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How come so many people get to 50 so fast and few ppl even have multiple 50s


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i have 3 50s and a 44, key is to play many hours a day, my first character i played straight to 50 without stopping (25 hour shifts with 2.5hr sleep), key is having flexible work hours where you can take off to lvl.


oh gudness that will ruin my enjoyment even if i have the time and the means to play like that.. but thats a worthy effort for an achievement .. grats

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i made my sage at 5 days /played, done every quests, done every codex (nvm 1/3 are bugged), done every hm and some of nm ops. never have alts, never will.


not even alts from the opposite faction ? that got different story and different quest lines ?

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Space bar the conversations.


Do not skip any quests, including the bonus/area quests. Heroics aren't needed to hit fifty, just a bonus to get you there a little faster.


Rest zones when not logged in.


Really, it boils down to your gaming availability and how diligent you are. The time spent on the forums, could be used leveling your characters.


Edited by Pirana
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in other mmo i played, everyone skipped the PVE content and rush to 85 doing dungeons

that other mmo have the same amount of awesome lore that you could explore while lvling. bioware just shows it to you in a simple way, there are never been a good script in bioware games, only fanservice.

Edited by Radlance
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that other mmo have the same amount of awesome lore that you could explore while lvling. bioware just shows it to you in a simple way, there are never been a good script in bioware games, only fanservice.



sorry to telll you there is no coherence in that game'/ story.. for example defias quest ends abruptly , class quest apppear randomly and sparesly...


its boring to roll alts in that game. in SWTOR its alt o holic heaven

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I have a mercenary, marauder, and sorcerer at 50 and several on the way up. I try to vary my play time between alts. I usually let my rested max out and then I burn it out grinding on quests. Once I burn my rested out I switch to a different alt. If I don't need a planet due to being above level, I burn through the class quest and skip the rest. I also tend to pvp a lot.
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I have a mercenary, marauder, and sorcerer at 50 and several on the way up. I try to vary my play time between alts. I usually let my rested max out and then I burn it out grinding on quests. Once I burn my rested out I switch to a different alt. If I don't need a planet due to being above level, I burn through the class quest and skip the rest. I also tend to pvp a lot.


yes, pvp , fp and space make me outlevel planets.... i hate outleveling hem

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One thing I made sure to do is always, always, log out in a rest zone. It was very rare when I didn't have rested xp banked.


On to the questions:


do you focus on 1 character from zero to 50 and then (only then) level alts ?


Yes, focused on my main all the way through to 50.


do you play multiple alts at once , no favorite class or favorite toon ?


I don't like rolling alts. Other than my 50 I only have 1 alt, a level 11 that I never play.


do you skip planets thats too low and do only your class quest there (eg ignoring all side quest) ?


I skipped no planets and did all the side quests and 90% of the heroics.


do you alt-tab all cut-scene and never see the dialogue conversations possibilities ?


I watched all cut-scenes but did not esc out to see all the conversation possibilities. I picked the one answer I thought fit my character and stuck with it


do you rush to 50 ignoring the story and only concern on leveling for the sake of leveling ?


Nope, watched all cut scenes for every quest.


do you do pvp only and level using WZ pvp ?


I don't PVP. Can't stand it


do you do EVERY possible activities like doing Flashpoints then do PVP WZ and then Space combat and then PVE Missions/questing and then repeat till 50?


No PVP, very few space missions. Did every flashpoint on at least story mode and all the quests I could find and all the heroics that I was able to/


do you cheat and get friends to help you do all your class quest (up to quesh) and get all your class quest reward gears early ?


Calling grouping in an MMO "cheating" is a pretty strange attitude to have, if you ask me. that said, I soloed all my class quests.

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do you cheat and get friends to help you do all your class quest (up to quesh) and get all your class quest reward gears?


Calling grouping in an MMO "cheating" is a pretty strange attitude to have, if you ask me. that said, I soloed all my class quests.


its not grouping .. my question is when some high level ran with you and help do a

l your class quest when you still too low for it, so you get the class quest gear reward thats not level locked and you will be overpowered for your level.


some ppl seem to do that for their alts

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Fast? It's been 3 months, that's hardly fast..


do you focus on 1 character from zero to 50 and then (only then) level alts ?


do you play multiple alts at once , no favorite class or favorite toon ?

No, favorite toon, favorite class

do you skip planets thats too low and do only your class quest there (eg ignoring all side quest) ?

No, every planet, every quest

do you alt-tab all cut-scene and never see the dialogue conversations possibilities ?

Haven't skiped a dialogue. Not even once.

do you rush to 50 ignoring the story and only concern on leveling for the sake of leveling ?

Look above

do you do pvp only and level using WZ pvp ?

I hardly do any PvP

do you do EVERY possible activities like doing Flashpoints then do PVP WZ and then Space combat and then PVE Missions/questing and then repeat till 50?

While leveling, I did most of the flashpoints, but not all of them

do you cheat and get friends to help you do all your class quest (up to quesh) and get all your class quest reward gears early ?

I had a friend help me twice. Only after wiping 10 times on a boss.



I was 50 on my first toon by late January. By play-time, it took me around a week to get to 50. That's my only lvl 50 so far, although I had plenty of time to level at least two more, had I wanted.

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How many of you got more than 1 lv50 ? how long do you get to 50 on your 1st character ? ive been playing for almost 3 months and my highest is only 45 vanguard tank..


ok anyone please share the secret on how to level so fast to 50 ?


