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Are hutts more evil than the sith/empire?


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I mean if the hutts aren't the most evil they have to be pretty high up there.


Everything in this game and all the literature I have read portray hutts as totally self serving in every respect. They have no qualms about killing or murdering anyone to advance themselves. Apparently they would betray their own clan or family to profit themselves.


To me this seems to fit the very definition of evil. They also seem to lack any sort of compassion from what I have seen.


Even though the sith are back stabbers, they seem to want to advance the interests of the empire as a whole.


I just can't seem to think the sith or the empire are worse than the hutts. Sure the empire wants to wage war and conquer everyone but they at least have loyalties and ideals. The hutts care about nothing other then benifiting themselves at the expense of others.


To push home my point I have seen compassion from a sith and the empire as a whole. Not once throughout the entire lore have I seen a hutt ever put anothers interests before its own.

Edited by Xanikk
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Also they seem to want to exterminate the Evocii out of malice. It's not enough that they are reduced to slavery but after they have served their purpose the hutts seemed to prevent them from leaving hutt space.


I did a quest for the republic where you have to foil a rogue empire general from working with the hutts to exterminate the evocii.


Is it not enough that they hutts took everything from the evocii and reduced them to slavery? Now they want to just wipe them from existence.


Even the sith have not commited genocide. This truly is repugnant.

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Hutts aren't evil. Just greedy. In fact, there are some Hutts that actually prefer legit business, as it actually pays more than criminal enterprise in the long run. With criminal enterprise, you have to pay off the cops and other authorities to look the other way. Chews up a bit portion of overhead to do that.


In fact, one of the most beloved Supreme Chancellors in Republic history was a Hutt.



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Seeing as evil is completely relative, and not some objective thing clearly defined and shared across all perspectives, the obvious answer to your question is that it depends on the person you ask the question to.


Personally, I think Jedi are about the most evil thing in the galaxy, far eclipsing anything else, as the pursuit to ban emotion is generally the bailiwhick of 'evil' antagonists in virtually any other fictional setting ever imagined.


I also don't think there's anything particularly evil about the Empire, though I think it's a shame that the Sith-who embrace passion-seem to be caricatured into equivilating passion to being a homocidal maniac. If authors weren't so one-dimensional, they'd realize being a world renowned violin player is just as valid an expression of being 'Sith' as wanting to kill millions of people.


In fact, from my perspective, the Republic is the true 'evil' government due to their herding their people into thinking they belong to a representative government, when the reality is that it's just a lie used as a safety valve on a given population's anger and resentment. When people are brainwashed into thinking they have a 'voice', they are far less likely to overthrow their governments or lop off heads. At least the Empire is honest, and doesn't pretend some Joe Schmoe on the street has any say in how things are done.


As for the Hutts, I wouldn't rate them 'evil' at all. They obviously don't think of themselves as 'evil', and while I dislike many of their activities, rather than angsting over the morality of said activities, I prefer the far more direct approach of either subverting those activities to further the cause of the Empire, or eradicating the offending Hutts from the galaxy.

Edited by revial
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Seeing as evil is completely relative, and not some objective thing clearly defined and shared across all perspectives, the obvious answer to your question is that it depends on the person you ask the question to.



Ah yes, relativism. The easiest way to sear your conscience.

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Hutt's are in my opinion like the CEO's,CFO's of many immoral companys and firms we have today,or also like the drug cartels currently in Mexico.


They dont have a care or whim about anything unless it benefits themselves and do not look at the longer impacts of their decisions,and will get what they want no matter the cost to others.



Jedi like above say they are good and they are in many circumstances but they also have a cultish like approach to everything,they are called The Jedi Order afterall,but they also keep a hands off approach to other cultures,planets etc.



Empire seemed to me they wanted to blow up planets for a faster trade route,and bring a galactic order which kinda reminds me of the United Nations and one stater's that in the end leads to a form of communism or Facism.


Sith is best described like Aleister Crowley often said and one of his book's "Do what thou wilt" and breaking the chains of a heirarchy of the Jedi to achieve full power,and believe that the Jedi in some form are holding back evolution.

Edited by Sathid
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I would consider the Hutts as evil, but a different kind of evil than the Sith. You can't really say who is more evil.


