1.2 patch has renwed my faith, post if you agree


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You're entire post is a joke...


The UI overhaul is a MASSIVE improvement. Its leagues beyond what other games have out of the box and it competes easily with custom UIs in other games.


The only things you are complaining about are the few things YOU wanted to use in a UI. Sorry to burst your bubble pal but the UI changes weren't made to just suit you. The truth of the matter is the UI suits 90% of the population and I am sure the other 10% are getting along just fine.


I don't need any of the stuff you mentioned though I can't wait to get in there and move some stuff around.


You people are the angriest bunch of "me first" entitled gamers I have ever seen.


Ever since WoW allowed custom UIs you think every single developer has to include all the features of the custom UI that you like.


Well, it doesn't. Get Over It.


No. Everything he complained about would be very useful in a UI. UI that players of WoW made many years ago and refined and HERE IS THE IMPORTANT BIT loads of other player went out of their way to find, DL and use.


So their brand new UI revamp doesnt even cover the basic as the post you quted states.

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Effort? have you seen the fail armor graphics? Check out the epic top teir smuggler look.




This is the gag of the MMO industry.


Can't wait for Guild Wars 2 to release and show TORtanic how to do things properly.


GW2 will not be the game you are looking for. Let me go out on a limb and say that no game will ever meet the grand expectations you keep creating in your mind before you play them.


You are in for years of disappointment, my friend.

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No. Everything he complained about would be very useful in a UI. UI that players of WoW made many years ago and refined and HERE IS THE IMPORTANT BIT loads of other player went out of their way to find, DL and use.


So their brand new UI revamp doesnt even cover the basic as the post you quted states.



Thats a lie. The brand new ui revamp does cover the basics and then some. I am sure with given time it will grow to be as rich as any WoW addon. It is irresponsible to compare the efforts of an addon developer which can devote resources in a very focused way with a company such as Bioware to which the UI revamp is only a piece of a much bigger puzzle.

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Absolutely they can. The thread about who SWTOR is intended for started out as a great discussion but quickly turned into people insulting the OP for no reason.


You could probably argue that they've become that way due to the people I was referring to, but it's the internet so who really knows.


It is unfortunate.

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In all my (close on) 10 years of MMOing this seems to be one of the smoothest updates I've seen. Congratulations and thanks to the testers (and the coders/qa teams too).

Edited by Bhaers
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So far enjoying 1.2.


I like the family tree fluff thing that's nice. At last can start wearing some gear I want to wear. Put the whole set to match my chest piece.


Still a lot to see not explored it properly yet.


Looking forward to a new raid in an hour or so :)

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ONE thing I want to add on the ui refurbishment is that your target window should dissapear when not targetting anything, that is all i can nitpick on.


love it.


Umm... when you're in edit more, click on the target. Scroll down and uncheck "Display with no target"


You're welcome :)

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In all my (close on) 10 years of MMOing this seems to be one of the smoothest updates I've seen. Congratulations and thanks to the testers (and the coders/qa teams too).


I back this, second most successful MMO yet, if BioWare can keep this train rolling and hopefully at a faster pace when they have figured out the short-cuts of their coding/engine, this game is going to be huge.

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Umm... when you're in edit more, click on the target. Scroll down and uncheck "Display with no target"


You're welcome :)


Heh, I had the same question and looked for a while before I realised it. Target of target being in the interface editor was another that confused me.


Once you realise where to look and see the extra check boxes it is quite a good place to put these things.

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To the OP, it has not renewed my faith


I never lost any, I have enjoyed the game from the beginning, and still enjoying it, and now enjoying the new enchancments

Edited by Dayln
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I feel the latest patch, at the same time, is a step in the right direction but also something they should have done at launch.


I dont think this game is going "ToRtanic" but at this point I dont think its going to draw back a massive influx of people like some might want.


The new class changes seem to make everyone squisher and nerfed and at this point I actually kinda want to go back to the old setup


All in all pretty nice patch though so I have to commend them on that but they have to keep the momentum up. Rift and WOW are still going steady and some big contenders are coming out for BW's dollar, DIII, Secret World, Tera, and Guild Wars 2 are right over the horizon so the devs do need to step up their game.

