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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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It's sad, when you have certain departments trying there hardest to manage the forums, because of the total incompetence of other departments.


Well I don't care, I won't lose any sleep or money over this, shame a few members of staff in BW will.


Enjoy your meetings with your shareholders next quarter lol!



Pricelessly true, their shareholders are VERY likely to bring this very failure up.

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you know whats funny after all this complaining, two months from now this will be a non issue and the game will be fine.


......but keep RAGING you "hardcore gamers" because your rage knows no bounds. lol


@ this rate in 2 months you'll be playing on an empty server.

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Are you kidding? Do you know how many play this game solely for the PvP? LOADS, that's how many. I have loads of guildies who have never stepped foot in any PvE-related content. They've lived on the fleet and in warzones since level 10. All of them resubbed because ranked warzones were promised in 1.2.

Now they are pissed off. So no, this is not about "just complaining to complain". This is about Bioware slapping a huge playerbase in the face.


Well, maybe getting outside a little and getting some fresh air could help im just saying $15 doesnt go far these days and there isnt anything else you can do for $15 bucks that you can do 24 hours a day for a whole month, all in all its not the end of the world, it will be out soon im sure, just unsub until it comes out, its really not that big of a deal. IJS ;/

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There are way too many crybabies that play this game. People cry about Bioware taking four months and not putting out Ranked warzones. It took Blizzard SIX YEARS and you cry about four months. LFG took Blizz five years, you cry about four months.


You wanna ragequit because your little video game isn't perfect? I won't miss you.


You say you can make a better game. Then why haven't you?

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What one was released in 2004, the other at the very end of 2011?


Yeh, because games companies haven't learnt anything, or technology hasn't advanced in 8 years rofl.


Comments like this are priceless.



This gets me every time. Ok, lets go by their logic here.


Nissans have been out for 50 years. Hyundai, around half that. Was Hyundai not supposed to release its cars with power windows, power door locks and Cassete/cd players?


Same premise. WoW came out 8 years ago. To release an MMO in 2012 and not have improved at all? This game is missing so many launch-features, its downright embarrassing, and really crapping on the Star Wars name.

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WoW is 8 years old, Swtor 5months, you cannot compare WoW to Swtor. I think you should try and cmpare WoW in the first 5 months to the Now swtor, whose better?


This is ABSOLUTELY the wrong logic.


SWTOR isn't competing with WoW's launch, it is competing with WoW what is TODAY. Would you buy a car with no air conditioning? Would you buy a house with no bathrooms? You would simply move on and consider a different unit that was more modern and met your demands. It is true that people still buy cell phones that have no extra functions, because people pay for products that fit their needs. If you ask for the general customer to switch from a T1+ broadband connection to a 33.6k dialup, you can be sure they'll be unhappy about it.


WoW's budget in '04 was somewhere between $60-80 million dollars. SWTOR's budget was $200 million, and by the way, they started development around '05, meaning they got to witness the evolution of WoW and the MMO genre as it occurred.


SWTOR's launch is as problematic as WoW's launch, but not only are they still missing basic features of an MMO, they are unprofessional in handling customer service. There is no way SWTOR was ready for launch in December, but they decided to push it for the holiday release to maximize profits in the short term. Similarly, their decision to hold back RWZs at the final minute comes across as such, a greedy grab for customer's money without any consideration on our part.


See it now? or are you really interested in buying that house with no bathrooms if I promise I'll add an outhouse later?



edit: forgot to add the words million to the budget values :p

Edited by Tyraelium
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WoW is 8 years old, Swtor 5months, you cannot compare WoW to Swtor. I think you should try and cmpare WoW in the first 5 months to the Now swtor, whose better?


No, because technology is better and more stable than it was 8 years ago.

That is one thing. And second, Bioware had years and I mean YEARS to take a look at how older mmo games were designed and try to improve on that. But did they?:rolleyes:


The answer is





So why blindly defend a game you are paying monthly? It's your time and your money. Be more demanding, because petting them on the back won't improve this game.


I agree that they couldn't have noticed how buggy ranked games were just 10 hours before the damn patch release. I've heard of last minute cancellations, but this is beyond absurd.

No, people resubbed 1 day before the patch because content was promised. Was it entirely delivered? Nope. But hey, they've got more 30 day subs now and they will brag about it.


Just wait for the "Subs went through the roof in April" announcements. Just wait.

However that won't change the fact that the game has 90% of the server populations "Light" at all times.

Edited by cyberfreaq
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Well, maybe getting outside a little and getting some fresh air could help im just saying $15 doesnt go far these days and there isnt anything else you can do for $15 bucks that you can do 24 hours a day for a whole month, all in all its not the end of the world, it will be out soon im sure, just unsub until it comes out, its really not that big of a deal. IJS ;/


It IS a big deal for those who care about PvP. Maybe you don't care, but SO many others do, regardless of how little or how much they play. This thread is proof of just that.

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They probably wouldn't have this issue in the first place, if they had some way of enabling players either to:


A) Copy a pre-exhisting character to PTS


B)Insta level a char on PTS to 50 and recive gear.



Asking people to level to 50 to test things on the PTS, well it's just not going to lead to any real testing of value. About half your beta testing period will be spent with people trying to level enough to test the content you want them to test.


Especially if the PTS wipes as often as I've been told it does.


exactly thank u that was stupid they copied a few pve players and tested out the operations but didnt get any pvp players copied 2 test out some pvp basically wat bioware needs 2 say is hey guys we didnt test pvp out pratically at all so ya well hmmm lets see today before we launch it we are hmmm how should we put it starting the real testing of it sorry for the late notice get back 2 u as soon as possible but hey for u non pvpers we hav great updates more easy operations that a toddler could do that takes no real effort anyways once again we apologize for the lack of sheer testing of a system that is really needed in the pvp community here u go we can at least throw u into another useless wz area that will be old after playing it about the 100th time waiting on some ranked stuff 2 come out

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There are way too many crybabies that play this game. People cry about Bioware taking four months and not putting out Ranked warzones. It took Blizzard SIX YEARS and you cry about four months. LFG took Blizz five years, you cry about four months.


You wanna ragequit because your little video game isn't perfect? I won't miss you.


You say you can make a better game. Then why haven't you?


the differance is mate, blizz didnt give specific dates on releases then half a day b4 release go no no no

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