  • do you focus on 1 character from zero to 50 and then (only then) level alts ?
  • do you play multiple alts at once , no favorite class or favorite toon ?
  • do you skip planets thats too low and do only your class quest there (eg ignoring all side quest) ?
  • do you alt-tab all cut-scene and never see the dialogue conversations possibilities ?
  • do you rush to 50 ignoring the story and only concern on leveling for the sake of leveling ?
  • do you do pvp only and level using WZ pvp ?
  • do you do EVERY possible activities like doing Flashpoints then do PVP WZ and then Space combat and then PVE Missions/questing and then repeat till 50?
  • do you cheat and get friends to help you do all your class quest (up to quesh) and get all your class quest reward gears early ?



My Current status :

1 vanguard in hoth, 1 commando in hoth, 1 sage in tatooine , 1 Gunslinger in tatooine , 1 Sentinel in Tatooine, 1 Guardian in Nar shadda, 1 Scoundrel in Taris, 1 Shadow in Taris, all 8 imperial toon in Dromund Kass either starting it or near the end of dromund kass


My PlayStyle :

- im alt-o-holic and keep jumping between 8 republic alts and 8 imperial alts (both AC)

- i play maybe 1 hour or 2 hour at most daily and maybe 4 hours at weekends

- i play casually, doing at least 80% side quest on every planet and trying out bonus quest on every planet..

- i do grey Quest/missions because i dont want to miss out the side quest rewards in (credits and commendations)

- i love doing Flashpoints , i Love Space combat , doing them religiously every time i got chance..

- i do PVP sometimes , but on on all alts , just class / ac that i love (like commando for throwing ppl off ramps in huttball, vanguard for harpooning, JK-S for dps in pvp.. etc) i hate playing my healer class in pvp (pug) ..

- i do all crafting for my own alts , sometimes even transfering mats from one alt to antoher..

- i want to enjoy the game slowly, like eating a good food and chewing slowly (EG: Enjoying the stories).. i love the stories and every class got awesome storyline..


how long do you think casual alt-o-holic like me will reach 50 ?


am i normal to play soo many alts in this game and not rushing to lv50 ? am i normal to play for the stories and doing every quest possible ? a bit OCD ?


My first character I leveled straight to a certain point, when I needed a break from her (Belsavis). This is savoring the story, reading all the cut-scenes, etc. Then I rolled my trooper, doing the same thing, except proceeding through 50, until I finished Corellia. I don't PVP much on hardly any of my characters. Then I finished out my JC. Then I started rolling alts. I have 7 alts (some for soloing, some for playing with specific people) in varying stages between 10 and 40. I've done almost every quest on every planet, except Heroics - I've done some, but not all. I do spend more time pvping on my sniper than my other characters, because on my sniper I like pvp more. :) But the sniper's a new character, only a week old.

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I level purely through quests, i don't stand on fleet wasting time spamming LFG, i don't waste time spamming lfg for heroics. If someone asks for them i tag along otherwise i quest and move on to next planet. i also do lots of space missions. Hitting 50 is very easy this way.


I PVP only once i hit 50.


i cant level up without doing FP or PVP or space combat at least once per 2 days.. i feels like i was missing some content that was designed for that level..


but yes that maybe my problem.. irrational resistance to skip content

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its not grouping .. my question is when some high level ran with you and help do a

l your class quest when you still too low for it, so you get the class quest gear reward thats not level locked and you will be overpowered for your level.


some ppl seem to do that for their alts


My apologies, then. I misunderstood.

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My apologies, then. I misunderstood.


No problem sir, its ok i understand.. its hard to read meaning from short forum content.. No apologies needed =D


btw im a bit miffed than now PVP is not a good route for leveling my alts.. yes some of my alts are now super fun in WZ but some are crappy.. and with my current server win ratio on WZ (10 lost to 1 win average) its annoying to get ZERO xp , ZERO credits while getting steamrolled in WZs by imps...

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shrug, took me a month on the first one, and that's because I didn't level fast.


took me less than 10 days for my second 50.


do quest line, and that's it.


stay away from flashpoints unless you are leveling with a group.


don't leave a planet unless the quest line tells you too.

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You forgot one.


Do you play 12 hours a day?


I hope you're joking.


Let's look at it this way, it takes ~100 hours to hit level 50 WITHOUT skipping the dialogue(I have done it myself in about 4 days 8 hours played on my first 50 and 4 days 2 hours played on my alt, I skipped all side quest dialogue on my main, I watched literally everything on my alt but was leveling with someone else the entire time) if you are actively questing and not simply standing around scratching your ***.


Now let's look at how often the OP says he plays, 2 hours a night + 4 hours a night on weekends which comes to 18 hours a week which IS casual. It would take him ~6 weeks(1 and 1/2 months) to hit level 50 at that rate, maybe sooner due to all the rested xp he would be getting if he logged out in a cantina every night and being offline for so long. The game has been out for 4 months so even someone as casual as the OP should be able to have a level 50 by now if he wasn't an alt-o-holic. Even if you played 1 hour a night and have been playing since the game came out you should be getting your first level 50 around now or very soon(7 hours a week would take you ~14 weeks so just under 4 months).


If people are taking longer than ~100 hours to hit 50 it is purely a time management problem, not a problem with the amount of time someone plays. If you spend most of your time staring at the scenery, leveling alts, or crafting, instead of following the story line then obviously it is going to take you longer to hit 50 than if you simply followed your quest line. It's all about time management and focus.

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