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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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BIOWARE needs to learn from Trion and what they did in Rifts PTS.


I remember that all one would have to do is make a character, there was a NPC at starting point that would take you to the main city with a bunch of other npcs that give you money, gears, lvls etc.



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I get that a lot of people are disappointed, myself included, and that some re-subbed or kept a sub around because of ranked warzones (which seems a little narrow minded, but whatever), but why this level of rage? You're out $15. Am I insane or is that really not a lot of money to get into an uproar about? It's 2 combo meals at any fast food restaurant in the country. If $15 was going to put that much of a dent in your wallet, then you never should've played a subscription based game to begin with.
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considering they said multiple times that rated warzones were coming in 1.2, that they were testing rated wz's on the PTR for 2 months, and that they were advertising rated warzones in the 1.2 trailer i think most people assumed 1.2 would include rated warzones


I'm pretty sure I remember reading above the patch notes.


"The patch notes published for the Public Test Server are not final and are subject to change."


That includes Ranked Warzones I'm fairly certain.


No promises were made or broken.

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These are facts I give you, you can even check the PTS ad 1.2 notes themselves to quote me. Also please do quote where they say 'promise'



@DarkZeron, the trailer never said 'we promise' either


You're arguing semantics. Whether or not they "promised" rated warzones they were expected in 1.2. The fact that they aren't going to be in 1.2 is going to cause many people to unsub. It's a simple fact of the matter. You're arguing something that is irrelevant.

Edited by Pantheros
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Fail!! We can test it while it is live and you can tweak with patches! Now is not the time to pull this last minute b.s. There is too much competition coming out (Guild Wars 2, Tera, etc) to delay something that your pvp community is waitng for. These "phases" should start as early as next Tuesday, I hope you really consider the voice of your pvp community!!!!
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Average MMO player "God you stupid MMO company, why don't you ever release crap you say you're going to release, i'm quitting because you're not releasing this new system right bloody now!!!"


considering this is a feature that should have been included on release and instead has been delayed for months i can kind of understand why people are complaining

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The irony of the people crying in this thread cracks me up.


Average MMO player "God you stupid MMO company, why you always release broken crap that doesn't work, don't you fools test this junk!!!!"


10 Mins laters


Average MMO player "God you stupid MMO company, why don't you ever release crap you say you're going to release, i'm quitting because you're not releasing this new system right bloody now!!!"


Or we don't like paying $15 a month to beta test a half assed game. Keep making excuses for BW though...they'll happily keep taking your money.

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I'm pretty sure I remember reading above the patch notes.


"The patch notes published for the Public Test Server are not final and are subject to change."


That includes Ranked Warzones I'm fairly certain.


No promises were made or broken.


Who cares **** about promises? It's about ******** right onto the face of a customer. Sure, they didn't LEGALLY promise anything, but c'mon...PvE guys...

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Ok so I read part of almost every post in this forum to this point. I am gonna pipe in as I haven't posted here for quite some time. I hate trolling forums, I hate people that have nothing better to do with their day then troll. I think it is pointless vile activity when you could be playing the game you purchased. Yet I know when posting here most posts will get trolled because the immature people can't help themselves and feel the need to argue, debate, or fuel the fire. But a poster about 10-15 pages before this post made a very solid point. The PVE community that seems to flame the PVP'ers every chance they get have a product that while buggy is finished. They have endgame content. They do not have to PVP to get BIS. On the other hand people like myself that PVP first and PVE occasionally anymore (wasn't always this way downed LK, cata content blah blah blah as raid leader) have to PVE to get the BIS bonuses, or gear. This is pure crud and a slap in the face of anyone that PVP's first and foremost. On top of that they announce it hours before the downtime for the patch is scheduled thus infuriating the already bummed out PVP community.


I am enjoying my lvl 39 Assassin right now, and is the only reason I will continue to log in until my time expires. I don't see a reason to continue logging in past that and am ready to try a new MMO, or maybe go back to the game that shall not be mentioned. Look I like the story lines, but to have 2 level 50's (which btw both got nerfed drastically in this patch) doing the same boring wz's everyday for no benefit, and since I dont want to spend 3-6 hours raiding, And the fact that I cannot que a full team with my friends to have some fun in the same old WZ's is a complete and total failure. Grats BW you got me to pay for my sub for 5 months.. and my wife's even though she gave up on you due to your FPS issues from the start, but you have just lost 2 more subs here and 2 others that were about to get subs (my kids) had your product done a good portion of what you had promised. I hope someday I find a reason to trust your company again, I already stopped buying the Madden content from EA due to their ridiculous monopoly on football, and I don't plan on having any further BW games in our household going forward unless your company suddenly improves it's customer experience.



