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Swiftsure , Free Transfers OFF NEEDED!


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Stick it out for a month? Swiftsure is ridiculous (estimated 2 hours ques when its actually 3 hours) and the game isn't even fully out yet. More people are bound to join to play with their friends. I think that the people who would like to transfer off should be given the chance. If anything it would benefit Bioware and the player.


On the same note, since the game isn't even fully out yet. Maybe people who dislike the queues, might want to begin thinking of rerolling elsewhere to avoid the queues.

Seeing as that is the only viable option at the moment. Otherwise you're just going to be queueing for a long time before something might actually be done.


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The solution that you're asking for would require, the software engineering team to take the servers down, patch the game and than bring it back up. Hindering the gaming experience of everybody on every server.


Or, you can just change servers, that's what BW wants. No point complaining and asking for a solution that is obviously not viable at the moment.

Either stick it out, or change servers. But please, these posts are becoming absurd.


Just think about beta players who lost their level 50's. Everyone has been playing for what? 3 days?


It's all good....

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BW is well aware of what's going on.

BW offers plenty of servers that aren't full.


Is that really the BEST idea you had Bioware?

This is how it's been for every MMO. They're certainly not going to pay you. And certainly not going to offer free character transfers as of yet.


Now we want to play SWTOR with our friends again, but we cant,

we must wait an hour (mostly more) to get access

If you're really a casual player, it's not going to hurt to play on a server that isn't full. This is very easy, just go to server selection in game and scroll through the big list of them. 'Most' servers are not full, or have a waiting time of under a few minutes.


Please stop it with the:

"They should have..."


If you want to complain about every little problem in a game, than perhaps you should not play it. Complaining about things that should have been implemented is not only a bore, but it's not constructive for BW at all, and tbh no1 really gives a ****.


Now we want to play SWTOR with our friends again, but we cant,

we must wait an hour (mostly more) to get access

LOL at your feeble attempt to impersonate PR.

Mate, not every server is full LOL.


And for a good service make one free character and guildtransfer (in the first month) - yes its some more work for your guys and ladies but the more customers you will hold.

They have their job for a reason. Do not think you have some superior oversight to them. You should re-read the first line you wrote, they are doing this for a reason..They have implemented their solution and they're rolling with it.


And last - its really a bad idea to put "pressure" on a free coustomer who pays for a bit relaxation after his hard day.

There are currently 1800 people in queue for Swiftsure server. Each one of these people know exactly what they're waiting for and how long it will take. There is no added pressure on you to stay in queue or for you to leave. Make you're own decision.

But to say your feeling pressure, honestly...Grow up...

Edited by cinaxanic
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Not sure that jumping to a new server is the answer but I'm 3 hours into the que and I bet I have another hour left. My question is this an acceptable wait from BW's standpoint? If so, they need to hire someone who has a better understanding of customer satisfaction.
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Swiftsure will not always have a queue. They are going to increase the population caps on servers with consistently high queues.


Do we have an ETA on this happening? Harbinger is another with a really high queue. I'm a mum with a 2 year old - my play time is unpredictable and I am forever loosing the window of opportunity to log in because by the time I get in its been and gone. For example she naps for 2 hours through the day, but rarely at the same time (so I can't predict it and thus set it to log in 2 hours before she will be taking a nap) - it takes longer then that to log in. At night after she goes to bed, same deal then I have to go to bed early myself to be up for her at 5am.

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i just spent the entire day working and taking care of little 3 year old children and when i come home i wanted to play swtor wait 3 hours que's to get into my server that my guild chose and i've already lvl'd a character to lvl 28 all that work would be gone if i just leave that server please implement something like server transfers for my entire guild or something please i beg of you <3



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You guys realize that the first weekend after everyone gets in early access is going to be the heaviest the servers will ever be hit population wise (and on launch week)?


2 weeks from now it will die down and the queues will be non-existent.


Thats very optimistic. The Oceanic unofficial servers in WoW had a high population on them for far longer then that.

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I'm getting my information from Stephen Reid's twitter, who is a senior online community manager.


If you want to leave, then go for it; you have to decide what is more important to you. Crazy queues at launch with the occasional queue when new content is released while having a very active, lively, healthy server... moderate queues at launch with the seldom queues when new content is released with a moderate community... no queues at launch with no queues when new content is released with a ghost town of a community.


Or how about option 4.


No queues at launch and if our communities become Ghost Towns, do something your competition will not do - get off their butts and consolidate communities. Everyone wins in this scenario, except maybe the people who would have to do the work to consolidate communities, but that's what we pay for.


I mean does Bioware really want people to quit right after their first 30 days because they can't play? I get 2-3 hours per night to play and I will not be paying a monthly fee if I'm having to spend half of that time, or more, sitting and waiting to play only to finally get in the game and not have enough time to do anything.

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^ This. I want to play and am quite happy to reroll my sub 20 chars on a new server. But this is the only oceanic pvp server. I have no other choices. Why US players are rolling here idk.


There are no Oceanic PVP servers. Swiftsure was declared an Unofficial Oceanic server by an Australian guild who campaigned across the forms of the official site, and fansites. The trend caught on, and now there is a heavy amount of Australians on Swiftsure. That said, it is a US West server, not an Oceanic server, so any North or South Americans have the right to play there.

Edited by Pupsup
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^ This. I want to play and am quite happy to reroll my sub 20 chars on a new server. But this is the only oceanic pvp server. I have no other choices. Why US players are rolling here idk.


who told you this is a oceanic server? official or unofficial? why ocenaic want to play on swiftsure? can oceanic just choose another server? why?


please post your explanations in no less than 1000 words .

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who told you this is a oceanic server? official or unofficial? why ocenaic want to play on swiftsure? can oceanic just choose another server? why?


please post your explanations in no less than 1000 words .


There is ONE unofficial oceanic pvp server. Why cant US players reroll on one of the other 30 US servers and leave the oceanics with ONE server to play on?

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You are wrong on many fronts.


1. Australians do not have access to the game in store (pre-order through amazon). You will hardly notice an increase of australians playing the game on launch because we do not have it as a commercial product.


2. The servers are population capped. This will lift and the queues will go down. Exponentially decreasing queue times.



Right now. The queue is BW's friend. Having a 3 hour queue does one thing only. Makes people say '**** this'.

Than people do one of three things:

- wait and helplessly complain

- join another server.

- simply wait


actually your soo wrong its not right.


1. Yes we cant buy it on our shores but i can guarantee most Aussies who want this game or know about it, know there's multiple ways they can buy the game.


2. Will happen but could be a very long time


3. if you think alot of aussies wont sit and wait through the queue times just so we can play with one another, well that just makes you ignorant!!

Edited by Roddazz
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Re-roll on a new server. It's free too.


This would be a good idea for only non-guilded ppl mainly...


Our guild was assigned this server, so the entire guild would need a transfer or it defeats the entire purpose of having a guild (moving over from another game) all together...

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Same here,


The wait is extremely long and I do not know but have not seen yet, Bioware has not sufficiently if at all addressed this issue to the community in large via e-mail or website. This in my opinion is the larger issue.


At this time Bioware has their largest customer service representatives and community managers available and nothing sufficiently has passed down to paying customers. This worries me because it is the indication of their cusstomer servIce profile for the present and most likely the life of the game :(

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