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No 1.2 is bad, VERY! We were told we woulg get all this stuff in 1.2 and half of its is missing. They nerf some classes into worthlesness ie sorc/sage legacy stuff is worthless. Really the best stuff you get from legacy is the ship stuff. Meh I may come back when they decide to fix what they broke. Thank got for GW2 Secret world and Fallen Earth!!!!
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The new class changes seem to make everyone squisher and nerfed and at this point I actually kinda want to go back to the old setup


As much as it sucks (and nearly everyone got hit), this is the better way to do it. Hit everyone at once early on in the game's life, then in a few months we'll all be used to it and will remember how easy it was "back in the day."


And let's face it, it really was too easy.

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As much as it sucks (and nearly everyone got hit), this is the better way to do it. Hit everyone at once early on in the game's life, then in a few months we'll all be used to it and will remember how easy it was "back in the day."


And let's face it, it really was too easy.


sad to say; That is true :(

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You're entire post is a joke...


The UI overhaul is a MASSIVE improvement. Its leagues beyond what other games have out of the box and it competes easily with custom UIs in other games.


The only things you are complaining about are the few things YOU wanted to use in a UI. Sorry to burst your bubble pal but the UI changes weren't made to just suit you. The truth of the matter is the UI suits 90% of the population and I am sure the other 10% are getting along just fine.


I don't need any of the stuff you mentioned though I can't wait to get in there and move some stuff around.


You people are the angriest bunch of "me first" entitled gamers I have ever seen.


Ever since WoW allowed custom UIs you think every single developer has to include all the features of the custom UI that you like.


Well, it doesn't. Get Over It.


Dark Age Of Camelot had a fully customizable UI and it was out MANY years before WOW. If DAOC did it back in 2001, I would fully expect a customizable UI to be a standard feature.

It also had the ability to "dye" your armor. That too should be a standard feature. BUT...let's all hail the magnificient patch 1.2 for giving us all of the stuff that should have been already implemented in the game I bought for $60.00. It's 2012 people...


But to be fair...I love this game, and play it everyday. It was just released way too early, and was not nearly finished. I can't wait to play the "real" version of this game after server merges happen. From what I am hearing, playing on the Fatman server is mindblowingly awesome.

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Dark Age Of Camelot had a fully customizable UI and it was out MANY years before WOW. If DAOC did it back in 2001, I would fully expect a customizable UI to be a standard feature.

It also had the ability to "dye" your armor. That too should be a standard feature. BUT...let's all hail the magnificient patch 1.2 for giving us all of the stuff that should have been already implemented in the game I bought for $60.00. It's 2012 people...


But to be fair...I love this game, and play it everyday. It was just released way too early, and was not nearly finished. I can't wait to play the "real" version of this game after server merges happen. From what I am hearing, playing on the Fatman server is mindblowingly awesome.



Vulkar Highway is awsome to but lots of sorc and sages wont be playing for a good while. We went from being able to survive till help arrived in pvp to being a free easy kill. I think they REALLY messed up by changing sorcs as much as they did.

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The entire UI is a joke, all you get to do is move stuff around and hide or make it visible.

You can sometimes Flip something, but you cant flip the Action Bar 3 and 4, you can scale entire frames, but you cant change their height or length.


WRONG.. SO WRONG.. This morning before I left for work I redid part of my UI.. ALL 4 action bars are horizontal at the bottom of my screen.. LOOK HARDER instead of just running to the forums and CRYING.

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If your not a sage/sorc or merc/mando you will like the changes. To me it feels like a SWG moment. Not a fan of nerfs especially when it effects our hardmode healer. Eh, just another annoying nerf and more will come. Time to jump ship.
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Effort? have you seen the fail armor graphics? Check out the epic top teir smuggler look.




This is the gag of the MMO industry.


Can't wait for Guild Wars 2 to release and show TORtanic how to do things properly.




Whats wrong with the picture? Yah its fugly, but in an awesome, star warsy way. Go watch the movies and count how many bad *** weirdos look just like this guy.

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