Edited by Sytholis
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Where was this "promise" you speak of? I don't ever remember reading


"Patch 1.2 coming with Ranked Warzones!..... We promise"


The expectation of the players was the promise. Bioware was well aware that the player base expected ranked warzones in 1.2. By not saying anything until now they were effectively acknowledging the expectations of the player.


What is wrong of them is to violate the player's expectations in this way. By in this way, I mean hours before the launch of the expected changes.


The problem is that Bioware promised by not contradicting the overwhelming expectation of their playerbase until now. The existence of this expectation is overwhelmingly evidenced by the length of this thread. It makes them look awfully crooked, especially when they are filled with professional developers who knew that this feature was not ready.

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I think what most people here are expressing is the fact that you, "Bio," are known so far as the developer putting out games or patch's, which are buggy and continue to be buggy. And were not just talking about SWTOR. So., "Don't pee on us and call it rain."...Don't tell us your going to fix it first, when we know it's not going to be fixed, (i.e..Eternity Vault, {as a hole, still}). Put it out, fix it on the way. If you have not fixed it yet, then most likely you will not fix it in the time frame you are thinking about. Again, FAIL.
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considering they said multiple times that rated warzones were coming in 1.2, that they were testing rated wz's on the PTR for 2 months, and that they were advertising rated warzones in the 1.2 trailer i think most people assumed 1.2 would include rated warzones


But was it ever promised to us? Nope.


To think anything is guaranteed in a future patch is a bit naive. Even if it's less than 24 hrs away.

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"The sky is falling... the sky is falling!" Run Chicken Little run!


This isn't about panic...it's about expecting good quality service. If you don't agree, that's fine. If you enjoy the game, great! Say so. I don't, and I will say so. Why? Because I can.

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Fail!! We can test it while it is live and you can tweak with patches! Now is not the time to pull this last minute b.s. There is too much competition coming out (Guild Wars 2, Tera, etc) to delay something that your pvp community is waitng for. These "phases" should start as early as next Tuesday, I hope you really consider the voice of your pvp community!!!!


If people were going to play GW2 and Tera it wouldn't have mattered when rated WZs were out.

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I get that a lot of people are disappointed, myself included, and that some re-subbed or kept a sub around because of ranked warzones (which seems a little narrow minded, but whatever), but why this level of rage? You're out $15. Am I insane or is that really not a lot of money to get into an uproar about? It's 2 combo meals at any fast food restaurant in the country. If $15 was going to put that much of a dent in your wallet, then you never should've played a subscription based game to begin with.


This is like when someone in school said "hey Ill give you my desert for one of your tacos"... then when you handed that person a taco they ran away. The only difference is I can't chase bioware down and beat them

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mmmmmmmm the tears they are delicious.



thats too bad they had to pull a small portion of the 1.2 update. really lame for the PvP only crowd, good thing there is a ton of other content for EVERYONE ELSE to pick thru and enjoy.


if youre single reason for playing this game is the PvP thats a bummer. but you are not the majority of the player base,(thank god) if the vocal minority of qq kids would apply the wasted energy towards actually participating in the test server instead of whining from the sidelines, then the bugs and issues with rated WZ might have been ironed out earlier.


think about that, if you didnt participate in the test server, or in rated WZ portions, then you really have no leg to stand on much less any soapbox to make "im holding my breath til i turn blue" rants.


no where did bioware promise anything, thats a myth that every disgruntled adhd kid uses online to complain about something they expected to happen when it dosent happen for them.


bioware didnt lie about anything. no promises, when someone says "we plan on such and such around such and such time" that dosent = a promised date or content..... no matter how many times you post it it will never mean what YOU want it to mean.


i am glad all these impatient rude and obviously out of touch with mmorpg gaming are unsubbing, im glad that a few servers are having low populations. because of people unsubbing due to some convoluted reason they read on some one elses comment.


leaves more room for people who enjoy games for what they are, time sinks, escapes from reality for a while. when all the burnouts unsub that just means its time for the smaller (only by a few hundred accounts ) community to gather and sing songs around the campfire. without all of the noise and trolls and flamebaiting argumentative children that have populates and populate every online game for the first 6 months.



hoorah for that at least. less lag on fleet and less people with dozen alts farming loot containers.


hurry up and fix rated warzones bioware, you know thats gotta be a major plan, get EVERYONE on that project asap.