Think of it like the question: Who is more evil, a Nazi or a gangster?



Personally, I think Jedi are about the most evil thing in the galaxy, far eclipsing anything else, as the pursuit to ban emotion is generally the bailiwhick of 'evil' antagonists in virtually any other fictional setting ever imagined.


This is not quite correct. Most importantly, the Jedi never, ever wanted to ban emotions outside the Order. Never. In the worst case, the control/calm/abandon their own emotions to serve others better.

But even that doesn't seem to be the common interpretation of the Jedi code. Look at Obi-Wan from the movies. He was a model Jedi with normal emotions.


And have you ever heard about Vulcans? They are far more hostile against emotions and are still the good guys.



I also don't think there's anything particularly evil about the Empire, though I think it's a shame that the Sith-who embrace passion-seem to be caricatured into equivilating passion to being a homocidal maniac. If authors weren't so one-dimensional, they'd realize being a world renowned violin player is just as valid an expression of being 'Sith' as wanting to kill millions of people.


You forget why the Sith embrace their passion. Remember the Sith code:


"...Through passion, I gain strength.

Through strength, I gain power..."


Embracing emotions is a means to an end. A passionated violin playing Sith is a weakling. Real Sith will ignore him and kill him if it serves their goals.



In fact, from my perspective, the Republic is the true 'evil' government due to their herding their people into thinking they belong to a representative government, when the reality is that it's just a lie used as a safety valve on a given population's anger and resentment. When people are brainwashed into thinking they have a 'voice', they are far less likely to overthrow their governments or lop off heads. At least the Empire is honest, and doesn't pretend some Joe Schmoe on the street has any say in how things are done.


As a non-force sensitive civilian, would you prefer living in the Sith Empire or the Republic?

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Personally, I think Jedi are about the most evil thing in the galaxy, far eclipsing anything else, as the pursuit to ban emotion is generally the bailiwhick of 'evil' antagonists in virtually any other fictional setting ever imagined.

They are pretty much equivalent to more-cult-like Buddhist Monks... They don't outlaw emotions to those around them, they just refrain from emotion within their order.


I also don't think there's anything particularly evil about the Empire, though I think it's a shame that the Sith-who embrace passion-seem to be caricatured into equivilating passion to being a homocidal maniac. If authors weren't so one-dimensional, they'd realize being a world renowned violin player is just as valid an expression of being 'Sith' as wanting to kill millions of people.

Their entire religion is centered around gaining strength. See my previous poster for details.


In fact, from my perspective, the Republic is the true 'evil' government due to their herding their people into thinking they belong to a representative government, when the reality is that it's just a lie used as a safety valve on a given population's anger and resentment. When people are brainwashed into thinking they have a 'voice', they are far less likely to overthrow their governments or lop off heads. At least the Empire is honest, and doesn't pretend some Joe Schmoe on the street has any say in how things are done.

Because I'd totally rather live in a totalitarian society where basic freedoms like freedom of speech, press and freedom to vote are restricted from me, than a semi-functioning democracy. :rolleyes:


As for the Hutts, I wouldn't rate them 'evil' at all. They obviously don't think of themselves as 'evil', and while I dislike many of their activities, rather than angsting over the morality of said activities, I prefer the far more direct approach of either subverting those activities to further the cause of the Empire, or eradicating the offending Hutts from the galaxy.

Sure, there are plenty of evil people in all of history, only the psychotic accept themselves as evil. The Hutts do anything to meet their own ends, they don't care who they kill, who's lives they ruin or what they destroy to get it.

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I know we not too talk about relgon on this forms haveing said that how evere


the love of money is the root too all evil


If you translate your quote from the original, as far as I know it is: "The love of money is a root to all evil."

It fits better like that, I think. The love of power can be just as bad or even worse than the love of money.

Edited by Maaruin
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Ah yes, relativism. The easiest way to sear your conscience.


I think you meant sooth or ease rather than "sear," but I understand your point. After "you can't make an omelet without scrambling a few eggs," is such a comfy justification for murder and genocide. Defining "evil" as just another 4 letter word has allowed serial killers to **** and murder and then have the audacity to say they're just like the rest of us. Moral relativism is the cancer that rots our society.

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