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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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I have a BM sniper, I'm disappointed about not getting ranked warzones too bud, but I don't feel **** on because they aren't providing it simply because my expectations weren't completely met.


My expectations apparently wouldn't have been met had they released ranked warzones anyhow. So which way would you prefer to be **** on exactly?


Whatever BM sniper has to do it, I dunno. From day 1, when everybody cried about PvP balance and blahblah, I pointed out a fact: WITHOUT 8v8 PREMADE, THERE IS NO REAL PVP, NO DATA, NO BALANCE.


I have waited PvP for how long now? BM just tells that you've played too much and carried too many...

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In all honesty people would have complained that it was broken if they released it, and then everyone would have bugged exploited for the best ranked wz stuff.


This is a disappointment, but look what happened with ilum when they pushed out something that didnt work.

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I think a lot of us were excited to be able to actually queue with 8 people. The rewards for ranked WZs are fluff anyways, no stat upgrades.


Just turn on the ability to queue as Ops and stop splitting up our groups after each match!

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simple solution: unsub. Stop paying for a garbage underdeveloped MMO by a garbage underdeveloped gaming company. UNSUB


Many have, and more will. I never 'sub'. I pay and quit sub so I won't be charged, cuz that's how MMO companies make money. People forgeting to unsub.


Anyway, I don't want the game to die. So I wouldn't yell 'unsub' to people...

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When I PvP what I want is to obtain the high end gear that only people who work hard and are skilled can obtain.. There is nothing special about getting good gear when its so easy for everyone to get! People who are good at their class and work hard at it should have the advantage over the casual unsklled Pvper. The new War Hero gear is what should have been delayed since it is so ugly we wont want to wear it.


Im actually kind of glad ranked wz arnt here yet, people like you.

You know that the advantage you get is that you are more skilled?

Well, actually, im pretty sure im better than the guy im quoting but im just saying that giving good gear to better players is a stupid snowball effect.

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My son will be hella pissed if I break my promise about taking him to Disneyland 7 hours before it happen.


Yea but if you told him the car broke down, but you will take him next week and even buy him ice cream, i'm sure he will be happy.

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there's a Difference.



When you see a car advertised on TV with power steering, when you go to the dealership to buy the car you expect it has power steering as advertised.


I dont know about you, but im pretty dang sure theres video's, and informational posts straight from EA/BW that state - these are the changes coming in 1.2



I saw it advertised that 1.2 would have a new warzone, and ranked PVP. This is what i expect.



You keep acting like its ok, perfectly ok, and acceptable for whats happend here to have happend. Youv'e even been cheering BW/EA on in posts for "taking it slow".


Yet if you went to a car dealership and they told you that power steering had been delayed and wont be included "untill its ready", would you not turn around, and seek to buy a car elsewhere? Then encourage all you're friends to steer clear of that car company.


Bad analogy, but yeah. I am okay with what happened. Could it have gone better? Sure, but no reason to be upset. Problems come up even at the last minute. That's life.

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This thread went from 22 pages, to 116 (as of this moment) in like 5 minutes. Wow.


Most of it is filled with...I can't even find the words to describe it.


The sheer amount of entitlement is...staggering.


Some start with a good constructive post about business practices (your own view, I might add), then destroy it with a dose of the above.


I had hoped that this game might bring a more mature community, partly because it's Star Wars, and partly because the game didn't launch with certain features. In the last week, I have seen that most of the vocal community for this game don't fit that description.


To Bioware: I will give you the benefit of the doubt, but this looks very much like a bait-and-switch. Personally, I don't care, because PvP isn't the reason I pay to play this game, but others do care. Even if you only read 1 post per page, you will see just how much they do. Despite the fact this was only Preseason, and going to be wiped into oblivion, this could have been handled much better. My advice to you at this point would be that the implementation of this feature becomes a very, very high priority. Copy my character over, and I will gladly help test it as my time allows.


To the Constructive folks in this thread: Thank you.


To the Entitled Crybabies and Ragers: Your behavior is disgraceful. You make me ashamed to be part of the same species.






As customers, we are entitled to a good product. They advertise one thing and deliver another. We are entitled to honesty.

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lol @ the people saying they didnt promise us rated warzones with patch 1.2


thats like them delaying the games release right before it comes out and when people complain they just say "oh we told you it would be released, but we didnt promise you it would be released, sorry"


the fanboys need to realize this is a complete BS move on biowares part, how can you honestly defend them by saying that they didnt promise rated warzones in 1.2 when its been advertised for months in the 1.2 patch notes/trailer and on the ptr

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Good move BW, get it right, then get it out...


Query: Where do you know they will get it right after the next development cycle as it seems they couldn't in this one?

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As customers, we are entitled to a good product. They advertise one thing and deliver another. We are entitled to honesty.


They have been honest though. It's not like they deployed patch 1.2 and simply didn't say that rated warzones aren't going to be included.

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Im actually kind of glad ranked wz arnt here yet, people like you.

You know that the advantage you get is that you are more skilled?

Well, actually, im pretty sure im better than the guy im quoting but im just saying that giving good gear to better players is a stupid snowball effect.


Oh noes, an anti-elitist because he can't figure out how to be elite.

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So if the Legacy portion of 1.2 Legacy Update didn't come with the patch, you would say what, exactly?


Tbh it would defeat a lot of the purpose of the patch but alas I wouldn't come on here and start typing furiously to people that clearly - inside the own insane world of my trolling head- care about everything that I post.


Although legacy hasn't been missed out, all that has been is a stat board to say who is #1 for pvp and many players won't bother to even glance at it once because a lot of us don't care if Darth Fett is #1.

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