Bioware needs to get the rated stuff out real soon that i agree, but all the "unsubbed" "bioware fails" bandwagon BS really is just lame.




learn to read.


This is not pointless crying. People have payed $40 to play this game so far. $100+ for this game is really pushing it. Now BW wants me to possibly spend $40 more when the only update is a laughable 4 bosses from an ops, a single fp, a single WZ, and features that should have been in the game at launch? Sorry, if you can't understand why people are upset, you clearly don't understand the market value of a video game.


Do I want to pay for those features or do I want to finally get Skyrim? Yeah, it's a pretty easy choice for me.

Edited by Arzhanin
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There was no disclaimer in the trailer that they posted on the websites saying that the content in this video can be subject to change. They can be accused of false advertisement. They even said it at the guild summit, so they have said a lot of stuff, but took back a lot of it.


I don't see this game lasting another year. And I say that because of the Star wars fans who stuck by SWG until the servers were unplugged. This game will no doubt have those people, but this game got a kick in the nuts after 1.1 was released. 1.2 isn't going to bring anyone back. If anything I see 1.2 causing about another 30% of the current population to vacate the game.

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I'm honestly glad they are not releasing Ranked WZ's in 1.2. The so-called Balance changes in 1.2 wrecked Sorcerers, mostly of both types but especially Corruption ones. Marauders were out of control and got further buffed, Operative burst could kill you before you could react, and DPS geared Assassins with tremendous survivability and DPS equal to some DPS specs.


You could tell 1.2 Balance changes were a massive cluster**** from the get-go, and we've been telling them for over a month "This is so."


And it was. They came close to admitting Balance just wasn't right, and that's all the apology we're gonna get.


Better then nothing, right? At least the underpowered (or underperforming) classes won't be left behind.

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Ok so I read part of almost every post in this forum to this point. I am gonna pipe in as I haven't posted here for quite some time. I hate trolling forums, I hate people that have nothing better to do with their day then troll. I think it is pointless vile activity when you could be playing the game you purchased. Yet I know when posting here most posts will get trolled because the immature people can't help themselves and feel the need to argue, debate, or fuel the fire. But a poster about 10-15 pages before this post made a very solid point. The PVE community that seems to flame the PVP'ers every chance they get have a product that while buggy is finished. They have endgame content. They do not have to PVP to get BIS. On the other hand people like myself that PVP first and PVE occasionally anymore (wasn't always this way downed LK, cata content blah blah blah as raid leader) have to PVE to get the BIS bonuses, or gear. This is pure crud and a slap in the face of anyone that PVP's first and foremost. On top of that they announce it hours before the downtime for the patch is scheduled thus infuriating the already bummed out PVP community. I am enjoying my lvl 39 Assassin right now, and is the only reason I will continue to log in until my time expires. I don't see a reason to continue logging in past that and am ready to try a new MMO, or maybe go back to the game that shall not be mentioned. Look I like the story lines, but to have 2 level 50's (which btw both got nerfed drastically in this patch) doing the same boring wz's everyday for no benefit, and since I dont want to spend 3-6 hours raiding, And the fact that I cannot que a full team with my friends to have some fun in the same old WZ's is a complete and total failure. Grats BW you got me to pay for my sub for 5 months.. and my wife's even though she gave up on you due to your FPS issues from the start, but you have just lost 2 more subs here and 2 others that were about to get subs (my kids) had your product done a good portion of what you had promised. I hope someday I find a reason to trust your company again, I already stopped buying the Madden content from EA due to their ridiculous monopoly on football, and I don't plan on having any further BW games in our household going forward unless your company suddenly improves it's customer experience.




Mother of god please find the enter button.

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Or we don't like paying $15 a month to beta test a half assed game. Keep making excuses for BW though...they'll happily keep taking your money.


"God we don't like spending $15 dollars a month to test this MMO companies game, They're cheap bastards, I'm going to this other MMO companies game, and test their game for $15 a month. Peace out MMO company!"

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